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给出了一款应用于北斗导航卫星系统(CNSS)B1频段/S频段的双频圆极化缝隙天线的设计方法。该天线采用微带线进行馈电,在地板上开有两个方形螺旋槽,其总槽长度大约均为一个自由空间操作波长。通过调节螺旋槽的终点处的长度即可获得最适宜的轴比,从而实现圆极化。另外,还可以通过调节螺旋槽的宽度来获得较大的轴比带宽。在地板中央切去一个圆环形槽可增大感应电流的路径,从而降低圆极化的中心频率。通过仿真软件HFSS对天线结构参数进行优化设计,并制作实物。其仿真及实测结果表明:回波损耗小于-10 dB的阻抗带宽为38.5%,且在阻抗带宽内天线的相对轴比带宽也达到了大约5%。  相似文献   

针对现有圆极化天线难以同时满足宽频带和小型化应用需求的问题,面向全球超高频射频识别(RFID)读写应用,采用新型功分移相馈电网络、旋转短路辐射贴片和耦合贴片、馈电探针和短路探针,设计了一种紧凑型宽频带圆极化射频识别天线。测试结果表明,该天线回波损耗大于15dB的相对带宽为59%,轴比小于3dB的相对带宽为34%,在全球超高频RFID频段范围内,天线辐射增益大于2.7dBi,辐射方向十分对称和稳定,其半功率波束宽度大于101°,适用于宽角度范围读写;与现有圆极化天线的性能指标和结构相比,该天线的工作频段不仅能够覆盖全球超高频RFID频段,而且结构紧凑,有利于RFID系统的低成本设计和实施。  相似文献   

一种易调谐的小型GPS微带天线设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一款新颖的易调谐小型GPS微带天线结构。采用正方形贴片作为辐射单元,通过切角微扰实现右旋圆极化辐射;在贴片中心开槽和四周开缝,利用贴片曲流技术减小天线的尺寸;使用同轴中心馈电加载微带匹配段,实现阻抗的匹配。文章给出了天线的设计思路,并进行了大量的电磁仿真优化,最终对天线进行了加工实验。实验结果表明,在设计的频带内,天线具有较好的阻抗匹配和圆极化辐射特性。该天线具有结构紧凑、易于调谐的特点,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

论文提出了一种新型宽带圆极化天线,成本低廉,结构简单,性能优异.此天线基板采用普通FR4板材,其辐射体由方形地、钩形分枝及倒L形分枝三部分组成,并由50Ω微带阻抗传输线进行馈电.天线尺寸为55×55mm2,工作在1.75GHz~2.9GHz.频段.天线的10dB回波损耗相对带宽和3dB轴比(AR)相对带宽分别为49%(1.75GHz~2.9GHz)和50%(1.8GHz~3GHz),其良好的圆极化和阻抗性能可以在相关的无线通信系统中得到很好地应用.  相似文献   

针对微带天线阻抗匹配带宽一般较窄的自身缺陷,基于相控阵雷达天线的应用背景,设计了一种工作在X波段的双层圆极化微带天线结构,且优化发现,其各电磁参数良好。为提高其增益,还在此基础上设计并最终制作了双层2×2结构的微带天线阵列,其实测性能与设计值相符,增益达到10.7dB,带宽1.2GHz,相应轴比为4dB,符合圆极化要求。  相似文献   

无法独立控制空间补偿相位值和正交极化相位差值一直是传统线-圆极化转换反射阵中的难题。基于电场矢量合成,提出了一种可以将空间相位补偿方式和极化控制方式两者完全独立的线-圆极化转换设计方法,为高纯度线-圆极化转换反射阵的研究提供了新的思路。提出了一种层叠三平行偶极子单元组来实现这种线-圆极化转换的方法,以此设计、加工并测试了一款工作在X波段的线极化-右旋圆极化转换反射阵天线。测试结果表明,该反射阵在中心频点增益22.4dB,交叉极化优于-28dB,1dB增益带宽和3dB轴比带宽约为10%。  相似文献   

提出了一种新型频率可重构圆极化微带贴片天线的设计。采用一种方环形贴片结构,在贴片对称缝隙中添加4个RF MEMS开关,通过调节开关的通断来实现对天线频率的可重构。同时天线采用4馈点馈电来实现右旋圆极化波,并利用仿真软件HFSS 13.0对天线特性进行了仿真验证。仿真结果表明,在开关断开时,天线可接收GPS L1、GLONASS L1和BDS B1信号,在开关闭合时,天线可接收BDS B3信号,且天线的回波损耗和轴比都能满足要求。  相似文献   

