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Precisely understanding the dynamic mechanical properties and failure modes of rocks subjected to true triaxial stress state(σ_1 σ_2 σ_3, where σ_1, σ_2, and σ_3 are the major principal stress, intermediate principal stress, and minor principal stress, respectively) is essential to the safety of underground engineering. However, in the laboratory, it is difficult to maintain the constant true triaxial stress state of rocks during the dynamic testing process. Herein, a numerical servo triaxial Hopkinson bar(NSTHB) was developed to study the dynamic responses of rocks confronted with a true triaxial stress state, in which lateral stresses can maintain constant. The results indicate that the dynamic strength and elastic modulus of rocks increase with the rise of intermediate principal stress σ_2, while the dynamic elastic modulus is independent of the dynamic strain rate. Simulated acoustic emission distributions indicate that the intermediate principal stress σ_2 dramatically affects dynamic failure modes of triaxial confined rocks. As σ_2 increases, the failure pattern switches from a single diagonal shear zone into two parallel shear zones with a small slant. Moreover, a recent triaxial Hopkinson bar experimental system using three bar pairs is also numerically established, and the measuring discrepancies are identified between the two numerical bar systems. The proposed NSTHB system provides a controllable tool for studying the dynamic triaxial behavior of rocks.  相似文献   

The shear failure of rocks under both a static triaxial stress and a dynamic disturbance is common in deep underground engineering and it is therefore essential for the design of underground engineering to quantitively estimate the dynamic Mode Ⅱ fracture toughness K_(ⅡC)of rocks under a triaxial stress state.However, the method for determining the dynamic K_(ⅡC)of rocks under a triaxial stress has not been developed yet. With an optimal sample preparation, the short core in compression(SCC) method was designed and verified in this study to measure the dynamic K_(ⅡC)of Fangshan marble(FM) subjected to different hydrostatic pressures through a triaxial dynamic testing system. The formula for calculating the dynamic K_(ⅡC)of the rock SCC specimen under hydrostatic pressures was obtained by using the finite element method in combination with secondary cracks. The experimental results indicate that the failure mode of the rock SCC specimen under a hydrostatic pressure is the shear fracture and the K_(ⅡC)of FM increases as the loading rate. In addition, at a given loading rate the dynamic rock K_(ⅡC)is barely affected by hydrostatic pressures. Another important observation is that the dynamic fracture energy of FM enhances with loading rates and hydrostatic pressures.  相似文献   

As main part of underground rock mass, the three-dimensional (3D) morphology of natural fractures plays an important role in rock mass stability. Based on previous studies on 3D morphology, this study probes into the law and mechanism regarding the influence of the confining pressure constraints on 3D morphological features of natural fractures. First, fracture surfaces were obtained by true triaxial compression test and 3D laser scanning. Then 3D morphological parameters of fractures were calculated by using Grasselli’s model. The results show that the failure mode of granites developed by true triaxial stress can be categorized into tension failure and shear failure. Based on the spatial position of fractures, they can be divided into tension fracture surface, S-1 shear fracture surface, and S-2 shear fracture surface. Micro-failure of the tension fracture surface is dominated by mainly intergranular fracture; the maximum height of asperities on the fracture surface and the 3D roughness of fracture surfaces are influenced by σ3 only and they are greater than those of shear fracture surfaces, a lower overall uniformity than tension fracture surface. S-1 shear fracture surface and S-2 shear fracture surface are dominated by intragranular and intergranular coupling fracture. The maximum height of asperities on the fracture surface and 3D roughness of fracture surface are affected by σ1, σ2, and σ3. With the increase of σ2 or σ3, the cutting off of asperities on the fracture surface becomes more common, the maximum height of asperities and 3D roughness of fracture surface further decrease, and the overall uniformity gets further improved. The experimental results are favorable for selecting technical parameters of enhanced geothermal development and the safety of underground mine engineering.  相似文献   

