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基于常增益组合滤波器的目标跟踪算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前高机动目标跟踪的Jerk模型存在计算复杂度高的不足,提出一种四维常增益滤波器:α-β-γ-δ模型.给出模型中α、β、γ和δ的计算公式,并将它与α-β、α-β-γ滤波器组合得到一种常增益组合滤波算法,克服单一滤波器只能跟踪特定运动方式的目标的缺点.最后对一种典型的目标机动形式进行Monte Carlo仿真,结果表明新算法对于解决机动目标跟踪问题的有效性.  相似文献   

肿瘤血管生成是肿瘤生长、浸润和转移过程中不可缺少的生物过程,整合素α_vβ_3对肿瘤血管生成起着重要作用。研发具有高亲和力和高特异性的整合素α_vβ_3受体配体在针对肿瘤血管生成进行靶向诊断与靶向治疗中具有重要意义。计算机辅助药物设计技术的问世,极大地推动了新型整合素α_vβ_3受体配体的研发。整合素α_vβ_3受体细胞外区X射线晶体衍射结构的获得为针对整合素α_vβ_3受体的药物设计奠定了基础。计算机辅助药物设计包括基于分子对接法(Docking)的直接药物设计和基于药效团的间接药物设计,Docking可预测配体-蛋白的相互作用、对受体-配体结合进行三维构效关系研究、设计具有高亲和力与选择性的新型配体。通过将小分子数据库与α_vβ_3受体(PDB号为1L5G)进行对接,筛选出具有较高亲和力的α_vβ_3受体拮抗剂-3(3-吡啶基)-3-[4-[2-(5,6,7,8-四氢[1,8]萘啶-2)乙基]吲哚-1]丙酸和3,4-二氯苯基双胍,后者与目前已知的配体具有不同的受体结合模式。在间接药物设计中,提出了以Arg的带正电荷的侧链、Asp的带负电荷的侧链和Gly的疏水基团为药效团特征的三点药效团模型和以氢键供体、氢...  相似文献   

制导引信一体化起爆算法研究的一个重要方面就是通过对最佳起爆延时的估计来确定炸点,而对测量数据进行滤波从而提高炸点的估计精度是其中的一个必要环节。α-β和α-β-γ滤波算法ααα具有计算简单,工程中易于实现的特点。本文针对导引头测距测角模型中基于延时控制的算法,使用c++builder工具进行仿真试验。研究结果表明在基于导引头测距测角模型进行起爆延时的计算中,α-β和α-β-γ滤波是可行的,同时根据仿真讨论了在滤波中影响炸点估计精度的因素及如何合理选取δ因子。  相似文献   

将软集的参数集赋予BCK代数的代数结构,给出了(α,β)-软BCK代数的概念,并验证了得到的(α,β)-软BCK代数是交软BCK代数和α-交软BCK代数的非平凡推广;得到了两个(α,β)-软BCK代数在软集的交、并、且等运算下仍然是(α,β)-软BCK代数的结论,并讨论了(α,β)-软BCK代数的同态像和原像的性质;最后运用对偶软集的方法给出了(α,β)-软BCK代数的等价刻画。  相似文献   

为了实现疲劳状态智能识别,提出了基于可穿戴式脑电仪的疲劳识别健康管理方案,其首先需解决的问题是哪种频率的脑电波影响或呈现人体疲劳状态。研究采用wilcoxon秩和检验、卡方检验、CART分类树和probit模型,分析δ脑电波(1-3Hz)、θ脑电波(4-7Hz)、α脑电波(8-13Hz)、β脑电波(14-30Hz)和疲劳的关系。研究发现α波、β波、θ波以及(α θ)/β、β/α在疲劳和不疲劳状态下的表现都有显著差异。这些脑电波变量可呈现人体疲劳状态的差异,帮助疲劳状态的识别。  相似文献   

刘熠  徐扬  秦亚 《计算机科学》2011,38(4):263-266
摘要把拟重合的思想应用到区间值模糊集上,引进了一种广义模糊格蕴涵子代数,即区间值(α,β)一模糊格蕴涵子代数。研究了区间值(α,β)-模糊格蕴涵子代数的性质,并研究了区间值(α,β)-模糊格蕴涵子代数与格蕴涵子代数的关系,最后得到了该类模糊子代数的等价刻画。  相似文献   

针对传统的凸极同步电动机直接转矩控制系统定子磁链观测器存在积分器漂移等问题,提出了一种基于递归神经网络定子磁链观测器的凸极同步电动机直接转矩控制系统的设计方案。该方案将三相电压与三相电流经3S/2S变换后得到的两相电压与电流送到已经训练好的基于递归神经网络的定子磁链观测器中,观测器的输出是定子磁链的α、β分量,即Ψsα、Ψsβ;Ψsα、Ψsβ经矢量分析器处理后得到定子磁链的幅值以及定子磁链的空间位置角,从而可准确得到定子磁链所在的扇区。仿真结果表明,与基于传统的U-I模型的凸级同步电动机直接转矩控制系统相比,该系统具有优良的动、静态性能。  相似文献   

