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在声纹密码任务中由于数据稀疏的问题难以实现区分性训练,本文以一种表征距离度量的特征矢量为基础提出新的声纹密码区分性系统框架,对正反例样本的新特征矢量实现了基于最小分类错误准则的区分性训练,将声纹密码从确认问题转化为二类分类问题。在自由说话风格的60人数据集上,声纹密码区分性系统与混合高斯模型-通用背景模型(Gaussian mixture model-universal background model,GMM-UBM)系统融合后等错误率为4.48%,相对GMM-UBM,动态时间规划(Dynamic time warping,DTW)基线系统性能分别提升了17.95%和59.68%。  相似文献   

针对GMM应用于情感识别时区分能力较弱的缺点,提出了一种将GMM与SVM有效结合的算法:基于GMM-UBM多维概率输出的SVM语音情感识别方法。该方法将GMM-UBM模型对一条语音的情感特征参数的两种多维概率输出(与特征向量同维、与GMM阶数同维)作为SVM分类器的特征参数,既利用了GMM表征数据本身统计特性的能力,又保留了SVM判决能力强的特点。在柏林情感语音库与汉语情感语料库上进行的实验结果表明,该方法在语音情感识别上的平均识别率较标准GMM方法提高1.7%3.7%。  相似文献   

讨论基于GMM-UBM/SVM的电话语音监控系统。GMM是说话人识别系统中使用的常用方式。但由于监控语音发话时间短暂,电话-互联网终端及传输线背景噪音大等因素影响了GMM的识别精度。基于GMM的鲁棒性及SVM对小量静态数据具有高分类的优势设计电话语音监控系统并通过维吾尔语研讨了系统性能。为了便于比较,同时也讨论了量化距离(VQ)、加权量化距离(WVQ)及基线系统的识别。在50个目标人训练集,每人发话时间为20秒时,对10秒测试语音提案方法识别率对比于VQ和WVQ法分别提高了20.2%及16.7%。  相似文献   

GMM与RVM融合的话者辨识方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
相关向量机(RVM)分类法使用概率输出克服了支持向量机(SVM)识别速率低的缺点,并且具有更好的稀疏性。但在与文本无关的话者辨别中,大量训练样本数据体现了RVM在模型训练时计算量与内存需求过大的缺点。针对以上特点,提出基于GMM统计特征参数与RVM融合的与文本无关的语者辨别系统,既有效地提取话者特征信息,解决大样本数据下的RVM训练问题,又结合统计模型鲁棒性高和分辨模型辨别效果好的优点。实验结果证明,该系统比基本的GMM系统具有更优的错误辨别率,比GMM/SVM系统具有更高的稀疏性。  相似文献   

孙敏  徐彩霞  高阳 《计算机科学》2015,42(4):116-118, 131
针对Android手机平台提出了基于特征加权K最近邻支持向量机(FWKN-SVM)的异常入侵检测方法.首先,分析了传统SVM在实际应用中的局限性,提出了一种基于特征类内类间距离的特征加权K最近邻的训练集约减策略.随后,根据手机恶意软件对系统造成的影响定义了系统行为,并通过在Android手机上编写的数据采集模块构建测试集和训练集.最后,利用特征加权K最近邻方法进行SVM训练集的精简和分类器的构建,并进行测试集预测.仿真结果表明,FWKN-SVM分类方法在Android异常入侵检测中应用效果良好.  相似文献   

基于支持向量机和k-近邻分类器的多特征融合方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈丽  陈静 《计算机应用》2009,29(3):833-835
针对传统分类方法只采用一种分类器而存在的片面性,分类精度不高,以及支持向量机分类超平面附近点易错分的问题,提出了基于支持向量机(SVM)和k 近邻(KNN)的多特征融合方法。在该算法中,设样本集特征可分为L组,先用SVM算法根据训练集中每组特征数据构造分类超平面,共构造L个;其次用SVM KNN方法对测试集进行测试,得到由L组后验概率构成的决策轮廓矩阵;最后将其进行多特征融合,输出最终的分类结果。用鸢尾属植物数据进行了数值实验,实验结果表明:采用基于SVM KNN的多特征融合方法比单独使用一种SVM或SVM KNN方法的平均预测精度分别提高了28.7%和1.9%。  相似文献   

