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为了解决当前通信顺序进程(CSP)模型检测不支持在验证工具的一次运行中验证多个性质的问题,建立了基于ASP的CSP并发模型验证框架。主要研究在该框架下当待验证的系统性质不满足时生成相应性质反例的技术。把ASP程序调试中的ASP程序支撑原因分析技术应用于该问题的研究,提出了相应的反例生成算法,实例表明了该算法的正确性。  相似文献   

前期工作中,为解决CSP模型检测不支持一次运行验证多条性质的问题,构建了基于ASP的CSP模型检测框架,但其存在着可描述并发进程形态不完善与可验证并发系统规模受限的问题。构建了全新的并发系统ASP描述体系,其解决了前期工作中前缀描述不允许出现类环状结构的问题,可完整描述各种形态的CSP进程。研究了并发组合进程生成技术,它可使多个进程自动化并发组合,并生成一个满足所有行为特性、具有一致结构特性的新进程,保持了验证框架内进程描述的一致性,有利于并发进程的抽象与验证。实验表明了基于ASP的CSP进程描述与组合进程生成技术的有效性,以及基于该ASP描述体系的系统性质验证的可行性。  相似文献   

赵岭忠  翟仲毅  钱俊彦 《计算机科学》2013,40(11):181-186,221
CSP(Communicating Sequential Processes)是构建并发系统和网络安全协议的经典方法。当前主流的CSP模型验证方法需将进程转化为迁移系统,转化过程比较复杂;性质采用迹进行规范,不利于活性的描述。提出了一种基于进程迹的CSP模型验证框架,其性质采用通用的规范方法LTL进行描述。利用ASP(Answer Set Programming)技术实现了一个CSP验证系统。实验表明,与类似系统相比,该系统的描述能力更强,验证结果的准确性更高,在性质不满足时还可提供反例。  相似文献   

赵岭忠  翟仲毅  钱俊彦  郭云川 《软件学报》2015,26(10):2521-2544
模型检测是通信顺序进程(communicating sequential processes,简称CSP)形式化验证的重要手段.当前, CSP模型检测方法基于操作语义,需将进程转化为迁移系统,进而提取语义模型,但转化过程较为复杂;待验证性质采用CSP语言进行描述,虽然有利于精炼检测(refinement checking),但描述能力较弱,通用性不强.鉴于此,提出了一种新的CSP指称语义模型——关键迹模型(critical-trace model)及基于该指称语义模型的CSP模型检测方法,并证明了其验证的可靠性,避免了上述问题.关键迹模型采用递归策略计算,待验证性质采用线性时态逻辑(linear temporal logic,简称LTL)描述.基于回答集程序设计(answer set programming,简称ASP)实现了关键迹模型的自动生成及LTL的自动验证,并开发了一个CSP模型检测原型系统——T_ASP.实验结果表明:与类似系统相比,该系统的描述能力更强,验证结果的准确性更高,且可同时验证多条性质,在性质不满足时还可提供多条反例.  相似文献   

刘彦青  赵岭忠  钱俊彦 《计算机科学》2015,42(10):244-250, 291
通信顺序进程(CSP)和Petri网是两种重要的并发系统建模工具。CSP语言具有高度抽象性,可有效刻画并发进程之间的各种相互作用,但在物理结构的描述与验证分析方面显得不足。Petri 网是一种形式化、图形化的并发系统建模和分析工具,侧重于系统的物理结构描述和性质分析。结合两者优点,首先利用CSP描述待验证的并发系统,然后将其转化为Petri网来分析系统的动态行为特性,最后利用性质分析工具TINA对系统性质进行分析和验证。实验结果表明,传统的CSP进程性质验证工具不能验证CSP进程的安全性,但其转化为Petri网后可有效地分析出导致安全性不能满足的危险因素,从而扩大了CSP描述的并发系统可验证性质的范围。  相似文献   

基于线性时序逻辑的实时系统模型检查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李广元  唐稚松 《软件学报》2002,13(2):193-202
模型检查是一种用于并发系统的性质验证的算法技术.LTLC(linear temporal logic with clocks)是一种连续时间时序逻辑,它是线性时序逻辑LTL的一种实时扩充.讨论实时系统关于LTLC公式的模型检查问题,将实时系统关于LTLC公式的模型检查化归为有穷状态转换系统关于LTL公式的模型检查,从而可以利用LTL的模型检查工具来对LTLC进行模型检查.由于LTLC既能表示实时系统的性质,又能表示实时系统的实现,这就使得时序逻辑LTLC的模型检查过程既能用于实时系统的性质验证,又能用于实时系统之间的一致性验证.  相似文献   