朱薇  夏传浩 《计算机应用》2007,27(8):2053-2055
数据处理系统是相控阵雷达实现搜索和对多目标精确跟踪的关键部分,目标跟踪滤波算法的优劣将直接决定系统的性能。介绍了一种改进的α-β滤波算法,然后将它和最小二乘滤波算法、卡尔曼滤波算法进行比较,对三种算法跟踪空中目标的直线飞行、改变航向的直线飞行两种情况的距离、方位、速度和航向等参数的均方差加以分析,证明了改进的α-β滤波算法在直线飞行模型下有着很好的综合效果,且计算量小,更有利于系统建模与仿真。  相似文献   

通过分子对接方法研究3种主要的环糊精(α-环糊精、β-环糊精及γ-环糊精)与咖啡豆α-半乳糖苷酶的相互作用模型与分子机理。结果表明,咖啡豆α-半乳糖苷酶活性口袋中的关键氨基酸残基为:Trp31、Trp179、Asp200,环糊精中的关键基团为:次甲基上的羟基、亚甲基上的羟基。环糊精覆盖在咖啡豆α-半乳糖苷酶亲水活性空腔的表面,从而抑制其活性,β-环糊精的抑制作用较为明显。分子对接结果为酶法合成α-半乳糖基-环糊精的相互作用研究提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

邓自立  秦滨 《信息与控制》1992,21(4):201-205
对于带未知噪声统计的机动目标跟踪系统,本文提出了一种新的自校正跟踪方案,它由一个简单的自校正α-β-γ滤渡器、机动输入判决器和带输入估计的自校正α-β-γ滤波器组成,当判决机动加速度输入出现时,则简单的自校正α-β-γ滤波器立即被用带输入估计的自校正α-β-γ滤波器代替,以保证跟踪滤波器的精度,仿真结果说明了新方案的有效性。  相似文献   

奶牛生产性状中产奶量一直是相关领域专家重点关注的性状之一,产奶量的提高对于经济和民生发展具有重要意义,因此产奶量的相关影响因素成为了研究提高奶产量和奶质量的焦点。针对目前缺少奶牛产奶量-基因知识图谱的问题,以PubMed生物医学文献库为相关来源,利用爬虫技术构建奶牛产奶量性状组学数据的相关文献数据集,通过知识抽取获得与奶牛产奶量相关的大约140个基因影响因素及其他影响因素。利用Neo4j图数据库的方式进行数据存储,构建与奶牛产奶量性状相关的知识图谱,最后形成奶牛产奶量性状数据知识库的可视化平台。  相似文献   

Thousands of proteins are simultaneously involved in the maintenance of a single cancer cell. Fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET) is one of the most general techniques for imaging biologically interacting molecules in a cell. Here, we applied FRET to image the co‐localization of two proteins that do not interact biologically (nucleolin and integrin αvβ3), both of which are highly expressed in the plasma membrane of cancer cells. AS1411 aptamer, which targets nucleolin, was labeled by Cy3 (Cy3‐AS1411) and arginine–glycine–aspartic acid (RGD) peptide, which targets integrin αvβ3, was conjugated with quantum dot (525 nm, Qd) Qd arginine–glycine–aspartic acid (Qd‐RGD). FRET activities between Cy3‐AS1411 and Qd‐RGD were measured in HeLa cells, a human cervical cancer cell line. FRET phenomena between Qd and Cy3 showed good compatibility according to proximity. The fluorescence signature using Qd‐RGD and Cy3‐AS1411 showed that nucleolin and integrin αvβ3 proteins were highly expressed in HeLa cells. Co‐incubation of Qd‐RGD and Cy3‐AS1411 in a single HeLa cell demonstrated that the fluorescence overlay by FRET was quantitatively and geographically quite different from that of individual confocal images. These results suggest that Qd‐based FRET analysis can provide information on geographical co‐localization of proteins in naïve cells, which is very important for determining the molecular and cellular functions of genes involved in cancers and other clinical diseases.  相似文献   

The Voronoi diagram of a point set has been extensively used in various disciplines ever since it was first proposed. Its application realms have been even further extended to estimate the shape of point clouds when Edelsbrunner and Mücke introduced the concept of α-shape based on the Delaunay triangulation of a point set.In this paper, we present the theory of β-shape for a set of three-dimensional spheres as the generalization of the well-known α-shape for a set of points. The proposed β-shape fully accounts for the size differences among spheres and therefore it is more appropriate for the efficient and correct solution for applications in biological systems such as proteins.Once the Voronoi diagram of spheres is given, the corresponding β-shape can be efficiently constructed and various geometric computations on the sphere complex can be efficiently and correctly performed. It turns out that many important problems in biological systems such as proteins can be easily solved via the Voronoi diagram of atoms in proteins and β-shapes transformed from the Voronoi diagram.  相似文献   

在奶牛养殖业中,奶牛的发情检测在奶牛繁殖管理中具有重要地位,及时发现奶牛发情有利于提高奶牛的繁 殖率和产奶量,增加经济效益。因此,奶牛发情及时和准确鉴定变得举足轻重,传统的人工观察奶牛发情方法已不适应现代奶 牛养殖业的发展要求。本文将介绍以STC89C52 单片机、加速度传感器ADXL345 为核心的奶牛计步器的采用技术及设计过 程,以及基于加速度传感器的奶牛计步器目前发展状况和发展趋势,可实现对奶牛走路所产生步数的自动监测及显示。  相似文献   

