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It is known that critical path test generation method is not a complete algorithm for combinational circuits with reconvergent-fanout.In order to made it a complete algorithm,we put forward a reconvergent-fanoutoriented technique,the principal critical path algorithm,propagating the critical value back to primary inputs along a single path,the principal critical path,and allowing multiple path sensitization if needed.Relationship among test patterns is also discussed to accelerate test generation.  相似文献   

随着特征尺寸进入纳米尺度,相邻连线之间的电容耦合对电路时序的影响越来越大,并可能使得电路在运行时失效.准确和快速地估计电路中的串扰效应影响,找到电路中潜在的串扰时延故障目标,并针对这些故障进行测试是非常必要的.文中提出了一种基于通路的考虑多串扰引起的时延效应的静态时序分析方法,该方法通过同时考虑临界通路及为其所有相关侵略线传播信号的子通路来分析多串扰耦合效应.该方法引入了新的数据结构"跳变图"来记录所有可能的信号跳变时间,能够精确地找到潜在的串扰噪声源,并在考虑串扰时延的情况下有效找到临界通路及引起其最大串扰减速效应的侵略子通路集.这种方法可以通过控制跳变图中时间槽的大小来平衡计算精度和运行时间.最后,文中介绍了在基于精确源串扰通路时延故障模型的测试技术中,该静态时序分析方法在耦合线对选择和故障敏化中的应用.针对ISCAS89电路的实验结果显示,文中提出的技术能够适应于大电路的串扰效应分析和测试,并且具有可接受的运行时间.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于确定模式的伪单跳变测试矢量生成方法,它是在折叠计数器确定模式的基础上,采用LFSR编码折叠计数器种子,通过选定的存储折叠距离来控制测试模式,使得产生的测试矢量之间实现伪单跳变。由于是在确定模式基础上进行的研究,没有改变原来的测试矢量,所以故障覆盖率不会改变,却大大降低了测试功耗。这样既保证了高故障覆盖率,又解决了不同种子所生成的测试矢量之间的重叠冗余。研究结果不仅表明该方案具有很好的数据压缩率,而且证明了该方案的有效性。  相似文献   

作为当前被广泛应用的自动化软件测试技术,模糊测试的首要目标是尽可能多地探索被测程序的代码区域以达到更高的覆盖率,从而检测出更多的漏洞或者错误.现有的模糊测试方法大多是根据种子的历史突变数据来调度种子,实现起来较简单,但忽略了种子所探索程序空间的分布情况,导致测试工作可能会陷入只对程序的某单一区域进行探测,造成测试资源的浪费.本文提出了一种基于聚类分析驱动种子调度的模糊测试方法Cluzz.首先,Cluzz结合种子执行路径覆盖的分布来分析种子在特征空间上的区别,使用聚类分析对种子在程序空间中的执行分布情况进行划分.然后,根据不同种子簇群的路径覆盖模式与聚类分析结果对种子进行优先级评估,探索稀有代码区域并优先调度评估得分较高的种子.其次,通过种子评估得分为种子分配能量,将突变得到的有趣输入保留并进行归类以更新种子簇群信息.Cluzz根据更新后的种子簇群重新评估种子,以确保测试过程中种子的有效性,从而在有限时间内探索更多的未知代码区域,提高被测程序的覆盖率.最后,将Cluzz实现在3个当前主流的模糊器上,并在8个流行的真实程序上进行大量测试工作.结果表明,Cluzz检测独特崩溃的平均数量是普通模糊器的1.7倍,在发现新边缘数量方面平均优于基准模糊器22.15%.此外,通过与现有种子调度方法进行对比,Cluzz的综合表现要优于其它基准模糊器.  相似文献   

Path testing is the strongest coverage criterion in white box testing. Finding target paths is a key challenge in path testing. Genetic algorithms have been successfully used in many software testing activities such as generating test data, selecting test cases and test cases prioritization. In this paper, we introduce a new genetic algorithm for generating test paths. In this algorithm the length of the chromosome varies from iteration to another according to the change in the length of the path. Based on the proposed algorithm, we present a new technique for automatically generating a set of basis test paths which can be used as testing paths in any path testing method. The proposed technique uses a method to verify the independency of the generated paths to be included in the basis set of paths. In addition, this technique employs a method for checking the feasibility of the generated paths. We introduce new definitions for the key concepts of genetic algorithm such as chromosome representation, crossover, mutation, and fitness function to be compatible with path generation. In addition, we present a case study to show the efficiency of our technique. We conducted a set of experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed path generation technique. The results showed that the proposed technique causes substantial reduction in path generation effort, and that the proposed GA algorithm is effective in test path generation.  相似文献   

