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基于表单的业务系统界面逻辑模型获取的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了支持界面设计的自动化,国内外的研究提出了基于语言的设计工具、交互式图形描述工具和基于模型的生成工具.但是这些工具都只是从界面本身考虑设计和编码的自动化,没有从用户需求出发考虑界面的设计.该文从需求模型出发设计用户界面逻辑,使得界面是依据用户需求设计的,并且是可以进行需求验证的.该文给出了从需求模型得到界面逻辑模型的算法,以及从界面逻辑模型反向推导需求模型元素的算法.  相似文献   

面向用户界面建模的扩展对象模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用户界面设计需要同时满足用户对被操纵对象的构成和操作要求,还要考虑对象的布局展示对用户心理造成的影响。随着Web技术的广泛应用,也要考虑对象信息问的导航问题.按照对用户界面建模的要求,本文提出了扩展对象模型的概念。该模型从对象建模出发,实现了从被操纵对象模型到其界面细节构成的自动化映射。本研究可以看作是建立用户界面从抽象建模到实现自动化的技术基础。  相似文献   

赵跃华  吴安  薛娟 《计算机工程》2010,36(4):244-246
针对企业对Web应用环境的需求,依据基于主谓宾逻辑的需求获取和分析方法从表单出发获得需求模型,从而由需求模型获得界面逻辑模型,提出基于界面模板的界面逻辑模型以及一个易于扩充的企业通用界面模板库。应用结果表明,选择相应的模板,可完成系统设计的大部分工作,提高开发效率。  相似文献   

该文详细介绍了统一建模语言和模型检测技术,在此基础上,该文研究了基于交互自动机和时态逻辑的UML交互模型性质检测方法,提出了模型检测所需的Marking算法。该算法通过对交互自动机全部状态的遍历,检测各状态的时态逻辑公式(CTL公式)的真值,以判断用户设计的UML交互模型是否符合计算机软件系统应满足的性质及规范。  相似文献   

移动通信技术及移动设备的发展和普及刺激了人们对基于Web的移动服务的需求。移动服务的特点要求服务可视化设计工具改变以往以页面为中心的设计模式,强调任务流程的设计。把任务模型应用到一个实现工具中,需要考虑很多实现细节问题,否则设计产生的应用将是不完整的。本文介绍了一个基于任务的移动服务可视化设计工具VMSDT,通过建立动作模型和任务模型来支持完整的任务流程的设计,并通过对三层架构模型中服务处理逻辑的分析,保证所创建的服务是完整的。  相似文献   

基于粗糙集的全局产品结构模型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该文利用粗糙集理论有关方法,就用户需求、个性化配置及设计方案评价三个方面对面向企业的全局产品结构模型进行了相关研究;考虑用户的不确定性需求,建立了用户需求的数据挖掘模型.该模型能有效处理不确定或不精确知识的表达,进行经验学习并从中获取知识,进行推理,使得企业能够充分了解用户的需求;提出了个性化配置器的规则提取模型,利用不完备信息系统粗糙集的相关方法加以处理,将配置逻辑和规则纳入产品定义中,使得用户和销售工程师在进行个性化产品定义的时候就可以确定相应的配置逻辑,由此产生相应的产品结构,为面向多应用视图的BOM生成提供可能,还提出了设计方案评价的决策支持模型,该模型考虑产品全生命周期相关设计方案的各个影响因素,利用粗糙逻辑与决策方法对已有知识进行逻辑的推演与分析,提取相应的决策规则,为全局产品结构模型的建立提供支持;最后,给出了利用上述相关算法实现的产品配置管理的工作过程.  相似文献   