针对大数据环境下并行支持向量机(SVM)算法存在冗余数据敏感、参数选取困难、并行化效率低等问题,提出了一种基于Relief和BFO算法的并行SVM算法RBFO-PSVM。首先,基于互信息和Relief算法设计了一种特征权值计算策略MI-Relief,剔除数据集中的冗余特征,有效地降低了冗余数据对并行SVM分类的干扰;接着,提出了基于MapReduce的MR-HBFO算法,并行选取SVM的最优参数,提高SVM的参数寻优能力;最后,提出核聚类策略KCS,减小参与并行化训练的数据集规模,并提出改进CSVM反馈机制的交叉融合级联式并行支持向量机CFCPSVM,结合MapReduce编程框架并行训练SVM,提高了并行SVM的并行化效率。实验表明,RBFO-PSVM算法对大型数据集的分类效果更佳,更适用于大数据环境。  相似文献   

针对SVM (support vector machine)算法应用到大规模网络流量分类中存在计算复杂度高、训练速度慢等问题,提出一种基于云计算平台进行并行网络流量分类的SVM方法,以提高对大数据集的分类训练速度.该方法是一种采用云计算平台构建多级SVM和映射规约(MapReduce)模型的方法.它将训练数据集划分为多个子训练数据集,通过对所有子训练数据集进行并行训练,得到支持向量集,进而训练出流量分类模型.实验结果表明,与传统的SVM方法相比,并行SVM网络流量分类方法在保持较高分类精度的前提下,有效地减少了训练时间,提高了大规模网络流量分类的速度.  相似文献   

相比Mel倒谱系数(MFCC),基于能量偏差移除和幂函数的声音特征(PNCC)具有较强的抗噪能力.首先,将PNCC和MFCC组成混合特征矩阵,在隐马尔科夫模型(HMM)、高斯混合模型(GMM)和支持向量机(SVM)下对混合特征和传统特征做对比实验.其次,先选取实验结果较好的HMM模型过滤测试样本,再分别选取GMM和SVM做二次分类,并测试两种双层模型的识别正确率.结果表明在噪声环境下使用HMM/GMM双层模型和混合特征可取得较好的识别效果.  相似文献   

高斯混合模型(GMM)是进行说话人无关的语言辨识的一种有效方法,高斯混合二元模型(GMBM)是GMM模型的二元时序扩展,该文在GMBM和GMM-UBM模型的基础上提出了一种基于GMBM-UBBM模型的语言辨识系统,并利用OGI-TS电话语音库对算法的性能进行了测试,然后给出了实验结果。实验结果表明,该算法也是进行语言辨识的一种有效方法,与传统的GMM-UBM算法相比,该算法最多可以获得4.378%的相对改善率。  相似文献   

袁桦  史永哲  赵军红  刘加 《自动化学报》2014,40(12):2815-2823
针对发音错误检测的发音字典生成提出基于联合序列多阶模型(Joint-sequence multi-gram, JSM)和多层神经感知(Multi-layer perception, MLP)的方法. 首先使用JSM模型对发音错误进行建模, 将标准发音和错误发音组合为发音对, 表示它们之间的对应关系, 再使用N元文法来统计各发音对之间的关系, 描述错误发音对上下文关系的依赖. 最后使用MLP对发音对之间的关系进行重新建模, 以学习到在相似的上下文条件下发生的相似的错误. 实验证明使用MLP对高阶模型进行概率重估能有效的平滑概率空间, 提高了发音错误检测的性能.  相似文献   

