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移动运营商搭建的基站能够记录智能终端的活动,蕴涵着用户的移动行为以及基站的语义信息.针对城市中基站语义以及活动模式难以获取的问题,提出一种基于用户轨迹的基站语义及城市活动模式可视分析方法.该方法首先根据终端用户的轨迹构建基站序列,接着采用文本分析中的词嵌入技术对基站语义信息进行提取,对城市中的手机用户进行聚类以发现其移动模式.为了帮助用户对结果进行探索和分析,设计了基于用户轨迹以及基站语义的城市活动模式可视分析系统,能够根据用户的轨迹特征、基站的地域特征、用户访问基站的时空特征,对手机用户的行为以及城市的活动模式进行发现和解释.基于真实数据的实验结果表明,在系统用户的迭代交互中该方法能够帮助系统用户有效地结合基站轨迹及其基站语义信息,对城市居民行为模式以及城市整体的活动模式进行探索.  相似文献   

基于兴趣度的Web用户访问模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕佳 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(10):2403-2404,2407
Web日志隐含了用户访问Web行为的动因和规律,如何有效地从中挖掘出用户访问模式是Web日志挖掘的重要研究内容.构造了User_ID-URL矩阵,矩阵元素为用户访问页面的兴趣度.应用经典的模糊C-均值聚类算法进行用户访问模式分析,通过在真实数据集上的实验,结果表明引入了用户兴趣度的日志挖掘算法是行之有效的.  相似文献   

用户通话产生的详细话单数据具有丰富的时空信息和社交信息,这些信息在一定程度上反映了用户的生活习惯和社交模式,对于移动通信用户画像研究具有重要意义.我们的研究是基于中国某运营商提供的10 000名用户一个月详细话单数据,本文从用户日常移动模式方面提取移动距离、回旋半径、访问点个数和移动方向熵特征,从用户社交生活方面提取通话时长、联系人数量、主叫比率和社交熵特征,利用上述特征对用户进行群体划分和构建用户词云名片,从而完成对移动通信用户的画像研究.本文使用用户话单数据为推测用户属性、理解用户特征提供了新的视角.  相似文献   

针对城市区域语义及移动模式难以提取的问题,提出一种基于区域语义的城市移动模式可视分析方法用于直观地分析人群出行情况.通过提取用户通话特征,使用高斯混合模型区分基站通话模式来发现城市区域的功能性信息;进一步使用层次聚类算法对用户行为进行语义发现,分析区域用户行为规律;区域语义与用户语义结合分析,挖掘人群在区域间的移动模式.案例分析表明,该方法能有效地发现区域功能特征,结合数据能帮助分析人员发现城市间移动模式以及探索用户移动意图,得到用户移动模式和功能区域之间的联系.  相似文献   

变化数据捕获方法是数据集成基础设施的战略组成部分,不断推动ETL、EAI等技术的发展.许多数据库厂商都提供了自己的CDC(Change data capture)产品,但只限于针对本身的数据库系统,价格也比较昂贵.虽然通过扫描数据库日志文件可以捕获变化数据,但大多数数据库系统都不提供日志文件的内部格式而只是提供日志访问的程序接口,如Oracle,SQL Server和DB2等.这些提供的接口有的访问活动日志,有的访问稳定日志,有的访问归档日志,因此很难保证读取日志文件的可靠性.现有的研究主要是如何利用程序应用接口读取日志文件,忽略了对可靠性的分析.本文针对读取不同类型的日志文件的可靠性条件进行了分析,提出了可靠读取规则及读取算法;并提出了从日志文件中有效抽取变化数据算法,实验证明了可靠性分析模型.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new data mining algorithm which involves incremental mining for user moving patterns in a mobile computing environment and exploit the mining results to develop data allocation schemes so as to improve the overall performance of a mobile system. First, we propose an algorithm to capture the frequent user moving patterns from a set of log data in a mobile environment. The algorithm proposed is enhanced with the incremental mining capability and is able to discover new moving patterns efficiently without compromising the quality of results obtained. Then, in light of mining results of user moving patterns and the properties of data objects, we develop data allocation schemes that can utilize the knowledge of user moving patterns for proper allocation of both personal and shared data. By employing the data allocation schemes, the occurrences of costly remote accesses can be minimized and the performance of a mobile computing system is thus improved. For personal data allocation, two schemes are devised: one utilizes the set level of moving patterns and the other utilizes their path level. Schemes for shared data are also developed. Performance of these schemes is comparatively analyzed.  相似文献   

