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于悦  邱若臻 《控制与决策》2020,35(11):2810-2816
针对由一个风险中性供应商和一个损失厌恶零售商构成的二级供应链,研究随机需求下考虑零售商参照利润效应的供应链决策问题.在回购政策下,建立以供应商为主方、零售商为从方的Stackelberg主从博弈模型.结合参照依赖偏好模型分别得到集中和分散供应链决策,分析供应链最优决策与损失厌恶程度、参照利润强度和零售商乐观水平之间的关系,并进一步设计能够实现供应链完美协调的回购契约机制.研究结果表明,在集中和分散供应链决策下,零售商订货量均随着损失厌恶和乐观程度的增加而减少.而当零售商损失厌恶程度较低时,订货量随参照利润强度的增加而增加;反之,亦成立.对于批发价格决策,则存在一个阈值,当高于该阈值时,批发价格随着零售商损失厌恶、乐观程度和参照利润强度的增大而增加;低于该阈值时,批发价格随着损失厌恶、乐观程度和参照利润强度的增大而降低.  相似文献   

在零售商资金约束下,基于CVaR准则构建了风险规避的供应商和零售商组成的双渠道供应链的定价模型。分析了零售商资金充足时,供应商和零售商的最优决策、资金约束情况下零售商的银行借贷融资、延期支付策略和组合融资时零售商和供应商的最优决策以及零售商和供应商的风险规避程度对最优决策变量和收益的影响。通过数值分析,进一步验证了零售商和供应商的风险规避度对三种融资模式下零售商和供应商的最优决策变量和利润的影响。研究表明:资金充足和延期支付策略下最优决策变量与风险规避度的关系一致;银行借贷和组合融资下最优决策变量与风险规避度的关系一致;单一延期支付策略和组合融资优于单一银行借贷融资;组合融资比例大于一定值时,优于单纯延期支付策略。  相似文献   

基于损失厌恶型零售商的易逝品供应链价格补贴契约研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
在前景理论框架下,探讨了存在缺货损失下的由损失厌恶型零售商和风险中性型供应商组成的供应链价格补贴契约设计,研究了供应商为风险中性时,损失厌恶型零售商分别在批发价格契约和价格补贴契约下的订货行为.研究结果表明,损失厌恶型的零售商在批发价格契约下的订货可能偏离系统最优订货,供应商通过价格补贴契约可以协调整个供应链.最后通过算例分析,验证了价格补贴契约在协调供应链中的有效性.  相似文献   

何娟  黄福友  黄福玲 《控制与决策》2018,33(10):1833-1840
针对一个考虑风险规避供应商与质量和服务水平的二级VMI供应链,应用条件风险价值(CVaR)准则刻画供应商的风险规避行为,提出由期权和成本分担构成的组合契约,构建以零售商为主导的Stackelberg博弈模型,探讨供应链协调策略以及风险规避对供应链协调和利润分配的影响.研究表明,供应商的最优生产量随着其风险规避程度的增加而减小,但最优质量和服务水平与风险规避程度无关;当且仅当供应商风险规避程度较低时供应链才能实现协调,且供应商风险规避程度是影响供应链契约设计和利润分配的关键因素.  相似文献   

罗春林  柳键  李杰 《控制与决策》2011,26(1):141-144
研究了风险中性的供应商与风险厌恶的零售商所构成的二阶供应链的定价与订货策略,零售商的风险厌恶由条件价值风险来度量.研究结果表明,当供应商不确定零售商的风险厌恶因子时,一定会造成其期望利润的下降,从而也体现了信息的价值.特别地,当风险厌恶因子服从均匀分布时,其期望订货量正是需求的截断随机变量的期望.  相似文献   

基于LA型供应商的易逝品供应链价格补贴契约   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对由单个损失厌恶型供应商和单个风险中性型零售商组成的供应链系统,在前景理论框架下,研究了存在缺货损失下的基于批发价格契约和价格补贴契约的易逝品供应链协调问题。首先分析了分散化供应链系统在批发价格契约下供应商和零售商的最优决策,并将供应商的最优生产量与集中化供应链系统下的最优生产量进行了比较;从理论上严格证明了当供应商的最优生产量小于集中化供应链系统下的最优生产量时,供应商不能通过批发价格契约使得自己的生产量为集中化供应链的生产量。然后分析了在缔结政府提供的价格补贴契约下供应商和零售商的最优决策。研究结果表明,损失厌恶型供应商在批发价格契约下的最优生产量可能偏离系统最优生产量,这时政府可以通过价格补贴契约来协调整个供应链。  相似文献   

