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在无线传感器网络(WSN)中,容易因为故障节点存在冗余的故障属性、噪声数据以及数据可靠性等问题,从而产生传输错误数据,这将极大地消耗WSN节点中能量和带宽,向用户形成错误的决策。为此,提出了基于蚁群算法和BP神经网络模型的WSN节点故障检测方法。通过使用蚁群算法,使用户通过寻找优化路径来定位WSN节点的位置,通过这种随机搜索算法以及蚁群算法的搜索策略使用户对WSN故障节点的位置进行总体把握。然后又基于BP神经网络模型对获取的WSN故障节点信息进一步学习,在数据训练过程中,依据WSN故障节点预测误差,并进一步调整网络的权值和阈值,增加了故障诊断的精度。采用的算法对检测WSN故障节点具有较好的性能,使无线传感器网络的服务质量大大提高,增强了系统的稳定性,实验结果验证了算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

研究海量存储系统的可用性评测,设计一种基于小型计算机系统接口(SCSI)协议的故障注入工具。该工具在SCSI协议中间层截获SCSI上层命令,修改命令后,能够实现多种暂态和永久故障的注入,有效地模拟存储系统可能遇到的各种故障。根据目标系统特点确定故障模型和注入参数,注入结束后,进行注入结果回收和离线数据分析。实验测试结果验证了该故障注入工具的有效性。  相似文献   

目前区块链的容量受到网络里存储空间最小的节点的限制,提出了区块链存储容量可扩展模型,该模型将一条完整的区块链副本进行分片处理,并将分片数据保存在一定比例的节点中。同时,模型增加了验证节点,对存储数据的节点进行基于数据可检索性证明(proofs of retrievability,POR)方法的实时检测,并记录更新存储节点稳定性值,依此选择高稳定性节点来储存新产生的数据副本,提高了数据存储的稳定性。最后,模型在多节点中正常运行、节点故障和有恶意攻击时的实验表明,区块链存储容量可扩展模型在具有稳定性、容错性和安全性的同时,有效地增加了区块链的存储扩展性。  相似文献   

陈冬英  宋东  陈杰 《测控技术》2015,34(1):91-94
航空电子全双工交换式以太网(AFDX)是成功应用于新一代大型飞机的新型航空数据总线.针对AFDX适航性及网络容错性能研究的需要,开展了有关AFDX网络故障注入方法的研究.在AFDX实验系统上,通过软件方法进行动态故障注入,测试AFDX网络对注入故障的响应,验证了AFDX网络的可靠性、健壮性及容错性能,并为进一步研究AFDX网络性能及故障诊断提供了大量测试数据,对深入开展AFDX适航技术研究打下了基础.  相似文献   

张争万  张春炯  李洪兵  谢涛 《计算机应用》2020,40(12):3571-3577
为解决无线传感器网络(WSN)中节点部署不均匀造成的节点能量消耗大、数据传输可靠性低的问题,提出了一种基于免疫连通模型的多路径传输选择算法。当数据传输发生故障时,免疫机制被用来选择路径的适应度函数,从而达到优化传输路径和减少节点能耗的目的。实验从网络寿命、端到端传输延迟、覆盖率、传输可靠性、载荷分布等指标对算法进行评价。实验结果显示,所提算法可更好地平衡负载,延长网络的生命周期,以及保证数据传输的可靠性。所提算法可以应用于对能量效率、可扩展性、延长网络寿命和降低网络开销有较高要求的传感器网络设计。  相似文献   

可靠性是评价容错计算机的重要性能指标之一,评价系统的可靠性在计算机系统的设计及实现阶段都有重要意义,故障注入法是可靠性评测的一种常用方法.在通用的JTAG调试技术基础上,描述了一种针对CPU的硬件故障工具,并通过仿真实验进行了验证.该硬件注入工具基于IEEE标准,只要知道目标芯片的边界扫描链,就可以进行故障注入工作;同时,该工具对目标系统的故障注入工作由硬件完成,对操作系统透明,可以有效地突破操作系统的保护机制.  相似文献   

在分布式WSN系统中,簇内有相当多的无线传感器节点,这些节点可能会部署在各种环境中,采用从单个传感器上所获取信息可靠性不高。为了提高系统的可靠性,需要对多个传感器节点采集数据进行综合,这样就可以有效地提高所获得数据的精度和可信度。研究了在系统节点发生拜占庭故障的情况下,利用现有WSN的数据融合方法以及安全系统中的拜占庭将军问题,提出了一种新的基于OM算法与贝叶斯检测算法的容错检测算法,合理而有效的进行数据融合,减小拜占庭故障对系统的影响,从而使所有节点做出一致决定。通过仿真得出该算法可以保证节点决策具有较高一致性的情况下仍有较高的故障节点减少率。  相似文献   