Web日志挖掘是将数据挖掘技术应用到Web服务器的日志中,发现Web用户的行为模式,以便进一步改善网站结构或为用户提供个性化的服务。文中探讨了Web日志挖掘中的用户识别算法,提出了一种多重约束条件的用户识别算法。  相似文献   

Nowadays movement patterns and people’s behavioral models are needed for traffic engineers and city planners. These observations could be used to reason about mobility and its sustainability and to support decision makers with reliable information. The very same knowledge about human diaspora and behavior extracted from these data is also valuable to the urban planner, so as to localize new services, organize logistics systems and to detect changes as they occur in the movement behavior. Moreover, it is interesting to investigate movement in places like a shopping area or a working district either for commercial purposes or for improving the service quality. These kinds of tracking data are made available by wireless and mobile communication technologies. It is now possible to record and collect a large amount of mobile phone calls in a city. Technologies for object tracking have recently become affordable and reliable and hence we were able to collect mobile phone data from a city in China from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008. The large amount of phone call records from mobile operators can be considered as life mates and sensors of persons to inform howmany people are present in any given area and how many are entering or leaving. Each phone call record usually contains the caller and callee IDs, date and time, and the base station where the phone calls are made. As mobile phones are widely used in our daily life, many human behaviors can be revealed by analyzing mobile phone data. Through mobile phones, we can learn the information about locations, communications between mobile phone users during their daily lives. In this work, we propose a comprehensive visual analysis system named as MViewer, Mobile phone spatiotemporal data Viewer, which is the first system to visualize and analyze the population’smobility patterns from millions of phone call records. Our system consists of three major components: 1) visual analysis of user groups in a base station; 2) visual analysis of the mobility patterns on different user groups making phone calls in certain base stations; 3) visual analysis of handoff phone call records. Some well-established visualization techniques such as parallel coordinates and pixelbased representations have been integrated into our system. We also develop a novel visualization schemes, Voronoidiagram-based visual encoding to reveal the unique features of mobile phone data. We have applied our system to real mobile phone datasets that are kindly provided by our project partners and obtained some interesting findings regarding people’s mobility patterns.  相似文献   

Mobile phone data help us to understand human activities. Researchers have investigated the characteristics and relationships of human activities and regional function using information from physical and virtual spaces. However, how to establish location mapping between spaces to explore the relationships between mobile phone call activity and regional function remains unclear. In this paper, we employ a self-organizing map (SOM) to map locations with 24-dimensional activity attributes and identify relationships between users' mobile phone call activities and regional functions. We apply mobile phone call data from Harbin, a city in northeast China, to build the location mapping relationships between user clusters of mobile phone call activity and points of interest (POI) composition in geographical space. The results indicate that for mobile phone call activities, mobile phone users are mapped to five locations that represent particular mobile phone call patterns. Regarding regional functions, we identified nine unique types of functional areas that are related to production, business, entertainment and education according to the patterns of users and POI proportions. We then explored the correlations between users and POIs for each type of area. The results of this research provide new insights into the relationships between human activity and regional functions.  相似文献   