一种考虑主应力空间的岩石非线性真三轴强度准则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评估岩石的真三轴强度特性,首先根据常规三轴试验岩石强度的变化规律,提出基于偏应力极值的非线性强度准则,并与12种岩石试验强度和4种典型岩石强度准则进行对比,发现该强度准则的预测值与试验强度非常接近,相关性系数R~2均在0.98以上,平均相对误差(MAPE,E_(MAP))均小于4%(除7号岩石为6.83%);该强度准则、指数准则、H-B准则、MM-C准则和D-P准则对所有12种岩石预测E_(MAP)的平均值分别为2.32%、2.43%、5.28%、7.39%和13.74%,说明该强度准则能够很好地预测不同类型岩石的强度,其预测精度略优于指数准则(岩石力学界认为预测精度较高的强度准则),远好于其他3种强度准则。在上述所建常规三轴强度准则的基础上,通过引入中主应力参数和罗德应力参数,构建考虑中主应力效应的真三轴强度准则,并与8种岩石的真三轴试验强度进行对比,该强度准则很好地反映了大主应力随中主应力的增加呈先增大后减小的变化规律,所得R~2均在0.9以上,其中5种岩石的R~2大于0.96;除了13和14号岩石(E_(MAP)分别为7.79%和4.84%),其余6种岩石的平均相对误差E_(MAP)均小于4%,说明该强度准则能够较好地预测岩石的真三轴试验强度,很好地反映了中主应力效应,具有良好的普遍适用性。子午面和偏平面的应力空间特征也说明该强度准则很好地反映了岩石的静水压力效应和中主应力对大主应力的影响规律。  相似文献   

深部巷道稳定的若干岩石力学问题   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:30  
论述了深部岩石力学与工程问题研究的意义;评述了深部原岩应力分布对岩石性质与岩石工程的影响;指出了岩石强度失效与工程围岩破坏过程的实质;分析和评价了岩石破坏所形成的序列结构形式以及对其强度的影响.根据深部岩石工程施工以及变形破坏的特点,通过对工程开挖的卸压影响、岩石脆性与延性破坏的关系以及岩石变形、破坏的时间效应的分析,说明了深部岩石工程稳定有其不同的性质与特点.  相似文献   

岩石强度和变形真三轴试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了得到岩石在3向应力条件下的强度及变形特征,通过真三轴试验对岩石强度进行试验研究.结果表明:峰值强度(σ1)随着中间主应力(σ2)的增加有所提高,峰值强度的最大增加量达到65.8%;在中间主应力较低时,岩石呈现出塑性的特征,随着中间主应力的增加,岩石逐渐由塑性向脆性转变.所以岩石破坏不仅取决于最大主应力差(σ1-σ3),而且与中间主应力密切相关.  相似文献   

深部地下工程围岩多为破裂岩体,与支护结构间存在相互作用,破裂岩体的力学性能对工程稳定起着极其重要作用.采用环向约束试验方法研究破裂岩体的承载和变形特性.结果表明:破裂岩体的轴向应力-应变曲线是-分段连续曲线,峰谷后表现出等效弹塑性特性,随环向约束力的逐步提高,破裂岩体轴向应力呈现应力强化趋势,可达到并稳定在一个较高的应力状态,而环向约束应力则随侧向应变的增加呈线性增加,直至屈服.因此,环向约束条件下破裂岩体的力学特性明显不同于岩石三轴试验残余段的剪切滑移特性,反映了破裂岩体在有效环向约束条件下具有良好的结构效应.  相似文献   

The effect of structural discontinuities on the progressive failure process of anisotropic rocks should be paid particular attention.The crack damage stress σ_(cd),also considered as the yield strength,and the relationship between σ_(cd) and the uniaxial peak strength σ_(ucs) of anisotropic rocks for different orientations 8 of the isotropy planes with respect to the loading directions were investigated theoretically and experimentally.A theoretical relation of σ_(cd)/σ_(ucs) with the function of the shape parameter m was established.Additionally,uniaxial compression tests of shale samples were conducted for several inclinations θ.The test result of σ_(cd)/σ_(ucs) was close to the theoretical value for a given orientation.Furthermore,both experimental results and theoretical solutions of σ_(cd)/σ_(ucs) were independent of the inclination θ while σ_(cd) andσ_(ucs) were strongly affected by θ.The strength ratio σ_(cd)/σ_(ucs) may therefore be an intrinsic property of anisotropic rocks and could be used to predict the failure of rock samples.  相似文献   

脆性评价对岩石(尤其是深部岩石)的可压裂、开挖损伤及岩爆等特性的研究具有重要意义.为此,总结国内外岩石脆性评价方法,基于现有脆性指数在定量表征岩石脆性程度中的局限性,考虑能够模拟岩石应力-应变全过程曲线的统计损伤本构模型,分析岩石的损伤演化特征,提出一种基于统计损伤本构关系的岩石脆性特征评价新方法,建立脆性指数BD定量表征岩石的脆性程度,通过模型理论论证和室内三轴压缩试验验证脆性指数的合理性.结果表明:脆性指数BD能很好地表征岩石的脆性特征,基于统计损伤本构关系的岩石脆性评价方法具有较好的适用性;通过大理岩、花岗岩以及塔木素黏土岩不同围压下的物理实验,验证脆性指数BD的正确性及相比其他方法的优越性;随着围压的增大,塔木素黏土岩表现出明显的脆性破坏向塑性破坏转变的特征.  相似文献   

