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针对轮式移动机器人参数摄动和内外部扰动等问题,提出一种新型的基于自适应扩张状态观测器的滑模控制算法。采用自适应虚拟速度控制器估计系统未知参数,滑模控制器抑制参数摄动和内外部扰动,非线性扩张状态观测器观测系统扰动并减小控制输入的抖振,实现了轨迹跟踪误差的快速收敛。利用Lyapunov稳定性理论证明了控制算法的稳定收敛性。将所提算法与传统自适应反演滑模算法进行对比,对比结果表明了所提算法的有效性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

为了使水面无人船(USV)获得更好的跟踪性能,本文设计了基于扰动观测器和命令滤波器的自适应模糊控制器.对于该系统存在建模不确定性和外部环境的扰动,采用模糊逻辑系统(FLS)和一个新的扰动观测器对其进行逼近和补偿.在扰动观测器和控制器中加入了一个新的自适应参数,用来改善控制精度.基于此,本文设计了命令滤波反步控制方法,可以保证系统在所有状态下都是有界的,且跟踪误差在有限时间内小于规定的精度.仿真结果显示该方法有效,且可以满足给定的控制精度.  相似文献   

针对电子节气门系统的状态变量不完全可测量, 设计了一个基于观测器的输出反馈电子节气门控制系统. 该系统由一个估计不可测量状态的降阶观测器和一个非线性状态反馈控制器组成. 同时在控制器中引入了跟踪误差的积分项以抑制跟踪静差. 将建模误差和观测器误差等不确定性看作外部扰动, 在输入到状态稳定性(Input to state stability, ISS)理论框架下分析了跟踪误差系统的鲁棒性, 并据此给出了选择控制器参数的指导性原则.仿真及实验结果表明, 基于观测器的输出反馈控制器能够很好地实现电子节气门的跟踪控制.  相似文献   

具有饱和死区非线性输入的自适应滑模跟踪控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对一类具有非对称饱和死区的扇区非线性输入系统,研究了自适应滑模输出反馈跟踪控制问题.在假设系统数学模型已知或未知的情形下,分别基于自适应观测器和模糊观测器,提出了滑模控制器的综合设计方案,并通过定义一类李亚普诺夫函数给出了自适应控制器和模糊逻辑系统的参数调整律.所提方法不仅具有对系统模型依赖性小的优点,而且增强了对扰动的鲁棒性,并保证了整个闭环跟踪误差系统的稳定性.最后,仿真结果验证了本方法的有效性.  相似文献   

本文针对系统不确定性和外部干扰引起的磁悬浮球系统控制性能下降的问题,提出了一种基于等价输入干扰滑模观测器的模型预测控制(MPC+EIDSMO)方法.首先将原系统转化为EID系统,采用等价输入干扰滑模观测器对EID系统状态变量及等价输入干扰进行估计;然后基于状态估计值设计模型预测控制器,并将等价输入干扰估计值以前馈的方式补偿后得到最终的复合控制律,实现对参考位置跟踪的快速性,准确性以及对总扰动的鲁棒性.值得注意的是,与传统EID结构中的龙伯格观测器相比,等价输入干扰滑模观测器中增加的非线性观测误差反馈项有助于提高状态估计的快速性和精确性.从理论上证明了该系统是全局一致毕竟有界的.仿真和实验结果表明,相较于基于EID观测器的模型预测控制方法和基于龙伯格观测器的积分模型预测控制方法,所提方法提高了磁悬浮球系统的跟踪性能,并且有效的抑制了系统不确定性和外部干扰.  相似文献   

王宁  王永 《自动化学报》2018,44(4):685-695
针对具有未知外界扰动和系统不确定性的四旋翼飞行器,提出了一种基于模糊不确定观测器(Fuzzy uncertainty observer,FUO)的自适应动态面轨迹跟踪控制方法.通过将四旋翼飞行器系统分解为位置、姿态角和角速率三个动态子系统,使得各子系统虚拟控制器能够充分考虑欠驱动约束;采用一阶低通滤波器重构虚拟控制信号及其一阶导数,实现四旋翼跟踪控制设计的迭代解耦;设计了一种模糊不确定观测器,用以估计和补偿未知外界扰动与系统不确定性,从而确保闭环系统的稳定性和跟踪误差与其他系统信号的一致有界性.仿真研究验证了所提出的控制方法的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

孙国法  魏巍 《控制与决策》2020,35(6):1490-1496
针对包含不确定函数和未知外部扰动的一类严格反馈型非线性系统,提出基于精确扰动观测器的变比例增益自适应模糊控制器.系统中的未知不确定函数由模糊逻辑系统在线逼近,同时将模糊逻辑系统的逼近误差和未知外部扰动定义为总扰动,利用精确扰动观测器进行精确微分补偿控制. 将非线性函数应用于设计可调节的输出反馈增益,有效消除系统的稳态误差,使得系统跟踪误差可以控制在零的任意小邻域内.最后,通过Lyapunov定理证明闭环系统中所有信号均是有界的.数值仿真表明了所提出方案的有效性.  相似文献   

