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Ajax-enabled Web applications are a new breed of highly interactive, highly dynamic Web applications. Although Ajax allows developers to create rich Web applications, Ajax applications can be difficult to comprehend and thus to maintain. For this reason, we have created FireDetective, a tool that uses dynamic analysis at both the client (browser) and server-side to facilitate the understanding of Ajax applications. We evaluate FireDetective using (1) a pretest-posttest user study and (2) a field user study. Preliminary evidence shows that the FireDetective tool is an effective aid for Web developers striving to understand Ajax applications.  相似文献   

Leveraging user-session data to support Web application testing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Web applications are vital components of the global information infrastructure, and it is important to ensure their dependability. Many techniques and tools for validating Web applications have been created, but few of these have addressed the need to test Web application functionality and none have attempted to leverage data gathered in the operation of Web applications to assist with testing. In this paper, we present several techniques for using user session data gathered as users operate Web applications to help test those applications from a functional standpoint. We report results of an experiment comparing these new techniques to existing white-box techniques for creating test cases for Web applications, assessing both the adequacy of the generated test cases and their ability to detect faults on a point-of-sale Web application. Our results show that user session data can be used to produce test suites more effective overall than those produced by the white-box techniques considered; however, the faults detected by the two classes of techniques differ, suggesting that the techniques are complementary.  相似文献   

Ajax技术在Web2.0网站设计中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ajax是Web领域的前沿技术,这种技术提供了新的互联网交互模型,并扩展了Web应用的能力。文中在介绍Ajax技术的工作原理、分析比较Ajax工作模式与传统Web工作模式区别的基础上,运用Ajax技术实现了网页的动态加载,用户的请求能更为迅捷地得到Web应用程序的回应。这样就避免了在网络上频繁地重复发送那些没有更新过的信息。相对于传统的Web应用,Ajax技术在丰富客户端的表现能力、改善用户体验中,表现了强大的交互性能。其原因在于Ajax技术实现了客户端与服务器间的数据通信,并提供了两者间异步通信的能力,因而降低了网络传输的数据量,均衡客户端与服务器间的负载。从而体现了Ajax技术提高系统效率与优化用户界面的优良性能。  相似文献   

In sequential event prediction, we are given a “sequence database” of past event sequences to learn from, and we aim to predict the next event within a current event sequence. We focus on applications where the set of the past events has predictive power and not the specific order of those past events. Such applications arise in recommender systems, equipment maintenance, medical informatics, and in other domains. Our formalization of sequential event prediction draws on ideas from supervised ranking. We show how specific choices within this approach lead to different sequential event prediction problems and algorithms. In recommender system applications, the observed sequence of events depends on user choices, which may be influenced by the recommendations, which are themselves tailored to the user’s choices. This leads to sequential event prediction algorithms involving a non-convex optimization problem. We apply our approach to an online grocery store recommender system, email recipient recommendation, and a novel application in the health event prediction domain.  相似文献   

在基于Web的应用已经非常普遍的背景下,分析Web应用在用户体验方面面临的问题,引入Aiax及其相关技术到Web应用的开发,从而增加Web应用的操作性和交互性,提高用户体验.  相似文献   

采用Ajax框架EXTjs整合Struts Web应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了Struts MVC框架的工作流程,在尽可能少地改动代码的前提下,提出了使用Json传输数据格式整合Struts与ExtJS的可行方案,通过Ajax框架ExtJS构建具有强交互性的富客户端Web应用,以增强遗留的Struts Web系统用户体验.  相似文献   

Ajax 利用JavaScript、HTML、DOM技术进行Web富客户端设计,后台异步执行与服务器的交互,不会因为交互而中断用户对屏幕的操作.Ajax 使得基于Web的传统客户端设计,达到与单机GUI方式同样的效果,对基于Web的分布式系统设计产生了重要影响.  相似文献   

Web2.0时代已经到来,而如何能让Web2.0网站有更好的用户体验以及更快的数据传输一直是开发者所面临的重要问题。Ajax作为Web2.0中的一个关键技术,其在提高用户体验、减少网络传输方面有着无可替代的作用;而另一个新生的MVC框架Stripes,以其配置文件少、学习周期短,也正成为Java开发者的宠儿。正是基于此,文中提出了一种整合Stripes+Ajax的架构,目的是让开发人员以最快最简洁的方式进行Ajax开发,同时文中还提出了Stripes在Ajax中的多种数据传输格式,提出了多种Ajax数据传输方案。  相似文献   

