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基于Web的工作流管理系统:co-Flow   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
讨论Internet环境下协同产品开发的特征,研究它对工作流管理系统的要求,为适应这些要求,提出一些基于Web的工作流管理系统软件体系结构,并详细介绍了该系统中的基于XML的工作流过程定义和分布式流引擎间的互操作机制。该系统的软件原型“co-Flow”能够适应Internt环境下协同产品开发的需求。  相似文献   

复旦协达CTOP协同软件是一个基于Internet环境的高效协同工作平台,同时又是优秀的个人办公工具。  相似文献   

软件形态受到应用、平台和技术发展的影响而不断演化。由于Internet这一新的计算环境的普及,传统的软件形态逐渐无法适应Internet环境下的开发和应用,需要研究新的软件形态和软件技术。该文在分析软件发展历史的基础上结合相关研究说明了基于Internet环境的网构软件(Internetware)是未来软件的发展趋势,介绍了网构软件的基本特征,并说明了网构软件领域的研究问题。  相似文献   

基于Internet的软件协同开发系统设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘波 《计算机工程》2001,27(5):100-101,149
基于Internet的软件协同开发是一种计算机支持的协同工作,介绍了利用Winsock2技术设计和实现基于Internet的软件协同开发系统,它是为了在Internet上建立协同开发软件的集成功能环境,方便群体讨论、远程存取文件和远程调试程序,便于对整个开发过程实施监控,提高软件开发效率。  相似文献   

数据传输工具DataTrans的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了适应网络分布计算环境下软件应用的需要,开发基于网络的软件支撑平台已成为当务之急。作为网络分布软件支撑平台的一部分,DataTrans在Internet/Intranet环境中为异构数据源之间提供基于多种通信方式的、传送双方彼此独立的、用户界面友好的数据传输功能。文章给出了DataTrans的体系结构和实现特点,阐述了面向对象设计方法和设计模式技术在其中的应用。  相似文献   

软件在其生命周期内如何对其进行较小修改或者不修改就能适应软件需求和环境变化是软件工程追求的目标之一.文中分析了体系结构在软件配置中的作用,提出了基于映射模型和面向构件的层次消息总线体系结构软件设计,使得软件系统具备重配置能力,这样可以提高软件的灵活性、适应性这一软件内在质量,延长软件系统的生命期.最后用一个实例证明对象映射协同模型的有效性.  相似文献   

作为Internet环境下的一种新的软件形态,网构软件的自主性、协同性、适应性、演化性及柔性体系结构等特点对传统的程序设计模型、语言和支撑平台提出了一系列挑战.本文基于组织抽象和agent技术提出了支持网构软件构造的程序设计语言OragentL.首先,OragentL将软件agent作为网构软件中自主实体的抽象,并在这一层面设计和封装系统的自适应和自演化逻辑.其次,OragentL将组织、角色等组织抽象作为一级编程实体,提供了角色扮演、角色组合、角色演化、基于角色的交互、基于组织的自管理等机制为网构软件的动态性特点提供了显式的语言设施和机制支撑.我们设计了OragentL的语法和形式化操作语义,并开发了Oragentburg作为OragentL网构软件的运行时环境,支持OragentL程序的开发、编译、部署和运行  相似文献   

文章分析了原Agent平台ABFSC在开放的Internet环境中的明显不足:熟人必须静态绑定;Agent能力必须事先知道。提出了基于中介Agent的辅助服务体系,它实现了Agent能力的动态发布和Agent熟人的动态绑定。并重点讨论了中介Agent的设计与实现中的关键技术。  相似文献   

对网构软件的形成和测试进行了理论的分析,并提出了具体的实现方法.综述了基于Internet平台上的新形态的软件,即网构软件的概念、特征及其生命力,网构软件形态和传统软件形态的区别,传统软件的测试前提、技术和步骤以及传统的测试方法.提出了网构软件在Internet平台上实现的雏形,及网构软件实现过程中的测试方法.  相似文献   