Web使用挖掘是数据挖掘技术在Web信息仓库中的应用.Web使用挖掘通过挖掘Web服务器日志获取的知识来预测用户浏览行为,是Web挖掘技术中的一个重要研究方向.通常发现的知识或一些意外规则很可能是不精确的、不完备的,这就需要用软计算技术如粗糙集来解决.提出一种基于粗糙近似的聚类方法,该方法能够实现从Web访问日志中聚类Web事务.通过这种方法可以有效地挖掘Web日志记录,从而发现用户存取Web页面的模式.  相似文献   

The technologies of mobile communications pervade our society and wireless networks sense the movement of people, generating large volumes of mobility data, such as mobile phone call records and Global Positioning System (GPS) tracks. In this work, we illustrate the striking analytical power of massive collections of trajectory data in unveiling the complexity of human mobility. We present the results of a large-scale experiment, based on the detailed trajectories of tens of thousands private cars with on-board GPS receivers, tracked during weeks of ordinary mobile activity. We illustrate the knowledge discovery process that, based on these data, addresses some fundamental questions of mobility analysts: what are the frequent patterns of people’s travels? How big attractors and extraordinary events influence mobility? How to predict areas of dense traffic in the near future? How to characterize traffic jams and congestions? We also describe M-Atlas, the querying and mining language and system that makes this analytical process possible, providing the mechanisms to master the complexity of transforming raw GPS tracks into mobility knowledge. M-Atlas is centered onto the concept of a trajectory, and the mobility knowledge discovery process can be specified by M-Atlas queries that realize data transformations, data-driven estimation of the parameters of the mining methods, the quality assessment of the obtained results, the quantitative and visual exploration of the discovered behavioral patterns and models, the composition of mined patterns, models and data with further analyses and mining, and the incremental mining strategies to address scalability.  相似文献   

Most work on pattern mining focuses on simple data structures such as itemsets and sequences of itemsets. However, a lot of recent applications dealing with complex data like chemical compounds, protein structures, XML and Web log databases and social networks, require much more sophisticated data structures such as trees and graphs. In these contexts, interesting patterns involve not only frequent object values (labels) appearing in the graphs (or trees) but also frequent specific topologies found in these structures. Recently, several techniques for tree and graph mining have been proposed in the literature. In this paper, we focus on constraint-based tree pattern mining. We propose to use tree automata as a mechanism to specify user constraints over tree patterns. We present the algorithm CoBMiner which allows user constraints specified by a tree automata to be incorporated in the mining process. An extensive set of experiments executed over synthetic and real data (XML documents and Web usage logs) allows us to conclude that incorporating constraints during the mining process is far more effective than filtering the interesting patterns after the mining process.  相似文献   

Mobility path information of cell phone users play a crucial role in a wide range of cell phone applications, including context based search and advertising, early warning systems, city-wide sensing applications such as air pollution exposure estimation and traffic planning. However, there is a disconnect between the low level location data logs available from the cell phones and the high level mobility path information required to support these cell phone applications. In this paper, we present formal definitions to capture the cell phone users’ mobility patterns and profiles, and provide a complete framework, Mobility Profiler, for discovering mobile cell phone user profiles starting from cell based location data. We use real-world cell phone log data (of over 350 K h of coverage) to demonstrate our framework and perform experiments for discovering frequent mobility patterns and profiles. Our analysis of mobility profiles of cell phone users expose a significant long tail in a user’s location-time distribution: A total of 15% of a cell phone user’s time is spent on average in locations that each appears with less than 1% of total time.  相似文献   

数据挖掘技术分支很多,其中,基于用户访问模式的挖掘(也称Web日志挖掘或使用记录的挖掘)对于一个企业网站的建设有重要的意义.本文结合一个大型图书网站的建设,来研究基于用户访问模式的数据挖掘技术在大型网站中的应用.首先介绍了用户访问模式(Web使用记录)挖掘的基本流程,接着详细介绍了数据结构的设计,数据顸处理,挖掘算法的应用,规则的生成等关键性的数据挖掘技术,最后介绍了产生的规则的应用.  相似文献   