The continuous use of the Web for daily operations by businesses, consumers, and the government has created a great demand for reliable Web applications. One promising approach to testing the functionality of Web applications leverages the user-session data collected by Web servers. User-session-based testing automatically generates test cases based on real user profiles. The key contribution of this paper is the application of concept analysis for clustering user sessions and a set of heuristics for test case selection. Existing incremental concept analysis algorithms are exploited to avoid collecting and maintaining large user-session data sets and to thus provide scalability. We have completely automated the process from user session collection and test suite reduction through test case replay. Our incremental test suite update algorithm, coupled with our experimental study, indicates that concept analysis provides a promising means for incrementally updating reduced test suites in response to newly captured user sessions with little loss in fault detection capability and program coverage.  相似文献   

Ajax在Web中的应用研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Ajax通过浏览器与服务器之间的异步通信,解决了传统的Web应用中页面提交刷新过程中出现的弊端,实现了无刷新页面提交,增强了Web应用程序的互动性,改善了用户体验.本文介绍了Ajax的组成及技术框架,并通过一个实例给出了Ajax在Web开发中的典型应用,最后对Ajax技术的不足进行了分析并对Ajax的发展进行了展望.  相似文献   

Ajax引擎的设计和应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Web应用在界面易操作性方面的弱点是制约其应用面的重要因素,Ajax技术是为了克服这些缺点而提出的。采用它实现的页面在易操作性上可以做到与桌面应用相同的效果,因此,其应用也逐渐多起来。文章介绍了Ajax的基本原理并通过在一个考试系统中的具体实践给出了Ajax引擎的实现方法,对于一般的Web应用开发具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

JavaScript has become one of the most widely used languages for Web development. Its dynamic and event-driven features make it challenging to ensure the correctness of Web applications written in JavaScript. A variety of dynamic analysis techniques have been proposed which are, however, limited in either coverage or scalability. In this paper, we propose a simple, yet effective, model-based automated testing approach to achieve a high code-coverage within the time budget via testing with longer event sequences. We implement our approach as an open-source tool LJS, and perform extensive experiments on 21 publicly available benchmarks. On average, LJS is able to achieve 86.5% line coverage in 10 minutes. Compared with JSDEP, a state-of-the-art breadth-first search based automated testing tool enriched with partial order reduction, the coverage of LJS is 11%–19% higher than that of JSDEP on real-world large Web applications. Our empirical findings support that proper longer test sequences can achieve a higher code coverage in JavaScript Web application testing.  相似文献   

Web应用的迅速发展在一定程度上受到网络带宽限制,Ajax技术的出现为Web开发应用带来了新的机遇。文中介绍了Ajax技术原理,详细分析了常用Ajax组件工作原理,对具代表性的Ajax组件的使用方法也进行了阐述,并且分析了其特点。对希望利用Ajax技术提高Web页面响应效率,增加用户体验的开发者有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Web测试综述   总被引:21,自引:9,他引:21  
1 引言 Web以其广泛性、交互性和易用性等特点迅速风靡世界,网页数量正以指数级飞速增长。能够吸引尽可能多的用户并对其长时间关注是网站追求的主要目标,也是衡量一个网站是否成功的主要指标,这就对网页功能的正确性、有效性和完善性提出了较高的要求,从而Web测试就成为Web应用开发过程中的一个重要环节。通过Web测试尽可能多地发现浏览器端和服务器端程序中的错误并及时加以修正,以保证Web应用的质量。由于Web具有分布、异构、并发和平台  相似文献   