提出一种测试功耗优化的新方法,它通过阈值门电路调节和漏电流优化两种方法相结合来降低静态功耗。通过算法寻找电路的关键路径,去除伪路径,然后在关键电路上设置低阈值门电路,在非关键电路上设置高阈值门电路(不违反时序约束的前提下),利用测试向量的无关位特性来调整测试向量和测试架构,达到降低漏电流的目的。通过以上两种途径,整体上达到功耗优化的结果,实验结果证实了本方法的有效性。  相似文献   

田双鹏  庞建民  王辉  笱程成 《计算机工程》2010,36(17):105-107,110
探测间隔模型(PGM)是负载小、速度快的可用带宽度量方法,但目前针对PGM的算法还缺乏系统、深入的评估。针对上述问题分析影响PGM算法精度的主要因素,提出端对端路径可用带宽的新型分类方法,选取PGM模型中较典型的Spruce和IGI算法,通过理论推导和仿真测试,评估不同背景流量类型等因素对算法精度的影响,为改进PGM模型的算法设计、提高算法精度提供参考。  相似文献   

导向式灰盒模糊测试是一种能够快速对程序指定位置进行测试的技术。通过对当前导向式灰盒模糊测试技术导向不够精确的问题进行分析,提出一种新的导向式灰盒模糊测试方法,并引入基本块权重与函数路径长度的概念。通过对被测程序的静态分析,构建被测程序的函数调用图和控制流程图,计算更准确的基本块距离并插桩到被测程序中。在模糊测试时通过插桩追踪并计算每个测试用例到指定目标的距离,模糊测试器依据该距离计算种子能量以实现对目标区域的导向,并基于该方法实现原型系统Afl-guide。实验结果表明,与现有的导向式模糊测试方法相比,该方法对目标区域导向更精确、路径覆盖更广,能够更快地生成覆盖程序指定位置的测试用例。  相似文献   

Detection of path delay faults requires two-pattern tests.BIST technique provides a low-cost test solution.This paper proposes an approach to designing a cost-effective deterministic test pattern generator(IPG) for path delay testing.Given a set of pre-generated test-pattern generator(TPG) for path delay testing.Given a set of pre-generated test-pairs with pre-determined fault coverage,a deterministic TPG is synthesized to apply the given test-pair set in a limited test time.To achieve this objective,configuable linear feedback shift register(LFSR)structures are used.Techniques are developed to synthesize such a TPG.which is used to generate an unordered deterministic test-pair set.The resulting TPG is very efficient in terms of hardware size and speed performance.SImulation of academic benchmark circuits has given good results when compared to alternative solutions.  相似文献   

We present a new technique called Multiple Vertex Next Event Estimation, which outperforms current direct lighting techniques in forward scattering, optically dense media with the Henyey‐Greenstein phase function. Instead of a one‐segment connection from a vertex within the medium to the light source, an entire sub path of arbitrary length can be created and we show experimentally that 4–10 segments work best in practice. This is done by perturbing a seed path within the Monte Carlo context. Our technique was integrated in a Monte Carlo renderer, combining random walk path tracing with multiple vertex next event estimation via multiple importance sampling for an unbiased result. We evaluate this new technique against standard next event estimation and show that it significantly reduces noise and increases performance of multiple scattering renderings in highly anisotropic, optically dense media. Additionally, we discuss multiple light sources and performance implications of memory‐heavy heterogeneous media.  相似文献   

Seed specification for displaying a streamline in an irregular volume   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two techniques are presented for specifying seed points, which are the starting points for streamlines, in an irregular volume. One is an interactive seed specification technique, in which efficient data probing is achieved by traversing the adjacency graph of the volume. The other is an automatic seed specification technique. A seed point is placed near a critical point, where the velocity vector is zero. Efficient algorithms are given for finding and classifying the critical point by using a tetrahedral cell. A successful application of these techniques to a problem in a clean room is also described.koyamadaattrl.ibm.co.jp  相似文献   

Static collision checking amounts to testing a given configuration of objects for overlaps. In contrast, the goal of dynamic checking is to determine whether all configurations along a continuous path are collision-free. While there exist effective methods for static collision detection, dynamic checking still lacks methods that are both reliable and efficient. A common approach is to sample paths at some fixed, prespecified resolution and statically test each sampled configuration. But this approach is not guaranteed to detect collision whenever one occurs, and trying to increase its reliability by refining the sampling resolution along the entire path results in slow checking. This paper introduces a new method for testing path segments in c-space or collections of such segments, that is both reliable and efficient. This method locally adjusts the sampling resolution by comparing lower bounds on distances between objects in relative motion with upper bounds on lengths of curves traced by points of these moving objects. Several additional techniques and heuristics increase the checker's efficiency in scenarios with many moving objects (e.g., articulated arms and/or multiple robots) and high geometric complexity. The new method is general, but particularly well suited for use in probabilistic roadmap (PRM) planners, where it is critical to determine as quickly as possible whether given path segments collide, or not. Extensive tests, in particular on randomly generated path segments and on multisegment paths produced by PRM planners, show that the new method compares favorably with a fixed-resolution approach at "suitable" resolution, with the enormous advantage that it never fails to detect collision.  相似文献   