在互联网智能化的过程中,互联网用户行为的分析是一个必要的工作.通过架设网络代理,记录用户在互联网上发出的HTTP请求,建立用户行为日志库,并根据Web访问的特性对用户行为日志进行过滤、聚类,缩减数据规模,最后利用开放式分类目录ODP(Open Directory Project)对用户行为进行分类统计,将没有语义信息的...  相似文献   

The aim of process mining is to discover the process model from the event log which is recorded by the information system. Typical steps of process mining algorithm can be described as: (1) generating event traces from event log, (2) analyzing event traces and obtaining ordering relations of tasks, (3) generating process model with ordering relations of tasks. The first two steps could be very time consuming involving millions of events and thousands of event traces. This paper presents a novel algorithm (λ-algorithm) which almost eliminates these two steps in generating event traces from event log and analyzing event traces so as to reduce the performance of process mining algorithm. Firstly, we retrieve the event multiset (input data of algorithm marked as MS) which records the frequency of each event but ignores their orders when extracted from event logs. The event in event multiset contains the information of post-activities. Secondly, we obtain ordering relations from event multiset. The ordering relations contain causal dependency, potential parallelism and non-potential parallelism. Finally, we discover a process models with ordering relations. The complexity of λ-algorithm is only bound up with the event classes (the set of events in event logs) that has significantly improved the performance of existing process mining algorithms and is expected to be more practical in real-world process mining based on event logs, as well as being able to detect SWF-nets, short-loops and most of implicit dependency (generated by non-free choice constructions).  相似文献   

随着WWW应用的高速发展和广泛普及,WWW服务器上收集大量的Web日志。对这些日志进行实时的数据开采,可得到大量关联规则,这些规则存放在实时规则数据库中。为了能即时并准确得到最能反映当前用户访问模式的规则,我们需要一套建立在规则形式基础上的查询和触发器系统,从实时规则数据库中,分析出Web用户当前访问模式的变化趋势。  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to location-based mobile services. The movement (trajectory) data extraction from logs related to network proximity is considered. Usually, this type of pattern extraction (search) relates to trajectory databases containing geoposition information. We consider a model of context-aware computing (a context-aware browser) based on network proximity. A mobile phone is considered as a proximity sensor. The geoposition information is replaced with the network proximity. Any existing or specially created network node can be regarded as a sensor of presence that provides access to dynamically determined network content. The disclosure of the content depends on the set of rules describing the conditions of network’s proximity. An algorithm is given for calculating the trajectories in mobile networks based on information about the network’s proximity.  相似文献   

用户Web日志序列模式挖掘研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李林  崔志明 《微机发展》2005,15(5):119-121,157
单个用户访问网站能够留下大量的访问信息,合理地挖掘这些信息便能够得到用户个人的访问模式。文中将序列模式挖掘运用到单一用户Web日志上.最终可以得到单一用户的访问序列模式。在序列模式挖掘过程中,将传统的序列模式挖掘概念进行了扩充,对应到单一用户的序列模式上;运用Session来划分时间段,增强了时间的概念;运用概念格的理论,很好地实现了增量序列模式挖掘。并使用一个新的算法,解决MFP(最大前向路径)在Web日志中获取存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

李健  付雄  王俊昌 《计算机应用研究》2020,37(10):3135-3138
为了有效地从物联网移动设备的数字信息中挖掘出用户在日常行为中的轨迹异常,针对现有用户异常轨迹检测算法效率低的问题,提出了一种双层聚类的用户轨迹异常检测方法。考虑到移动终端设备中的轨迹信息数据量大、分布不均匀等特点,该方法在特定的空间距离与时间间隔下提取出停留点集合,并对这些点进行层次聚类,根据结果划分出停留区域,进而发现其中的异常停留区域;最后,对停留区域之间发生的运动轨迹段进行二次层次聚类,发现异常轨迹段。实验结果表明,该方法在发现异常轨迹时,相较于传统算法,既全面地检测出异常轨迹,又加快了异常检测的速度。  相似文献   

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