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凸多面体快速碰撞检测的投影分离算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了有效地提高凸面体之间的碰撞检测效率,提出一种凸多面体快速碰撞检测的投影分离算法.该算法通过判断2个凸多面体在中心线上的正投影不相交,或者分别构造它们的准投影分离面集合,并从这2个集合中找到一个投影分离面,来判断2个凸多面体分离;否则,判断为相交.对于2个准投影分离面集合,依次交替地判断它们的每一个面是投影分离面还是相交面,以加快2个凸多面体相交检测.计算复杂度分析和数值实验表明:该算法平均检测效率高于其他检测算法.  相似文献   

为了进一步提高碰撞检测的实时性,提出一种基于Minkowski和的多面体快速碰撞检测算法.该算法以Minkowski和为工具,无需精确计算两个多面体之间的最短距离,首先通过构造两个多面体的Minkowski和,将多面体碰撞检测问题转化为判断原点是否在该Minkowski和内,然后运用射线和求交计算将三维空间问题转化为二维平面问题,再通过判断原点是否在平面多边形内来检测多面体是否发生碰撞,进而提高了碰撞检测的实时性和可靠性.在Visual C#环境下,利用OpenGL图形库搭建一个路径规划仿真系统.实验结果表明,该算法平均检测效率明显高于传统算法,并且有效降低了存储空间和时间复杂度.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于最短距离计算的凸多面体碰撞检测算法。该算法利用凸多面体三维空间顶点坐标的凸包表示凸多面体,将两个凸多面体间碰撞检测问题归结为一个带约束条件的非线性规划问题,采用混合人工鱼群算法对该问题进行求解,寻优过程前期利用人工鱼群算法快速找到全局极值的邻域,后期切换到模式搜索法,准确找到全局极值。实验表明,无论在计算精度还是在计算速度方面,混合人工鱼群算法比惩罚函数法和遗传算法有更加明显的优势,能够满足碰撞检测的实时性和精确性的要求。  相似文献   

针对凸多面体碰撞检测问题,以直线投影法为基础对分离面投影法进行改进,提出一种采用棱线投影分离的凸多面体实时精确碰撞检测算法.首先分析了凸多面体各种相对位置关系并提出了投影分离线的概念,针对凸多面体的各种分离情况证明投影分离线的存在;其次选取凸多面体相向面上的棱集构造准投影分离线,通过沿着准投影分离线方向投影可将3D凸多面体碰撞检测降维为2D凸多边形的碰撞检测问题;最后将分离投影的思想延用至为2D凸多边形的碰撞检测,再次将2D问题降维为1D问题.算法分析和实验结果表明,该算法对于凸多面体碰撞检测具有较高的响应速度和检测精度.  相似文献   

针对凸多面体碰撞检测问题,以直线投影法为基础对分离面投影法进行改进,提出一种采用棱线投影分离的凸多面体实时精确碰撞检测算法.首先分析了凸多面体各种相对位置关系并提出了投影分离线的概念,针对凸多面体的各种分离情况证明投影分离线的存在;其次选取凸多面体相向面上的棱集构造准投影分离线,通过沿着准投影分离线方向投影可将3D凸多面体碰撞检测降维为2D凸多边形的碰撞检测问题;最后将分离投影的思想延用至为2D凸多边形的碰撞检测,再次将2D问题降维为1D问题.算法分析和实验结果表明,该算法对于凸多面体碰撞检测具有较高的响应速度和检测精度.  相似文献   

基于启发式搜索分离向量的凸多面体碰撞检测   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
碰撞检测是计算机模拟物理过程的基础,在计算机图形学、CAD/CAM、虚拟现实和机器人等领域有着广泛的应用.该文给出了一个新的用于凸多面体碰撞检测的算法——HP-jump.HP-jump建立了一个有效的碰撞检测模型用于报告物体的碰撞,同时提供了一个快速的启发式的策略用于搜索两个凸多面体的分离向量.该算法是利用凸多面体的层次表示来搜索支撑顶点对,用平衡二叉树来记录球面凸多边形的顶点,同时还利用了时间、空间相关性,这些都加速了算法的执行.该文的最后给出了HP-jump与GJK,I-COLLIDE算法的比较.  相似文献   

