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近年来市政污水污泥处理处置越来越受到重视,污泥干化焚烧工艺作为最终处置路线之一,在国内开始尝试工程应用。文中介绍了核心技术引进日本的污泥搅拌筒直接干化+回旋焚烧炉工艺技术路线在常州污泥干化焚烧项目的应用;这也是该工艺国内首个应用案例。  相似文献   

污泥处理一直是环保领域的重要课题,焚烧是污泥处理的最终途径。阐述了污泥间接干化设备和主要焚烧设备的结构和工作原理,以及干化机和焚烧炉的应用现状,同时介绍了现有的污泥干化焚烧一体化工艺流程及成功案例。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍泉州市中心市区污水处理厂污泥处理、处置现状,以及如何优化选择处置方式,选用适宜污水处理厂污泥焚烧处置的蒸汽间接干化法和循环流化床焚烧工艺,对泉州市中心市区污水处理厂产生的污泥先干化至含水率40%~45%,再进入焚烧炉与生活垃圾进行掺烧处置.  相似文献   

刘英  叶东  王建兴 《广州化工》2010,38(3):158-160
污泥干化焚烧工艺综合考虑了污泥处置的可靠性、先进性、适用性、安全性与经济性等原则,将是现阶段我国一线城市污泥治理的主流工艺路线。本文通过对不同种类的污泥干燥机进行综合性能比较,推荐了作为污泥干化焚烧工艺的主流干燥机。国产干燥机在经过对国外同类设备的消化吸收后,今后将在国内污泥干化领域占据一席之地。  相似文献   

脱硫废水成分复杂,具有较强的腐蚀性,是较难处理的工业废水之一。本文针对污泥干化焚烧企业脱硫废水处理问题,重点介绍了脱硫废水的特点和工艺设计,并对投资和运行费用进行了分析。  相似文献   

通过宁波某污水厂污泥处理处置工程的运行实例,系统介绍了污泥薄层干化工艺一焚烧处理工艺在危废污泥处理处置技术中的应用。详细叙述了该污泥处理处置工程的工艺流程、主要的设计参数,并对干化核心设备、焚烧设备、过程输送、烟气处理单元、公共辅助系统配置和投运、运营管理的意义进行了描述和说明。  相似文献   

我国城镇污泥产量逐渐增长,无害化处置短板明显、形势严峻,污泥脱水-干化-焚烧日趋成为主流工艺路线。文中以该工艺路线的碳排放为研究对象,在确定各环节碳排放计算方法的基础上,通过对典型案例的计算与分析,对比了三种不同的市政污泥"脱水-干化-焚烧"工艺路线的碳排放区别。结果表明,在碳排放总量方面,相对两种传统"两段式"工艺路线,污泥脱水干化一体化+焚烧工艺碳排放可减少20%左右,在应对气候变化、降低碳足迹方面具有更大的潜力与推广应用价值。  相似文献   

采用"离心浓缩+板框压滤+低温除湿干化"集成工艺处理高有机质污泥,结合了板框压滤和低温除湿干化的优点,能将98%污泥含水率稳定降至40%以下,能达到减量化、稳定化和无害化的要求,且能与末端掺烧焚烧友好衔接。文中介绍了深圳某水质净化厂污泥处理工艺的选择和主体工艺段设计要点,为其他类似项目设计、改造提供参考。  相似文献   

文章结合污泥热干化处理的原理及优势性,通过对比分析,选定低能耗、环保性的太阳能干化工艺,在此技术框架下,使用Fecl3与阴离子型的PAM联合的化学方法对污泥进行脱水预处理,而后,再利用自制的太阳能-热尾气联合干化装置对污水进行热干化处理,并采用焚烧实验方法,确定污泥与煤的最优掺比。最后,通过掺烧过程中污染物含量的监测分析,验证了该处理技术的环保应用性。  相似文献   

按照IPCC提供的计算方法,选取符合我国国情的排放因子,以污水厂浓缩污泥为起点,比较了3种污泥处理处置技术路线(深度脱水+填埋、脱水+干化焚烧+填埋/建材利用、厌氧消化+脱水+干化焚烧+填埋/建材利用)的碳排放强度,从碳减排的角度提出了最优选污泥处理处置的全流程技术路线。研究结果表明,浓缩污泥VS含量在50%~65%时,从污泥处理处置全流程看,深度脱水+填埋路线是高碳排放处理处置方式,且会产生二次污染,应尽量避免;脱水+干化焚烧+填埋/建材利用和厌氧消化+脱水+干化焚烧+填埋/建材利用路线的碳排放强度仅为深度脱水+填埋碳排放的约20%,且后者略低。研究认为,浓缩污泥经过厌氧消化后干化焚烧,残留的焚烧飞灰建材利用是最佳的碳减排处理处置技术路线,且当浓缩污泥VS含量和污泥脱水后含水率达到一定要求时,可以实现污泥处理处置全流程碳中和,应加快推广应用。  相似文献   

城市污泥快速干燥工艺研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热干化是一种城市污泥安全处置的重要途径。塑化是城市污泥热风干燥常见现象,对污泥干燥过程产生重要负面影响。污泥塑化阻碍了内部水分向外迁移,增加污泥干燥时间和干燥能耗。本文概括了近三年天津科技大学机械工程学院课题组在避免或降低污泥"塑化"影响,发展污泥快速干燥工艺的研究进展。新污泥干化工艺包括城市污泥油炸干燥和脉动燃烧雾化干燥。  相似文献   

污水污泥干燥过程中表观形态变化及水分析出特性   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
The drying mechanism is important to the drying technology of sewage sludge. Using dynamic electronic balance and image acquisition technique, the paper studies the change of surface configuration and characteristics of moisture transference for three kinds of sewage sludge during drying. In the meantime, the paper also analyses the influence of sludge shape on moisture transference and the change of sludge apparent volume and porosity in the course of drying.  相似文献   