为了克服传统永磁同步电机(Permanent magnet synchronous motor,PMSM)的滑模控制增益大容易产生抖振的问题,提出基于模糊观测器的PMSM积分滑模控制策略。采用新型趋近律设计积分滑模控制器取代传统的滑模控制器,提高系统的动态响应性能。结合模糊控制与自适应控制的特点,设计模糊扰动观测器,能够迅速有效地观测系统内部参数变化和外部扰动,并对积分滑模速度控制器进行前馈补偿,削弱系统抖振的同时提高了系统的鲁棒性。通过李雅普诺夫理论证明了该控制系统的稳定性。仿真及实验结果验证了该方法具有较强的鲁棒性,可以实现良好的跟踪效果并且无抖动。  相似文献   

研究了基于动态面反步控制和模糊自适应逼近的可逆冷带轧机速度张力系统直接反馈线性化(direct feedback linearization,DFL)动态解耦控制问题.首先,通过构造非线性干扰观测器(nonlinear disturbance observer,NDO)削弱了模型中非匹配不确定项对系统性能的影响,进而应用DFL理论实现了速度张力非线性耦合系统的动态解耦和线性化;其次,将反步控制与动态面控制相结合完成了解耦后速度张力各线性子系统控制器的设计,且有效避免了反步控制中的"微分爆炸"现象;再次,采用模糊自适应方法对所设计控制器中的匹配不确定项进行了逼近估计,有效地提高了速度张力系统的跟踪控制精度;稳定性分析结果表明,可逆冷带轧机速度张力系统是一致最终有界的.最后,基于工业现场的实际数据进行仿真对比研究,仿真结果验证了本文所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

水下航行器智能航向滑模控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现对自主水下航行器参考航向的平滑、快速跟踪,提出了一种基于干扰观测器的航向跟踪自适应反演滑模控制算法。针对水池试验中不同程度的水流干扰,利用一种干扰观测器观测系统的不确定性和外部干扰,未观测到的部分干扰采用自适应滑模控制器进行补偿。控制器的设计消除了传统滑模控制的"抖振"现象,且保证了闭环系统的稳定性。同时该控制系统可智能选取控制策略,通过判断水流循环等外界干扰的程度,自动选取合适的控制策略,最终消除外界干扰,提高了跟踪的稳定性和快速性。仿真结果表明,该控制策略能很好地实现智能航向跟踪控制,使跟踪误差在有限时间内快速收敛到零,对外界扰动的变化具有强鲁棒性和良好的自适应性。  相似文献   

This article investigates the robust adaptive control system design for the longitudinal dynamics of a flexible air‐breathing hypersonic vehicle (FAHV) subject to parametric uncertainties and control input constraints. A combination of back‐stepping and nonlinear disturbance observer (NDO) is utilized for exploiting an adaptive output‐feedback controller to provide robust tracking of velocity and altitude reference trajectories in the presence of flexible effects and system uncertainties. The dynamic surface control is introduced to solve the problem of “explosion of terms.” A new NDO is developed to guarantee the proposed controller's disturbance attenuation ability and to performance robustness against uncertain aerodynamic coefficients. To deal with the problem of actuator saturation, a novel auxiliary system is exploited to compensate the desired control laws. The stability of the presented NDO and controller is analyzed. Simulation results are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented control strategy.  相似文献   

Fei  Shumin 《Neurocomputing》2008,71(7-9):1741-1747
In this paper, we address the problem of neural networks (NNs) stabilization and disturbance rejection for a class of nonlinear switched impulsive systems. An adaptive NN feedback control scheme and an impulsive controller for output tracking error disturbance attenuation of nonlinear switched impulsive systems are given under all admissible switched strategy based on NN. The NN is used to compensate for the nonlinear uncertainties of switched impulsive systems, and the approximation error of NN is introduced to the adaptive law in order to improve the tracking attenuation quality of the switched impulsive systems. Impulsive controller is designed to attenuate effect of switching impulse. Under all admissible switching law, impulsive controller and adaptive NN feedback controller can guarantee asymptotic stability of tracking error and improve disturbance attenuation level of tracking error for the overall nonlinear switched impulsive system. Finally, a numerical example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control and stabilization methods.  相似文献   

针对一类非严格反馈非线性系统,系统中包含不确定函数和未知外部扰动,提出一种带不匹配扰动补偿的输出反馈模糊控制器.采用模糊逻辑系统逼近未知的非线性函数,同时构造模糊状态观测器观测系统未知状态.考虑观测器和控制器会受到外部扰动和模糊逼近误差构成的不匹配总扰动信号影响,采用改进的扰动观测器对不匹配扰动进行估计和补偿,使扰动观测误差能够在有限时间内平缓地收敛到任意小的范围,消除不匹配扰动信号对模糊观测器设计的影响.同时在控制器设计中进行扰动的精确补偿,提高系统的抗扰动性.通过Lyapunov函数证明了闭环系统所有信号都是有界的.最后,通过数值仿真进一步验证了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

