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李念龙  黄进  田丰  戴国忠  王宏安 《软件学报》2019,30(10):2927-2941
近年来,包含动态任务的交互式系统得到了广泛的应用.基于现有对用户与动态任务交互的研究,提出一个面向动态任务的定量化可计算的交互模型ICOMDT,用于解释用户与动态任务的交互行为,并实现用户意图预测.更具体地,将ICOMDT应用于运动目标选择任务,设计了两个实验以验证模型的有效性.实验1收集用户数据对模型进行拟合并预测用户选择的错误率,实验结果表明,能够很好地拟合且预测值也与真实值接近;实验2将模型对用户意图的理解拓展为一种辅助运动目标选择技术ICOMPointer,通过在具体的游戏场景中与Windows原本的选择技术及两种现有的增强目标选择技术对比,发现使用ICOMPointer选中目标的平均完成时间更短,完成速度更快.ICOMDT模型的提出对计算机理解用户意图,提高用户与动态任务的交互效率有着重要意义.  相似文献   

植物的模拟一直是计算机图形学领域研究的热点问题之一。近年来,国内外的研究人员在提高植物建模的精细度方面开展了大量研究,但是针对大规模植物场景建模的体系结构设计问题,尤其是支持动态生长变化的场景体系结构设计问题的研究还比较少见。针对森林动态生长过程场景系统的仿真应用,提出了一个全新的森林场景架构设计方案,采用了模块化与层次化相结合的思想构建森林场景系统。该系统不仅支持传统方法不能解决的用户动态交互(修改场景实体、漫游)的需求,而且具有良好的维护性和扩展性。  相似文献   

基于网络流量的系统入侵会带来严重破坏,因此寻找能够准确识别和分类异常流量的方法具有重要的研究价值。数据作为基于机器学习模型的检测算法的唯一依据,训练过程对于外界是一个黑盒过程,整个模型在训练和使用过程中缺乏用户交互。这导致在网络运维场景中,专业运维人员不能根据当前模型检测结果,实时将指导信息反馈到系统中,进而削弱了系统的场景适应能力和检测纠错能力。本文基于强化学习过程,设计了一种基于动态贝叶斯博弈的交互引导式的网络流量异常检测方法。通过检测模型和运维人员交互的方式,在训练过程中让运维人员提供专业反馈使得模型获得外界针对当前检测效果的奖惩信号,从而对自身特征聚焦方向和收敛过程起到引导的作用。将运维人员和检测模型视为博弈的双方,建立博弈模型,使双方之间的交互引导行为达到动态平衡状态。通过博弈对于模型交互频次和内容反馈给出指导,从而使得模型具有动态适应当前场景的能力,有效控制了人机交互反馈所带来的系统开销。实验部分验证了交互式博弈的流量检测方法中,双方博弈指导交互行为的可行性与有效性,证明了该方法在动态场景中具有良好的适应能力。相较于传统的机器学习方法,交互引导式模型提高了模型整体的检测性能。性能对比测试结果表明交互频次每增加0.02%,系统整体检测性能随之提升0.01%。  相似文献   

工作流技术是过程管理与过程建模的核心技术,满足了企业组织结构重组与先进制造战略实施的客观需求。但是,目前该技术在工作流活动实例批处理模块化与动态交互方面存在一定的局限性。针对该问题,提出了一个面向方面的方法实现工作流建模,即对现有工作流模型进行面向方面的扩充。通过方面,在该建模方法中实现工作流活动实例方面模块化,并且完成了实例方面与原工作流模型之间的动态交互。  相似文献   

面向数字地球的虚拟现实系统关键技术研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
研究了面向数字地球的虚拟现实系统关键技术,提出了多层场景引擎(MLSE)、视点相关动态多分辨率地形模型(VDDMTM)和ActiveX构件网络模型。MLSE采用层机制集成多元数据,实现场景绘制和交互。VDDMTM基于四叉树表示多分辨率地形,并结合多分辨率纹理映射,根据视点位置对大规模地形实时简化,既提高了场景绘制速度,又保留了视点相关细节。网络模型采用基于Client/Server结构的ActiveX构件方案,既满足数字地球的建模特性,又支持标准的WWW浏览器。在此基础上开发了一个面向数字地球的原型系统-虚拟地球系统VES(VirtualEarthSystem),并用于虚拟永定河和喜马拉雅山。  相似文献   