论文提出了一种基于向量空间模型的用户个性化需求建模方法。对关键词权重算法作出改进,将网页分为四类逻辑段,通过计算关键词在各类逻辑段中的权重而加权得到综合权重。采用基于内容的构建原则和反馈原则,将用户模型构建分为训练阶段和自适应学习阶段。在训练阶段由用户给出的样本文档与关键词采用类重心分类算法训练得到初始用户模型;在自适应学习阶段,提出了基于 Rocchio 算法的周期性自适应学习机制,根据用户对过滤结果的评价,调整用户模型,以提高对用户个性化需求的动态追踪能力。开发了个性化信息过滤原型系统。以中国服装网为实验数据源,对比百度搜索引擎,测试系统的信息过滤性能。实验结果表明,系统索引更新及时,响应速度快,返回的信息更精确,更合理,更加符合用户的实际需求。  相似文献   

一个基于规则的图书逻辑结构提取算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在数字图书馆建设中,一个急需解决的问题是如何自动化地将海量的纸张图书数字化为电子文档。对于生成图书电子文档而言,除了文档内容信息以外,文档版面信息和文档逻辑信息同样重要。该文提出了一种基于规则的图书逻辑结构提取算法。从多页图书文档的模型描述出发,通过采用基于规则的推理方法,提取出图书中的逻辑元素并确定各元素间的层次关系和相互联系,从而得到了整本图书的逻辑结构。实验结果证明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对航空航天等安全关键领域里嵌入式软件测试中存在的困难,引入并研究了用户需求模型和任务剖面模型的概念及表示方法,设计并实现了基于用户需求模型的任务剖面模型自动建模算法,进而结合Markov链模型与任务剖面模型,为任务流提取和测试用例生成工作提供依据,基于Rose可扩展接口(REI)开发了任务剖面模型自动建模工具.通过验证,肯定了上述方法与工具在嵌入式软件测试过程中的效果和价值.  相似文献   

通过分析目前推荐技术在电子商务系统中的应用优势,并针对当前产品交易系统的无评分、产品量大和难以分类等现状与问题,设计了一种基于用户交易行为的隐语义模型推荐算法。该算法从用户的隐式交易行为出发,采用隐语义模型推荐算法,构建用户-产品兴趣模型,并加入K均值算法划分隐式特征聚类。实验验证表明,该算法在满足用户的个性化需求的同时,可提高电子商务系统的产品推荐效率。  相似文献   

支持界面生成的扩展对象模型和交互模型   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
基于模型的用户界面分析和表达是实现界面工程设计的出路所在。FMP是一个涵盖需求、结构和实现的界面模型。该文重点讨论了FMP的内在模型Model部分和对界面实现的作用。指出内在模型由参与界面操作的扩充对象模型和它们的交互模型构成。对象模型给出了界面的局部布局。交互模型给出了界面的功能和对象构成以及它们之间的交互关系,在界面模板的支持下,可以给出界面的宏观布局并支持界面的自动生成。  相似文献   

用户界面(UI)设计是一个动态的、逻辑的推理过程。某种特定的用户群体需要某种特定的界面设计。要让产品获得成功,就要把用户心智模型切入产品分析研究设计阶段中作为理论依据。本文以心智模型理论为切入点,结合逻辑学,心理学和美学等理论知识,深入浅出地探讨了一些影响用户界面设计的关键因素。  相似文献   

P. Sukaviriya 《Knowledge》1993,6(4):220-229
Research on adaptive interfaces in the past has lacked support from user interface tools which allow interfaces to be easily created and modified. Also, current user interface tools provide no support for user models which can collect task-oriented information about users. Developing an adaptive interface requires a user model and an adaptation strategy. It also, however, requires a user interface which can be adapted. The latter task is often time-consuming, especially in relation to more sophisticated user interfaces.

