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曹玲 《福建电脑》2007,(8):80-81
面向特征的领域分析(FODA)方法为领域分析定义了具体的过程和阶段,具有较强的操作性.本文结合面向对象领域建模和面向特征的领域分析方法.以设施预定管理软件产品家族为例,讨论了面向特征的领域分析的过程.通过领域用例模型和特征模型来描述领域共性和变化性,建立领域分析模型,实现需求的复用.  相似文献   

结合面向对象领域建模和面向特征的领域分析方法,提出了一种面向特征的软件产品家族建模方案,通过特征模型和用例模型来描述家族内产品的共性和变化性,建立产品家族的领域分析模型,以实现需求的复用.结合高校设备预定管理,讨论了软件产品家族的领域建模过程.  相似文献   

文中详细探讨了特征和特征的表现机制、特征模型的建立,介绍了面向特征的领域分析方法,并将这种方法应用在集团化企业供应物流领域建模中,通过对集团化企业供应物流的详细分析,建立了供应物流领域的特征模型.  相似文献   

在领域工程中,特征模型描述了领域需求之间的关系,在共性和特性之间进行区别,在复杂软件系统设计和实现中扮演了重要的角色.介绍了特征建模方法的起源和发展,分析和比较了两种典型的特征定义,从特征模型体系结构,特征模型的表现、特征变化性和组合规则、特征建模工具和特征模型的应用等方面阐述了特征建模领域的若干研究活动,介绍了特征建模方法的主要研究现状以及研究方向.  相似文献   

基于描述逻辑的特征语义建模及验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在软件产品线方法中,特征模型已被广泛用于获取领域需求以支持软件复用.但在一定程度上,各种方法对刻画特征模型以及特征之间约束关系存在语义上的冗余和混乱,不能有效对特征模型进行验证,也限制各种不同特征建模方法之间特征信息的共享.采用描述逻辑刻画了特征模型中的特征类、特征间关系与约束等方面,定义了特征间互斥、需要等约束的规则集合,用于对知识库中的语义特征模型实例进行一致性、完整性验证.并结合一个具体领域,对基于描述逻辑的特征建模及推理验证进行了详细论述.此研究对于领域特征模型的语义建模与验证、支持领域模型共享具有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

基于构件的地理工作流框架:一个方法学的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘瑜  高勇  王映辉  邬伦  王立福 《软件学报》2005,16(8):1395-1406
软件框架为特定领域的软件复用带来了便利.众所周知,软件框架开发的难度要大于开发一个普通可复用构件.采用支持黑盒复用的基于构件的软件框架概念,探讨了地理工作流框架的开发过程.一个地理工作流应用是地理信息领域的工作流管理系统,它可以通过复用地理工作流框架实现.从方法学的角度看,为了开发地理工作流框架,需要进行以下活动:领域分析、领域设计、框架设计和实现.其输出分别是识别了领域变化性的领域模型、领域特定的软件体系结构(DSSA)、软件框架产品.在地理工作流的上下文中,首先对领域变化性进行了识别和分类,包括空间数据类型、空间数据管理、空间操作、过程和空间数据表现5个方面的变化性,它们可以组织成树状视图.然后,为了处理上述变化性,设计了DSSA和框架的软件体系结构,其中前者是后者的模板,而框架体系结构采用HMB风格.最后,对地理工作流框架构件的开发以及框架复用进行了简单描述.与其他地理工作流系统相比,其优势在于由于框架扩展能力带来的灵活性.  相似文献   

将领域工程应用于智能交通系统,对交通领域内变化性需求进行封装、隔离和抽象,指导交通构件的设计与实现。解决交通领域内可复用信息的识别、组织和利用,满足交通领域内软件复用、资源共享与协同的要求。基于FODA领域工程分析方法,扩展其面向特征的建模方法。结合交通领域工程的交通信息发布服务应用实例,说明面向特征领域建模方法的可行性。  相似文献   

领域驱动设计结合了分析模型与设计模型,在领域建模中应用设计模式不仅可以帮助做出更加灵活、更加符合领域逻辑的设计,而且有助于把分析模型平滑地转换为实现模型.然而传统的设计模式一般着眼于技术问题,用类、继承和接口来表达,本文将领域模型元素引入设计模式,并以此分类,探讨、归纳了设计模式对领域建模支持和优化的一般方法.  相似文献   

