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CMAC在仿人机器人逆运动学计算中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文采用关节角位移和末端位姿误差作为小脑模型神经网络(CMAC)的输入,根据仿人机器人的正运动学模型来调整CMAC的权值,使网络最终逼近仿人机器人的逆模型,从而得到末端位姿到各个关节角的映射关系,避免了传统解析方法面临的计算量大、解不唯一的问题。MATLAB仿真结果表明,利用CMAC对仿人机器人的逆运动学问题求解,可以保证机器人位姿较好地跟踪给定的参考轨迹,说明CMAC能够逼近仿人机器人的逆运动学模型。  相似文献   

针对传统六自由度机器人进行形位分析与标定研究,采用运动学DH参数法建立机器人运动学位姿模型,利用激光跟踪仪进行机器人空间形位的辨识与减速比数据的采集,结合阻尼最小二乘法进行机器人零位与执行器的标定,通过修改控制器中机器人的末端执行器配置参数,完成传统工业机器人的末端位姿误差补偿,提高了机器人的绝对定位精度。  相似文献   

补偿机器人定位误差的神经网络   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
夏凯  陈崇端 《机器人》1995,17(3):171-176,183
先进的机器人由计算机执行程序来完成各种作业,靠计算关节变量的函数得到手爪的位姿,这些函数一般不准确,使计算值与实际值有较大误差;重复精度0.1mm的机器人该误差可能达到10mm。已有的机器人运动学误差补偿方法需要分析误差来源,使其参数化,并辨识这些参数,六自由度机器人的这种参数已达72个之多。本文提出一种机器人运动学误差补偿的神经网络模型,利用改进的误差反传(BP)学习算法,在RM-501机器人进  相似文献   

针对由几何参数不精确引起工业机器人绝对定位精度低的问题,提出一种基于位姿修正位置敏感探测器的几何参数标定方法。通过建立误差运动学模型,使用位置敏感探测器(PSD)装置进行数据采样,利用位姿修正原理对末端激光器位姿和关节转角进行修正,构建模型约束目标函数,运用LM算法计算得到几何参数误差,修正几何参数名义值。实验结果表明,该方法避免了PSD反馈控制,能够快速实现工业机器人几何参数标定,定位平均误差和标准差分别为78.28%、76.38%,有效提高了机器人的定位精度。  相似文献   

为提高并联机器人运行精度,研究利用计算机视觉标定并联机器人运动学参数的方法。首先对Delta型三自由度并联机器人进行运动学分析。然后采用光学照相机为传感器,在机构处于不同位姿状态下对固定于动平台上的标定板进行拍照,通过相机标定以及相应的坐标变换方法,求出动平台中心在基坐标系中的位置。最后利用机器人逆运动学模型、自定义的误差方程和非线性最小二乘估计,获得运动学参数。实验结果表明,该标定方法成本较低,标定方法简单、有效。  相似文献   

针对六足蛇形臂机器人的超关节极限和位形偏移量大、末端位姿的控制稳定性不好的问题,提出一种基于模糊滑模的六足蛇形臂机器人的末端位姿控制算法。在超冗余运动学逆解空间中建立蛇形臂机器人的运动学模型,采用修正的DH参数法进行六足蛇形臂机器人的末端位姿参数调节和融合处理,建立蛇形臂机器人的末端位姿力学控制模型,在末端跟随运动中采用外环滑模导纳控制方法进行末端位姿的自适应参数调节,采用滑模误差反馈调节方法确定六足蛇形臂机器人的末端位姿,实现六足蛇形臂机器人准确的姿态定位和参量解算,提高控制稳定性。仿真结果表明:采用该算法进行六足蛇形臂机器人的末端位姿控制的姿态校正性能较好,蛇形臂关节的空间位姿自适应调整能力较强,跟随运动准确,具有很好的位姿控制稳定性。  相似文献   

针对双足步行机器人(Biped Walking Robot)腿部逆运动学模型求解问题,采用一种基于CMAC神经网络的机器人逆运动学控制方法,设计CMAC神经网络控制系统.控制系统采用2个CMAC神经网络控制器分别用来逼近步行机器人支撑腿与摆动腿的逆模型,跟踪通过三维线性倒立摆模型生成的给定腰部轨迹.建立步行机器人正运动学模型来调整CMAC神经网络权值,实现了步行器人腿部逆运动学映射.仿真结果表明,CMAC神经网络控制系统可以在保证机器人位姿良好的情况下跟踪给定的参考轨迹.三维运动学仿真结果进一步验证了控制算法的有效性.  相似文献   

