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多学科油藏研究一体化平台是基于Windows操作系统、以局域网络为传输通道、以开发数据库和精细地质研究成果为基础的多学科工作平台。本文扼要介绍了平台的研发背景、总体思路、开发环境,详细描述了数据共享、精细地质建模、精细油藏数值模拟及三维可视化的功能设计与实现方法,最后客观评价了平台的优势与不足。  相似文献   

数字化油藏与现代油藏管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字化油藏是在统一的数据平台上,利用多学科、多专业研究成果及信息所构建的多维虚拟油藏数据体,对油藏进行数字化、可视化、智能化研究和管理的一项技术。近十年来,计算机技术的飞速发展,为多学科一体化研究创造了条件,在这种背景下,数字化油藏应运而生。辽河油区新海27块在进行二次开发部署时,为提高油藏管理决策精度,开展了独具特色的数字化油藏建设,取得了较好效果,水平井部署成功率达到100%。作为油藏学领域的一项新兴技术,数字化油藏是现代油藏管理技术在信息网络时代的延伸和发展,在提高油田开发管理水平,提高老油田调整部署效率,实现油藏管理的现代化等方面发挥了巨大作用。  相似文献   

石西油田石西2井区侏罗系西山窑组油藏开发效果较差,采出程度低,剩余储量较大,为了更好地开发油藏,了解剩余油分布情况,开展了石西2井区的油藏精细描述研究。整个研究过程是在开发协同工作环境下完成的,应用地震资料,结合钻测井资料,进行构造精细解释之后,通过软件直接调用地震解释结果进行三维地质建模,实现了对油气储集层的多学科一体化研究。该成果为开发方案的部署和调整、油藏数值模拟以及预测剩余油的分布奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了提高多学科油藏研究精度的方法和应用多学科油藏研究成果分析剩余油的方法,并应用多学科油藏研究成果分析剩余油的方法分析了A开发区B区块剩余油的分布,反映了剩余油分布的位置,实现了层内剩余油分析的定量化。  相似文献   

英台老油田油藏类型为低幅度构造油藏,是天然能量开发的油田,1986年开发以来,通过油藏分层认识,不断提高开发水平,实现了长期的稳产高产。但随着开发时间的延长和综合含水的上升,油田剩余油越来越分散和复杂,并且从2002年开始,油田出现产量递减。为了持续保持油田较好的开发水平,提高采收率,实现油田开发的良性循环,立足油田地质研究,并且在原有认识的基础上,通过多学科、多方位展开油藏分层认识工作,进行油藏地质特征的再认识,实现了开发水平的真正提高。  相似文献   

以油田规模区带勘探开发一体化综合研究信息支持为目标,探索了勘探开发一体化信息系统的建设实践。分析了勘探开发一体化综合研究项目的协作模式和信息需求,抽取形成了勘探开发一体化信息模型,并在此基础上,采用多源数据集成技术、生产动态信息的手机端发布技术、成果数据的云共享技术、基于GIS的油藏信息集成展示技术和自定制决策讨论环境技术,建设形成了勘探开发一体化信息系统,实现了生产动态信息的手机端主动推送、基础数据的集成共享、成果数据的快速共享、各种油藏信息的可视化展示和快速搭建不同主题的决策讨论环境,推进了信息化与工业化的深度融合。  相似文献   

油田经过多年发展,积累了大量的勘探研究成果数据,但是都分散在不同部门、不同科室、不同的研究人员手上,没有一个统一有效的研究成果管理、共享及探讨平台,极大的影响了勘探效率。现在数字油田的发展已经逐步上升到新的知识管理和服务阶段,胜利油田高瞻远瞩地认识到了这个战略性的发展方向,提出"勘探模型"的研究与建设工作。首先根据"勘探模型"描述规范,提出了基于B/S和C/S结构体系的勘探模型集成方案;然后根据勘探模型涉及的数据类型,设计了勘探模型数据库并采用Web页面录入数据;最后通过统一的数据服务去获取不同的数据库中的业务数据和成果数据,在Web页面进行二维图形导航展示及业务数据的关联查询,并支持网络化自动三维地质建模及Web页面启动展示。实现了勘探模型数据共享机制,并在胜利油田示范区块取得了良好效果,为统一研讨及勘探决策提供服务。  相似文献   