王飞跃  张俊 《自动化学报》2017,43(12):2061-2070
本文旨在讨论智联网(Internet of minds,IoM)的基本概念,核心问题和关键平台技术.首先阐述智联网概念的智能时代发展需求和科学哲学思想基础,然后阐述智联网技术的背景、定义、实质,及其实现协同认知智能的目标,并举例说明其前沿应用领域,包括物理信息社会系统、软件定义系统及流程、工业智联网.接下来探讨智联网的核心问题:知识的获取、知识的协同表征和传递、以及知识的关联和协同运行.最后简单描述了智联网的关键平台技术,包括虚实平行的平台体系和基于互联网、物联网、区块链和软件定义网络的社会化通信计算平台,为分布式、自组织、自运行的安全智联网系统提供基础设施.  相似文献   

随着物联网的发展,大量不同的设备通过各种不同的方式连接到物联网中,使普适计算环境更加复杂和多样化,因此要求在物联网环境下的普适计算框架能适应新的计算条件的变化。提出了一种新的普适计算框架,以便在物联网环境中普适计算系统能够自动适应复杂多样的软硬件运行环境,使软件无需修改就可以在整个物联网环境中任意地执行,实现普适计算的服务发现、上下文感知与服务迁移功能。提出物联网环境下普适计算的基本运算单元为"动态计算网络",使用"设备动态匹配"作为普适计算软件自动适应环境的解决方案。提出的动态计算网络增强了普适计算软件对物联网环境的适应性,为面向物联网的通用软件系统设计提供了一种有效的解决方法。  相似文献   

A mobile-agent-based approach to software coordination in the HOOPE system   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Software coordination is central to the construction of large-scale high-performance distributed applications with software services scattered over the decentralized Internet. In this paper, a new mobile-agent-based architecture is proposed for the utilization and coordination of geographically distributed computing resources. Under this architecture, a user application is built with a set of software agents that can travel across the network autonomously. These agents utilize the distributed resources and coordinate with each other to complete their task. This approach' s advantages include the natural expression and flexible deployment of the coordination logic, the dynamic adaptation to the network environment and the potential of better application performance. This coordination architecture, together with an object-oriented hierarchical parallel application framework and a graphical application construction tool, is implemented in the HOOPE environment, which provides a systematic support for the de  相似文献   

软件系统的演化需要具有灵活性、适应性的软件体系结构的支持。提出一种在组织结构上具有固有的动态性的软件体系结构理论模型——动态树型软件体系结构模型(DTSAM)。在DTSAM定义的软件体系结构组织结构下,软件系统的演化抽象成为一棵动态树的渐增和渐减。其中,所设计的渐增和渐减算法分别定义了动态树的增减过程;所设计的生长函数中适应性因子的调节,使得软件体系结构在组织结构层次上具有整体适应性和局部适应性。最后应用模型对例子系统仿真,其过程产生的结果也证实了这种适应性。  相似文献   

Internet-based Web application systems are gradually built as software service coordination systems. In an open, dynamic and collaborative application environment, traditional methods assumed with closeness, centralization and independence are not able to cope with these security problems efficiently. Trust management is a new method for dealing with security issues of open, distributed network application system. However, the traditional policy-based trust management systems have some shortcomings, i.e. complex in policy making, unable to deal with negative se-curity credentials, etc. So, we design a trust management framework in combination with subjective trust model for software service coordination and security decision in Internet environment. This trust management framework has characteristics of operability, reasonability, and flexibility in policy setting.  相似文献   

In this paper a new intelligent robot control scheme is presented which enables a cooperative work of humans and robots through direct contact interaction in a partially known environment. Because of the high flexibility and adaptability, the human–robot cooperation is expected to have a wide range of applications in uncertain environments, not only in future construction and manufacturing industries but also in service branches. A multi-agent control architecture gives an appropriate frame for the flexibility of the human–robot-team. Robots are considered as intelligent autonomous assistants of humans which can mutually interact on a symbolic level and a physical level. This interaction is achieved through the exchange of information between humans and robots, the interpretation of the transmitted information, the coordination of the activities and the cooperation between independent system components. Equipped with sensing modalities for the perception of the environment, the robot system KAMRO (Karlsruhe Autonomous Mobile Robot) is introduced to demonstrate the principles of the cooperation among humans and robot agents. Experiments were conducted to prove the effectiveness of our concept.  相似文献   

