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一种基于内容图像检索的半监督和主动学习算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高图像检索中相关反馈算法的效率,提出了一种新的基于相关概率的主动学习算法SVMpr,并结合半监督学习,设计了基于半监督的主动学习图像检索框架。在相关反馈过程中,首先利用半监督学习算法TSVM对标记样本进行训练,然后根据提出的主动学习算法从未标记图像中选取k幅有利于优化学习过程的图像并反馈给用户标记。与传统的相关反馈算法相比,该文提出的图像检索框架显著提高了学习器的效率和性能,并快速收敛于用户的查询概念。  相似文献   

基于神经网络自学习的图像检索方法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张磊  林福宗  张钹 《软件学报》2001,12(10):1479-1485
相关反馈技术是近年来图像检索中较为活跃的研究方法之一.提出了一种基于神经网络自学习的图像检索方法,即在检索阶段利用人-机交互技术选出与检索图像相似的正例样本,然后构造出前向神经网络,进行自学习,以逐步达到提高查询效果的目的.神经网络的构造过程即是学习的过程,而且可以不断地学习.使用由9918幅图像组成的图像库进行实验,结果表明,该方法有助于用户表达查询意图和语义概念,可以通过交互式检索逐步求精地查找出更多、更准确的图像,并且具有较强的鲁棒性,可以结合各种特征表示和相似性匹配方法,交互地提高检索性能.  相似文献   

相关反馈实现了人机交互,是图像检索中的不可缺少的部分,一般图像检索中都使用一种反馈算法。IRRL模型将机器学习中的强化学习原理应用到图像检索的相关反馈中来。它将现有的查询点优化、特征加权、贝叶斯分类器等算法作为系统学习的动作,通过不同的状态选择不同的动作,最终为不同类的图像寻找到合适的反馈算法策略,最后根据策略进行具体的图像检索。文中对IRRL模型具体算法进行了研究,并在此基础上提出了一些改进意见。  相似文献   

一种图像检索中的灰色相关反馈算法   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在交互式CBIR系统中,由于用户的查询需求常常是模糊的,因此检索结果从某种意义上说是不确定的。于是,可以将图像检索过程视为一个“灰色系统”,其中的查询向量以及图像特征的权重可视为“灰数”。基于此,该文提出了一种新的相关反馈技术,它采用“灰关联分析”理论来分析和描述“例子图像”与“相关图像”之间的关系,据此自动更新查询向量与图像特征的权重,从而更准确地描述用户的查询需求。实验结果表明,这种相关反馈算法能较好地描述用户的查询需求,显著地改善了图像检索的性能。  相似文献   

相关反馈技术是近年来基于内容图像检索中的研究重点,它有效地缩短了用户的高层语义概念同图像的底层视觉特征之间的差距,从而大大提高了系统的检索精度.本文对比了前向神经网络中的BP、FP和RBF三种网络学习算法;并在此基础上从机器学习的角度出发,分析了在图像检索中基于这三种网络的不同相关反馈技术.最后对今后的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

图像检索中IRRL模型研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
相关反馈实现了人机交互,是图像检索中的不可缺少的部分,一般图像检索中都使用一种反馈算法.IRRL模型将机器学习中的强化学习原理应用到图像检索的相关反馈中来.它将现有的查询点优化、特征加权、贝叶斯分类器等算法作为系统学习的动作.通过不同的状态选择不同的动作,最终为不同类的图像寻找到合适的反馈算法策略,最后根据策略进行具体的图像检索.文中对IRPL模型具体算法进行了研究,并在此基础上提出了一些改进意见.  相似文献   

相关反馈技术是近年来基于内容的图像检索中较为重要的研究方法.基于支持向量机的相关反馈算法能够在有限的反馈次数内检索出更多的相关图像,取得了较好的效果.本文采用搬运土距离对传统的基于支持向量机的相关反馈算法进行了改进.实验结果表明.改进后的算法能够从一定程度上解决原有算法的在第一次反馈时存在的不稳定问题,提高了检索的准确率.  相似文献   

相关反馈方法越来越多地应用到图像检索领域,而现有的相关反馈方法鲁棒性较差,由此提出一种新的相关反馈算法。该算法首先对查询图像进行颜色、纹理、形状的特征提取,组成特征向量;然后进行特征相似比较,返回初始检索结果,在反馈阶段,通过标记的相关和不相关图像构造用户反馈矢量作为查询偏好,用已经建立好的图像之间的资源分配矩阵乘以用户反馈矢量,实现资源的扩散和图像重排;最后把重排后的图像返回给用户,并提出一种改进资源分配矩阵的方法。实验结果表明,算法不仅鲁棒性强,而且反馈效果出色。  相似文献   