普适计算环境下一种目标驱动的服务组合方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张抗抗  李庆忠 《软件学报》2006,17(Z1):211-218
普适计算环境的服务对用户来说是透明的,为了简化用户与环境的交互,提出了一种目标驱动的服务组合方法,建立面向任务目标的服务语义表示模型,并在此模型下进行动态的目标驱动的服务组合,实现用户目标.描述了一个模拟的应用场景,并结合应用场景说明了任务定义和服务组合的过程.该方法简化了用户与环境的交互,提高了普适环境下服务组合和协同的灵活性.  相似文献   

信息-物理融合系统动态行为模型构建方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息-物理融合系统(Cyber-Physical System,CPS)特有的计算、通信、控制的联合动态性,计算与物理的多尺度融合性,系统环境及状态的时空交互性以及系统动态行为的非确定性,不但使面向CPS的模型驱动设计与验证方法在CPS系统设计中更为重要,而且也向其提出了新的技术挑战.论文在结合典型实例分析CPS系统特征及其模型构建具体挑战的基础上,研究并总结了CPS动态行为建模的主要方法:一体化建模方法从CPS系统层面描述计算过程与物理过程的交互与融合;时空交互建模方法关注CPS系统行为与时间及空间关系的语义表示;功能和实现兼容建模方法侧重刻画CPS系统的逻辑设计和物理实现的映射与支撑;而集成建模方法则重点解决多异构模型的交互方式与语义的一致表达.论文基于多异构实体的CPS系统建模框架,提出了一种CPS系统结构与动态行为的协同建模方法,并用CPS-ADL对其进行了实现和验证.  相似文献   

工作流在实际应用中经常涉及到不同系统间的业务流程协作问题,以及由于业务突发变动而产生的动态适应问题。为了解决这两者问题,提出了一种结合跨组织和柔性工作流技术的工作流引擎设计方案。对已有的跨组织工作流技术和柔性工作流技术的相关研究成果进行了分析总结,在此基础上进一步设计了一种工作流模型,该模型既支持跨业务系统交互,同时也支持业务内部的流程动态变更。结合实际场景分析来阐述该模型的跨组织业务处理和业务动态变更机制的功能设计。以流程回退为例介绍该模型的原型实现。  相似文献   

基于面向自治计算的Agent系统动态重构模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶丽  张自力 《计算机科学》2007,34(5):147-151
动态重构问题是支持Agent系统对环境自适应的关键挑战之一,亦是Agent领域亟待解决的关键问题。面向自治的计算是一种全新的自底向上解决问题的计算范型,擅于提取并刻画复杂、自组织系统的行为规则,特别适合于对复杂问题和复杂Agent系统进行建模。因此,本文采用面向自治的计算AOC(Autonomy Oriented Computing),提取出了基于多Agent的动态重构模型ADRM,重点讨论了模型中自治实体、环境、自治实体行为等关键要素的定义,分析了该模型如何能够实现动态重构,并提供了ADRM有效工作的动态重构算法ASDR(Agent Systern Dynamic Reconfiguration)。经实验验证,在任务和环境动态变化的情况下,模型ADRM能够较好地解决Agent系统的动态重构问题。  相似文献   

为了更好地刻画单个Asent的行为和多Asent间复杂、并行的动态交互,将面向Agent的设计思想与Petri网建模方法相结合,形成了一种面向Agent的Petri网(AOPN)模型.首先给出了面向Agent的Petri网的形式化定义,然后利用Petri网的建模工具,以网上购物背景下买卖双方简单交互为例,对基于面向Agent的Petri网模型的系统建模方法进行了研究和分析,有效地解决了系统结构复杂性的问题.  相似文献   