随机性检测在密码学中发挥着重要的作用,目前,已有多种不同的随机性检测算法.但是,实际应用中选择所有的检测算法进行检测不现实,选择哪些算法能够使检测充分且无冗余,这需要研究检测算法之间可能存在的关系.对两种重要的随机性检测算法二元推导和自相关进行了研究.从二者的基本原理出发,对其检测的推导过程进行了分析,结合杨辉三角的性质证明了在参数k选择为2t 时,二元推导与自相关是等价的.若同时进行参数为2t的二元推导检测和自相关检测则存在冗余.同时对这个结论进行了实验验证.另外,研究还发现,在参数k选择为2t一1时,二元推导检测中推导序列的每一个比特包含初始序列的所有相关比特信息.所研究工作为实际应用中随机性检测项目和检测参数的选择提供了理论的指导.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2008,52(2):432-460
In this paper we present a formal methodology to test both the functional and temporal behaviors in systems where temporal aspects are critical. We extend the classical finite state machines model with features to represent timed systems. Our formalism allows three different ways to express the timing requirements of systems. Specifically, we consider that time requirements can be expressed either by means of fix time values, by using random variables, or by considering time intervals. Different implementation relations, depending on both the interpretation of time and on the non-determinism appearing in systems, are presented and related. We also study how test cases are defined and applied to implementations. Test derivation algorithms, producing sound and complete test suites, are also presented. That is, by deriving these test suites we relate the different notions of passing tests and the different implementation relations. In other words, for a given correctness criterion, a system represents an appropriate implementation of a given model if and only if the system successfully passes all the test belonging to the derived test suite.  相似文献   

采用邻接矩阵表示项目活动网络图需要较多的存储空间,且基于结构化程序设计思想实现网络图和关键路径算法都非常繁琐。采用面向对象的类表示活动,基于动态数组表示活动网络图及活动之间的逻辑关系,并据此开发了基于面向对象技术实现关键路径算法的代码,进一步从理论上分析了采用面向对象技术的优势。研究表明,相对于传统的处理方式,基于面向对象技术的项目活动网络图表示及关键路径的算法较大降低了存储和计算的复杂性。  相似文献   

软件体系结构描述系统的高层结构和行为特征,其动态描述常被用来指导软件的分析和测试。基于此,提出一种软件体系结构级的测试路径覆盖方法。利用化学抽象机描述软件体系结构并导出与其对应的DAG图,表达软件体系结构的动态特征。根据基本路径覆盖准则及测试序列生成算法,生成测试路径。以C/S体系结构为例验证该方法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

The activities of software testing and reliability are integrated for the purpose of demonstrating how the two activities interact in achieving testing efficiency and the reliability resulting from these tests. Integrating means modeling the execution of a variety of tests on a directed graph representation of an example program. A complexity metric is used to construct the nodes, edges, and paths of the example program. Models are developed to represent the efficiency and achieved reliability of black box and white box tests. Evaluations are made of path, independent path, node, program construct, and random tests to ascertain which, if any, is superior with respect to efficiency and reliability. Overall, path testing has the edge in test efficiency. The results depend on the nature of the directed graph in relation to the type of test. Although there is no dominant method, in most cases the tests that provide detailed coverage are better. For example, path testing discovers more faults than independent path testing. Predictions are made of the reliability and fault correction that results from implementing various test strategies. It is believed that these methods can be used by researchers and practitioners to evaluate the efficiency and reliability of other programs. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文针对盲目变异的模糊测试策略带来的效率低下的问题,综合程序控制流图、输入种子样本特征、异常样本发现、模糊测试器路径反馈等信息,提出一种更为有效的种子输入变异策略.本文通过不断监控种子文件在目标程序中的执行路径,并引入污点分析的方法,以建立起新增执行路径的起始语句与种子文件中关键字节的一对多映射关系.最终本文将根据这种映射关系对种子文件中的能够增加路径覆盖的字节进行变异,以期得到更有效率的模糊测试结果.我们的实验表明,增加定向变异之后的模糊测试器在代码覆盖率,以及模糊测试的效率上都有较为显著的提升.  相似文献   

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