相关反馈技术是近年来图像检索中的重要研究方向,它有效地缩短了用户高层语义和图像底层视觉特征的差距,大大提高了系统的检索精度。文中从机器学习的角度出发,提出了一种基于RBFN的相关反馈算法。同时,为了方便用户对检索结果的标记,将模糊逻辑引入到图像检索中。即:用户对检索结果标记为相关图像、模糊相关图像和不相关图像,利用这些反馈信息动态地建立RBFN的结构,并进行检索,这个过程反复进行直到用户得到满意的结果。实验表明,这种方法在图像检索中具有更好的性能和更强的推广能力。  相似文献   

一种基于SVM的相关反馈图像检索算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
相关反馈技术是近年来图像检索中的研究热点,以MPEG-7的边缘直方图作为图像特征,以支持向蕈机(SvM)为分类器,提出一种新的相关反馈算法.在每次反馈中对用户标记的相关样本进行学习,用历次返回的结果更新训练样本集,建立SVM分类器模型,并根据模型进行检索.还对不同核函数的SVM进行了对比,得出RBF核函数的SVM有较高的检索精度.使用由10000幅图像组成的图像库进行实验,结果表明,算法可有效地检索出更多的相关图像,并且在有限训练样本情况下具有良好的泛化能力.  相似文献   

相关反馈技术是近年来图像检索中的研究热点,本文以MPEG-7的边缘直方图作为图像特征,以支持向量机(SVM)为分类器,提出一种新的相关反馈算法。在每次反馈中对用户标记的相关样本进行学习,用历次返回的结果更新训练样本集,建立SVM分类器模型,并根据模型进行检索。本文还对不同核函数的SVM进行了对比,得出RBF核函数的SVM有较高的检索精度。使用由10000幅图像组成的图像库进行实验,结果表明,该算法可有效地检索出更多的相关图像,并且在有限训练样本情况下具有良好的泛化能力。  相似文献   

Alternating Feature Spaces in Relevance Feedback   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Image retrieval using relevance feedback can be treated as a two-class learning and classification process. The user-labelled relevant and irrelevant images are regarded as positive and negative training samples, based on which a classifier is trained dynamically. Then the classifier in turn classifies all images in the database. In practice, the number of training samples is very small because the users are often impatient. On the other hand, the positive samples usually are not representative since they are the nearest ones to the query and thus less informative. The insufficiency of training samples both in quantities and varieties constrains the generalization ability of the classifier significantly. In this paper, we propose a novel relevance feedback approach, which aims to collect more representative samples and hence improve the performance of classifier. Image labeling and classifier training are conducted in two complementary image feature spaces. Since the samples distribute differently in two spaces, the positive samples may be more informative in one feature space than in another. The two complementary feature spaces are alternated iteratively during the feedback process. To choose appropriate complementary feature spaces, we present two methods to measure the complementarities between two feature spaces quantitatively. Our experimental result on 10,000 images indicates that the proposed feedback approach significantly improves image retrieval performance.  相似文献   

Zhang  Hongjiang  Chen  Zheng  Li  Mingjing  Su  Zhong 《World Wide Web》2003,6(2):131-155
A major bottleneck in content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systems or search engines is the large gap between low-level image features used to index images and high-level semantic contents of images. One solution to this bottleneck is to apply relevance feedback to refine the query or similarity measures in image search process. In this paper, we first address the key issues involved in relevance feedback of CBIR systems and present a brief overview of a set of commonly used relevance feedback algorithms. Almost all of the previously proposed methods fall well into such framework. We present a framework of relevance feedback and semantic learning in CBIR. In this framework, low-level features and keyword annotations are integrated in image retrieval and in feedback processes to improve the retrieval performance. We have also extended framework to a content-based web image search engine in which hosting web pages are used to collect relevant annotations for images and users' feedback logs are used to refine annotations. A prototype system has developed to evaluate our proposed schemes, and our experimental results indicated that our approach outperforms traditional CBIR system and relevance feedback approaches.  相似文献   