统计语音识别框架是现在发音错误检测系统的主流框架,而声学模型则是统计语音识别的基础。 该文一方面为了获得对于发音错误检测更好的声学模型,引入了说话人自适应训练(SAT)和选择性最大似然线性回归(SMLLR)技术;另一方面,由于字发音检错中存在严重的信息量不足问题和专家对于不同水平说话人的评价标注不一样,在后端上加入了话者得分归一化技术。在包含40个不同水平说话人的8 000个字的数据库上的实验结果表明,文中提出的方法有效的提高了系统性能,召回率为30%时,正确率从45.8%升到了53.6%,召回率为10%时,正确率从64.6%升到了79.9%。  相似文献   

近年来,发音属性常常被用于计算机辅助发音训练系统(CAPT)中.该文针对使用发音属性的一些难点,提出了 一种建模细颗粒度发音属性(FSA)的方法,并在跨语言属性识别、发音偏误检测中进行测试.最终,得到了最优平均识别准确率约为95%的属性检测器组;在两个二语测试集上的偏误检测表明,相比基线,基于FSA的方法均获得了超过1...  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on joint feature re-extraction and classification in cases when the training data set is small. An iterative semi-supervised support vector machine (SVM) algorithm is proposed, where each iteration consists both feature re-extraction and classification, and the feature re-extraction is based on the classification results from the previous iteration. Feature extraction is first discussed in the framework of Rayleigh coefficient maximization. The effectiveness of common spatial pattern (CSP) feature, which is commonly used in Electroencephalogram (EEG) data analysis and EEG-based brain computer interfaces (BCIs), can be explained by Rayleigh coefficient maximization. Two other features are also defined using the Rayleigh coefficient. These features are effective for discriminating two classes with different means or different variances. If we extract features based on Rayleigh coefficient maximization, a large training data set with labels is required in general; otherwise, the extracted features are not reliable. Thus we present an iterative semi-supervised SVM algorithm embedded with feature re-extraction. This iterative algorithm can be used to extract these three features reliably and perform classification simultaneously in cases where the training data set is small. Each iteration is composed of two main steps: (i) the training data set is updated/augmented using unlabeled test data with their predicted labels; features are re-extracted based on the augmented training data set. (ii) The re-extracted features are classified by a standard SVM. Regarding parameter setting and model selection of our algorithm, we also propose a semi-supervised learning-based method using the Rayleigh coefficient, in which both training data and test data are used. This method is suitable when cross-validation model selection may not work for small training data set. Finally, the results of data analysis are presented to demonstrate the validity of our approach. Editor: Olivier Chapelle.  相似文献   

The paper presents a novel automatic speaker age and gender identification approach which combines seven different methods at both acoustic and prosodic levels to improve the baseline performance. The three baseline subsystems are (1) Gaussian mixture model (GMM) based on mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) features, (2) Support vector machine (SVM) based on GMM mean supervectors and (3) SVM based on 450-dimensional utterance level features including acoustic, prosodic and voice quality information. In addition, we propose four subsystems: (1) SVM based on UBM weight posterior probability supervectors using the Bhattacharyya probability product kernel, (2) Sparse representation based on UBM weight posterior probability supervectors, (3) SVM based on GMM maximum likelihood linear regression (MLLR) matrix supervectors and (4) SVM based on the polynomial expansion coefficients of the syllable level prosodic feature contours in voiced speech segments. Contours of pitch, time domain energy, frequency domain harmonic structure energy and formant for each syllable (segmented using energy information in the voiced speech segment) are considered for analysis in subsystem (4). The proposed four subsystems have been demonstrated to be effective and able to achieve competitive results in classifying different age and gender groups. To further improve the overall classification performance, weighted summation based fusion of these seven subsystems at the score level is demonstrated. Experiment results are reported on the development and test set of the 2010 Interspeech Paralinguistic Challenge aGender database. Compared to the SVM baseline system (3), which is the baseline system suggested by the challenge committee, the proposed fusion system achieves 5.6% absolute improvement in unweighted accuracy for the age task and 4.2% for the gender task on the development set. On the final test set, we obtain 3.1% and 3.8% absolute improvement, respectively.  相似文献   

