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针对现有学习算法难以有效提高不均衡在线贯序数据中少类样本分类精度的问题,提出一种基于不均衡样本重构的加权在线贯序极限学习机。该算法从提取在线贯序数据的分布特性入手,主要包括离线和在线两个阶段:离线阶段主要采用主曲线构建少类样本的可信区域,并通过对该区域内样本进行过采样,来构建符合样本分布趋势的均衡样本集,进而建立初始模型;而在线阶段则对贯序到达的数据根据训练误差赋予各样本相应权重,同时动态更新网络权值。采用UCI标准数据集和澳门实测气象数据进行实验对比,结果表明,与现有在线贯序极限学习机(OS-ELM)、极限学习机(ELM)和元认知在线贯序极限学习机(MCOS-ELM)相比,所提算法对少类样本的识别能力更高,且所提算法的模型训练时间与其他三种算法相差不大。结果表明在不影响算法复杂度的情况下,所提算法能有效提高少类样本的分类精度。  相似文献   

针对在线贯序极限学习机对所有数据等权处理这一缺陷,提出加权在线贯序极限学习机算法。依据运算过程中产生的网络均方根误差的差异,给新数据以及历史数据分配不同的权值,当网络均方根误差较大时减小其权值,较小时增大其权值。该算法实现了对新旧数据的不等权处理,利用航空发动机传感器数据验证该算法的可行性。验证结果表明,基于该算法所建的航空发动机传感器故障诊断模型要比基于传统在线贯序极限学习机算法所建模型的精度更高。  相似文献   

针对在线学习中极限学习机需要事先确定模型结构的问题,提出了兼顾数据增量和结构变化的在线极限学习机算法。算法于在线序列化极限学习机的基础上,通过误差变化判断是否新增节点,并利用分块矩阵的广义逆矩阵对新增节点后的模型进行更新,使模型保持较高正确率。通过在不同类型和大小的数据集上的实验表明,所提算法相较于经典极限学习机及其在线和增量学习版本都具有较好的分类和回归准确率,能够适应不同类型的数据分析任务。  相似文献   


针对增量型极限学习机(I-ELM) 中存在大量降低学习效率及准确性的冗余节点的问题, 提出一种基于Delta 检验(DT) 和混沌优化算法(COA) 的改进式增量型核极限学习算法. 利用COA的全局搜索能力对I-ELM 中的隐含层节点参数进行寻优, 结合DT 算法检验模型输出误差, 确定有效的隐含层节点数量, 从而降低网络复杂程度, 提高算法的学习效率; 加入核函数可增强网络的在线预测能力. 仿真结果表明, 所提出的DCI-ELMK 算法具有较好的预测精度和泛化能力, 网络结构更为紧凑.


左鹏玉  周洁  王士同   《智能系统学报》2020,15(3):520-527
针对在线序列极限学习机对于类别不平衡数据的学习效率低、分类准确率差的问题,提出了面对类别不平衡的增量在线序列极限学习机(IOS-ELM)。该算法根据类别不平衡比例调整平衡因子,利用分块矩阵的广义逆矩阵对隐含层节点数进行寻优,提高了模型对类别不平衡数据的在线处理能力,最后通过14个二类和多类不平衡数据集对该算法有效性和可行性进行验证。实验结果表明:该算法与同类其他算法相比具有更好的泛化性和准确率,适用于类别不平衡场景下的在线学习。  相似文献   

针对现有机器学习算法难以有效提高贯序不均衡数据分类问题中少类样本分类精度的问题,提出一种基于混合采样策略的在线贯序极限学习机。该算法可在提高少类样本分类精度的前提下,减少多类样本的分类精度损失,主要包括离线和在线两个阶段:离线阶段采用均衡采样策略,利用主曲线分别构建多类和少类样本的可信区域,在不改变样本分布特性的前提下,利用可信区域扩充少类样本和削减多类样本,进而得到均衡的离线样本集,建立初始模型;在线阶段仅对贯序到达的多类数据进行欠采样,根据样本重要度挑选最具价值的多类样本,进而动态更新网络权值。通过理论分析证明所提算法在理论上存在损失信息上界。采用UCI标准数据集和实际的澳门空气污染预报数据进行仿真实验,结果表明,与现有在线贯序极限学习机(OS-ELM)、极限学习机(ELM)和元认知在线贯序极限学习机(MCOS-ELM)算法相比,所提算法对少类样本的预测精度更高,且数值稳定性良好。  相似文献   

