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针对传统CBT(计算机支持的教育培训)系统用户单一、沉浸感不强、不支持协同学习等问题,提出协同虚拟环境支持下技能训练系统的实现方案.采用分层结构思想,设计系统的框架结构和工作流程;提出基于模型复杂度的快速建模策略,构建协同虚拟训练场景;利用并发服务器通信技术,构建多用户协同工作环境;采用定时采集和发送数据的方法,降低协同感知过程中服务器的负担;结合矢量化电子图板和文字消息传递机制,满足教师实时评注和多用户讨论的需求.结合应用实例,验证了本方案的可行性和相比传统CBT的优越性.  相似文献   

研究美国航空工业计算机辅助训练委员会(Aviation Industry CBT(Computer-Based Training)Committee,AICC)制定的计算机辅助训练(CBT)课件开发规范,在分析现有CBT技术背景和航空培训需求的基础上,结合多媒体技术、视景仿真技术与虚拟交互技术,开发基于虚拟现实技术的交互式计算机辅助训练(Interactive CBT,ICBT)系统.该系统主要为航空机务人员提供交互的、协同的训练方式,可以为机务人员进入模拟训练舱学习打下扎实的技能基础.  相似文献   

使用仿真系统对坦克驾驶员进行驾驶训练,具有安全、无污染、不受天候限制、节约训练成本等诸多优点.该文介绍了一种以我军某种主战坦克为仿真对象的人在环、实装在环的驾驶训练仿真系统.系统由驾驶座舱、教官控制台两大部分组成,构成一个能够支持受训人员驾驶训练的模拟训练环境,其结构与实车基本一致.教官控制台的核心是仿真计算机和管理计算机,仿真程序与管理程序分别运行在这两台计算机上,它们通过网络设备组成了一个局域网,实现相互间的信息交互,仿真计算机完成坦克动力学、运动学仿真,并产生驾驶员观察的三维道路视景,管理计算机通过网络完成系统的检测、设置、调度和考评,便于使用和维护.  相似文献   

周平  代伟  柴天佑 《控制理论与应用》2012,29(12):1565-1572
为解决具有综合复杂动态特性的竖炉焙烧(shaft furnace roasting,SFR)过程运行优化控制问题,基于研制的流程工业一体化运行控制平台,开发了具有可伸缩、可扩展、可复用以及模块化、组态化特点的SFR过程运行优化控制(operational optimization control,OOC)系统.该系统支持MATLAB、动态链接库等多种算法实现方式,并采用非编译融合算法方式实现算法与系统功能模块的解耦.基于开发的OOC系统,建立了具有运行控制层、过程控制层以及虚拟对象层的半实物仿真实验平台,开展了相应的仿真实验研究.结果表明OOC系统在正常工况和局部故障工况下均能取得满意的控制性能.  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术、电子技术、仿真技术、信息技术的发展,越来越多的复杂系统仿真采用分布式的仿真模式,而支持不同网络的运行支撑环境也就逐渐在分布式仿真中得到广泛应用。基于目前在复杂系统仿真中常用的几种计算机网络或协议,特别是基于TCP/IP协议的以太网、基于反射内存技术的分布式网络、基于实时数据分发的分布式网络,以及基于高速互连的InfiniBand网络,研究了仿真运行支撑环境的几种实现途径和解决办法。  相似文献   

协同工作(CSCW)下协作模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于网络环境下的群体成员间的协同和交互是当前计算机支持下的协同工作(CSCW)研究领域的前沿课题之一,论文在对多协作任务运行结构分析的基础之上,提出了一种基于共享空间的多任务、多角色协作模型,并在一协同写作系统CoEdit中得到了运用,所提模型对于不同协作应用系统的开发具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

1 引言计算机支持的协同工作系统是一种人-人交互的群组工作系统,其设计除了考虑通常应用系统的功能设计外,还要着重考虑用户工作的协调一致和用户间的行为感知方式的设计。因此,协同系统的开发向开发者提出了更高的技术要求。我们设计并实现了一个多媒体支持的协同系统开发工具集(MediaCoKit)。基于本工具集我们开发了协同应用环境Ashram,Asharm  相似文献   