正确性保证的组合服务综合问题复杂度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Web服务应用中一个富有挑战性的关键问题是:如何自动组合已有的Web服务并保证组合的正确性(如以时态逻辑LTL,CTL,CTL*等公式规范的时态性质).现有研究工作大多延用传统软件开发中的设计、验证、分析和纠错的过程,这使得组合过程既复杂又低效.文中研究了基于CTL与CTL*的组合服务综合问题,即利用已有Web服务自动生成满足给定的CTL,CTL*逻辑公式的组合服务,从而可以无需另外的验证过程,避免反复进行组合.证明了以CTL与CTL*逻辑公式为组合需求时,组合服务综合问题分别为EXPTIME–完全和2EXPTIME–完全问题.同时讨论了当综合失败时,如何通过合理限制环境(即服务的交互对象,如用户或其他服务)的输出使得综合成功,并证明了该问题关于CTL与CTL*逻辑公式同样分别为EXPTIME–完全和2EXPTIME–完全问题.  相似文献   

概率模型检验建立在非概率模型检验技术的基础上,不仅能够对系统进行定性的验证,还能够定量判断系统满足相关性质的概率,具有广泛的适用性。LTL概率模型检验算法的复杂度较高,达到双重指数级别,现有的工具如PRISM与MRMC均不支持对LTL性质的验证。针对这个问题,通过对原有的LTL概率模型检验算法进行优化,实现了一个高效的LTL概率模型检验工具。通过对比实验验证了该工具的有效性。  相似文献   

雷丽晖  王静 《计算机科学》2018,45(4):71-75, 88
分布式模型检测是一种缓解状态空间爆炸的有效途径,已有文献提出了定性的分布式模型验证算法,然而定量LTL验证算法并行化问题还未得到有效解决。对此,展开两个方面的工作:提出一种新的动态系统状态空间划分方法;在定性LTL分布式验证算法的基础上给出了定量模型检测并行化验证算法。首先,将系统模型转化为可能的Kripke结构并选取一个并发分量,依据状态之间的关系完成系统状态的分割,使得关系紧密的状态尽可能分布在同一个计算节点上;其次,调整划分结果以使得计算负载平衡;然后,将划分结果与其他并发分量的状态进行叉乘,以完成系统状态空间的划分;最后,将待检测性质用自动机表示,在两者的乘积上,利用扩展的基于嵌套DFS的分布式验证算法完成系统的定量验证。  相似文献   

刘万伟  王戟  王昭飞 《软件学报》2009,20(8):2015-2025
为使符号化模型检验技术适用于全部ω-正规性质,研究了ETL(extended temporal logic)的符号化模型检验方法.首先,扩展了LTL(linear temporal logic)的Tableau方法,给出了ETL的Tableau构造方法,进而给出了该方法基于BDD(binary decision diagram)的符号化实现.同时,在NuSMV的基础上实现了支持ETL符号化验证的模型检验工具ENuSMV.该工具允许用户自定义时序连接子,从而可以检验全部ω-正规性质.实验结果表明,ETL性质能够被高效地采用符号化技术加以检验.  相似文献   

Analysis of concurrent systems is plagued by the state explosion problem. We describe an analysis technique that uses necessary conditions, in the form of linear inequalities, to verify certain properties of concurrent systems, thus avoiding the enumeration of the potentially explosive number of reachable states of the system. This technique has been shown to be capable of verifying simple safety properties, like freedom from deadlock, that can be expressed in terms of the number of certain events occurring in a finite execution, and has been successfully used to analyze a variety of concurrent software systems. In this paper, we extend the technique to the verification of more complex safety properties that involve the order of events and to the verification of liveness properties, which involve infinite executions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method of formally specifying, refining and verifying concurrent systems which uses the object-oriented state-based specification language Object-Z together with the process algebra CSP. Object-Z provides a convenient way of modelling complex data structures needed to define the component processes of such systems, and CSP enables the concise specification of process interactions. The basis of the integration is a semantics of Object-Z classes identical to that of CSP processes. This allows classes specified in Object-Z to be used directly within the CSP part of the specification.In addition to specification, we also discuss refinement and verification in this model. The common semantic basis enables a unified method of refinement to be used, based upon CSP refinement. To enable state-based techniques to be used for the Object-Z components of a specification we develop state-based refinement relations which are sound and complete with respect to CSP refinement. In addition, a verification method for static and dynamic properties is presented. The method allows us to verify properties of the CSP system specification in terms of its component Object-Z classes by using the laws of the CSP operators together with the logic for Object-Z.  相似文献   