针对设备状态在线监测中的小子样建模问题,提出一种基于动态回归极端学习机(dynamic regression extreme learning machine,DR-ELM)的设备状态在线监测方法.该方法利用设备状态数据训练基于DR-ELM的预测模型,通过逐次增加新数据与删减旧数据的方式,对DR-ELM预测模型进行在线训练,从而实现对设备状态的准确预测.混沌时间序列预测仿真与基于时间序列预测的风机状态监测实例表明,相比于极端学习机(extreme learning machine,ELM)与在线贯序极端学习机(on-line sequential extreme learning machine,OS-ELM),该方法的计算效率与预测精度更高.  相似文献   

毛文涛  田杨阳  王金婉  何玲 《控制与决策》2016,31(12):2147-2154
针对现有算法对贯序到达的密度型不均衡数据分类效果不佳的缺陷, 提出一种基于粒度划分的在线贯序极限学习机算法. 离线阶段,根据数据分布特性对多类样本进行粒度划分, 用粒心代替原有样本, 建立初始模型; 在线阶段, 根据更新后的分布特性对多类边界数据进行二次粒度划分, 替换原有边界数据, 并动态更新网络权值. 理论分析证明该算法存在信息损失上界. 实验结果表明, 该算法能有效提高贯序不均衡数据上的整体泛化性能和分类效率.  相似文献   

罗家祥  罗丹  胡跃明 《控制与决策》2018,33(6):1033-1040
在线极限学习机对样本数据分批或分块地学习,适用于分析生产过程的在线数据,进而检测生产过程的故障.为了提高检测的准确性和快速性,提出一种权重变化和决策融合的极限学习机(ELM)在线故障检测方法.该方法在学习过程中增加被当前数据监控模型错误预测的新样本权重,同时在数据监控模型中引入决策级融合的方法,提高模型的综合决策能力.利用UCI数据集和TE过程进行仿真实验对比,对比结果表明所提出的方法在训练时间和检测准确率上都具有很好的性能.  相似文献   

针对传统在线贯序极限学习机存在的过学习和分类器输出不稳定等问题,将结构风险最小化理论引入到极限学习机中,用小波函数替代原有的隐层激励函数构建正则小波极限学习机,并与在线学习方法结合,提出在线正则小波极限学习机。仿真实验结果表明,在线正则小波极限学习机克服过学习和局部最优等问题,能够实现快速在线学习,具有良好的泛化性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

针对在线贯序极限学习机(OS-ELM)算法隐含层输出不稳定、易产生奇异矩阵和在线贯序更新时没有考虑训练样本时效性的问题,提出一种基于核函数映射的正则化自适应遗忘因子(FFOS-RKELM)算法.该算法利用核函数代替隐含层,能够产生稳定的输出结果.在初始阶段加入正则化方法,通过构造非奇异矩阵提高模型的泛化能力;在贯序更新阶段,通过新到的数据自动更新遗忘因子.将FFOS-RKELM算法应用到混沌时间序列预测和入口氮氧化物时间序列预测中,相比于OS-ELM、FFOS-RELM、OS-RKELM算法,可有效地提高预测精度和泛化能力.  相似文献   

Ensemble of online sequential extreme learning machine   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Yuan  Yeng Chai  Guang-Bin   《Neurocomputing》2009,72(13-15):3391
Liang et al. [A fast and accurate online sequential learning algorithm for feedforward networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 17 (6) (2006), 1411–1423] has proposed an online sequential learning algorithm called online sequential extreme learning machine (OS-ELM), which can learn the data one-by-one or chunk-by-chunk with fixed or varying chunk size. It has been shown [Liang et al., A fast and accurate online sequential learning algorithm for feedforward networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 17 (6) (2006) 1411–1423] that OS-ELM runs much faster and provides better generalization performance than other popular sequential learning algorithms. However, we find that the stability of OS-ELM can be further improved. In this paper, we propose an ensemble of online sequential extreme learning machine (EOS-ELM) based on OS-ELM. The results show that EOS-ELM is more stable and accurate than the original OS-ELM.  相似文献   