针对联合火力打击中火力协同方案制订和验证手段和方法的不足,提出了基于计算机仿真的火力协同方案推演和验证方法,建立了相应的火炮弹道模型、通用的装备机动模型和空间安全判断模型,在对火力协同功能需求分析的基础上,设计实现了陆空火力协同仿真系统,该系统能够支持多军兵种多火力单元的协同关系判断和协同过程的三维实时可视化,具有推演效率高、验证结果准确的特点,为应用计算机仿真系统解决复杂军事问题开辟了一条新的途径.  相似文献   

殷凡  陈珂 《福建电脑》2007,(3):127-128
计算机支持的协同学习是对传统教学方式的改革,可实现跨越时间和空间的教育过程,受到了越来越多研究者的关注.本文针对现有协同学习系统中普遍存在的智能性与个性化不足的问题,提出了个性化学习和联盟式协同学习的新方法,并且开发一个基于多Agent技术的个性化远程协同学习环境.  相似文献   

一种支持协同写作的系统模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
协同写作系统是计算机支持雷同工作系统(CSCW,Compute Supportecd Cooperative Work)的典型应用,目前已经开发了许多支持协同写作的系统,但在这些系统大多没有得到实际的应用。本文提出了一种支持在广域网环境下同步或步异的协同写作的系统模型,着重探讨了该模型下的协作问题。  相似文献   

In this paper, the design of a computer-based training (CBT) system for low-functioning autistic children is addressed. The emphasis is on ease-of-use and learning efficiency of CBT systems with different interaction styles, namely the WIMP (Window Icon Menu Pointing Device) and TUI (Tangible User Interface) interaction styles. Two WIMP-based CBT systems with different pointing devices were involved in the study. The first system applied a standard computer mouse as a pointing device, while the second one employed a touch screen instead. For the TUI-based CBT system, a tabletop setting was adopted. Based on the known characteristics of TUI and children with autism, as well as related cognitive and learning theories, the benefits of TUI for low-functioning autistic children have been investigated. Elementary skill teaching was chosen as a case study for performance evaluation of these CBT systems. Empirical results show that the touch-based and TUI-based systems offered much better ease-of-use performance than that of the mouse-based system. Regarding learning efficacy, experimental results show that the TUI-based system achieved higher skill improvement, as compared with the WIMP-based system and a non-computer training method. Some guidelines and suggestions for the design of a TUI-based system for children with autism are summarized.  相似文献   

Development of computer packages for educational use has steadily increased during the past 10 years, being greatly influenced by the rapid development that technology has experienced during a similar period. Technological advancement has now brought computer power within the reach of all levels of the educational system from infant school to postgraduate research.The advent of the microprocessor has had a great impact in education and training. With the reduction in cost and increase in capabilities of computers, use of Computer Assisted Learning (CAL), Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) and Computer Based Training (CBT) is growing rapidly. This CAL, CAI and CBL revolution will not only demand changes in the teaching-learning process but also pose great challenges for educators and computer professionals in the coming years. There is an immediate need for computer professionals, educators, trainers, scientists and administrators to put forth a combined effort to consider past developments and unite in order to produce educationally sound computer packages for the educational systems of the fature.Today one experiences a situation where a significant number of computer based packages are available, unfortunately catering for a rather limited section of the subject areas taught, and often their content is limited in that they are unsuitable for courses outside those for which they were intended.A critical review of the many facets of computer education and training is urgently required; software provision, development of supporting literature, distribution of material and procedures whereby computer material may be integrated more effectively with existing teaching practices being of immediate interest.  相似文献   

基于自适应遗传算法的智能组卷研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
计算机辅助教学CAI(Computer Assisted Instruction)的一个重要应用是计算机辅助测验CBT(Computer Based Testing).智能组卷是CBT的基础.组卷中关键是解决约束优化问题.在研究现代教育测试理论与计算机辅助测验CBT的基础上.提出一种解决计算机组卷中约束优化问题的方法,自适应遗传算法,该方法有效地解决了基于IRT的智能组卷问题,为解决约束优化问题提供一种新的有效途径.具有较好的性能和实用性.  相似文献   

