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adaptable适应性强的active主动的,活跃的aggressive有进取心的amicable友好的analytical善于分析的apprehensive有理解力的aspiring有志气的,有抱负的audacious大胆的,有冒险精神的capable有能力的,有才能的careful办理仔细的competent能胜任的cooperative有合作精神的creative富创造力的dedicated有奉献精神的dependable可靠的diplomatic老练的,有策略的disciplined守纪律的dutiful尽职的well--educated受过良好教育的efficient有效率的energetic精力充沛的learned精通某门学问的logical条理分明的methodical有方法的modest谦虚的pun…  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断的快速的发展,电子信息工程行业需要更多的相关的运用型的人才,对于培养相关的人才的要求,本文对电子信息工程的专业的学生进行进一步的探究和培养,根据具体的对于学生的培养的目标已经相关的课程的指标体系和有关的教学的内容,重新整理和研究提出了相关的比较有价值的电子信息工程专业的课程设计。  相似文献   

EXCEL的多维引用的技术是新时期的信息技术的教学的重要部分,对EXCEL的技术的原理和应用对策的深层次的研究是非常有意义的。而多维的引用技能也是EXCEL中的实际运用的范围,并且拥有很高的引用价值。本文就新时期的信息技术的教学范畴内EXCEL多维引用的应用方法进行研究。  相似文献   

基于神经网络的拒绝服务攻击的预测能对相应主机是否受到服务攻击的检测,而通过类神经网络的构建实现了网络安全环境的创建和营造,拒绝服务攻击针对的是桌一网络的服务,从而向相应的主机发送大量的网络信息,从而用信息的攻势致使服务器处于忙碌的状态,阻碍了其他网络的正常服务和信息的传输。互联网上的主机应建立正常运转下的训练。从而建立神经网络的拒绝服务攻击的预测系统,保证系统的安全和运行的稳定。  相似文献   

在面向服务的架构的环境下,传统的安全机制已经不能满足面向服务的架构环境下的应用系统的安全需求,怎样在不使面向服务的架构的松耦合、高伸缩性优势受到影响的同时,研究出在面向服务的架构下的信息安全实现模型,从而满足面向服务的架构下的应用系统的安全需求,是当前亟待解决的问题.因此,本文进行了基于面向服务的架构的信息安全应用研究.  相似文献   

现在计算机的技术不断地进行发展,在社会上对于计算机人才,需求量也是非常大的,在这样的情况下,学校在培养学生的时候,应该特别的注意在方面的锻炼,让学生拥有更多的能力.所以,在学校的机房的管理中,应该着重的重视其起来,对于现在的机房上的设备和环境,都要进行管理,使机房的环境达到最好,使学生在进行相关的练习的时候,能够更好的进行.现在对于机房上的管理,是非常的重要的,在管理的时候,应该考虑到各个方面上的因素,使这个机房上的管理,能够达到一定的高度,让机房更好的发挥出作用.这篇文章主要就机房的管理中,存在着什么样问题,针对这样的问题,在解决的时候,应该使用什么有效的方法,使机房更好的发挥出作用来.  相似文献   

通常人们所说的计算机的运算速度,一般是指的平均运算速度。它是指计算机平均每秒钟可执行的指令条数。在计算平均运算速度时,要涉及到计算机执行的程序中各种指令的比例,因为不同的指令的执行速度是不一样的。不同类型的程序所用的指令种类的比例是不同的,所以计算出来的运算速度也是大不相同的。  相似文献   

伴随社会不断的进步,现在的社会对像高职高专这种类型的学校的计算机专业毕业生计算机的应用能力的要求变的更高,今天对高职高专类型学校的计算机专业的毕业生水平及质量重要的标尺之一就是计算机的应用能力强弱以及计算机的技术水平高低.此文将对怎样提升高职高专的计算机专业的学生计算机方面的应用能力展开讨论.  相似文献   

你相信人的气质可以影响产品的气质吗?这是数码时代的一个极具代表性的现象。有性感的美女就有性感的产品,性感的产品赋予美女们更多的表现空间。红色的热情如火,白色的纯洁坦白,黄色的神采飞扬,绿色的宁静安详……性感的产品有时也像性感的美女一样,带给人无尽的遐想……  相似文献   

光鲜的红,平和的蓝,纯洁的白……时尚的星座男女们.你们手中握着的是什么颜色的手机呢?不同的星座拥有不同的性格.缤纷的色彩也诠释着缤纷的心情。各种星座与行星,都有其与生俱来的色彩能量,静心冥想你目前最需要的能量又究竟是什么呢?那么就赋予你的手机最合适的颜色,亮出你的真性情,打出你的真色彩。  相似文献   

This article describes the rationale for the multiphase creative problem solving process, and reports the findings from an empirical investigation conducted to facilitate the problem solving of managers. The ideational skills of the managers were assessed before and after training in a complete process of creative problem solving, along with their ideational attitudes, creative problem solving style (i.e., generator, conceptualizer, optimizer, or implementor), and evaluative skill (i.e., ability to recognize original ideas). The most important findings indicated that the training had a significant impact on the evaluative accuracy of the managers. They were significantly more accurate in their judgments about original ideas after training, both in their identification of original ideas and their recognition of unoriginal ideas. After training, the managers also gave more solutions and more original solutions to problems. Finally, several variables (e.g., the “preference for active divergence” attitude, and the conceptualizer process style) seemed to moderate the impact of training. Training was therefore effective, with specific effects that can be predicted from pre-training individual differences in attitudes and process style.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a sound and complete semantics for the monitor concept of C.A.R. Hoare. First a method for specification of monitors, introduced by O.-J. Dahl, is reviewed. This method is based on the relation between the historic sequence of monitor procedure calls and the historic sequence of monitor procedure exits. Based on such specifications and our new monitor semantics we present a method by which it is possible to prove that a concrete monitor is an implementation of an abstract one. In the last part of the paper an axiomatic semantics for systems of concurrent processes and monitors is introduced. The method supports verification by separation of concerns: Properties of the communication to and from each process are proven in isolation by a usual Hoare style axiomatic semantics, while abstract monitors are also specified in isolation by the method reviewed in the first part of the paper. These properties of the components of the system are then used in a new proof rule to conclude properties of the complete system. Stein Gjessing received a Ph.D. (actually a Dr. philos.) from the University of Oslo (Norway) in 1985. Presently he is an Associate Professor at the Institute of informatics, University of Oslo, Norway. Dr. Gjessings research interests are in the area of concurrent and distributed programming, operating systems, formal specification and verification and programming languages.  相似文献   

The development of an interface coupling program on personal computers for an analysis software system such as ANSYS, SAP, etc. and an optimization software system, MOST, is presented. By controlling and directing the communications the interface coupler integrates the two programs while retaining their versatility and interactive features. The integrated system is used to solve a numerical example of active noise control for a three-dimensional enclosure, in which an energy density level of control points is minimized by adding the sound source to cancel the unwanted noise. The interface coupling program automates with relatively low cost the iterative process for designing an engineering system, remaining flexible in acoustical modelling and efficient in equation solving. Also, the coupling interface is developed in a general-purpose way so that it can be expanded easily to integrate more analysis software packages of different kinds.  相似文献   

The deep connection between the Burrows–Wheeler transform (BWT) and the so-called rank and select data structures for symbol sequences is the basis of most successful approaches to compressed text indexing. Rank of a symbol at a given position equals the number of times the symbol appears in the corresponding prefix of the sequence. Select is the inverse, retrieving the positions of the symbol occurrences. It has been shown that improvements to rank/select algorithms, in combination with the BWT, turn into improved compressed text indexes.  相似文献   

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