传输可靠性是衡量无线传感器(Wireless sensor networks, WSN)网络性能的一个重要指标. 针对节点故障会影响网络传输稳定性和可靠性的问题, 提出了基于多路径纠删编码的 无线传感器网络可靠传输策略(Multi-paths and erasure encoding strategy, MPE2S). 根据反映链路质量的最优最差蚂蚁系统的信息素归一化值, 在相邻等级节点间建立多条互不交叉的传输路径, 将源数据包经纠删编码的 数据片沿多条路径分配和传输以实现负载均衡和故障容错. 理论分析和仿真结果表明,MPE2S具有较高数据包接收率、数据准确率和能效性, 体现了良好的故障容错性、数据传输稳定性和可靠性.  相似文献   

张争万  张春炯  李洪兵  谢涛 《计算机应用》2005,40(12):3571-3577
为解决无线传感器网络(WSN)中节点部署不均匀造成的节点能量消耗大、数据传输可靠性低的问题,提出了一种基于免疫连通模型的多路径传输选择算法。当数据传输发生故障时,免疫机制被用来选择路径的适应度函数,从而达到优化传输路径和减少节点能耗的目的。实验从网络寿命、端到端传输延迟、覆盖率、传输可靠性、载荷分布等指标对算法进行评价。实验结果显示,所提算法可更好地平衡负载,延长网络的生命周期,以及保证数据传输的可靠性。所提算法可以应用于对能量效率、可扩展性、延长网络寿命和降低网络开销有较高要求的传感器网络设计。  相似文献   

高端服务器广泛采用PCIE总线作为I/O接口提供网络、存储等服务,PCIE总线故障会严重影响服务器提供可靠的服务.为了测试高端服务器的软硬件系统对PCIE总线故障的容错能力,阐述了基于软件的故障注入思路,设计并实现了基于软件的故障注入系统.经过实验,收集了一些测试数据,验证了故障注入系统的有效性,并分析了实验系统对PCIE总线的容错机制.  相似文献   

A wireless sensor network (WSN) (singular and plural of acronyms are spelled the same) is a distributed system composed of autonomous sensor nodes wireless connected and randomly scattered into a geographical area to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions. Adequate techniques and strategies are required to manage a WSN so that it works properly, observing specific quantities and metrics to evaluate the WSN operational conditions. Among them, one of the most important is the reliability. Considering a WSN as a system composed of sensor nodes the system reliability approach can be applied, thus expressing the WSN reliability in terms of its nodes' reliability. More specifically, since often standby power management policies are applied at node level and interferences among nodes may arise, a WSN can be considered as a dynamic system. In this article we therefore consider the WSN reliability evaluation problem from the dynamic system reliability perspective. Static–structural interactions are specified by the WSN topology. Sleep/wake-up standby policies and interferences due to wireless communications can be instead considered as dynamic aspects. Thus, in order to represent and to evaluate the WSN reliability, we use dynamic reliability block diagrams and Petri nets. The proposed technique allows to overcome the limits of Markov models when considering non-linear discharge processes, since they cannot adequately represent the aging processes. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique, we investigate some specific WSN network topologies, providing guidelines for their representation and evaluation.  相似文献   

In a wireless sensor network (WSNs), probability of node failure rises with increase in number of sensor nodes within the network. The, quality of service (QoS) of WSNs is highly affected by the faulty sensor nodes. If faulty sensor nodes can be detected and reused for network operation, QoS of WSNs can be improved and will be sustainable throughout the monitoring period. The faulty nodes in the deployed WSN are crucial to detect due to its improvisational nature and invisibility of internal running status. Furthermore, most of the traditional fault detection methods in WSNs do not consider the uncertainties that are inherited in the WSN environment during the fault diagnosis period. Resulting traditional fault detection methods suffer from low detection accuracy and poor performance. To address these issues, we propose a fuzzy rule-based faulty node classification and management scheme for WSNs that can detect and reuse faulty sensor nodes according to their fault status. In order to overcome uncertainties that are inherited in the WSN environment, a fuzzy logic based method is utilized. Fuzzy interface engine categorizes different nodes according to the chosen membership function and the defuzzifier generates a non-fuzzy control to retrieve the various types of nodes. In addition, we employed a routing scheme that reuses the retrieved faulty nodes during the data routing process. We performed extensive experiments on the proposed scheme using various network scenarios. The experimental results are compared with the existing algorithms to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in terms of various important performance metrics.  相似文献   

为及时发现WSN节点故障隐患,准确掌握WSN运行状态,本文利用粗糙集理论属性约简算法(简称RS)对WSN节点故障属性进行约简,以最优的故障属性决策表重构训练样本数据集,作为极限学习机(Extreme Learning Machine, ELM)神经网络的输入,建立一个数据驱动的WSN节点故障断模型.采用乌鸦搜索算法(Crow Search Algorithm, CSA)优化ELM神经网络的输入权值和隐含层阀值,改善网络参数随机生成带来的ELM模型输出不稳定、分类精度偏低的问题.通过对RS-GA-ELM模型进行仿真分析.结果表明, RS-GA-ELM模型能够在可靠性不同的数据集中,保持较高的故障诊断效率,符合WSN节点故障诊断的需求.  相似文献   