当今通信设备飞速发展,但由于频谱资源的限制,通信设备之间的互扰问题越来越严重。为了解决这一日益突出的问题,对阵列信号处理技术进行了研究。阵列信号处理技术是利用多个天线采用空时滤波的手段消除干扰信号。本文研究了针对阵列信号处理技术的一体化模块的设计,根据阵列信号处理的需求完成了天线和射频部分的制作,并进行了测试。天线单元实现轴比3 d B的仰角范围是±60°,轴比6 d B的仰角范围为±77°;3 d B轴比带宽为20 MHz,6 d B轴比带宽在40 MHz以上。射频单元采用多通道一体化设计,经测试该模块幅度误差<1 d B,相位误差<2°。并对此模块进行了半实物仿真,其滤波效果优于60 d Bc。  相似文献   

能够同时适用于射频识别、全球微波无线互联网和无线局域网这几大主流物联网通信技术标准的宽频天线的设计要求越来越高,比如体积小、成本低等,而微带天线体积小、剖面低且可集成化程度高,适合大批量生产,但其频带较窄,使用范围受到限制。为此,提出了一种紧凑型宽频带微带贴片天线。该天线引入了L型缝隙和三角形缝隙,仿真结果表明,天线-10 dB阻抗带宽可达到100%,其工作频带为1. 5 GHz~4. 3 GHz;轴比带宽为3. 4 GHz~3. 8 GHz,圆极化带宽为11%;在该范围内的增益都在3 dB以上;整个工作频带范围内都实现了宽频带、高增益等特性,适用于射频识别、蓝牙、WLAN等频段。  相似文献   

设计了一种宽频带高增益微带天线单元并组成了4元阵列。通过在普通矩形微带贴片加载2个对称切角、改变贴片表面电流分布实现天线单元的双频工作,调节切角尺寸使两个频点相互靠近融合,展宽频带。在此基础上确定合适的阵元间距,采用等副同向并联馈电,馈电网络由T型结功分器组成,并使用同轴探针馈电方式,实现天线阵列的设计。通过高频电磁结构仿真软件HFSS对天线进行仿真和优化,结果表明阵列天线性能良好。  相似文献   

The design and development of a shared‐aperture dual‐band, dual‐polarized, dual‐aperture coupled rectangular microstrip patch antenna element is presented, which is suitable for portable very small aperture terminals. Detailed parametric studies of the locations of orthogonal coupling slots and their influences on the isolation and impedance bandwidth of the antenna element are performed. The experimental results are presented. The prototype dual‐band dual‐polarized antenna element achieves a 21% input impedance bandwidth at the S‐ and C‐bands. The design and development of a four‐element array with such an antenna element is also presented. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 13: 180–193, 2003.  相似文献   

An asymmetric‐metasurface based wideband circularly polarized (CP) microstrip antenna using a coaxial probe is proposed for L‐band applications. The antenna involves a stacked asymmetric‐metasurface, a radiating rectangular‐patch and a coaxial feed. An asymmetric‐metasurface is designed using rectangular unit cells and smaller size unit cells along one of the diagonal lines. The asymmetric‐metasurface is placed above a radiating rectangular‐patch with support of foam layer to achieve a wideband CP radiation. The measured performance of the prototype antenna achieves an impedance bandwidth (?10 dB return loss bandwidth) of 15.7% (1.58‐1.85 GHz) with CP bandwidth (3‐dB axial ratio) of 13% (1.58‐1.80 GHz) and gain of ≥9 dBic.  相似文献   

A simple design of circularly polarized slot‐patch antenna array with broadband operation and compact size is presented in this article. The antenna element consists of a circular slot and a semicircular patch, which are etched on both sides of a substrate. For the gain and axial ratio (AR) bandwidth enhancement, its array antennas are implemented in a 2 × 2 arrangement and fed by a sequential‐phase feeding network. The final 2 × 2 antenna array prototype with compact lateral dimension of 0.8λL × 0.8λL (λL is the lowest frequency within AR bandwidth) yielded a measured impedance bandwidth of 103.83% (2.76‐8.72 GHz) and a measured AR bandwidth of 94.62% (2.45‐6.85 GHz). The peak gain values within the AR bandwidth are from 2.85 to 8.71 dBi. A good agreement between the simulated and measured results is achieved. This antenna array is suitable for multiservice wireless systems covering WiMAX, WLAN and C‐band applications such as satellite communications.  相似文献   

A novel wideband circularly polarized (CP) antenna array is designed, which consists of a horizontally placed wideband phase shifting feed network and four vertically placed linearly polarized dipole antenna elements, and the circular polarization is realized based on sequential rotation feeding technology. By placing two parasitic strips and two grounding strips on the top and side of each T‐shaped dipole antenna element, the impedance bandwidth and circular polarization performance of the antenna can be further improved. The simulation results show that the 10‐dB impedance bandwidth of the antenna is 93% (1.56‐4.27 GHz) and the 3‐dB AR bandwidth is 80.7% (1.7‐4.0 GHz). The measured results are in good agreement with the simulation results. Due to the use of orthogonally placed wideband feed network and wideband array elements, the proposed antenna array has a wider circular polarization bandwidth than the similar antenna arrays reported.  相似文献   