《Computers & chemistry》1998,21(1):61-70
The complex formation and structure of α-1-proteinase inhibitor with supramolecular ligand Congo Red was predicted using molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics simulation. A seven-molecule Congo Red ligand was introduced to the cleft in β-sheet “A” of an α-1-proteinase inhibitor in place of the peptide chain fragment (342-358) which occupies this locus in the cleaved form of the inhibitor. The striking similarity of Congo Red and peptide chain (342-358) insertion effects, observed by comparison of root mean square (r.m.s.)–distance plots as protein stability increased, confirmed the reliability of the constructed complex. The binding predicted theoretically for the one available cleft in the β-sheet, limited to a few Congo Red molecules, was verified experimentally. α-1-proteinase inhibitor was chosen for this study because of the known natural instability of its β-pleated sheet, but the model is believed to represent other Congo Red complexes involving proteins whose accessibility for dye penetration may be triggered by function-derived structural alterations or may be generated in unfolding conditions.  相似文献   

Variability of shapes of bidimensional closed curves is a key matter in many fields of research. A statistical order of bidimensional shape variability is introduced in this paper. For such a purpose a special class of random elements is considered. The order is defined on such a class and the main properties of the order are analyzed. Such an order involves the curvature of a special parameterization of bidimensional closed curves. The new order can be used as a basis for implementing statistical procedures, such as hypothesis testing on variability of shapes. An example is developed by means of the image analysis of cell nuclei, namely the shapes of cell nuclei in mastitis-affected cow milk and non-affected cow milk are compared.  相似文献   

《Computers & chemistry》1998,21(4):279-294
The preference functions method is described for prediction of membrane-buried helices in membrane proteins. Preference for the α-helix conformation of amino acid residue in a sequence is a non-linear function of average hydrophobicity of its sequence neighbors. Kyte–Doolittle hydropathy values are used to extract preference functions from a training data set of integral membrane proteins of partially known secondary structure. Preference functions for β-sheet, turn and undefined conformation are also extracted by including β-class soluble proteins of known structure in the training data set. Conformational preferences are compared in tested sequence for each residue and predicted secondary structure is associated with the highest preference. This procedure is incorporated in an algorithm that performs accurate prediction of transmembrane helical segments. Correct sequence location and secondary structure of transmembrane segments is predicted for 20 of 21 reference membrane polypeptides with known crystal structure that were not included in the training data set. Comparison with hydrophobicity plots revealed that our preference profiles are more accurate and exhibit higher resolution and less noise. Shorter unstable or movable membrane-buried α-helices are also predicted to exist in different membrane proteins with transport function. For instance, in the sequence of voltage-gated ion channels and glutamate receptors, N-terminal parts of known P-segments can be located as characteristic α-helix preference peaks. Our e-mail server: predict@drava.etfos.hr, returns a preference profile and secondary structure prediction for a suspected or known membrane protein when its sequence is submitted.  相似文献   

Postsynaptic densities (PSDs), isolated from porcine cerebral cortices, are large disk-shaped aggregates consisting of hundreds of different proteins. To study the protein-protein interactions in such complex supramolecules, we developed a procedure to break up the PSD's overall structure, while preserving some interactions between individual proteins. Using the resulting PSD sample and an indirect immunoabsorption procedure, PSD-95 was isolated along with the α- and β-subunits of calcium calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKIIα and CaMKIIβ), α-tubulin, β-tubulin, and Chapsyn110. Similarly, CaMKIIα was isolated along with CaMKIIβ, α-tubulin, β-tubulin, and small amounts of PSD-95. The proteins isolated from PSDs treated with a cleavable bifunctional crosslinking reagent were further subjected to diagonal gel electrophoresis analysis, and the results indicated that CaMKIIα resides next to α-tubulin in the PSD. Overall, the results obtained here suggest that within the PSD, large aggregates of CaMKIIα, CaMKIIβ, α-tubulin, and β-tubulin may occur that indirectly associate with PSD-95 and Chapsyn110. Such a protein organization would allow interactions with F-actin in the cytoplasm and with proteins, such as N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, which reside on the postsynaptic membrane. Furthermore, it would facilitate binding to proteins such as the various microtubule-associated proteins that reside in the core region of the PSD.  相似文献   

为了提高直觉模糊命题逻辑的(α,β)-归结效率,将准锁语义归结策略应用于(α,β)-归结原理,得到直觉模糊命题逻辑的(α,β)-准锁语义归结方法,证明方法的可靠性与完备性.给出直觉模糊命题逻辑系统的(α,β)-准锁语义归结和(α,β)-准锁语义归结演绎的概念.讨论直觉模糊命题逻辑系统中的(α,β)-准锁语义归结式和锁子句的合并规则.最后,给出直觉模糊命题逻辑系统的基于(α,β)-准锁语义归结的自动推理算法步骤,并通过实例说明算法的有效性.  相似文献   

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