机器人运动学标定综述*   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从基于运动学模型的几何参数标定、机器人自标定、神经网络的正标定和逆标定三个方面,对机器人运动学标定方法及其研究现状进行了分析总结。详细介绍了每种标定方法的特点、存在的问题以及研究现状。最后对多机器人协作系统的标定以及运动学标定的发展方向进行了简要论述。  相似文献   

针对线结构光传感器引导的机器人系统的手眼标定问题,提出了一种以M型标准块为标定物的方法。该M型标定物的两条平行的脊线作为约束,基于两条平行脊线的约束建立包含手眼关系、机器人运动学以及两条直线位姿参数误差的模型。首先基于定点约束求解手眼关系初值并以此为基础解算出直线位姿参数的初值,然后通过最小二乘法解算误差参数并补偿到模型中,不断迭代直至计算的误差参数小于阈值,最终得到最终的机器人手眼关系及运动学误差参数。为了验证标定方法的有效性,以某精加工平面为被测物,利用线结构光机器人系统对平面进行测量,得到平面点云;拟合最小二乘平面,计算点到平面距离的均方根值作为评价依据。分别对所述M型标准块和标准球两种方法进行了实验对比,结果表明,相较于标准球方法,所述M型标准块方法得到的均方根误差由0.152 mm减少到0.080 mm,均方根误差的标准差由0.043 mm减少到0.005 mm,其标定结果的精度及稳定性得到显著提高。  相似文献   

基于神经网络的机器人位姿逆解   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张伟 《机器人》1997,19(2):151-154,160
本文运用神经网络求解机器人运动学位姿逆解,突破了文献局限于研究位置逆解的状况,首次实现自组织神经网络求解机器人姿态逆解。  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(4):431-440
In solving inverse kinematics problems, traditional methods such as RMRC (resolved motion rate control) and the IKM (inverse kinematic method) are mostly complicated and time-consuming. Using a neural network, however, a practical algorithm for obtaining accurate joint angles in a much shorter time is possible. The neural network approach assumes a transfer function between inputs and outputs and trains the network to satisfy the representative input-output pairs in the least squares sense. First, a test of the appropriateness of the neural network method is performed for the case of a planar two degrees of freedom (DOF) robot. Then the neural network method is employed to find three joint angles of a planar 3-DOF robot maximizing local manipulability. In this algorithm, the proximal redundant joint angle is determined from a neural network and then the remaining joint angles are determined from analytical functions. The results from this method compare favourably with those from the other two traditional methods.  相似文献   

The poor pose accuracy of industrial robots restricts their further application in aviation manufacturing. Kinematic calibration based on position errors is a traditional method to improve robot accuracy. However, due to the difference between length errors and angle errors in the order of magnitude, it is difficult to accurately calibrate these geometric parameters together. In this paper, a two-step method for robot kinematic parameters calibration and a novel method for position and orientation measurement are proposed and combined to identify these two kinds of errors respectively. The redundant parameter errors that affect the identification are also analyzed and eliminated to further improve the accuracy of this two-step method. Taking the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm as the underlying algorithm, simulation results indicate that the proposed two-step calibration method has faster iteration speed and higher identification accuracy than the traditional one. On this basis, the calibration and measurement methods proposed in this paper are verified on a heavy-duty robot used for fiber placement. Experimental results show that the mean absolute position error decreases from 0.9906 mm to 0.3703 mm after calibration by the proposed two-step calibration method with redundancy elimination. The absolute position accuracy has increased by 41.81% compared with the traditional method based on position errors only and 14.97% compared with the two-step calibration method without redundancy elimination. At the same time, the orientation errors after calibration are not more than 0.1485°, and the average of absolute errors is 0.0447.  相似文献   

基于观测器的机械手神经网络自适应控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种基于观测器的机械手神经网络自适应轨迹跟随控制器设计方法,这里机 械手的动力学非线性假设是未知的,并且假设机械手仅有关节角位置测量.文中采用一个线 性观测器重构机械手的关节角速度,用神经网络逼近修正的机械手动力学非线性,改进系统 的跟随性能.基于观测器的神经网络自适应控制器能够保证机械手角跟随误差和观测误差的 一致终结有界性以及神经网络权值的有界性,最后给出了机械手神经网络自适应控制器-观 测器设计的主要理论结果,并通过数字仿真验证了所提方法的性能.  相似文献   