供需不匹配一直是供应链管理领域的难点问题,多源采购策略被企业广泛应用于解决该问题。本研究考虑风险厌恶型零售商向上游两家供应商订货的问题,其中供应商1供应不可靠但价格较低,供应商2供应可靠但价格较高。为了缓解降低供应商1的供应不可靠性,零售商可以通过提前支付部分货款的方式帮助供应商1提高供应链可靠性。本研究首先构建了零售商只采用供应商1或2的采购策略,接着构建了零售商采用双源供应采购策略的模型。本研究发现,在双源供应情况下,随着零售商提前支付比例的增加,零售商将增加供应商1的订货量而降低供应商2的订货量,最优期望效用也随之增加。研究还发现相比于单源采购而言,双源供应条件下零售商所获得的最优期望效用更大。本研究也探讨了双源供应情况下,损失厌恶程度、随机需求对零售商最优策略的影响  相似文献   

为更合理地实现供应链协调的整体最优绩效,以具有损失厌恶和锚定心理的零售商和风险中性的供应商组成的两级供应链为研究对象,探讨回购契约下的供应链订货及协调情况。建立集中和分散决策下考虑零售商损失厌恶和锚定心理的回购契约协调模型,分析了零售商最优订货量与批发价格、回购价格之间的关系,以及各契约参数对回购价格和各节点利润的影响,并给出了供应链实现协调需要达成的条件。结果表明,当零售商订购的产品为高利润产品时,能够实现供应链整体最优绩效,达到供应链协调,且利润在供应链双方之间的分配随着批发和回购价格的提升而向供应商倾斜,但零售商损失厌恶和锚定心理的加深会使得供应商提升回购价格,使整体供应链的利润下降,成本费用增加。  相似文献   

针对供需网的一个典型节点, 研究随机需求情形下零售商主导的供需网契约协调问题。考虑由一个风险厌恶的零售商和一个风险厌恶的制造商构成的两层供需系统, 零售商制定最优批发价, 制造商决定最优供货量, 构建了基于收益共享费用共担的供需网协调模型。仿真分析结果表明, 当整个供需系统的风险厌恶系数高于制造商和零售商的风险厌恶系数时, 收益共享费用共担契约可以实现系统的显著改善甚至完美协调。  相似文献   

研究由风险中性供应商和具有损失厌恶偏好零售商组成的供应链在弹性数量契约条件下的协调问题.揭示了契约参数和零售商损失厌恶特性对零售商最优订货量的影响,发现调整弹性度这一契约参数可使供应链得到协调;同时,当弹性度满足一定条件时,调整批发价格也可实现供应链协调.最后通过数值分析,验证了弹性数量契约在协调供应链中的有效性,并探讨了其中原因.  相似文献   

将制造商风险规避行为特征考虑到不同权力结构闭环供应链博弈模型中,利用均值-方差理论探讨风险规避行为和权力结构对闭环供应链决策的影响。研究表明:随着制造商风险规避程度的提高,各权力结构下的批发价、绿色度、零售价和产品性价比逐渐降低;市场中领导者的先动优势总会使其制定出更加有利于自身的决策。对于制造商而言,在零售商主导和无权力结构的市场中,适度的规避风险有助于其效用的提高,而在自身主导的市场中,风险规避行为反而对其不利;当消费者对产品绿色品质的追求较低时,处于无权力结构的市场最有利,否则处于零售商主导的市场会更有利,然而无论消费者处于何种权力结构的市场,制造商风险规避行为都会对其产生负面影响。  相似文献   

在碳标签制度背景下,考虑了风险规避和制造商碳减排情况下双渠道供应链中供应链各成员的决策问题。考虑消费者低碳偏好,探讨了三种情形:制造商和零售商均为风险中性、制造商和零售商均风险规避、制造商和零售商单独一方风险规避。结果表明制造商的碳减排努力和最终销售价格均与制造商的风险规避系数成反比,制造商的碳减排努力与零售商的风险规避系数成正比,而最终销售价格却并不总与其成正比;制造商风险中性、零售商风险规避时制造商的减排努力最大,制造商风险规避、零售商风险中性时制造商的减排努力最小;同时还表明,制造商在减排决策时要综合考虑制造商自身和零售商的风险规避程度以及双方在市场需求中所占的比例。  相似文献   

