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化妆品用主要动物性特殊添加成分   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
概述了化妆品中常用的特殊动物性成分的分类 ,详细介绍了几种主要特殊动物性成分如胶朊水解物、动物脏器提取物、蚕丝水解物、蜂产品、水貂油、蚯蚓提取物等的提取方法、应用范围及在化妆品中的作用 ,并对这些特殊动物性添加成分的功效作了评价  相似文献   

动物性成分及其提取物在化妆品中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、化妆品用动物性成分的分类根据化妆品原料的来源,大体上可分为来自动物、植物、矿物的天然原料和经过化学合成反应制出的合成原料两大类。化妆品应用的天然原料当中的动物性成分及其提取物,按其用途可初步分成化妆品基础原料成分和为取得营养与疗效并进而达到美容目的的特殊添加成分两类,如表1所示。  相似文献   

绿色饲料添加剂替代抗生素的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
抗生素的过量使用危害了动物以及食用不安全的动物性食品的人类健康 ,从而影响畜牧业的发展。我国的绿色畜产品认证准则已颁布实施 ,替代抗生素的绿色饲料添加剂如微生态制剂、酶制剂、天然植物提取物饲料添加剂等正在推广应用。从“天福莱”TF系列产品的动物试验结果可以看出 ,天然中草药植物提取物饲料添加剂代替抗生素可以获得良好的防病、抗病和促生长效果 ,并能解决抗药性和药残问题。  相似文献   

为探讨4种植物提取物石榴皮提取物、黄岑提取物、银杏叶提取物以及西洋参提取物的紫外吸收特征及其光毒性,利用紫外吸光光度法对这4种植物提取物的紫外吸收特征进行了研究,并利用体外3 T3细胞中性红摄取光毒性试验对其急性光毒性进行评价。结果发现石榴皮提取物、银杏叶提取物、黄岑提取物以及西洋参提取物均对紫外线有不同程度的吸收作用,且银杏叶提取物、黄岑提取物的PIF值分别为0.61和1.15,石榴皮提取物和西洋参提取物的>PIF值分别为0.59和0.93。4种植物提取物均具有不同程度的紫外吸收作用,且不具有光毒性,显示了在防晒化妆品中的良好应用前景。  相似文献   

对苦木科臭椿属植物臭椿的果实凤眼草(Ailanthus altissima)的95%乙醇提取液的抑菌活性进行了研究.利用系统溶剂萃取法得到了石油醚提取物、氯仿提取物、乙酸乙酯提取物和正丁醇提取物,重点研究了4种提取物对枯草芽孢杆菌、大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌性和最低抑菌浓度.结果表明,乙酸乙酯提取物和正丁醇提取物均...  相似文献   

竹叶提取物的有效成分及其应用研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了国内外竹叶提取物在实验和理论方面的研究进展。介绍了竹叶提取物的有效成分,包括黄酮类化合物、多糖、矿质元素和其他成分。论述了竹叶提取物有效成分的提取与分离技术。重点探讨了竹叶提取物的生物活性功能,如防腐、抗菌、抗氧化作用,以及竹叶提取物的植物源农药开发研究。对竹叶提取物的有效成分及其应用研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

目前在世界范围内,动物性蛋白质饲料紧缺。本文就从制革废弃物制取动物性蛋白质饲料的方法,予以简介,  相似文献   

2014年中国植物提取物出口17.78亿美元,占中国中药产品出口额的49.48%,同比增长了25.88%,远高于中国医药保健品出口7.38%的同比增速。2014年,中国共向133个国家和地区出口植物提取物产品,其中亚洲、欧洲、北美洲占总出口额的92%。重点介绍了甜菊提取物、辣椒提取物、桂油提取物、万寿菊提取物、芦丁、水飞蓟提取物的市场状况。2015年中国植物提取物行业将有多项利好消息。  相似文献   