An innovative technology for sewage treatment systems is proposed. A mixture of sewage sludge and char particle is subjected to drying in the progress of composting in an updraft column. Exothermic heat generated during composting is utilized for energy of sludge drying. The char particle in the mixture contributes to enhancement of composting and drying rate. This study presents drying and composting behaviors of sludge to examine the effect of char addition. A fundamental drying experiment was carried out by hot-air heating of the sample in a small vessel. The drying characteristic curve for a mixture of sludge and char was greater than the sample of only sludge over a whole period if the drying rates were compared with the same moisture content. The drying behavior could be analyzed with a reasonable agreement by the water front receding model. The enhancement effect of drying and composting of sludge by char addition was confirmed by examination using a pilot scale of the updraft column whose volume was 50 m3. Sludge with 400% dry base (80% wet base) in moisture content could be dried successfully to lower moisture content than 67% dry base (40% wet base) only by exothermic heat during composting without supplying any auxiliary energy from the outside, and the treatment time was reduced by mixing char in sludge. The behavior was analyzed with a satisfactory agreement by a theoretical model employing moisture diffusion parameters determined from the drying characteristic curve.  相似文献   

To obtain the drying rate of sewage sludge for use in design of a conductive indirect-heating dryer with agitation, the drying characteristics of sewage sludge from three different wastewater treatment plants were investigated with a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) in isothermal conditions. Temperature and sample mass were considered as experimental variables. The drying mechanism agreed well with the shrinking core model dominated by the kinetic rate. The activation energy of drying was 17.30 kJ/g mol. A rate equation was proposed for drying of sewage sludge.  相似文献   

刘亚军  王爱春  邓文义 《化工进展》2018,37(6):2378-2385
黏滞现象是城镇污泥脱水干化过程中面临的主要问题之一,污泥在干化设备中的黏附和结团,导致干化设备运行效率大幅降低,给污泥干化系统的经济性和安全性带来显著的负面影响。本文从污泥黏附力和结团力入手,简要介绍了污泥黏滞现象的形成机理以及低含水率条件下污泥黏滞性的主要测量方法,包括搅拌法、平板法、黏附-结团失效特性法、阻抗法、黏附量法和滑板黏度法等,并对比分析了各种分析方法的优缺点。综述了包括胞外聚合物(EPS)、温度和污泥含水率等主要因素对污泥黏滞特性的影响规律,并简要探讨了各因素的影响机理。概述了国内外污泥降黏方法的研究进展,讨论了各种降黏方法的工业应用前景,同时探讨了污泥黏滞特性研究领域未来值得深入研究的方向。  相似文献   

污泥深度脱水技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
陈丹丹  窦昱昊  卢平  黄亚继  周军 《化工进展》2019,38(10):4722-4746
随着经济的发展和国民生活水平的提高,污水污泥的排放量逐年增加,环境问题愈发严重,污泥的处理处置成为焦点问题,污泥脱水是制约污泥处置处理进一步发展的关键。本文针对目前污泥深度脱水技术开展,首先简述了不同来源污泥的分类及其基本特性,然后重点阐述了不同污泥预处理技术,分析了各污泥深度脱水技术作用机理,并对各自脱水效果及优缺点进行比较分析。结果表明,物理法中水热预处理对污泥的可脱水程度提升最大。较低声强、短时间的超声波处理对污泥脱水性能有着明显的改善。化学法在污泥过滤性能以及脱水速率方面有很大优势,酸碱处理后污泥zeta电位上升,污泥过滤性能及脱水速率得到改善。高级氧化法处理后污泥脱水效果高于酸碱处理,微生物细胞被溶解释放出有机物,可脱水程度改善。生物法处理污泥除改善污泥脱水性能外,还有对环境污染小等特点,但耗时较长。最后对污泥的后续脱水工艺进行综述,介绍了现存的主流脱水工艺,包括机械脱水、热干化技术、水热脱水工艺等;并针对不同的污泥后续利用方法,选取合适的预处理技术,提出相应优化的污泥处理工艺流程。  相似文献   

Sludge drying is an important intermediate process for sewage sludge treatment, usage, and disposal. A series of drying experiments were conducted in a continuous paddle dryer in order to have a better understanding of the sludge drying mechanism. The couple model of penetration model and Markov chain was used to simulate the drying kinetics in a continuous paddle dryer. The drying process has been compared in experimental and theoretical results, which show good agreement. The sewage sludge drying process in a continuous paddle dryer can be divided into three stages: the pasty phase, the sticky phase, and the complete-granular phase. The influences of the drying parameters on the sludge drying kinetics in a continuous paddle dryer were investigated. The sludge flow rate, dryer wall temperature, and dryer slope have remarkable influence on sludge drying in the examined range, but the stirrer speed and steam temperature have little influence on the drying kinetics.  相似文献   

史红香 《辽宁化工》2011,40(7):688-689,700
针对大伙房水库上游污水处理厂污泥处理过程中存在的问题,提出采用流化床污泥干化法对污水厂脱水后的污泥进一步处理,实现减量和无害化。文中给出了详细的工艺过程和参数,对污泥干化工程的实施有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

An incineration process is routinely used in Japan to treat nearly all the generated sewage sludge. The drying process now is recognized to play an important role as a pretreatment process of a incineration process.

This paper provides a brief introduction to the conventionally utilized drying methods/equipment (i.e, hot gas drying, fluidized bed drying, pneumatic conveyor drying, and steam drying( for treating dewatered sludge cakes.  相似文献   

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