领域驱动设计作为一种应对领域复杂性的软件开发方法,近年来得到了广泛应用.作为其中的关键步骤,领域建模仍然面临着领域模型与程序设计之间松散的逻辑关系带来的种种问题.为了应对此问题,基于模型驱动的逆向工程,提出了一种面向领域驱动设计的代码到模型的转换方法,以更好地支持领域建模,并实现了自动化工具原型.该方法能够实时抽象出程序设计对应的领域模型,一方面有助于通过对比程序设计与领域模型的分歧来避免设计偏离模型,另一方面减少了知识消化过程中对代码实现细节的依赖,从而促进了程序设计对建模过程的反馈.案例研究部分将该方法应用于实际软件项目,结果充分表明了其有效性.  相似文献   

嵌入式数控系统模型层验证设计策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析传统嵌入式数控的开发方法上的不足,以及目前对其开发方法的诸多变革的基础上,提出并实现将特定领域模型驱动开发融入到嵌入式数控系统的开发,构建了嵌入式数控系统模型层验证框架.该方法为嵌入式数控系统的开发提升了相应的抽象层次,提高了模型在系统开发中的作用,并利于提高系统的可操作性、可靠性、开发效率.通过对数控系统不同工作模式在第三方工具(StateFlow)的仿真实例,详述了该方法在特定领域建模语言的构建、模型转换的实现等方面的细节,并给出了转换后的对应StateFlow模型图.  相似文献   

基于特征模型和构件语义的概念体系结构设计   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
彭鑫  赵文耘  刘奕明 《软件学报》2006,17(6):1307-1317
特定领域软件体系结构(domain-specific software architecture,简称DSSA)是特定领域开发中的重要资产,而基于特征的领域模型使得从领域需求到DSSA的映射成为可能.引入本体作为特征模型的描述基础,通过该方法得到的领域特征本体将同时作为领域内业务构件的语义描述基础存在.在此基础上,提出了基于特征模型和构件语义的概念体系结构设计方法.该方法综合考虑了特征模型中的共性、可变性、绑定时间以及结构关系、依赖关系等对DSSA设计的影响,同时以构件语义作为特征到概念构件设计的过渡.相关方法已经实现为基于本体的特征建模工具和基于特征模型的体系结构设计工具,为特征驱动的领域开发提供了有力的支持.  相似文献   

Domain analysis in software product line (SPL) development provides a basis for core assets design and implementation by a systematic and comprehensive commonality/variability analysis. In feature-oriented SPL methods, products of the domain analysis are domain feature models and corresponding feature decision models to facilitate application-oriented customization. As in requirement analysis for a single system, the domain analysis in the SPL development should consider both functional and nonfunctional domain requirements. However, the nonfunctional requirements (NFRs) are often neglected in the existing domain analysis methods. In this paper, we propose a context-based method of the NFR analysis for the SPL development. In the method, NFRs are materialized by connecting nonfunctional goals with real-world context, thus NFR elicitation and variability analysis can be performed by context analysis for the whole domain with the assistance of NFR templates and NFR graphs. After the variability analysis, our method integrates both functional and nonfunctional perspectives by incorporating the nonfunctional goals and operationalizations into an initial functional feature model. NFR-related constraints are also elicited and integrated. Finally, a decision model with both functional and nonfunctional perspectives is constructed to facilitate application-oriented feature model customization. A computer-aided grading system (CAGS) product line is employed to demonstrate the method throughout the paper. This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 60703092 and 90818009, the National High Technology Research and Development 863 Program of China under Grant No. 2007AA01Z125.  相似文献   

In the last years, attention has been devoted to the development of ontologies, which are ICT conceptual models allowing a formal and shared representation of a particular domain of discourse, and to the use of these representations in a variety of contexts, among which also the industrial engineering can be counted. Within the industrial engineering field, the manufacturing domain has not yet seen a wide application of ontologies. This paper firstly shows the use of ontologies for the semantic annotation of a Web Service-based architecture for the control of manufacturing systems; and then contributes to the research field of manufacturing domain ontologies by proposing a thorough literature review and analysis of the available languages supporting such objective. The paper collects the main requirements that semantic languages must meet to be used in the manufacturing domain with the outlined purpose. In fact, the available semantic languages are several and characterized by different features: the paper identifies the most proper ones for the manufacturing domain representation thanks to their analysis against the main requirements. Lastly, the paper shows how the discussed topics are deployed in a real industrial example.  相似文献   