Extreme learning machine (ELM) is widely used in complex industrial problems, especially the online-sequential extreme learning machine (OS-ELM) plays a good role in industrial online modeling. However, OS-ELM requires batch samples to be pre-trained to obtain initial weights, which may reduce the timeliness of samples. This paper proposes a novel model for the online process regression prediction, which is called the Recurrent Extreme Learning Machine (Recurrent-ELM). The nodes between the hidden layers are connected in Recurrent-ELM, thus the input of the hidden layer receives both the information from the current input layer and the previously hidden layer. Moreover, the weights and biases of the proposed model are generated by analysis rather than random. Six regression applications are used to verify the designed Recurrent-ELM, compared with extreme learning machine (ELM), fast learning network (FLN), online sequential extreme learning machine (OS-ELM), and an ensemble of online sequential extreme learning machine (EOS-ELM), the experimental results show that the Recurrent-ELM has better generalization and stability in several samples. In addition, to further test the performance of Recurrent-ELM, we employ it in the combustion modeling of a 330 MW coal-fired boiler compared with FLN, SVR and OS-ELM. The results show that Recurrent-ELM has better accuracy and generalization ability, and the theoretical model has some potential application value in practical application.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop an online sequential learning algorithm for single hidden layer feedforward networks (SLFNs) with additive or radial basis function (RBF) hidden nodes in a unified framework. The algorithm is referred to as online sequential extreme learning machine (OS-ELM) and can learn data one-by-one or chunk-by-chunk (a block of data) with fixed or varying chunk size. The activation functions for additive nodes in OS-ELM can be any bounded nonconstant piecewise continuous functions and the activation functions for RBF nodes can be any integrable piecewise continuous functions. In OS-ELM, the parameters of hidden nodes (the input weights and biases of additive nodes or the centers and impact factors of RBF nodes) are randomly selected and the output weights are analytically determined based on the sequentially arriving data. The algorithm uses the ideas of ELM of Huang developed for batch learning which has been shown to be extremely fast with generalization performance better than other batch training methods. Apart from selecting the number of hidden nodes, no other control parameters have to be manually chosen. Detailed performance comparison of OS-ELM is done with other popular sequential learning algorithms on benchmark problems drawn from the regression, classification and time series prediction areas. The results show that the OS-ELM is faster than the other sequential algorithms and produces better generalization performance  相似文献   

现实世界中存在着大量无类标的数据,如各种医疗图像数据、网页数据等。在大数据时代,这种情况更加突出。标注这些无类标的数据需要付出巨大的代价。主动学习是解决这一问题的有效手段,也是近几年机器学习和数据挖掘领域中的一个研究热点。提出了一种基于在线序列极限学习机的主动学习算法,该算法利用在线序列极限学习机增量学习的特点,可显著提高学习系统的效率。另外,该算法用样例熵作为启发式度量无类标样例的重要性,用K-近邻分类器作为Oracle标注选出的无类标样例的类别。实验结果显示,提出的算法具有学习速度快、标注准确的特点。  相似文献   

Online learning algorithms have been preferred in many applications due to their ability to learn by the sequentially arriving data. One of the effective algorithms recently proposed for training single hidden-layer feedforward neural networks (SLFNs) is online sequential extreme learning machine (OS-ELM), which can learn data one-by-one or chunk-by-chunk at fixed or varying sizes. It is based on the ideas of extreme learning machine (ELM), in which the input weights and hidden layer biases are randomly chosen and then the output weights are determined by the pseudo-inverse operation. The learning speed of this algorithm is extremely high. However, it is not good to yield generalization models for noisy data and is difficult to initialize parameters in order to avoid singular and ill-posed problems. In this paper, we propose an improvement of OS-ELM based on the bi-objective optimization approach. It tries to minimize the empirical error and obtain small norm of network weight vector. Singular and ill-posed problems can be overcome by using the Tikhonov regularization. This approach is also able to learn data one-by-one or chunk-by-chunk. Experimental results show the better generalization performance of the proposed approach on benchmark datasets.  相似文献   

Random vector functional ink (RVFL) networks belong to a class of single hidden layer neural networks in which some parameters are randomly selected. Their network structure in which contains the direct links between inputs and outputs isunique, and stability analysis and real-time performance are two difficulties of the control systems based on neural networks. In this paper, combining the advantages of RVFL and the ideas of online sequential extreme learning machine (OS-ELM) and initial-training-free online extreme learning machine (ITF-OELM), a novel online learning algorithm which is named as initial-training-free online random vector functional link algo rithm (ITF-ORVFL) is investigated for training RVFL. The link vector of RVFL network can be analytically determined based on sequentially arriving data by ITF-ORVFL with a high learning speed, and the stability for nonlinear systems based on this learning algorithm is analyzed. The experiment results indicate that the proposed ITF-ORVFL is effective in coping with nonparametric uncertainty.   相似文献   

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