This paper explores the roots of human–computer interaction as a discipline, the various trends which have marked its development, and some of the current and future challenges for research. Human–computer interaction, like any vocational discipline, sits upon three broad foundations: theoretical principles, professional practice and a community of people. As an interdisciplinary field the theoretical roots of HCI encompass a number of other disciplines including psychology, computing, ergonomics, and social sciences; however, it also has theoretical and practical challenges of its own. The evolving internal and external context of HCI, computers, have become smaller and less costly; this has led to changes in nature of the users and uses of computers, with corresponding impact on society. The paper explores the current challenges of computers from the cloud to digital fabrication and the need to design for solitude. It suggests that HCI should not just react to the changes around it, but also shape those changes.  相似文献   

The use of hand gestures provides an attractive alternative to cumbersome interface devices for human-computer interaction (HCI). In particular, visual interpretation of hand gestures can help in achieving the ease and naturalness desired for HCI. This has motivated a very active research area concerned with computer vision-based analysis and interpretation of hand gestures. We survey the literature on visual interpretation of hand gestures in the context of its role in HCI. This discussion is organized on the basis of the method used for modeling, analyzing, and recognizing gestures. Important differences in the gesture interpretation approaches arise depending on whether a 3D model of the human hand or an image appearance model of the human hand is used. 3D hand models offer a way of more elaborate modeling of hand gestures but lead to computational hurdles that have not been overcome given the real-time requirements of HCI. Appearance-based models lead to computationally efficient “purposive” approaches that work well under constrained situations but seem to lack the generality desirable for HCI. We also discuss implemented gestural systems as well as other potential applications of vision-based gesture recognition. Although the current progress is encouraging, further theoretical as well as computational advances are needed before gestures can be widely used for HCI. We discuss directions of future research in gesture recognition, including its integration with other natural modes of human-computer interaction  相似文献   

This paper reports on the application of a range of human computer interaction (HCI) methods to the re-design of an electronic flight bag (EFB), as part of a commercial software development project. Specifically, it focusses on the use of participatory design methods, for resolving EFB usability problems. The purpose of this case study is to: (a) Show how participatory design methods can be effectively combined with ethnographic techniques and more formal methods in HCI, for the development of human-friendly EFB systems, (b) Illuminate the specific EFB usability issues encountered in this research and related HCI solutions, (c) Generate an awareness of the challenges faced by HCI practitioners adapting HCI methods to meet commercial project constraints. The HCI methodology outlined in this case study may be of interest to practitioners tasked with process and technology envisionment and/or working with limited resources.Joan Cahill has worked as an (HCI) consultant to Aircraft Management Technologies  相似文献   

基于人机交互的炼钢连铸动态调度*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对炼钢连铸动态调度问题,建立了问题的优化模型、设计了约束满足求解算法并分析了算法复杂度、开发了炼钢连铸动态调度的人机交互系统。当生产过程中的扰动事件发生时,系统能够通过人机交互并结合优化模型和多项式时间复杂度的算法获得可行且与原调度尽量一致的新调度方案,以确保动态调度前后整个生产过程的连续性和稳定性。  相似文献   

心理认知计算是智能化人机交互技术的一个重要组成部分,近年来得到广泛的关注。文中综述国内外心理认知计算的研究进展。首先介绍心理认知计算的相关概念,详细叙述心理状态理解的研究内容和机制。其次总结心理认知的神经生物学研究成果,对心理情感状态和心理认知状态的研究现状进行了比较,从模式提取和模型建立两方面对心理认知在人机交互中的发展趋势作了分析,提出多模态信息融合的多层级心理状态视觉认知计算模型框架。最后讨论研究心理认知计算的重要意义和当前存在的主要困难。  相似文献   