消防GIS基于PGIS平台资源的深化应用是依托PGIS资源优势的基础上,通过选取典型消防业务进行实战应用,实现消防GIS平台的深化应用,基于PGIS平台提供的资源数据、专题信息,结合消防官兵应用要求,开发面向消防官兵实战应用系统;通过探讨PGIS结合消防业务的深层次业务应用,可以有效地实现公安信息的可视化分析与展示,拉动公安信息整合、信息共享,提升公安信息化应用水平。  相似文献   

自油田开展多学科油藏研究以来,多学科集成化油藏研究技术已经成为指导水驱调整,改善水驱开发效果最有效的技术。但在数据处理技术上仍然存在着一些需要改进的地方,优化数据处理技术在多学科油藏研究上的应用,必将为全面推广多学科油藏研究技术奠定技术基础,从而为改善油田开发效果,提升油田效益提供技术保障。  相似文献   

华庆地区白465井区长81层测井解释有效厚度研究,以最新的地质认识和当前工艺下的试油结果为依据,充分利用取心、录井和各类化验分析资料,采用"岩心刻度测井"方法,建立测井参数解释模型和储层评价标准。满足了该油藏开发的需要,为特低渗透率油藏的研究和开发提供了思路。  相似文献   

刘俊 《上海化工》2012,37(5):20-22
传统工程管理组织结构已难以满足现代管理的要求,因此,提出基于一体化项目管理(IPM)的模式,有助于对整个大型工程项目关键职能进行有效控制,包括进度管理、费用管理、质量管理和安全管理等。通过联合异氰酸酯项目案例的实证分析,认为IPMT适用于大型工程项目管理模式。  相似文献   

In southern Africa, soil nutrient reserves are being depleted because of continued nutrient mining without adequate replenishment. The consequent downward spiral of soil fertility has led to a corresponding decline in crop yields, food insecurity, food aid and environmental degradation. The central issue for improving agricultural productivity in southern Africa is how to build up and maintain soil fertility despite the low incomes of smallholder farmers and the increasing land and labour constraints they face. Under this review five main options namely: inorganic fertilizers, grain legumes, animal manures, integrated nutrient management and agroforestry options appropriate to smallholder farmers are presented. Issues addressed in the use of inorganic fertilizers are reduction in fertilizer costs, timely availability and use efficiency. Legumes can be used to diversify farm system productivity but this requires P and lime application to support better legume growth and biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) as well as development of markets for various legume products. Manure availability and quality are central issues in increasing smallholder farm productivity and increasing its efficiency through proper handling and application methods. Integrated nutrient management of soil fertility by combined application of both inputs will increase use efficiency of inputs and reduce costs and increase profitability; but the challenge is often how to raise adequate amounts of either inorganic or organic inputs. Issues such as quality of inputs, nutrient balancing, labour to collect and transport organic inputs and their management need to be optimized. These are the challenges of adoption as are the scaling up of these options to millions of small-scale farmers.  相似文献   

In areas lacking substantial freshwater resources, the utilisation of alternative water sources, such as desalinated seawater and reclaimed water, is a sustainable alternative option. This paper presents an optimisation approach for the integrated management of water resources, including desalinated seawater, wastewater and reclaimed water, for insular water deficient areas. The proposed mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model takes into account the subdivided regions on the island, the subsequent localised needs for water use (including water quality) and wastewater production, as well as geographical aspects. In addition, the integration of potable and non-potable water systems is considered. The optimal water management decisions, including the location of desalination, wastewater treatment, and reclamation plants, as well as the conveyance infrastructure for desalinated water, wastewater and reclaimed water, are obtained by minimising the annualised total capital and operating costs. Finally, the proposed approach is applied to two Greek islands: Syros and Paros-Antiparos, for case study and scenario analysis.  相似文献   

在这个日新月异的时代,人们不单单注重外表,逐渐的注重起了内在,企业也是一样,任凭发展的再好,一旦内部制度出现了问题,都会对一个企业发生翻天覆地影响,比如现在受到国家高度重视的石化企业,通过内部控制的组成、内部控制制度在石化企业管理中发挥的作用及内部控制制度对石化企业的影响来展开讨论。  相似文献   

目前国内大部分油田已经进入开发后期高含水阶段,此油田面对开发后期高含水的情况,开采工作困难,产量难以达到生产要求。如何进行有效的油藏精细管理已经显得尤为重要。面对开发后期特高含水油藏的开发,解决高含水与产量之间的冲突,实现老油田持续发展,就要对精细注水开发管理技术进行进一步的研究。  相似文献   