In content-based image retrieval (CBIR), relevance feedback has been proven to be a powerful tool for bridging the gap between low level visual features and high level semantic concepts. Traditionally, relevance feedback driven CBIR is often considered as a supervised learning problem where the user provided feedbacks are used to learn a distance metric or classification function. However, CBIR is intrinsically a semi-supervised learning problem in which the testing samples (images in the database) are present during the learning process. Moreover, when there are no sufficient feedbacks, these methods may suffer from the overfitting problem. In this paper, we propose a novel neighborhood preserving regression algorithm which makes efficient use of both labeled and unlabeled images. By using the unlabeled images, the geometrical structure of the image space can be incorporated into the learning system through a regularizer. Specifically, from all the functions which minimize the empirical loss on the labeled images, we select the one which best preserves the local neighborhood structure of the image space. In this way, our method can obtain a regression function which respects both semantic and geometrical structures of the image database. We present experimental evidence suggesting that our algorithm is able to use unlabeled data effectively for image retrieval.  相似文献   

提出了基于神经网络的交互式图像检索方法,系统根据用户对检索结果的评价,动态构造神经网络,描述图像之间的相似性;图像间的这种相似性以及本次检索结果可以作为以后检索的历史信息保存在神经网络中,从而提高下一次检索的效率。实验表明,该方法嵌入到典型的图像检索系统中,改善了图像检索性能。  相似文献   

查询扩展作为一门重要的信息检索技术,是以用户查询为基础,通过一定策略在原始查询中加入一些相关的扩展词,从而使得查询能够更加准确地描述用户信息需求。排序学习方法利用机器学习的知识构造排序模型对数据进行排序,是当前机器学习与信息检索交叉领域的研究热点。该文尝试利用伪相关反馈技术,在查询扩展中引入排序学习算法,从文档集合中提取与扩展词相关的特征,训练针对于扩展词的排序模型,并利用排序模型对新查询的扩展词集合进行重新排序,将排序后的扩展词根据排序得分赋予相应的权重,加入到原始查询中进行二次检索,从而提高信息检索的准确率。在TREC数据集合上的实验结果表明,引入排序学习算法有助于提高伪相关反馈的检索性能。  相似文献   

Since documents on the Web are naturally partitioned into many text databases, the efficient document retrieval process requires identifying the text databases that are most likely to provide relevant documents to the query and then searching for the identified text databases. In this paper, we propose a neural net based approach to such an efficient document retrieval. First, we present a neural net agent that learns about underlying text databases from the user's relevance feedback. For a given query, the neural net agent, which is sufficiently trained on the basis of the BPN learning mechanism, discovers the text databases associated with the relevant documents and retrieves those documents effectively. In order to scale our approach with the large number of text databases, we also propose the hierarchical organization of neural net agents which reduces the total training cost at the acceptable level. Finally, we evaluate the performance of our approach by comparing it to those of the conventional well-known approaches. Received 5 March 1999 / Revised 7 March 2000 / Accepted in revised form 2 November 2000  相似文献   

The technique of relevance feedback has been introduced to content-based 3D model retrieval, however, two essential issues which affect the retrieval performance have not been addressed. In this paper, a novel relevance feedback mechanism is presented, which effectively makes use of strengths of different feature vectors and perfectly solves the problem of small sample and asymmetry. During the retrieval process, the proposed method takes the user’s feedback details as the relevant information of query model, and then dynamically updates two important parameters of each feature vector, narrowing the gap between high-level semantic knowledge and low-level object representation. The experiments, based on the publicly available 3D model database Princeton Shape Benchmark (PSB), show that the proposed approach not only precisely captures the user’s semantic knowledge, but also significantly improves the retrieval performance of 3D model retrieval. Compared with three state-of-the-art query refinement schemes for 3D model retrieval, it provides superior retrieval effectiveness only with a few rounds of relevance feedback based on several standard measures.
Biao LengEmail:

Most interactive "query-by-example" based image retrieval systems utilize relevance feedback from the user for bridging the gap between the user's implied concept and the low-level image representation in the database. However, traditional relevance feedback usage in the context of content-based image retrieval (CBIR) may not be very efficient due to a significant overhead in database search and image download time in client-server environments. In this paper, we propose a CBIR system that efficiently addresses the inherent subjectivity in user perception during a retrieval session by employing a novel idea of intra-query modification and learning. The proposed system generates an object-level view of the query image using a new color segmentation technique. Color, shape and spatial features of individual segments are used for image representation and retrieval. The proposed system automatically generates a set of modifications by manipulating the features of the query segment(s). An initial estimate of user perception is learned from the user feedback provided on the set of modified images. This largely improves the precision in the first database search itself and alleviates the overheads of database search and image download. Precision-to-recall ratio is improved in further iterations through a new relevance feedback technique that utilizes both positive as well as negative examples. Extensive experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the feasibility and advantages of the proposed system.  相似文献   

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