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车辆高速转向时,车身向弯道外侧倾斜,严重时会导致侧翻事故.针对此问题,开展了提高车辆转向稳定性的车身主动侧倾控制研究.首先建立了考虑横摆和侧倾运动的六自由度车辆动力学模型;然后确定了车辆在转向运动时的期望侧倾角,并以此为控制目标设计主动侧倾控制器,使车身实际侧倾角逼近期望侧倾角.在不同行驶工况下,仿真研究了车身侧倾角、乘员感知加速度和横向载荷转移率,并考察了实现主动侧倾控制所需的主动悬架功耗和由主动侧倾引起的悬架动挠度变化.研究结果表明:主动侧倾控制能实现车辆转向时实际侧倾角迅速逼近期望侧倾角,且在复杂行驶工况下依然能使车辆具有良好的行驶稳定性;主动侧倾控制减小了悬架的动挠度峰值,使乘员感知侧向加速度和横向载荷转移率都能快速接近零值,且实现主动侧倾的主动悬架功耗较小,保证了车辆的经济性能.  相似文献   

针对车辆操稳性控制中功能耦合的主动前轮转向(AFS)与直接横摆力矩控制(DYC)的任务协调问题,提出优化相平面法进行稳定区域划分. 基于所提方法建立轮胎侧向力特性协调准则,实现纵横向动力学系统操稳性集成控制. 以前、后轮侧偏角及两者之差作为车辆横向稳定的表征量,结合轮胎侧向力特性划分车辆横向状态为稳定、临界稳定和失稳状态区间. 建立AFS与DYC的协调准则. 考虑控制算法面向实际应用时状态量的获取问题,建立基于超螺旋算法的状态观测器估计车辆前后轮侧偏角. 分别设计基于自适应超螺旋高阶滑模算法的AFS和DYC控制器,在消除控制器抖振和避免频繁切换的基础上完成稳定性控制. 试验结果表明,所提协调准则和控制算法对协调AFS和DYC有积极作用,且操稳性控制效果良好.  相似文献   

主动转向技术在汽车侧向稳定性控制中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以汽车2自由度模型作为参考模型,利用主动转向技术建立了一种提高汽车侧向稳定性的控制方法。该方法采用主动转向技术来改变转向轮的转向角度,从而有效减少汽车的侧向力,来提高汽车的侧向稳定性能力。在8自由度汽车动力学模型的基础上,运用主动转向技术的控制策略进行了汽车的性能仿真分析。与未采用侧向稳定性控制系统的汽车动力学分析结果相比,该方法能够较好地提高汽车的侧向稳定性能力,增加汽车的主动安全性。  相似文献   

In this paper, it studies the problem of trajectory planning and tracking for lane changing behavior of vehicle in automatic highway systems. Based on the model of yaw angle acceleration with positive and negative trapezoid constraint, by analyzing the variation laws of yaw motion of vehicle during a lane changing maneuver, the reference model of desired yaw angle and yaw rate for lane changing is generated. According to the yaw angle model, the vertical and horizontal coordinates of trajectory for vehicle lane change are calculated. Assuming that the road curvature is a constant, the difference and associations between two scenarios are analyzed, the lane changing maneuvers occurred on curve road and straight road, respectively. On this basis, it deduces the calculation method of desired yaw angle for lane changing on circular road. Simulation result shows that, it is different from traditional lateral acceleration planning method with the trapezoid constraint, by applying the trapezoidal yaw acceleration reference model proposed in this paper, the resulting expected yaw angular acceleration is continuous, and the step tracking for steering angle is not needed to implement. Due to the desired yaw model is direct designed based on the variation laws of raw movement of vehicle during a lane changing maneuver, rather than indirectly calculated from the trajectory model for lane changing, the calculation steps are simplified.  相似文献   