深地科学领域的若干颠覆性技术构想和研究方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
习近平主席指出“向地球深部进军是我们必须解决的战略科技问题”,开发深地资源已经成为未来中国科技发展的重要方向。然而,目前人类对于地球深部的认知相当匮乏,国际上ICDP与GFZ等研究组织已经开展深地科学基本规律研究。因此,超前布局、抢占深地研究高地、积极推动深地基础前沿大科学问题探索已迫在眉睫。本文从深地能源和人类生存的角度出发,深度剖析了深地资源开发和深地空间利用的必然趋势,提出向地球深部进军研究的3个层次内容,即深地地质结构探测、深地行为规律研究及深地环境利用与资源开发。同时,围绕关系国家全局的地下空间资源开发、能源储备、核废料处置等国家长远战略,提出深地科学研究领域的3个颠覆性技术构想,即深地矿产资源的流态化开采、深地空间与地下城市、深地实验室与深地空间舱。最后,针对深地岩石力学、深地渗流力学、深地地震学与地球物理学、深地微生物能量溯源等国际最前沿的深地基础科学问题,明确深地科学研究的若干重要研究方向,即原位保真取芯技术,深地非常规岩石力学行为,深地结构与开采的透明推演理论,深地地震学与地球物理学,深地微生物学,深部资源开采与能源储存,深地地下水赋存、运移及水质变化,基于深井抽水蓄能的风、光、水、热一体化开发,地下空间生态、能量循环系统等。基于若干颠覆性技术构想的攻关和若干重要研究方向的探索,构建中国独有、世界领先的深地基础性科学前沿研究阵地。  相似文献   

In this study, uniaxial and triaxial compression acoustic emission(AE) tests were implemented to investigate the AE effect and failure characteristics of sandstone under different confining pressures(σ_3). The evolution of AE parameters in the rock failure process and fracture fractal dimension characteristics after failure were analyzed. The results revealed that the activity of the AE signal is strongly related to σ_3. The evolution of the Ib value can be divided into the I-fluctuation, II-stability, and III-decrease stages. In the first stage, the Ib value of the AE was relatively high, and the AE energy was low. Then, the Ib value tended to be stable; however, the fluctuation amplitude decreased, and the AE energy rapidly increased. In the stage of decrease, the AE energy sharply increased before the load approached the peak value, and the Ib value significantly decreased and dropped to the lowest point before the peak value. As σ_3 increased, the rock's failure mode changed from tensile failure to shear failure and became more coordinated. As the confining pressure increased, the shape dimension decreased, and the order degree of rock failure increased. The confining pressure exerted a certain control effect on the rock failure.  相似文献   

Using the Splitting Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) experimental system, investigations were made into the dynamic mechanical performances of underground soft rocks. The experiments proved that the measured stress–strain curves display the characteristics of plastic deformation. By making use of a revised overstress constitutive formula for the stress model and by taking into account that the strain rate and strain are a function of 1  E(t)/E0, a revised overstress constitutive formula for the stress model was simplified by applying dimensional analysis and consequently, a simplified overstress formula was obtained for the stress model. Then, by taking into consideration the effects of damage under a dynamic load on the dynamic loading strength of the rock, the continuous damage theory and the statistical strength theory were introduced into the development of the simplified overstress constitutive formula for the stress model. Hence, a damage-based constitutive formula for an overstress model, which can be appropriately applied to the analysis of full dynamic stress–strain curves, was developed. By using the simplified damage-based constitutive formula for an overstress model, the actually measured curves are fitted, indicating that the fitting curves and those actually measured are in good agreement.  相似文献   

利用相关测井资料计算储层岩石的动态力学参数,并通过室内岩石力学三轴实验将动态的岩石力学参数转化为水力压裂工程可用的岩石力学静态参数,提出储层三向地应力剖面的计算方法.以义H井为例,计算连续的岩石静态力学参数和地应力剖面.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the stability of the underground rock structures, knowing the sensitivity of geomechanical parameters is important. To investigate the priority of these geomechanical properties in the stability of cavern, a sensitivity analysis has been performed on a single cavern in various rock mass qualities according to RMR using Phase 2. The stability of cavern has been studied by investigating the side wall deformation. Results showed that most sensitive properties are coefficient of lateral stress and modulus of deformation. Also parameters of Hoek–Brown criterion and σc have no sensitivity when cavern is in a perfect elastic state. But in an elasto-plastic state, parameters of Hoek–Brown criterion and σc affect the deformability; such effect becomes more remarkable with increasing plastic area. Other parameters have different sensitivities concerning rock mass quality (RMR). Results have been used to propose the best set of parameters for study on prediction of sidewall displacement.  相似文献   