针对当前民防工程中地质情况复杂、通信可靠性差等问题,利用WSN低功耗、低成本、组网灵活等特点,设计适合民防工程的无线通信网络。重点关注民防工程中WSN系统的组网算法设计,该算法将传感器节点按蜂巢方式进行布局,实现对进入民防工程中的车辆、人员定位;能够在WSN网络出现局部崩溃时上报故障参考节点位置;在网络参考节点发生小规模位移时,能够将发生位移的参考节点及时关闭,确保定位节点的有效定位。通过实验证实,该算法能够有效提高民防工程中WSN网络的有效性和安全性。  相似文献   

As communication technology and smart manufacturing have developed, the industrial internet of things (IIoT) has gained considerable attention from academia and industry. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have many advantages with broad applications in many areas including environmental monitoring, which makes it a very important part of IIoT. However, energy depletion and hardware malfunctions can lead to node failures in WSNs. The industrial environment can also impact the wireless channel transmission, leading to network reliability problems, even with tightly coupled control and data planes in traditional networks, which obviously also enhances network management cost and complexity. In this paper, we introduce a new software defined network (SDN), and modify this network to propose a framework called the improved software defined wireless sensor network (improved SD-WSN). This proposed framework can address the following issues. 1) For a large scale heterogeneous network, it solves the problem of network management and smooth merging of a WSN into IIoT. 2) The network coverage problem is solved which improves the network reliability. 3) The framework addresses node failure due to various problems, particularly related to energy consumption. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the reliability of wireless sensor networks, by developing certain schemes to reduce energy consumption and the delay time of network nodes under IIoT conditions. Experiments have shown that the improved approach significantly reduces the energy consumption of nodes and the delay time, thus improving the reliability of WSN.   相似文献   

Wireless sensor network(WSN)is characterized by the dense deployment of sensor nodes that continuously observe physical phenomenon.The main advantages of WSN include its low cost,rapid deployment,self-organization,and fault tolerance.WSN has received tremendous interests of various research communities,and significant progresses have been made in various aspects including sensor platform development,wireless communication and networking,signal and information processing,as well as network performance eva...  相似文献   

With the rapid development of hardware and embedded systems, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are being developed for surveillance applications. While meriting more in-depth research and development, deploying a practical WSN for surveillance is challenging due to the limited power and bandwidth of the battery-operated sensor nodes. In this paper, we first propose an energy-efficient image transportation strategy through motion detection. In case of data delivery over long distance, this paper further investigates the use of cooperative communications to design a reliable image transmission scheme over WSN, and demonstrates its effectiveness in improving network reliability in wireless multimedia sensor networks.  相似文献   

Multi‐functional wireless sensor network (WSN) system is a new design trend of WSNs, which are evolving from dedicated application‐specific systems to an integrated infrastructure that supports the execution of multiple concurrent applications. Such system offers inherent advantages in terms of cost and flexibility because it allows the effective utilization of available sensors and resource sharing among multiple applications. However, sensor nodes are very constrained in resources, mainly regarding their energy. Therefore, the usage of such resources needs to be carefully managed, and the sharing with several applications imposes new challenges in achieving energy efficiency in these networks. In order to exploit the full potential of multi‐functional WSN systems, it is crucial to design mechanisms that effectively allocate tasks onto sensors so that the entire system lifetime is maximized while meeting various application requirements. However, it is likely that the requirements of different applications cannot be simultaneously met. In this paper, we present the Multi‐Application Requirements Aware and Energy Efficiency algorithm as a new resource allocation heuristic for multi‐functional WSN system to maximize system lifetime subject to various application requirements. The heuristic effectively deals with different quality of service parameters (possibly conflicting) trading those parameters and exploiting heterogeneity of multiple WSNs. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a wireless network consisting of spatially distributed autonomous devices using sensor nodes in a wide range of applications in various domains. In the future, WSNs are expected to be integrated into the “Internet of Things” (IoT), where sensor nodes join the Internet dynamically, and use them to collaborate and accomplish their tasks. Because of the communications of WSN will produce a broadcast storm, the Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Network (CWSN) was proposed to ameliorate the broadcast storm. However, the capability of the fault-tolerance and reliability of CWSNs must be carefully investigated and analyzed. To cope with the influence of faulty components, reaching a common agreement in the presence of faults before performing certain tasks is essential. Byzantine Agreement (BA) problem is a fundamental problem in fault-tolerant distributed systems. To enhance fault-tolerance and reliability of CWSN, the BA problem in CWSN is revisited in this paper. In this paper, a new BA protocol is proposed that adapts to the CWSN and derives its limit of allowable faulty components, while maintaining the minimum number of message exchanges.  相似文献   

In the past few years, research interest has been increased towards wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and their application in both the military and civil domains. To support scalability in WSNs and increase network lifetime, nodes are often grouped into disjoint clusters. However, secure and reliable clustering, which is critical in WSNs deployed in hostile environments, has gained modest attention so far or has been limited only to fault tolerance. In this paper, we review the state-of-the-art of clustering protocols in WSNs with special emphasis on security and reliability issues. First, we define a taxonomy of security and reliability for cluster head election and clustering in WSNs. Then, we describe and analyze the most relevant secure and reliable clustering protocols. Finally, we propose countermeasures against typical attacks and show how they improve the discussed protocols.  相似文献   

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