基于混合模型的中国人名自动识别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文提出了一种支持向量机(SVM)和概率统计模型相结合的中国人名自动识别方法。该方法首先按字抽取特征向量的属性得到训练集,采用多项式核函数建立SVM人名识别模型,然后在特征空间中计算测试样本到SVM最优超平面的距离,当该距离大于给定的阈值时使用SVM对测试样本进行分类,否则使用概率统计方法。实验表明,采用混合模型,对样本在空间的不同分布使用不同的方法可以取得比单独使用SVM或概率统计更好的分类效果,系统开式综合指标F-值比单纯使用支持向量机方法提高了1.51%。  相似文献   

支持向量机(SVM)作为一种有效的模式分类方法,当数据集规模较大时,学习时间长、泛化能力下降;而核向量机(CVM)分类算法的时间复杂度与样本规模无关,但随着支持向量的增加,CVM的学习时间会快速增长。针对以上问题,提出一种CVM与SVM相结合的二阶段快速学习算法(CCS),首先使用CVM初步训练样本,基于最小包围球(MEB)筛选出潜在核向量,构建新的最有可能影响问题解的训练样本,以此降低样本规模,并使用标记方法快速提取新样本;然后对得到的新训练样本使用SVM进行训练。通过在6个数据集上与SVM和CVM进行比较,实验结果表明,CCS在保持分类精度的同时训练时间平均减少了30%以上,是一种有效的大规模分类学习算法。  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a diagnosis model based on particle swarm optimization (PSO), support vector machines (SVMs) and association rules (ARs) to diagnose erythemato-squamous diseases. The proposed model consists of two stages: first, AR is used to select the optimal feature subset from the original feature set; then a PSO based approach for parameter determination of SVM is developed to find the best parameters of kernel function (based on the fact that kernel parameter setting in the SVM training procedure significantly influences the classification accuracy, and PSO is a promising tool for global searching). Experimental results show that the proposed AR_PSO–SVM model achieves 98.91% classification accuracy using 24 features of the erythemato-squamous diseases dataset taken from UCI (University of California at Irvine) machine learning database. Therefore, we can conclude that our proposed method is very promising compared to the previously reported results.  相似文献   

Land-cover mapping is an important research topic with broad applicability in the remote-sensing domain. Machine learning algorithms such as Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and Random Forest (RF) have been playing an important role in this field for many years, although deep neural networks are experiencing a resurgence of interest. In this article, we demonstrate early efforts to apply deep learning-based classification methods to large-scale land-cover mapping. Based on the Stacked Autoencoder (SAE), one of the deep learning models, we built a classification framework for large-scale remote-sensing image processing. We adjusted and optimized the model parameters based on our test samples. We compared the performance of the SAE-based approach with traditional classification algorithms including RF, SVM, and ANN with multiple performance analytics. Results show that the SAE classifier trained with an entire set of African training samples achieves an overall classification accuracy of 78.99% when assessed by test samples collected independently of training samples, which is higher than the accuracies achieved by the other three classifiers (76.03%, 77.74%, and 77.86% of RF, SVM, and ANN, respectively) based on the same set of test samples. We also demonstrated the advantages of SAE in prediction time and land-cover mapping results in this study.  相似文献   

张岩  闫德勤  郑宏亮 《计算机应用》2011,31(10):2786-2789
针对传统支持向量机(SVM)对噪声点过于敏感,模糊支持向量机(FSVM)又对样本集几何形状过分依赖等问题,提出基于噪声过滤系统的粗糙支持向量机(NFS-RSVM)。该方法首先用噪声过滤系统(NFS)将极可能为噪声点的样本过滤掉;然后将数据间隐含的等价类信息作为双惩戒因子融入到支持向量机模型中,进一步区分有效样本和噪声样本。基于UCI数据集的仿真结果表明,NFS-RSVM方法能有效地将数据中的大部分噪声点去除,与传统的SVM和FSVM相比分类精度有一定程度的提高。因此,该方法在处理噪声样本较多又呈现非球形分布的数据集时,表现出较好的抗噪性、分类效果和泛化能力。  相似文献   

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