This article reports the design and development of high power, low cross‐polarization, and high efficiency circularly polarized microstrip patch array antenna at S‐band, proposed for Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System payload. A novel feeding mechanism for truncated corner square patch based on square coaxial line for broadband impedance matching is discussed. Sequential rotation scheme for axial ratio improvement in an array is implemented. High power handling margins in critical regions of square coaxial line for multipaction breakdown is brought out. Measured 19 dB return loss bandwidth of array antenna is 15.6%. Axial ratio of 0.78 dB over global coverage is achieved in the desired frequency band of operation. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2012.  相似文献   

A novel broadband circularly polarized (CP) C‐shaped slot antenna fed by a coplanar waveguide is presented. The broadband CP operation can be achieved simply using a C‐shaped slot in the ground to produce orthogonal surface currents for left‐hand circular polarization. Using the semicircle‐shaped radiator patch, wide impedance bandwidth and broad axial‐ratio (AR) bandwidth can be obtained simultaneously. The measured results show that the proposed antenna can provide a 10‐dB impedance bandwidth of 105% from 2.78 to 8.92 GHz, and a 3‐dB AR bandwidth of 70.4% from 2.9 to 6.05 GHz. Finally, an antenna prototype with a reflector for unidirectional pattern applications is also developed. The proposed antenna has broader impedance and CP bandwidths but with a more compact size compared with the previous designs. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 25:739–746, 2015.  相似文献   

A single feed circularly polarized fractal boundary microstrip antenna with improved axial ratio bandwidth is presented. The low‐axial ratio bandwidth of single feed circularly polarized microstrip antenna is due to its probe reactance. In this article, the inherent disadvantage of this low‐AR bandwidth is overcome by compensating the probe reactance by incorporating capacitance in the form of small patch between the radiating patch and the probe. The perturbation of the patch is done using fractal curve as boundary. The proposed antenna exhibits impedance and axial ratio bandwidths of 9 and 2.2% respectively at 2.4 GHz. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2009.  相似文献   

This article presents a hexagonal circularly polarized microstrip antenna (HCPMA) array design using paralleled dynamic minimum lower confidence bound. The HCPMA array is fed by a hybrid feeding network composed with “H” type apertures coupling network and 45° slots which are loaded on the hexagonal patch. It is designed to be compatible with ISM band which achieves a 2.56 GHz impedance bandwidth (S11<–10 dB) and a 0.6 GHz Axial ratio (AR) bandwidth (AR < 3 dB). Given the heavy computational burden and limited computation resources of the electromagnetic analysis, the improved algorithm using MLCB in conjunction with paralleled finite element model and Kriging metamodel achieves two times speed enhancement for the antenna optimization than the traditional MLCB optimization. The multi‐objective optimization is introduced to solve the polarization, impedance, and radiation pattern of the HCPMA element and array. The antenna optimization results show that the proposed strategy can not only obtain an optimal solution, but also significantly improve the calculating efficiency.  相似文献   

A broadband circularly polarized patch antenna with suspended structure is proposed. The suspended patch has a bow‐tie structure and a gap‐coupled feed. By connecting a resistor load to another gap‐coupled feed port at the opposite position, a wide impedance and axial ratio (AR) bandwidths are obtained. The proposed design has a very simple antenna structure with an impedance bandwidth of 44.5% and a 3‐dB AR bandwidth of 33.8%, respectively. The results show that the bandwidth of the patch antenna is successfully broadened using the suspended configuration, gap‐coupled feed, and resistor loading. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 24:587–593, 2014.  相似文献   

In this article, a circularly polarized coupled slot 1 × 4 stacked patch antenna array with enhanced bandwidth is proposed for S‐band applications. Initially, a patch antenna radiating at 2.79 GHz is designed and maximum energy from feedline to patch element is coupled using two rectangular slots. Whereas, a parallel feedline structure is designed to provide polarization flexibility by creating 0, 90 , and 180o phase differences. Then, a truncated patch element is vertically stacked in the design to achieve broader bandwidth of 600 MHz over frequency range from 2.4 to 3.0 GHz. Finally, a coupled slot 1 × 4 array stacked antenna array having feedline line structure to provide 90o phase difference for circular polarization is designed and fabricated for measurements. It is observed that the final design achieved target specification having impedance matching (|S11 | (dB) < ?10 dB over 2.4 to 3.0 GHz, broad band circular polarization, and 11.5 dBic total gain. Overall, a good agreement between simulated and measurement results is observed.  相似文献   

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