In this paper,it studies the problem of trajectory planning and tracking for lane changing behavior of vehicle in automatic highway systems. Based on the model of yaw angle acceleration with positive and negative trapezoid constraint,by analyzing the variation laws of yaw motion of vehicle during a lane changing maneuver,the reference model of desired yaw angle and yaw rate for lane changing is generated. According to the yaw angle model,the vertical and horizontal coordinates of trajectory for vehicle lane change are calculated. Assuming that the road curvature is a constant,the difference and associations between two scenarios are analyzed,the lane changing maneuvers occurred on curve road and straight road,respectively. On this basis,it deduces the calculation method of desired yaw angle for lane changing on circular road. Simulation result shows that,it is different from traditional lateral acceleration planning method with the trapezoid constraint,by applying the trapezoidal yaw acceleration reference model proposed in this paper, the resulting expected yaw angular acceleration is continuous,and the step tracking for steering angle is not needed to implement. Due to the desired yaw model is direct designed based on the variation laws of raw movement of vehicle during a lane changing maneuver, rather than indirectly calculated from the trajectory model for lane changing, the calculation steps are simplified.  相似文献   

自动化公路系统车队换道变结构控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于车辆纵横向动力学耦合模型,研究了自动化公路系统车队换道的纵横向耦合控制.假定车队中每个跟随车辆依靠车间通信接收引导车辆以及该车前面相邻车辆的位移、速度信息,利用车载传感器获得车辆横摆角速度信息.基于满足正反梯形约束条件的侧向加速度,计算车辆换道时的期望横摆角和横摆角速度.采用有限时间滑模趋近律,设计了车队换道纵横向耦合变结构跟踪控制规律,基于李雅普诺夫稳定性理论,对控制系统的稳定性进行分析.仿真结果显示,采用文中设计的控制规律,对于车队中每个跟随车辆,在实现车辆自动换道的同时,纵向上能够保持满意的车间距离.  相似文献   

Four-wheel-steering (4WS) system can enhance vehicle cornering ability by steering the rear wheels in accordance with the front wheels steering and vehicle status. With such steering control system, it becomes possible to improve the lateral stability and handling performance. In this paper, a new control method for 4WS vehicle is proposed, its rear wheels steering angle is in accordance with the angle of front wheels steering and vehicle yaw rate, and the effects of front wheels steering angle velocity are considered by adopting the fractional derivative theory. Some design specifications for control law are also given. The effects of the control method are verified by a kind of numerical scheme presented in this paper. The dynamic characteristics such as the side-slip angle and the yaw angle velocity of the vehicle gravity center are compared among three kinds of vehicles with different control methods. And the kinematics characteristics such as turning radius between 4WS and 2WS are also discussed. Numerical simulation shows that the control method presented can improve the transient response and reduce the turning radius of 4WS vehicle. Supported by Ford-China Research and Development Foundation (Grant No. 50122153)  相似文献   

针对高速无人驾驶车辆运动控制过程中轨迹跟踪精度和稳定性难以同时保障的问题,提出综合前馈-反馈及自抗扰控制(ADRC)补偿相结合的横向控制算法. 通过车速和道路曲率信息计算前馈稳态前轮转向角,将质心侧偏角引入航向偏差,以车辆航向角偏差和侧向偏差作为参考量进行反馈控制,通过前馈-反馈控制提升瞬态轨迹跟踪性能. 设计自抗扰控制器,通过扩张状态观测器对未建模动态和内外界干扰进行估计,通过将后轮侧偏角控制在参考值附近来补偿前轮转角,提升无人驾驶车辆的转向稳定性和控制器的鲁棒性. 不同工况下的仿真结果表明,利用该方法可以保证高速无人驾驶车辆稳定地跟踪期望路径行驶,轨迹跟踪偏差较小,对车辆参数变化和外界干扰具有较强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

考虑前后信息的车辆跟随自适应控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了增进自动化公路系统车辆控制系统的工作性能,考虑前后车辆信息,研究具有参数不确定性的车辆纵向跟随控制.假定被控车辆能获得前后相邻车辆及车队领头车辆的状态信息,基于车辆纵向动力学模型,采用固定期望车辆间距跟随策略,设计了车辆纵向跟随直接自适应滑模控制规律;应用Lyapunov函数方法和M-矩阵知识,对车辆跟随系统的渐近...  相似文献   