To respond quickly to the rapidly changing manufacturing environment, it is imperative for the system to have such capabilities as flexibility, adaptability, and reusability. The fractal manufacturing system (FrMS) is a new manufacturing paradigm designed to meet these requirements. To facilitate a dynamic reconfiguration of system elements (i.e., fractals), agents as well as software modules should be self-reconfigurable. Embodiment of a self-reconfigurable manufacturing system can be achieved by using self-reconfigurable software architecture. In this paper, therefore, self-reconfigurable software architecture is designed by conducting the following studies: (1) analysis of functional requirements of a fractal and environmental constraints, (2) design of reconfigurable software architecture especially for a reconfigurable agent, (3) selection of proper techniques to implement software modules, and realization of software architecture equipped with self-reconfigurability. To validate this approach, the designed architecture is applied to the FrMS.  相似文献   

One of the major investments of information technologies in large companies in the past decade has been the enterprise system. Although the enterprise system has the advantages of managing and integrating almost all of the business processes in the whole company, there have been strong criticisms that the enterprise system often imposes its own logic or business process on a company and lacks flexibility and adaptability in today's dynamic business environment. The goal of this paper is to outline a new approach in enterprise system development. We analyse the factors that affect the adoption of enterprise systems. Market and business changes, and advances in information technologies call for a more flexible, open, and scalable enterprise architecture. We describe the process that Dell Computer Corporation took in adopting its component-based enterprise system architecture. The Dell example has demonstrated the importance of fit between business information systems and fundamental organizational dimensions of the company including strategy, business environment, and organizational structure. We also discuss the design methodologies for component-based enterprise system design. We take a coordination perspective, both at the software level and the organizational level, in addressing the design methodologies for component-based enterprise system development.  相似文献   

面向服务的织女星网格系统软件设计与评测   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
网格是开放的分布式系统,具有自治、动态和可扩展特性.在Internet环境下实现网格系统必须解决大规模资源共享与协同问题,也就是如何将Internet上无序的资源有序组织的问题.织女星网格系统软件针对现有网格平台软件存在的不足,借鉴传统计算机系统结构的方法来研究网格体系结构及其系统软件.面向网格应用的共性需求,提出了面向服务的层次化软件结构;引入网格资源空间的概念,实现了网格资源的虚拟化,屏蔽使用网格资源的技术细节.文章通过对网格关键问题的讨论,阐述了织女星网格系统软件的关键技术和设计思路,并通过对传统批作业的测试,分析了织女星网格系统软件的性能.  相似文献   

The global marketplace and the Internet have served as catalysts for enterprise integration (EI), both within a company and between a company and its suppliers and partners. EI software architectures, or frameworks, are often built on top of standard middleware and typically lack the ability to function in dynamic environments where flexibility, adaptability, and knowledge management are crucial. Furthermore, they do not scale well to wide-area enterprises that extend across organizational boundaries. These frameworks nevertheless offer a cost-effective basis for resource management, user coordination, knowledge exchange, and information extraction in a virtual enterprise. The paper considers how, by incorporating agents with their inherently distributed characteristics of autonomy, reasoning or intelligence, and goal-driven behavior, existing EI frameworks can be enhanced to support adaptive virtual enterprises  相似文献   

为描述分布式开发环境中的软件可靠性增长情况,提出一种分布式开发环境下软件系统的可靠性模型。在实际的软件可靠性数据集上,通过使用适应性度量和AIC准则,对所提模型进行验证和评价。实验结果证明,该模型能捕获大量的可靠性成长曲线,具备较强的适用性和灵活性,且使用该模型所描述的分布式软件开发环境更符合实际情况。  相似文献   

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