Kinematic calibration is an effective and economical way to improve the accuracy of surgical robot, and in most cases, it is a necessary procedure before the robot is put into operation. This study investigates a novel kinematic calibration method where the effect of controller error is taken into account when formulating the model based on screw theory, which is applied to the kinematic control of magnetic resonance compatible surgical robot. Based on screw theory, the kinematic error model is established for the relationship between error of controller and the deviation of the measured pose of the end-effector. Therefore, the error of controller can be figured out and parameters of controller can be adjusted accordingly. Control strategy based on the kinematic calibration framework is proposed. According to artificial neural network, the deviation of end-effector in arbitrary configuration can be effectively obtained. Comparative experiments are carried out to show the validity and effectiveness of the proposed framework with the help of commercial visual system and joint encoders.  相似文献   

The solution of inverse kinematics problem of redundant manipulators is a fundamental problem in robot control. The inverse kinematics problem in robotics is the determination of joint angles for a desired cartesian position of the end effector. For the solution of this problem, many traditional solutions such as geometric, iterative and algebraic are inadequate if the joint structure of the manipulator is more complex. Furthermore, many neural network approaches have been done to this problem. But the neural network-based solutions are not much reliable due to the error at the end of learning. Therefore, a reliability-based neural network inverse kinematics solution approach has been presented, and applied to a six-degrees of freedom (dof) robot manipulator in this paper. The structure of the proposed method is based on using three networks designed parallel to minimize the error of the whole system. Elman network, which has a profound impact on the learning capability and performance of the network, is chosen and designed according to the proposed solution method. At the end of parallel implementation, the results of each network are evaluated using direct kinematics equations to obtain the network with best result.  相似文献   

针对已知地图的室内机器人全局重定位、绑架恢复问题,提出一种基于改进的Netvlad卷积神经网络的室内机器人全局重定位方法,通过激光雷达获取的障碍物信息引导机器人到达空旷区域,粗定位阶段,使用栅格地图最短连通域距离作为正样本判据,并对Netvlad引入残差网络,通过图像检索得到机器人的粗略位置及角度信息。使用粗定位阶段得到的位置和角度信息作为自适应蒙特卡罗定位的初始值来估计机器人的精确位姿。实验结果表明,与传统定位方法相比,该方法可以使机器人从绑架问题中快速恢复准确位姿。  相似文献   

This article provides an estimation model for calibrating the kinematics of manipulators with a parallel geometrical structure. Parameter estimation for serial link manipulators is well developed, but fail for most structures with parallel actuators, because the forward kinematics is usually not analytically available for these. We extend parameter estimation to such parallel structures by developing an estimation method where errors in kinematical parameters are linearly related to errors in the tool pose, expressed through the inverse kinematics, which is usually well known. The method is based on the work done to calibrate the MultiCraft robot. This robot has five linear actuators built in parallel around a passive serial arm, thus making up a two-layered parallel-serial manipulator, and the unique MultiCraft construction is reviewed. Due to the passive serial arm, for this robot conventional serial calibration must be combined with estimation of the parameters in the parallel actuator structure. The developed kinematic calibration method is verified through simulations with realistic data and real robot kinematics, taking the MultiCraft manipulator as the case. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Inverse kinematics is a fundamental problem in robotics. Past solutions for this problem have been realized through the use of various algebraic or algorithmic procedures. In this paper the use of feedforward neural networks to solve the inverse kinematics problem is examined for three different cases. A closed kinematic linkage is used for mapping input joint angles to output joint angles. A three-degree-of-freedom manipulator in 3D space is used to test mappings from both cartesian and spherical coordinates to manipulator joint coordinates. A majority of the results have average errors which fall below 1% of the robot workspace. The accuracy indicates that neural networks are an alternate method for performing the inverse kinematics estimation, thus introducing the fault-tolerant and high-speed advantages of neural networks to the inverse kinematics problem.This paper also shows the use of a new technique which reduces neural network mapping errors with the use of error compensation networks. The results of the work are put in perspective with a survey of current applications of neural networks in robotics.  相似文献   

针对传统的视觉伺服方法中图像几何特征的标记、提取与匹配过程复杂且通用性差等问题,本文提出了一种基于图像矩的机器人四自由度(4DOF)视觉伺服方法.首先建立了眼在手系统中图像矩与机器人位姿之间的非线性增量变换关系,为利用图像矩进行机器人视觉伺服控制提供了理论基础,然后在未对摄像机与手眼关系进行标定的情况下,利用反向传播(BP)神经网络的非线性映射特性设计了基于图像矩的机器人视觉伺服控制方案,最后用训练好的神经刚络进行了视觉伺服跟踪控制.实验结果表明基于本文算法可实现0.5 mm的位置与0.5°的姿态跟踪精度,验证了算法的的有效性与较好的伺服性能.  相似文献   

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