车载式自行火炮多桥动态转向系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
讨论并建立了车载式火炮多桥转向二自由度模型动力学方程普适公式,分析了其固有属性,并在零侧偏角比例控制策略下分析了系统的转向中心位置、各桥转角比与车速的关系、最小转弯半径以及系统在时域和频域的响应。分析结果表明,多桥转向系统的稳定性取决于车辆的重心位置和轮胎的侧偏刚度参数,采用零侧偏角比例控制的方法控制多桥转向系统能够保证系统在任意速度下的侧偏角稳态值为零,侧向加速度稳态值也有大幅度的下降,并且横摆角速度在高速和低速下变化不大,系统反应更快捷,转向过程更平稳,显著地改善了车辆的操纵稳定性。  相似文献   

针对电动助力转向( EPS)作为转向执行机构的车道线保持的控制系统设计及保留驾驶员对车辆操控问题,提出基于串级模型预测控制( MPC)和EPS集成驾驶员转向的车道线保持系统. 在车道线识别视觉系统空间,建立车道线保持状态空间模型,设计基于MPC的车道线保持控制器( LMPC) . 建立EPS状态空间模型,设计基于MPC的EPS车辆前轮转角控制器( EMPC) . LMPC与EMPC经逆转向机构模型组成串级控制结构. 分析驾驶员转向对车道线保持控制的影响,进而通过保留驾驶员对车辆控制来提高处理紧急事件的能力. 仿真结果表明:在不同车速和不同曲率道路下,该控制策略均能快速消除横向位置偏差和航向角偏差,保证车辆沿着车道线行驶,具有较好的适应性和鲁棒性. 驾驶员转向可以改善车道线保持和提高车辆主动安全性.  相似文献   

两种输入模型下的汽车逆问题分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对汽车操纵逆动力学的研究现状,提出了一种识别方向盘输入的新方法.建立了驾驶员-汽车二自由度闭环系统角输入模型和考虑转向系转动惯量的汽车三自由度力矩输入模型.通过角输入情况下,汽车沿蛇行线行驶以及力输入情况下的高速、小侧向加速度的正弦曲线行驶,利用径向基函数网络,分别建立了汽车横摆角速度、侧向加速度与方向盘转角以及汽车侧向加速度与方向盘力矩之间的映射关系.两种输入模型下的识别结果表明,识别值和仿真值比较吻合,因此利用径向基网络识别方向盘角输入和力矩输入的方法是可行的,并且具有识别精度高,运算速度快,抗噪能力强等优点.  相似文献   

To realize the stabilization and the tracking of flight control for an air-breathing hypersonic cruise vehicle, the linearization of the longitudinal model under trimmed cruise condition is processed firstly. Furthermore, the flight control problem is formulated as a robust model tracking control problem. And then, based on the robust parametric approach, eigenstructure assignment and reference model tracking theory, a parametric optimization method for robust controller design is presented. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

为提高高超声速滑翔飞行器再入轨迹优化问题求解速度和精度,提出了一种将改进的麻雀智能优化同参数化设计相结合的再入轨迹方法。首先,通过Tent混沌映射和精英反向种群方法初始化种群,利用黄金正弦策略进行种群的位置更新,并通过余弦策略减少侦察者数量,采用贪婪策略对种群的最优解进行选择和更新,在增强算法全局搜索能力的同时,不影响收敛速度。然后,将高超声速再入轨迹优化问题转化为攻角剖面和倾侧角剖面的参数化设计问题,将路径约束转化为阻力加速度再入飞行走廊,保证再入过程中始终满足路径约束,利用罚函数法处理终端约束,从而使得飞行器精确命中目标。最后,采用改进的麻雀智能优化算法对设计参数进行寻优,使得目标函数最优。仿真实验表明:本研究所提出的改进麻雀算法相较于原始麻雀算法、鲸鱼算法和粒子群算法收敛速度快,得到的高超声速滑翔飞行器再入轨迹精度有了进一步的提高;蒙特卡洛仿真实验说明,本研究所提出的高超声速滑翔飞行器再入轨迹优化算法具有一定的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