可移动唇罩式变几何进气道高超声速飞行器是指飞行器发动机前端设有一个能沿着来流方向前后平移的唇罩,从而能够实现飞行器的最大气流捕获,以提高发动机的机动性能.针对变几何进气道飞行器强非线性以及存在参数不确定性等特点,提出一种基于非线性干扰观测器的自适应模糊控制策略.首先,基于反步思想将变几何进气道飞行器模型分解为速度子系统和高度子系统,并将其转化为严反馈形式控制系统;其次,利用模糊逻辑系统并结合自适应技术在线逼近模型参数不确定项;再次,采用非线性干扰观测器补偿模糊系统逼近误差和飞行器建模误差;最后,通过仿真结果表明所设计的控制器能对飞行器速度和高度参考指令实现准确、稳定地跟踪,并验证了变几何进气道飞行器的优势.  相似文献   

基于NDO的ROV变深自适应终端滑模控制器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

针对ROV的深度控制问题, 提出基于非线性干扰观测器的自适应终端滑模控制方法. 详细叙述了控制器的设计过程, 并利用Lyapunov 稳定性判据, 验证了存在模型参数不确定性和外干扰时, 系统的全局渐近稳定性和跟踪误差的收敛性. 仿真实验表明, 所提出的控制器不仅能够很好地估计并克服外干扰和模型不确定性等因素, 具有很好的鲁棒性能, 而且还可以实现在任意规定时刻变深运动的快速收敛.


针对一类不确定仿射非线性系统的跟踪控制问题,提出一种基于干扰观测器的有限时间收敛backstepping控制方法.为增强小脑模型(CMAC)泛化和学习能力,将非对称高斯函数和模糊理论相结合,给出非对称模糊CMAC结构,设计干扰观测器实现系统未知复合干扰在线准确逼近;基于非对称模糊CMAC干扰观测器,给出有限时间收敛backstepping控制器设计步骤,利用Lyapunov稳定理论证明闭环系统稳定性,其中采用非线性微分器获取虚拟控制量滤波和微分信息以避免backstepping设计中的微分“膨胀问题”,设计辅助系统修正因微分器带来的误差对系统跟踪性能影响,引入基于障碍型函数的自适应滑模鲁棒项抑制复合干扰估计偏差对跟踪误差的影响;将所提方法应用于无人机飞行控制仿真实验,结果表明所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

In vehicular radar servo system, parameter variations of the executive motor and external disturbance uncertainties have great effects on the position tracking precision of the system. In this paper, a robust adaptive controller with disturbance observer is designed for vehicular radar servo system, which combines the merits of disturbance observer, adaptive backstepping method and sliding mode control. The system is modeled, and a disturbance observer is employed to observe and compensate for the unknown uncertainties. Adaptive backstepping method is used to design the sliding model controller to guarantee the global stability of the overall system. Simulation results show that the proposed robust adaptive controller has good performance in position tracking and enhances the robustness of vehicular radar servo system while observing the uncertainties precisely and quickly.  相似文献   

This paper presents an observer-based nonlinear control method that was developed and implemented to provide accurate tracking control of a limited angle torque motor following a 50Hz reference waveform. The method is based on a robust nonlinear observer, which is used to estimate system states and perturbations and then employ input-output feedback linearization to compensate for the system nonlinearities and uncertainties. The estimation of system states and perturbations allows input-output linearization of the nonlinear system without an accurate mathematical model of nominal plant. The simulation results show that the observer-based nonlinear control method is superior in comparison with the conventional model-based state feedback linearizing controller.  相似文献   


This paper presents a novel observer-based hybrid adaptive fuzzy controller for affine and nonaffine nonlinear systems with external disturbance. The suggested design is so easy and does not need a mathematical model for system under control and also it is very simple, efficient and robust. Based on the adaptive method and the system states observer, an observer-based adaptive fuzzy method is proposed to control an uncertain nonlinear system. Also, a supervisory controller term is employed to attenuate the residual error to a desired level and compensate the both uncertainties and observer errors. Although proposed control method needs the uncertainties to be bounded, it does not need this bound to be identified. Stability of the proposed method is shown based on Lyapunov theory and also the strictly positive real condition if all the implicated signals are uniformly bounded. Finally, in our simulation studies, to demonstrate the usefulness and efficiency of the suggested technique, an uncertain nonlinear system is employed.


This paper investigate the contour error control problem for networked multi‐axis motion system (NMAMS) with time‐varying delays. Firstly, the uncertainties induced by the delays are modeled as a part of the total disturbance, and a linear active disturbance rejection controller (LADRC) is designed for the uniaxial trajectory tracking control. In the LADRC, a linear extended state observer (LESO) is designed to estimate the system state and the total disturbance simultaneously, and the effect of the total disturbance is eliminated by the designed linear feedback error control law. Then, the classical contour error estimation method is adopted, and a fuzzy PID controller is designed to compensate the contour error to achieve a better contour tracking performance. Finally, experiments are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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