Supply chain finance is a crucial topic. In this paper, we consider that a capital‐constrained manufacturer can borrow money from either a bank (bank credit financing) or a retailer (trade credit financing). Our analysis compares supply chain performance under these two financing schemes. Furthermore, we extend our model to evaluate the impacts of retail competition and supply chain member's risk aversion on supply chains, which consist of one capital‐constrained manufacturer and two competing retailers. We consider three financing schemes: only bank credit financing, dual trade credit financing, and bank and trade credit mix financing. We find that without retail competition, the retailer is always willing to use the trade credit financing; whereas with retail competition, if one retailer provides the trade credit but the other does not, the credit provider could receive the superior profit. Thus, providing an appropriate trade credit financing scheme is critically important for retailers. Moreover, we find that without retail competition, when a trade interest rate is relatively low, both the retailer and manufacturer could reach a win‐win situation in the trade credit financing. However, with retail competition, supply chain members (i.e., two retailers and one manufacturer) will not have an all‐win situation no matter which specific financing scheme is adopted and only a win‐win‐lose situation exists when using the credit mix financing scheme or the dual trade credit financing in supply chains. Last but not least, regardless of risk neutrality or aversion of supply chain members, their pricing decisions among three financing schemes are similar. This implies that the impacts of supply chain members’ risk aversion are limited in supply chain financing scheme selection. More managerial insights are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, a combined contract composed of option and cost sharing is proposed to investigate coordination and risk‐sharing issues of the supply chain consisting of a dominant retailer and a risk‐averse manufacturer. Demand faced by the retailer is stochastic in nature and dependent on marketing effort. We adopt the conditional value‐at‐risk (CVaR) criterion to model risk aversion of the manufacturer, and derive the optimal strategy for each member with a Stackelberg game in which the retailer acts as the leader. It is verified that the combined contract can coordinate the supply chain and achieve Pareto‐improvement. Moreover, the dominant retailer can allocate the system‐wide profit arbitrarily only by option price in the premise of coordination. It is worth mentioning that coordination of the supply chain is reachable only when the manufacturer is low in risk aversion, and the manufacturer's risk aversion is a significant element for contract design and profit allocation.  相似文献   


以风险规避零售商和风险规避供应商组成的两层供应链系统为研究对象, 在条件风险估值的风险度量准则下讨论两生产模式下风险规避零售商的最优订购策略和风险规避供应商的最优生产策略. 通过数值实验得出如下结论: 若零售商的风险规避度越小, 则零售商的第1 次最优订购量越多, 风险利润越大; 供应商的第1 次最优生产量随着供应商的风险规避度减小而增大; 零售商的风险规避度越小, 越不利于供应商的生产投机行为.


We examine the role of trade credit insurance in a capital‐constrained supply chain with one (or two) loss‐neutral retailer(s) and one loss‐averse manufacturer. We model the interplay between these supply chain participants as a Stackelberg game and analyze their operating and financing decisions. In one capital‐constrained retailer case, we find that either the manufacturer's high loss aversion level or the retailer's low initial capital motivates the manufacturer to adopt insurance. Insurance drives more credit financing with more attractive financing terms (a lower wholesale price), which promotes the manufacturer to collect better product sales and performance. Although the retailer enjoys improved profit from insurance, its default risk increases. In contrast, in one capital‐constrained retailer and one well‐funded retailer scenario, numerically, when the manufacturer's loss aversion level is high or the weak retailer's initial capital is low, insurance is also adopted but is not always preferred by the capital‐constrained retailer due to competition. In addition, as the demand substitution rate increases, the manufacturer is more likely to prefer insurance due to better performance.  相似文献   

The lead time reduction problem in a supply chain with a risk-averse retailer and a risk-neutral manufacturer for short life cycle products is studied in this paper. Lead time can be reduced by additional crashing cost to enhance forecast accuracy of uncertain demand. Under Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) criterion, the effects of decision maker’s risk aversion and additional crashing cost for lead time reduction on optimal decisions are analyzed. Moreover, a revenue sharing contract is proposed to achieve supply chain coordination. The results suggest that when the retailer is more risk-averse and when forecast error is larger, the retailer tends to select a shorter lead time despite the higher wholesale price charged by the manufacturer. However, if the retailer is mildly risk-averse and the forecast error is small, he might not select to shorten the lead time because of associated additional crashing cost. Thus, the retailer should carefully balance the benefit against the cost of lead time reduction. In addition, we find lead time reduction is conductive to improving supply chain efficiency compared to the case without lead time reduction. Revenue sharing contract can achieve supply chain coordination and Pareto improvement for both supply chain agents. The improved utilities increase as the decision maker is more risk-averse and the forecast error is higher.  相似文献   

基于零售商回收模式,运用前景理论探讨了价格敏感随机需求下具有损失厌恶零售商参与的两级闭环供应链定价与协调问题。首先针对分散式决策,在两种批发价模式下推导和比较制造商和零售商的最优行为,分析损失厌恶程度对零售商定价和订货联合决策的影响;然后通过与集中式决策的对比验证了分散式供应链存在效率损失,进而设计收益共享契约对分散式供应链进行协调;最后通过算例验证了以上结论,并将回收率对最优决策和成员效用的影响进行了灵敏度分析。  相似文献   

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