雪菊提取物具有众多药用价值,本文综述了近五年雪菊提取物药用价值的相关研究;介绍了雪菊提取物对肠道菌群的调节功能、对肝肾功能的影响、降血糖降血脂、抗肿瘤、抗凝血、抗血小板聚集、抗氧化等药用价值,以期对雪菊提取物药用价值的研究进展做出较为全面的总结,为今后雪菊提取物药用价值的深入研究和推广提供一定参考.  相似文献   

以红茶提取物、绿茶提取物为考察对象,考察了红茶提取物和绿茶提取物的单独及联合应用的防晒、保湿、抗氧化、美白、抗衰老等功能,测试了二者在以上功能联合应用是否具有协同增效作用。结果表明,红茶、绿茶提取物在保湿、抗氧化、美白、抗衰老等功能上,联合应用比二者单独应用效果更强,其中2 g/L红、绿茶提取物混合物在抑制酪氨酸酶、弹性蛋白酶方面的联合指数CI仅为0.29和0.054,协同增效效果显著。  相似文献   

Using a simple two-choice bioassay and video analysis of individual locomotory tracks, it was determined that a preference for young-bee hosts over old-bee hosts in female honeybee tracheal mites,Acarapis woodi (Rennie), is chemically mediated. When presented with a choice of cuticular extracts from 5-day-old and <1-day-old adult bees, mites showed a significant preference for the young-bee extract in three of four bee colony sources. This discrimination was due apparently to a greater positive response elicited by the young-bee extract rather than a deterrent effect of old-bee extract, as the extract of old bees evoked a significantly higher response than a hexane control. A bioassay of silica-gel fractions of young-bee extract indicated that cuticular hydrocarbons alone were responsible for tracheal mite response. Further fractionation of a hydrocarbon fraction by argentation chromatography demonstrated that both saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons were involved in the mite response, but when presented in opposition, mites showed a stronger response to the saturated than to the unsaturated components. Mites placed in zones treated with cuticular extract of young bees exhibited higher angular velocities than those placed on hexane, causing them to remain in the extract-treated zones for extended periods. These results point to a possible control strategy whereby migration of tracheal mites to young-bee hosts could be disrupted by artificially altering the chemical profile of the honeybee cuticle.  相似文献   

Floral scents attract pollinators to plant rewards; in nectarless flowers, pollen grains are the only reward. Thus, pollen not only fertilizes ovules, but also feeds pollinators. This dilemma is resolved by specialization of anthers (i.e., heteranthery): feeding anthers that feed pollinators and pollinating anthers for fertilization. We hypothesized that the chemical composition of floral volatiles differs between the two types of anther and influences pollination preference for feeding anthers. We used Solanum rostratum as a study model because its heterantherous flowers produce a floral scent that suggests a close association with their pollinators. The main aim of this study was to determine the chemical composition of the two types of anther and to investigate how they influence foraging behaviour of pollinators. To characterize this composition, we used solid phase microextraction and hexane extraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. We registered 12 volatile compounds in S. rostratum floral extracts, mainly aromatic and sesquiterpene compounds. The proportion of these compounds differed between feeding and pollinating anthers. Some of these compounds were probably emitted by osmophores located in both anther types. Also, we used electroantennography to investigate Melipona solani antennal response to floral volatiles. The M. solani antennae are receptive to the highest floral extract dose tested. Finally, we conducted two behavioural bioassays to test bee attraction for each type of floral extract: a) multiple-choice in a feeding arena using M. solani and b) Y-olfactometer bioassay using Bombus impatiens. Both bee species preferred feeding anthers in bioassays. In conclusion, heteranthery involves chemical differentiation (i.e., proportion of volatiles compounds) in anther specialization that influences bee preference for feeding anthers over pollinating anthers.  相似文献   

用浓度30%的乙醇溶解玄参地上部分提取物和杜仲叶的提取物,加入矫味剂,制成玄参口腔喷雾剂。最佳处方为:玄参提取物23%,杜仲叶提取物9%,薄荷脑0.5%,单糖浆10%。用玄参和绿原酸为对照品,作为喷雾剂薄层层析鉴别的质量控制指标。  相似文献   