试论国有企业财务管理的改革与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尤共英 《贵州化工》2002,27(5):33-35
随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展,有效的财务管理已提到企业管理的重要日程,文中论述了改革中出现的问题以及与市场的协调和发展,作好战略型财务管理转变等,提出尽可能和国际现行会计制度保持步调一致。  相似文献   

The role and function of organic matter in tropical soils   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Soil organic matter (SOM) has many functions, the relative importance of which differ with soil type, climate, and land use. Commonly the most importantfunction of OM in soil is as a reserve of the nitrogen and other nutrients required by plants, and ultimately by the human population. Other important functions include: the formation of stable aggregates and soil surface protection; maintenance of the vast array of biological functions, including the immobilization and release of nutrients; provision of ion exchange capacity; and storage of terrestrial carbon (C). This paper considers the quantity and quality of SOM of soils in the tropics, which are estimated to contain one quarter of the C in the global pool in terrestrial soils, and supports strongly the use of analytical methods to characterizing labile SOM to develop valuable insights into C dynamics. As in other regions, the transformation of tropical lands for agriculture exploits SOM, and in particular nutrient reserves. The process of exploitation is accelerated in the tropics by the necessity to increase agricultural production, largely through agricultural intensification, to overcome inadequate nutrition, to satisfy population growth, and to cope with the limited reserves of arable land. Poverty has an overriding influence on the exploitation and degradation processes. Areas at greatest risk of land degradation are the infertile acid soils of the tropics, which, invariably, are cultivated by the poor. Soil organic matter has a central role in sustainable land management, but perspectives on the roles of SOM differ widely between farmers, consumers, scientists and policy-makers. Some consider SOM as a source of nutrients to be exploited, whereas others can afford to utilize it as a key component in the management of the chemical, biological, and physical fertility of soils. Still others see SOM as a dumping ground for excess nutrients and toxins, or as a convenient store for fossil fuel emissions, particularly CO2. Farmers need sustainable land management systems that maintain OM and nutrient reserves. Nevertheless, many available practices, whether based on indigenous or scientific knowledge, do not meet social and economic criteria that govern farmer behaviour. Much scientific knowledge about the various roles of SOM does not reach farmers and other decision-makers in a form that can be used easily. The biggest challenge to researchers is to engage with clients to pinpoint gaps in knowledge and utilize new and existing information to devise decision support Systems tailored to their needs. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

基因工程与抗病虫除草剂的转基因作物研究现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘伟  王金信  杨广玲  鲁梅 《农药》2004,43(11):487-491,496
基因工程技术在现代农业中已经被广泛应用,通过转基因技术可以使农作物产生对农业害虫、病原微生物、除草剂产生抗性。论述了转基因作物、转基因作物的发展慨况、其对现代农药市场的影响,以及抗除草剂基因作物、抗害虫作物、抗真菌病害作物、抗细菌病害作物的抗性产生机理、抗性基因的来源和利用,并对转基因技术所面临的食品安全性、基因安全性等问题和我国转基因产品的管理政策进行简要论述。  相似文献   

A number of factors have contributed to the development of eutrophication problems in south-western Australia. These include the climate of the region, the nature of the soils in the catchments of the waterbodies, and the practices necessary for the development of profitable agriculture. This paper provides a brief review of these factors, of the development of agriculture, and of management measures which have been developed to combat the causes of eutrophication.  相似文献   

The pharmaceutical/biotechnology industry is confronted with a number of challenges as it tries to bring new products to patients in need. These challenges include rapidly increasing costs, long cycle times, and low probabilities of success. If these challenges are not effectively dealt with, the ability to deliver pharmaceutical innovation to patients will be severely jeopardized. Given the magnitude and complexity of the problem, no single solution is likely to completely solve the problem. Rather it will take a multi-factorial approach to address the issues confronting the development of new drugs. One set of potential solutions lies in the better management of drug development projects through the application of the project and capacity management disciplines. This paper will report on how the design, development, and validation of a capacity management system for a pharmaceutical product research and development function can help in part address these challenges. Despite the positive benefits of capacity management, it will take other changes of a more profound nature to significantly alter the cost and time it takes to bring a new drug to patients in need. However, a well-designed capacity management system can facilitate and evolve to accommodate more profound changes.  相似文献   

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