The paper presents a user interface design environment, UIDE, which has a different software infrastracture. Designers use high-level specifications to create a model of an application and links from the application to various interface components. The model is the heart of all the design and run-time support in UIDE, including automatic dialog sequencing and help generation. UIDE provides automatic support for collecting task-oriented information about users, by the use of its high-level specifications in its application model as a basic construct for a user model. Some examples of adaptive interfaces and adaptive help are presented that use the information that is collectable in UIDE.  相似文献   

This paper presents IPH-TRIM3D-PCLake, a three-dimensional complex dynamic model for subtropical aquatic ecosystems. It combines a spatially explicit hydrodynamic model with a water-quality and biotic model of ecological interactions. The software, which is freely available for research purposes, has a graphical user-friendly interface and a flexible design that allows the user to vary the complexity of the model. It also has built-in analysis tools such as Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis, a genetic algorithm for calibration, and plotting tools.  相似文献   

为支持界面工程化设计,提出一种基于模型驱动思想的支持界面自动生成的ADS模型。ADS模型由分析模型、会话模型和显示模型构成。分析模型完成对界面功能和数据信息的建模,依据给定的转换规则,由会话模型生成界面的抽象视图,通过显示模型处理抽象视图的可视化和布局问题,并用UsiXML界面描述语言加以描述,组合UsiXML片段成XML文件,由框架解析XML文件生成用户界面。  相似文献   

This paper gives an overview of the um toolkit: the philosophy underlying its design, examples of its use and discussion of the way it deals with some major issues in creating user modelling shells. The um toolkit has been developed to provide support for a variety of cooperative agents. An important element of its cooperativeness is due to its capacity to give users an understanding of their own user models. This paper describes two substantial but very different uses of the toolkit. The first involves a collection of coaching systems that help users learn more about their text editor. Experimental results suggest that the user model is associated with users learning more. The second is a movie advisor that uses a range of tools to construct and refine the user model and to filter a database of movies. Both these systems are built from combining tools in um. The paper describes several of the tools for constructing and refining user models. In addition it describes the user-model viewing tools and the way that these help users ensure their user models are correct. The paper also discusses the two central themes of the um work, the application of a tools approach to the design of a user modelling toolkit and the implications of making the user model accessible to its owner, the person modelled.  相似文献   

元数据驱动的个性化查询工具设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统查询定制工具只关注动态组合SQL语句,并没有关注与业务相关的实体,如用户、专业等。用户无法定制个性化的查询,企业不能对数据按专业、查询对象和用户等组织多维度、多专业的数据查询。为解决上述问题,提出了一个元数据驱动的个性化查询定制框架,用元数据描述用户需求和企业环境。用户通过个性定制工具,形成用户需求的元数据描述,查询引擎通过元数据读取用户需求,然后查询专业数据库并形成个性化界面。既有通用查询的通用数据接口,又有友好、个性化的用户接口,在油田企业信息集成中得到应用,并取得良好应用效果。  相似文献   

User interface adaptation has been proposed in recent years as a means to achieve personalized accessibility and usability of user interfaces. Related user interface architectures, as well as a variety of related development method and tools, have also been elaborated. Admittedly, however, despite the recognized validity of the approach, which has been proved in practice in a series of prototype systems, the wider adoption and uptake of user interface adaptation approaches are still limited. One of the identified obstacles is the complexity intrinsic in designing such interfaces and the need of radically revising the current user interface design practice to account for (a) the alternative designs required for adaptation, (b) the parameters involved in driving adaptations (i.e., selecting among alternatives at a given point during interaction), and (c) the logic of adaptation at runtime. This article proposes a twofold tool-based support strategy for user interface adaptation development, based on (a) an adaptation development toolkit and related widget library, which directly embeds lexical level adaptations into common interactive widgets, and (b) embedding such a library in a common integrated development environment, thus allowing designers to define and view alternative adaptations at design time and create adaptable user interfaces through traditional prototyping. The aforementioned approach has been implemented in the domain of adaptable applications for older users, producing tools that are currently in use in the development of a large suite of interactive applications in various domains. The approach presented in this article is claimed to be the first and so far unique supporting rapid prototyping of adaptable user interfaces, thus minimizing the divergence between typical development practices and user interface adaptation development.  相似文献   

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