地下工程突水机理及其研究最新进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着地下工程建设的大、长、深发展趋势,大型突水地质灾害逐渐成为制约地下空间建设发展的瓶颈问题,是岩石力学与工程研究领域急需解决的关键科学技术难题。在系统收集整理国内外相关资料的基础上,从突水的灾变条件与演化特征、突水通道的形成机制、渗流灾变规律与突变机理以及突水预测与监测理论等方面系统总结了当前突水机理的研究方法及其存在的问题,提出了“施工人为扰动和岩溶水及水压力扰动诱发破裂是相对完整岩体破断突水的本质所在,地质缺陷体本身渗流力学的多元动态信息则是地质缺陷式突水灾变演化过程描述的关键所在”这一学术思路。通过现场突水实例分析与数值模拟结果,认为突水机理的研究需从两方面着手,即突水通道形成的微观作用机制与含导水构造系统失稳突水的宏观力学判据,考虑地质因素和工程因素的双重影响,并结合突水前兆多元信息实时在线采集与分析的监测方法,对有效探测含导水构造的物探方法进行补充,为突水预报预测奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

井壁稳定性的断裂损伤力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究石油工程中的井壁失稳问题,将断裂力学和细观力学相结合,给出了一种新的计算方法.根据断裂力学和微观损伤力学原理,研究了脆性岩石中含微裂纹的扩展条件、扩展方向和变形机理.由井壁附近的应力状态和岩石破坏准则,建立了井壁坍塌和地层破坏的力学计算模型,并对井壁稳定性的问题中的井壁坍塌和地层破坏进行了定量的分析,确定了钻井液密度的范围.所给出的计算结果与传统的油井工程中采用的摩尔-库仑准则所得出的结论相同.同时通过细观力学分析和考虑岩石断裂韧性的影响,提出了岩石的内禀断裂应力的概念.此概念将揭示岩石变形机理的本质,并为钻井工程设计提供理论参考依据.  相似文献   

地下水开采诱发的不良环境及地质问题日益凸显,其中地面沉降致灾问题已广受关注。华北平原山东区是若干地面沉降显著区之一,地下水开采是其主要诱发因素。针对地面沉降问题,以华北平原德州区为典型工程背景,采用水文地质工程地质与岩土力学相结合的方法,通过现场及室内试验,在获得研究区岩土力学参数的基础上,建立流固耦合数值模型,对研究区地面沉降的历史进行重演,对地面沉降的发展趋势进行预测。在获得研究区流场及地面沉降基本规律的基础上,提出减少地下水开采量,定期回灌地下水,调整开采井开采层位及开采井平面布局等工程措施进行地面沉降控制,并采用建立的数值模型从定量分析角度评价这些措施的效果。  相似文献   

The present paper aims to establish a versatile strength theory suitable for elasto-plastic analysis of underground tunnel surrounding rock. In order to analyze the effects of intermediate principal stress and the rock properties on its deformation and failure of rock mass, the generalized nonlinear unified strength theory and elasto-plastic mechanics are used to deduce analytic solution of the radius and stress of tunnel plastic zone and the periphery displacement of tunnel under uniform ground stress field. The results show that: intermediate principal stress coefficient b has significant effect on the plastic range,the magnitude of stress and surrounding rock pressure. Then, the results are compared with the unified strength criterion solution and Mohr–Coulomb criterion solution, and concluded that the generalized nonlinear unified strength criterion is more applicable to elasto-plastic analysis of underground tunnel surrounding rock.  相似文献   

The distribution characteristics and evolution law of rock mass fissures induced by mining are a key scientific issue in the study of deep rock mechanics. In this study, a series of uniaxial compression experiments was conducted on rock-like specimens containing double V-shaped prefabricated fissures at dip angles of α = β = 45°, α = 45°<β = 60°, α = β = 60°, and α = 60°<β = 75° with a rock mechanics servo-controlled testing system. According to the experimental results, the effects of the dip angles of the double V-shaped prefabricated flaws with the same area on the mechanical parameters and fracturing process of the specimens were analysed in detail. Additionally, the crack initiation stress presented a nearly linear growth trend, which is generally similar to that of the crack peak stress with increasing flaw dip angle. By applying photographic monitoring to the crack initiation, propagation, coalescence, and failure modes in rock-like specimens, it was easily seen that the V-shaped flaw properties slightly influence the crack initiation positions but significantly influence the crack trajectories. The crack failure modes can be summarized into two distinct types. The study reported herein can provide a better understanding of the evolution of double V-shaped prefabricated fissures induced by coal mining.  相似文献   

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