针对受到传播时延、多普勒效应等因素影响的正交频分复用(OFDM)无线系统时间偏移问题,提出了一种基于训练符号序列相关性的时间偏移估计算法CBT。该算法通过对训练符号序列的简单构造,利用其相关性通过时间尺度的最大值找到符号的起始点,实现时间偏移估计,进而有效地提高OFDM系统抗时间偏移的能力。详细的仿真实验以及与现有PML算法的性能比较表明,提出的时间偏移估计算法CBT在加性高斯白噪声(AWGN)与瑞利衰落信道下都明显地减小了时间偏移误差。  相似文献   

In this paper, the cognitive interference model of computer anxiety (CIM-CA) is introduced as a theoretical framework for the assessment of computer anxiety and its effect on computer-based test (CBT) performance and test equivalence. Unlike other situation-specific anxieties, research on computer anxiety has not been founded on clear theories or models. Hence, the CIM-CA is intended as a new heuristic framework for representing the dispositions and cognitive processes that predispose individuals to react with state computer anxiety over a range of situations involving computers. In particular, the model focuses on the mediating role of negative computer thoughts on the computer anxiety–performance linkage. The CIM-CA model also provides a theoretical framework for analysing the effect of computer anxiety on CBT performance. Future research opportunities pertaining to the computer anxiety–performance linkage are discussed in the context of computerised cognitive assessment.  相似文献   

刘国繁 《计算机仿真》2003,20(10):129-131
该文介绍了自行开发的机加工自动线仿真与控制系统的设计与实现,该系统采用真实控制系统,被控对象用计算机仿真的设计思路,既降低了系统的制造成本,又能满足学生工程训练的实际要求,有效地解决了工程训练中的真实性与设备造价的矛盾。  相似文献   

从军队院校本科学员战略思维、科学思维以及工程思维全面培养的思路以及计算机基础课程特点出发,构建"三种思维"的大学计算机基础教学培养体系,从而有效锻炼学员"抽象思维、形象思维和创新思维"三种思维的能力,并为进一步增强教学效果,推进教学改革,促进人才培养质量的提高提供理论方法。  相似文献   

Up to 95% of teens and young adults in western societies are online, and research shows striking evidence that users suffering from social fears use the Internet more frequently. Social phobia (SP) is one of the most common anxiety disorders, characterized by early onset and more frequent histories of childhood and adolescent shyness. SP is often untreated because adolescent sufferers hesitate to talk to teachers or attend any face-to-face treatment. Furthermore, teachers and caregivers, responsible for educating these young adults, often lack the clinical-psychological knowledge to help. Therefore, we developed an online training for providing educative knowledge about social skills, social fears and body relaxation methods (including evidence-based cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) elements combined with elements from social skills trainings (SST)). Until now, no such online tool was readily available for teachers and caregivers in Europe's German-speaking areas. In addition, the transformation of a well-evaluated (offline) SST with CBT elements into an attractive online form rendered a definite challenge. To assist teachers and caregivers, we developed an online-based self-administered SST with CBT elements especially for adolescents and young adults. The novelty of the project was its development in close cooperation with target groups to ensure usability and acceptance. This multi-stage program for the prevention of social fears and social phobia includes the promotion of social skills moreover cognitive restructuring. Fourteen text- and comic-based sessions (one session per week, each session takes 30–40 min) provide knowledge about social fears and social skills. The effectiveness was evaluated using pre- and post-tests with 61 training participants and 47 control group students. Preliminary results showed promising and significant effects in the intervention group: a decrease of social fears as well as an increase of social skills. These findings suggest that our self-administered online training is effective preventing social fears, and may be considered as an educative tool for teachers and caregivers (providing evidence-based information about social fears, social skills and body relaxation methods).  相似文献   

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