三角形对的快速相交测试   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为提高碰撞检测的响应速度,提出了一种基于Ayellet算法的改进算法.该算法从代数的角度出发,首先快速排除掉三角形对不相交或共面的两种情况,然后分别计算一个三角形与另一个三角形所在平面的相交线段,最后检测这两条线段是否有公共点.如果有公共点则三角形对相交,反之则不相交.该算法也可以应用于类似的问题,如矩形对的相交测试,多边形对的相交测试.实验结果表明,该算法的速度优于改进前的算法.  相似文献   

在基于层次包围盒碰撞检测算法中,参与相交测试的包围盒的数目会直接影响到碰撞检测的速度.针对这一特点,利用虚拟环境中对象运动的时空相关性对包围盒树进行优化,通过跟踪上一时间点对包围盒树的遍历过程,确定当前时间点的遍历路径,从而有效地减少遍历过程中包围盒相交的次数.实验结果证明,算法能够有效地减少参与测试的包围盒数目,大大提高了碰撞检测的速度.  相似文献   

目前的碰撞检测方法大部分是基于简单的包围盒方法和简单的搜索算法的,这种算法精确度低且效率不高。基于凸分解与OBB层次结构的碰撞检测方法是对传统碰撞检测算法的一种改进,该方法继承了传统碰撞检测算法的优点,同时又对传统算法进行了必要的改进。实验证明,利用物体表面凸分解的方法解决了传统碰撞检测算法不能测试非凸物体相交的问题,拓宽了碰撞检测算法的应用范围;根据物体前后碰撞点的相关性,运用加速搜索提高了碰撞检测效率,降低了算法复杂度。  相似文献   

本文在对现有的相交检测算法进行研究的基础上,提出了基于夹边边对的空间平面凸多边形快速相交检测算法,为平面凸多边形间判交问题提供了一致的计算方法,并将算法的应用对象扩展到任意空间平面凸多边形。该算法分为两步:第一步,确定所要检测的两个凸多边形是否都存在相对于另一凸多边形所在平面的夹边边对,如果至少一个凸多多边形中不存在相对于另一凸多边形所在平面的夹边边对,那么立即返回两个多边形不相交;第二步,根据前面计算得到的两个凸多边形中的夹边边对,计算两组边对间对应夹边的符号距离判断两个多边形是否相交  相似文献   

提出一种面向操作手段装配系统的快速碰撞检测算法。该算法以机器人运动学和空间解析几何为基础,将判断机械手手臂与障碍物是否发生碰撞问题转化为直线段与有界平面是否存在公共点的简单解析几何问题,并以PUMA560操作手为例对算法加以说明,该算法不仅适用于静态的障碍物已知的环境,而且适用于障碍物运动规律已知的动态环境,减少了碰撞检测占用的时间,提高了路径规划的效率。  相似文献   

Reactive Path Planning in a Dynamic Environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper deals with the problem of path planning in a dynamic environment, where the workspace is cluttered with unpredictably moving objects. The concept of the virtual plane is introduced and used to create reactive kinematic-based navigation laws. A virtual plane is an invertible transformation equivalent to the workspace, which is constructed by using a local observer. This results in important simplifications of the collision detection process. Based on the virtual plane, it is possible to determine the intervals of the linear velocity and the paths that lead to collisions with moving obstacles and then derive a dynamic window for the velocity and the orientation to navigate the robot safely. The speed of the robot and the orientation angle are controlled independently using simple collision cones and collision windows constructed from the virtual plane. The robot's path is controlled using kinematic-based navigation laws that depend on navigation parameters. These parameters are tuned in real time to adjust the path of the robot. Simulation is used to illustrate collision detection and path planning.   相似文献   

Finding the intersection of two convex polyhedra   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Given two convex polyhedra in three-dimensional space, we develop an algorithm to (i) test whether their intersection is empty, and (ii) if so to find a separating plane, while (iii) if not to find a point in the intersection and explicitly construct their intersection polyhedron. The algorithm runs in timeO (nlogn), where n is the sum of the numbers of vertices of the two polyhedra. The part of the algorithm concerned with (iii) (constructing the intersection) is based upon the fact that if a point in the intersection is known, then the entire intersection is obtained from the convex hull of suitable geometric duals of the two polyhedra taken with respect to this point.  相似文献   