This paper presents our experience of modeling land transportation domain in the formal framework of Event-B. Well-specified requirements are crucial for good software design; they depend on the understanding of the domain. Thus, domain engineering becomes an essential activity. The possibility to have a formal model of a domain, consistent with the use of formal methods for developing critical software working within it, is an important issue. Safety-critical domains, like transportation, exhibit interesting features, such as high levels of nondeterminism, complex interactions, stringent safety properties, and multifaceted timing attributes. The formal representation of these features is a challenging task. We explore the possibility of utilizing Event-B as a domain engineering tool. We discuss the problems we faced during this exercise and how we tackled them. Special attention is devoted to the issue of the validation of the model, in particular with a technique based on the animation of specifications. Event-B is mature enough to be an effective tool to model domains except in some areas, temporal properties mainly, where more work is still needed.  相似文献   

基于正交化设计思想的领域特征模型构造过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
特征模型是现阶段领域工程普遍采用的描述领域需求的方法,本文在已有研究的基础上,针对现有特征模型结构上的不足,参考正交软件体系结构的设计思想提出了正交化特征模型的思想,给出了一个正交特征模型的构造过程.实践证明正交特征模型具有结构清晰,易转化为构件模型,可保持分析阶段和设计阶段的追踪性等优点.  相似文献   

Cognitive engineering of a new telephone operator workstation using COGNET   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many cognitive engineering methodologies for user-centered design involve modeling procedural knowledge; others deal with domain semantics or conceptual models. COGnitive NEwork of Tasks (COGNET) is a framework for modeling human cognition and decision-making which provides an integrated representation of the knowledge, behavioral actions, strategies and problem solving skills used in a domain or task situation, yielding a powerful cognitive engineering tool. A case study of the design of the user interface for a new telephone operator workstation is presented to illustrate the derivation of the design from the components of the COGNET model. The model does not directly convey any specific feature of the interface design, but rather a formal representation of what the user must do with the resulting interface. This information is then evolved through a set of transformations which systematically move toward design features, in a fully traceable manner.

Relevance to industry

With the increasing prevalence of technical systems in complex work domains, cognitive engineering is necessary in designing the user interface for those systems to promote efficient integration of person and machine. The cognitive engineering methodology presented here addresses that need.  相似文献   

A Software Product Line is a set of software systems of a domain, which share some common features but also have significant variability. A feature model is a variability modeling artifact which represents differences among software products with respect to variability relationships among their features. Having a feature model along with a reference model developed in the domain engineering lifecycle, a concrete product of the family is derived by selecting features in the feature model (referred to as the configuration process) and by instantiating the reference model. However, feature model configuration can be a cumbersome task because: 1) feature models may consist of a large number of features, which are hard to comprehend and maintain; and 2) many factors including technical limitations, implementation costs, stakeholders’ requirements and expectations must be considered in the configuration process. Recognizing these issues, a significant amount of research efforts has been dedicated to different aspects of feature model configuration such as automating the configuration process. Several approaches have been proposed to alleviate the feature model configuration challenges through applying visualization and interaction techniques. However, there have been limited empirical insights available into the impact of visualization and interaction techniques on the feature model configuration process. In this paper, we present a set of visualization and interaction interventions for representing and configuring feature models, which are then empirically validated to measure the impact of the proposed interventions. An empirical study was conducted by following the principles of control experiments in software engineering and by applying the well-known software quality standard ISO 9126 to operationalize the variables investigated in the experiment. The results of the empirical study revealed that the employed visualization and interaction interventions significantly improved completion time of comprehension and changing of the feature model configuration. Additionally, according to results, the proposed interventions are easy-to-use and easy-to-learn for the participants.  相似文献   

为了准确地获取和复用C4ISR系统需求,提出基于多本体的需求获取与建模框架。详细介绍了在此框架下进行需求建模的过程,首先明确用户的目标模型,然后使用目标对已有的领域知识库进行查询,如果发现匹配的目标,则利用目标-任务的映射关系抽取相关知识,如果没有匹配的目标,则生成概念描述框架引导用户提出需求,最后将两部分需求合并形成最终的需求模型。需求建模过程一方面能够复用已有需求,另一方面能够在本体的引导下提出新的需求,保证了需求模型的质量和建模的效率。  相似文献   

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