Graphs that are used to model real-world entities with vertices and relationships among entities with edges, have proven to be a powerful tool for describing real-world problems in applications. In most real-world scenarios, entities and their relationships are subject to constant changes. Graphs that record such changes are called dynamic graphs. In recent years, the widespread application scenarios of dynamic graphs have stimulated extensive research on dynamic graph processing systems that continuously ingest graph updates and produce up-to-date graph analytics results. As the scale of dynamic graphs becomes larger, higher performance requirements are demanded to dynamic graph processing systems. With the massive parallel processing power and high memory bandwidth, GPUs become mainstream vehicles to accelerate dynamic graph processing tasks. GPU-based dynamic graph processing systems mainly address two challenges: maintaining the graph data when updates occur (i.e., graph updating) and producing analytics results in time (i.e., graph computing). In this paper, we survey GPU-based dynamic graph processing systems and review their methods on addressing both graph updating and graph computing. To comprehensively discuss existing dynamic graph processing systems on GPUs, we first introduce the terminologies of dynamic graph processing and then develop a taxonomy to describe the methods employed for graph updating and graph computing. In addition, we discuss the challenges and future research directions of dynamic graph processing on GPUs.  相似文献   

Computer understanding of human actions and interactions is one of the key research issues in human computing. In this regard, context plays an essential role in semantic understanding of human behavioral and social signals from sensor data. This paper put forward an event-based dynamic context model to address the problems of context awareness in the analysis of group interaction scenarios. Event-driven multilevel dynamic Bayesian network is correspondingly proposed to detect multilevel events, which underlies the context awareness mechanism. Online analysis can be achieved, which is superior over previous works. Experiments in our smart meeting room demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.   相似文献   

交互复杂度--面向网络计算的复杂度指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着网络计算的盛行,计算问题的解决越来越倾向于通过分布在网络上的服务的交互来完成,研究问题在交互意义上的复杂度显得日益重要.提出了以交互为基本要素的通用计算模型——交互积,在此基础上提出了算法的交互复杂度指标,并初步探索了交互复杂度和时间复杂度之间的关系.利用3-GIP的通用性,可以降低网格系统的成本和提高好用性,而交互复杂度可以作为网格上问题解决方案的评价指标,从而可以指导网格应用的开发.  相似文献   

黄进  陈毅能  刘杰  田丰  戴国忠  王宏安 《软件学报》2016,27(S2):156-171
随着平板电脑、智能手机、智能手表等智能移动设备的普及,利用便携的智能移动设备随时随地进行健康评价受到了国内外学者的广泛关注.人机交互特有的多通道、交互式、人机协同的计算能够有效地提高移动环境下神经功能评价的准确度.然而,目前很少有研究对人机交互在这一应用场景上发挥的作用进行过充分讨论,更没有形成统一的多通道交互模型.为此,首先分析了目前移动设备上主流的神经功能评价方法,归纳总结出了一套适用该应用场景的交互原语和交互任务.然后,在此基础上提出了移动环境下神经功能评价多通道人机交互模型——MINA(multimodal human-computer interaction model for nerve function assessment in mobile environment),并对该模型的移动医学评价和多通道融合特点进行了分析.最后,依据此模型给出神经系统疾病检测的应用实例.实践证明,MINA能够较好地指导交互式神经功能评价应用的设计和开发,多通道融合的方式能够有效地提高医学评价的准确度.  相似文献   

With the recent development of deep learning technology comes the wide use of artificial intelligence (AI) models in various domains. AI shows good performance for definite-purpose tasks, such as image recognition and text classification. The recognition performance for every single task has become more accurate than feature engineering, enabling more work that could not be done before. In addition, with the development of generation technology (e.g., GPT-3), AI models are showing stable performances in each recognition and generation task. However, not many studies have focused on how to integrate these models efficiently to achieve comprehensive human interaction. Each model grows in size with improved performance, thereby consequently requiring more computing power and more complicated designs to train than before. This requirement increases the complexity of each model and requires more paired data, making model integration difficult. This study provides a survey on visual language integration with a hierarchical approach for reviewing the recent trends that have already been performed on AI models among research communities as the interaction component. We also compare herein the strengths of existing AI models and integration approaches and the limitations they face. Furthermore, we discuss the current related issues and which research is needed for visual language integration. More specifically, we identify four aspects of visual language integration models: multimodal learning, multi-task learning, end-to-end learning, and embodiment for embodied visual language interaction. Finally, we discuss some current open issues and challenges and conclude our survey by giving possible future directions.  相似文献   

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