Thanks to the fast and growing diffusion of Rich Internet Applications (RIAs), the user experience in the Web 2.0 is becoming more and more appealing and user friendly. RIAs are indeed a new generation of Web applications that exploit a combination of technologies and new development patterns for providing a more interactive, responsive and dynamic user experience. Unfortunately, some characteristics of RIAs, such as the heterogeneity of the implementation technologies, as well as the possibility of dynamically generating the code of the application, cause a general worsening of their analyzability and understandability. Consequently, specific analysis techniques and tools are needed for supporting their comprehension effectively. This paper presents an approach for the comprehension of RIAs implemented in Ajax that is based on a tool for dynamic analysis called DynaRIA. The tool provides an integrated environment for tracing application executions and analyzing them from several perspectives. Moreover, the tool is able to abstract several views on the structure and run-time behavior of the application that can be used in various comprehension activities. To show the actual support provided by DynaRIA in different comprehension contexts, four case studies involving two real Ajax applications will be illustrated in the paper. The experimental results showed the usefulness and effectiveness of the tool in comprehension, debugging, testing and quality assessment scenarios.  相似文献   

ContextEvent-Driven Software (EDS) is a class of software whose behavior is driven by incoming events. Web and desktop applications that respond to user-initiated events on their Graphical User Interface (GUI), or embedded software responding to events and signals received from the equipment in its operating environment are examples of EDS. Testing EDS poses great challenges to software testers. One of these challenges is the need to generate a huge number of possible event sequences that could sufficiently cover the EDS’s state space.ObjectiveIn this paper, we introduce a new six-stage testing procedure for event-driven web applications to overcome EDS testing challenges.MethodThe stages of the testing procedure include dividing the application based on its structure, creating functional graphs for each section, creating mutants from functional graphs, choosing coverage criteria to produce test paths, merging event sequences to make longer ones, and deriving and running test cases. We have analyzed our proposed testing procedure with the help of four metrics consisting of Fault Detection Density (FDD), Fault Detection Effectiveness (FDE), Mutation Score, and Unique Fault.ResultsUsing this procedure, we have prepared prioritized test cases and also discovered a list of unique faults by running the suggested test cases on a sample real-world web application called Academic E-mail System.ConclusionWe propose that our suggested testing procedure has some advantages such as creating functional graphs with requirements document, resolving the problem of removing infeasible test cases with these graphs and conditions on the “add edge” operator before creating mutants. But the suggested testing procedure, like any other method, had some drawbacks. Because most of the stages in the approach were performed manually, the testing time was increased.  相似文献   

AJAX 应用的典型设计模式   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
AJAX是WEB领域的前沿技术,它提供了新的互联网交互模型,扩展了WEB应用的能力。文章对比分析了AJAX工作模式与传统WEB工作模式的主要区别,提出了动态加载、预见式缓存、内容分块三个典型的AJAX应用设计模式,并较为深入地分析了各个模式的设计原理,展示了相关的实例代码。  相似文献   

Ajax通过异步交互技术,无刷新变更页面中的部分内容,能在很大程度上提高Web应用程序的用户体验度以及响应速度。通过整合SSH和ExtJS框架,以教学系统中的学生信息管理模块为例,介绍了Ajax功能在基于SSH架构的Web应用程序下的具体实现过程,并展现了利用ExtJS框架编写前台页面的优越性。  相似文献   

毛群  王微微  尤枫  赵瑞莲  李征 《计算机应用》2022,42(7):2155-2161
软件测试是保障Android应用质量的有效手段,而理解Android应用的功能作为Android测试过程的基础,旨在深入探究应用的业务逻辑并发现其功能问题,在测试中尤为重要。用户行为模式可充分辅助测试人员理解Android应用功能,从而提高测试效率。基于“相似Android应用共享用户行为模式”的构想,提出一种Android应用的用户行为模式挖掘及复用方法,以降低Android应用测试成本并提高测试效率。具体而言,针对待测Android应用,从其相似Android应用挖掘出用户行为模式;然后利用基于语义的事件模糊匹配策略为待测应用寻找对应事件,并基于用户图形界面(GUI)模型的最优路径选择策略为待测应用生成目标事件序列,从而实现相似应用间的用户行为模式复用。针对三类应用的32种用户行为模式进行实验,结果表明,87.4%的行为模式可在相似Android应用上被完整复用,并且被复用的行为模式可有效覆盖待测应用中90.2%的重要状态。可见,所提方法为Android应用测试提供了有效支撑。  相似文献   

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