SpaceWire是应用于航空航天领域的高速通信总线协议,对SpaceWire设计正确性与可靠性要求极高,由于传统的验证方法,存在不完备性等缺陷,对SpaceWire的严格验证一直是备受关注的问题之一。模型检验以其验证的完备性得到设计人员的重视。提出用线性时态逻辑(LTL)模型检验的方法验证SpaceWire系统的检错机制。在检错模块中,该方法与用分支时态逻辑(CTL)验证方法相比,BDD分配数和状态数明显减少,提高了验证效率,还验证了错误优先级;对检错模块处理的五种错误的发生进行验证,验证结果均为正确。该方法实现了对检错机制的完备性验证。  相似文献   

Discrete-event systems (DESs) usually consist of discrete states and transitions between them caused by spontaneous occurrences of labeled events. In this review article, we study DESs modeled by labeled (nondeterministic) finite-state automata (LFSAs). Due to the partially-observed feature of DESs, fundamental properties therein can be classified into two categories: state/event-inference-based properties (e.g., strong detectability, diagnosability, and predictability) and state-concealment-based properties (e.g., opacity). Intuitively, the former category describe whether one can use observed output sequences to infer the current and subsequent states, past occurrences of faulty events, or future certain occurrences of faulty events; while the latter describe whether one cannot use observed output sequences to infer whether secret states have been visited (that is, whether the DES can conceal the status that its secret states have been visited). Over the past two decades these properties were studied separately using different methods, and particularly, in most works inference-based properties were verified based on two fundamental assumptions of deadlock-freeness and divergence-freeness, where the former implies that an automaton will always run, the latter implies that an automaton has no reachable unobservable cycle, hence the running of such an automaton will always be eventually observed. In this article, for LFSAs, a unified concurrent-composition method is shown to verify all above inference-based and concealment-based properties, resulting in a unified mathematical framework for the two categories of properties. In addition, compared with the previous methods in the literature, the concurrent-composition method does not depend on assumptions and is currently the most efficient. Finally, based on concurrent composition, we represent the negations of the above inference-based properties as linear temporal logic (LTL) formulae; by combining the concurrent composition and an additional tool called observer (i.e., the classical powerset construction for LFSAs), we also represent the above concealment-based properties as LTL formulae. Although LTL formulae model checking algorithms do not provide more efficient verification for these inference-based and concealment-based properties, the obtained LTL formulae show common similarities among these properties.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel on-line model checking approach offered as service of a real-time operating system (RTOS). The verification system is intended especially for self-optimizing component-based real-time systems where self-optimization is performed by dynamically exchanging components. The verification is performed at the level of (RT-UML) models. The properties to be checked are expressed by RT-OCL terms where the underlying temporal logic is restricted to either time-annotated ACTL or LTL formulae. The on-line model checking runs interleaved with the execution of the component to be checked in a pipelined manner. The technique applied is based on on-the-fly model checking. More specifically for ACTL formulae this means on-the-fly solution of the NHORNSAT problem while in the case of LTL the emptiness checking method is applied.  相似文献   

We address the problem of verifying planning domains as used in model-based planning, for example in space missions. We propose a methodology for testing flight rules of planning domains which is self-contained, in the sense that flight rules are verified using a planner and no external tools are required. We review and analyse coverage conditions for requirements-based testing, and we reason in detail on "Unique First Cause" (UFC) coverage for test suites. We characterise flight rules using patterns, encoded using LTL, and we provide UFC coverage for them. We then present a translation of LTL formulae into planning goals, and illustrate our approach on a case study.  相似文献   

A model checker is described that supports proving logical properties of concurrent systems. The logical properties can be described in different action-based logics (variants of Hennessy-Milner logic). The tools is based on the EMC model checker for the logic CTL. It therefore employs a set of translation functions from the considered logics to CTL, as well as a model translation function from labeled transition systems (models of the action-based logics) to Kripke structures (models for CTL). The obtained tool performs model checking in linear time complexity, and its correctness is guaranteed by the proof that the set of translation functions, coupled with the model translation function, preserves satisfiability of logical formulae.  相似文献   

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