油菜和荷花蜂花粉提取物的抗氧化性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵新合 《应用化工》2005,34(8):500-503
采用超声法,分别以甲醇、水为溶剂提取油菜和荷花的蜂花粉活性成分,通过测定油菜和荷花蜂花粉的提取物对超氧阴离子自由基、羟基自由基的清除率及对脂质过氧化的抑制率,评价两种蜂花粉的抗氧化能力。结果表明:两种蜂花粉提取物均具有较强的抗氧化作用,油菜蜂花粉提取物比荷花蜂花粉提取物有更强的抗氧化性。油菜蜂花粉甲醇提取物对超氧阴离子自由基、羟基阴离子自由基清除率可达到83.2%,99.2%,对脂质过氧化的抑制率可达到92.2%。将蜂花粉抗氧化提取物分为甲醇部、水部溶剂萃取物,经抗氧化活性比较,其强弱顺序为甲醇部>水部。  相似文献   

概述了栲胶系列标准制定、修订的历程;介绍了近年来新标准《栲胶分析试验方法》、《栲胶原料分析试验方法》、《毛杨梅栲胶》、《余甘栲胶》、《落叶松栲胶》、《橡椀栲胶》、《马占相思栲胶》的主要制定、修订内容。  相似文献   

评述了藜芦醛的三种合成方法,介绍了其在医药合成中的应用。  相似文献   

刘小隽 《辽宁化工》2008,37(4):236-238
以大豆油脚为原料提取豆油脂肪酸,并依此研究了松香改性豆油酸醇酸树脂的合成.获得的树脂和漆产品性能良好,降低了污染和能源消耗,较天然桐油和亚麻油等原料有明显优势,经济效益高.  相似文献   

葡萄籽中提取低聚原花色素的技术研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
介绍了用乙酸乙酯/水作溶剂从葡萄籽中提取低聚原花色素的方法。利用红外光谱测定了产物结构,谱图与标准品一致。考察了提取剂的含水量、浸泡时间、原料性质和原料预处理方法等因素对提取的影响,获得了最佳提取条件。  相似文献   

The authors have recently presented a new coal extraction method by which various kinds of coals ranging from brown coals to bituminous coals could be extracted up to 80% of the parent coals in a flowing stream of tetralin or a coal derived oil, carbol oil, under 10 MPa at 350 °C. The extract obtained by this method was almost free from inorganic materials. In this study the effect of solvent recycling on the extraction behavior was examined to make the method practically applicable. The solvent recycling was found to be effective in enhancing the extraction yield and in decreasing further the inorganic fraction in the extract. The extract and residue obtained were characterized through various analyses. To examine how inorganic materials are removed by the extraction, the contents of inorganic elements, including harmful trace elements, in the extract were investigated. It was clarified that the presented method was effective in the removal of most of the inorganic elements including even harmful trace elements from coals, although the degree of removal was dependent on the kind of element.  相似文献   

Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) are Certified Reference Materials issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Three of these materials, SRMs 1975 (Diesel Particulate Extract), 2975 (Diesel Particulate Matter, Industrial Forklift), and 1650 (Diesel Particulate Matter) are diesel particulate-related materials that are well characterized for PAH isomer distributions. SRM 1975 is a methylene chloride extract of industrial forklift diesel particulate matter and it was developed originally in response to the needs of the bioassay community for a natural environmental extract. Thirty-nine PAHs (or combinations of PAHs) were determined in SRM 1975 using various combinations of four different methods of analysis. SRM 1975 will be issued with certified concentrations for eight PAHs. In addition, reference concentrations will be provided for additional PAHs, including many alkyl substituted isomers such as methylphenanthrenes, methylpyrenes, and methylfluoranthenes. Reference values for the mutagenic activity of the extract will also be provided. The approach and results for the certification of PAH concentrations in SRM 1975 are described in this paper.  相似文献   

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