轮胎-路面侧向附着动力学数学模型用来描述侧向附着系数与车轮滑动率的关系.通过把侧向附着系数表述为车轮滑动率的函数及全面考虑各种基本参数,如路面状况、车速、侧偏角、法向载荷、车轮外倾角和车轮滑动率等对侧向附着系数的影响,对 Pacejka 的模型进行了根本的变革.从而能使它们适用于轿车各种制动工况的研究.和前人有关的数学模型相比较,新模型具有实际应用意义.  相似文献   

为研究分布式独立电驱动车辆的复合转向机理,提升车辆的转向机动性、操纵稳定性,以某型8 × 8独立电驱动车辆为对象,构建整车仿真模型、分布式独立电驱动控制模型以及车辆复合转向控制模型,在几何转向的基础上,通过在驱动轮主动叠加速差转角即前馈施加车轮虚拟偏转角的方法,分析在相同轮转角状态下,几何转向模式与复合转向模式对车辆转向半径的影响。通过不同行驶工况下的动态仿真,结合车辆的横摆角度、侧向加速度、质心侧偏角等车辆稳定性特性参数,分析复合转向对于车辆操纵稳定的影响,得出分布式独立电驱动车辆复合转向匹配特性。  相似文献   

基于神经网络的四轮转向车辆控制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
车辆操纵稳定性是影响车辆主动安全性的重要因素,四轮转向控制可以提高车辆低速行驶时的灵活性,高速行驶时的稳定性,但是传统的四轮转向控制系统大多建立在经典控制理论的基础上,对实际车辆很难得到满意的控制效果,在考虑了轮胎非线性的双自由度车模型的基础上,建立了四轮转向车辆的神经网络正模型,并对其逆模型进行了辩识,用逆模型作控制器,使四轮转向车辆的质心侧偏角在高速行驶时基本保持为零,研究结果表明,该方法比定前后轮转向比控制法效果更好。  相似文献   

采用汽车的“自行车”模型,建立了四轮转向汽车的数学模型,在MATLAB/Simulink环境下搭建仿真模型,对四轮转向汽车的前轮转角输入控制因子和横摆角速度反馈输入控制因子对汽车操纵稳定性的影响进行了仿真分析.研究表明,两控制因子均能显著降低汽车质心侧偏角和侧向加速度,提高车辆操纵稳定性,但同时又降低了车辆的横摆角速度,降低了驾驶员的转向感觉;横摆角速度反馈输入控制因子对汽车质心侧偏角的影响还表现出了二重性,在四轮转向设计阶段应根据具体情况合理选取两控制因子.  相似文献   

An eight wheel independently driving steering (8WIDBS) electric vehicle is studied in this paper. The vehicle is equipped with eight in-wheel motors and a steer-by-wire system. A hierarchically coordinated vehicle dynamic control (HCVDC) system, including a high-level vehicle motion controller, a control allocation, an inverse tire model and a lower-level slip/slip angle controller, is proposed for the over-actuated vehicle system. The high-level sliding mode vehicle motion controller is designed to produce desired total forces and yaw moment, distributed to longitudinal and lateral forces of each tire by an advanced control allocation method. And the slip controller is designed to use a sliding mode control method to follow the desired slip ratios by manipulating the corresponding in-wheel motor torques. Evaluation of the overall system is accomplished by sine maneuver simulation. Simulation results confirm that the proposed control system can coordinate among the redundant and constrained actuators to achieve the vehicle dynamic control task and improve the vehicle stability.  相似文献   

基于视觉导航的智能小车调速控制器设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
智能小车控制是构建智能车路系统中汽车列队行驶模拟系统的基础。针对智能小车自主寻迹问题,通过对寻迹路径的偏差及偏差的导数进行模态划分,提出对应的模糊控制规则,进而以DSP TMS320F2812为主控芯片控制智能小车电机的转速,实现智能小车纵向自主控制。模型车运行实验表明智能小车速度调节算法可行。  相似文献   

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