In the proposed method, a robot is modeled as a union of three kinds of primitives, namely ellipsoids, spheres and convex polyhedrons. It will be shown that any primitive can be represented as a quadratic inequality or a set of inequalities with transform matrix included. Based on this method and with the addition of safety margins, various algorithms are developed for collision detection between two primitives. The collision detection problem of robots, in which each robot moves along a prescribed path, is then solved in a primitive versus primitive and off-line manner.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种将任意多面体剖分为四面体的算法,给出了算法理论基础的证明、算法具体实现步骤及所用数据结构。该算法首先根据多面体类型,查找出符合剖分要求的多面体一个面与一个顶点,构成一个简单多面体,将原多面体剖分为该简单多面体和一个新的多面体,再 对新的多面体重复剖分,直到多面体全部剖分为简单多面体。每个简单多面体进一步剖分为四面体。最后,文章讨论了该算法在机器人碰撞检测中的应用。  相似文献   

Given a set of n half-spaces in three dimensional space, we develop an algorithm for finding their common intersection in time O(n log n). The intersection, if nonempty, is presented as a convex polyhedron. The algorithm is summarized as follows: (i) the half-spaces are placed in two sets depending upon whether they contain or do not contain the origin; (ii) the half-spaces in each of these sets are dualized to points, and the convex hulls of the dualized sets are obtained in time O(n log n); (iii) since the half-space intersection is nonempty if and only if these two convex hulls are disjoint, a separating plane is found, also in time O(n log n); (iv) after applying a linear spatial transformation which maps the separating plane to infinity, the convex hull of the union of the two transformed convex hulls is the transformed intersection of the half-spaces. Since the letter can be found in time O(n), the overall running time of the procedure is O(n log n). A significant consequence of this result is that a three-variable linear, or convex, programming problem can be asymptotically solved faster than by the Simplex algorithm, in the worst case.  相似文献   

空间散乱点集Delaunay四面体剖分切割算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出最大空圆凸多边形和最大空球凸多面体的概念 .在此基础上 ,提出一种空间散乱点集 Delaunay四面体剖分算法 ,即对空间散乱点集首先进行最大空球凸多面体剖分 ,然后在多面体内部作 Delaunay四面体剖分 .这种方法消除了“退化”现象 (平面 3个以上点共圆或空间 4个以上点共球面 )引起的潜在错误 .最后分析了一类常见的 De-launay四面体剖分算法的潜在错误  相似文献   

A collision-free motion planning method for mobile robots moving in 3-dimensional workspace is proposed in this article. To simplify the mathematical representation and reduce the computation complexity for collision detection, objects in the workspace are modeled as ellipsoids. By means of applying a series of coordinate and scaling transformations between the robot and the obstacles in the workspace, intersection check is reduced to test whether the point representing the robot falls outside or inside the transformed ellipsoids representing the obstacles. Therefore, the requirement of the computation time for collision detection is reduced drastically in comparison with the computational geometry method, which computes a distance function of the robot segments and the obstacles. As a measurement of the possible occurrence of collision, the collision index, which is defined by projecting conceptually an ellipsoid onto a 3-dimensional Gaussian distribution contour, plays a significant role in planning the collision-free path. The method based on reinforcement learning search using the defined collision index for collision-free motion is proposed. A simulation example is given in this article to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method. The result shows that the mobile robot can pass through the blocking obstacles and reach the desired final position successfully after several trials.  相似文献   

In some applications of industrial robots, the robot manipulator must traverse a pre-specified Cartesian path with its hand tip while links of the robot safely move among obstacles cluttered in the robot's scene (environment). In order to reduce the costs of collision detection, one approach is to reduce the number of collision checks by enclosing a few real obstacles with a larger (artificial) bounding volume (a cluster), e.g., by their convex hull [4, 14], without cutting the specified path.In this paper, we propose a recursive algorithm composed of four procedures to tackle the problem of clustering convex polygons cluttered around a specified path in a dynamic environment. A key fact observed is that the number k of clusters is actually determined by the specified path not by any criterion used in clustering. Based on this fact, an initial set of k clusters could be rapidly generated. Then, the initial set of clusters and its number is further refined for satisfying the minimum Euclidean distance criterion imposed in clustering. Compared to the heuristic algorithm in [14], complexity of the proposed algorithm is reduced by one order with respect to the number n of obstacles. Simulation are performed in both static and dynamic environments, which show that the recursive algorithm is very efficient and acquires less number k of clusters.  相似文献   

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