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并行循环分为DOALL和DOACROSS。DOACROSS循环携带数据依赖,在并行执行时需要通信支持,对于可以精确分析依赖关系的DOACROSS循环可通过流水并行方式提高性能。该文针对流水并行代码的自动生成进行讨论,包括数据依赖关系图和流水关系图的建立、流水并行判别准则和流水代码的自动生成等。实验证明流水并行后能获得较好的加速比。  相似文献   

将OpenACC编程模型用于异构多核处理器时,由于异构多核处理器加速设备内存有限,操作大量数据的代码不能获得很好的加速。针对这一问题,在OpenACC中引入循环分块子句,对循环进行分块处理,使每个循环块使用的数据能够存储在设备内存中;提出面向异构多核处理器的循环分块子句生成算法,并在基于Open64的"源-源"自动并行化系统Auto-ACC中进行实现。测试结果表明,在异构多核处理器上,扩展的循环分块子句及所提生成算法能够对程序进行明显的加速。  相似文献   

当计算划分层迭代数目较大,或是循环体单次迭代工作量较大,但可用的并行线程数目较小时,传统的基于循环分块的流水粒度优化方法无法进行处理。为此,提出一种基于循环分块减小流水粒度的方法,并根据流水并行循环的代价模型实现最优流水粒度的求解,设计实现了一个流水计算粒度的优化算法。对有限差分松弛法(FDR)的波前循环和时域有限差分法(FDTD)中典型循环的测试表明,与传统的流水粒度选择方法相比,所提算法能够得到更优的循环分块大小。  相似文献   

随着多核处理器逐渐成为处理器发展的新趋势,为了持续提高程序性能,必须并行执行应用程序.传统的自动并行技术能够很好地并行科学计算应用中的规则循环,但对于含有大量函数调用和指针引用的不规则程序,目前还不能有效地对其实施并行.针对这一现状,文中提出了基于区域平均执行时间和数据依赖信息的可能并行区域识别方法来对一些不规则程序实施高效并行,主要贡献如下:(1)自动识别程序中的多种并行性,不仅包括传统并行性分析中的循环迭代间的细粒度并行性,而且也包括传统并行性分析尚不能有效处理的循环体和函数调用点间的粗粒度并行性.对于程序中蕴含的众多并行性,文中基于区域平均执行时间实施收益分析来选择合适的并行区域实施并行;(2)自动识别可能并行区域间数据依赖关系的数量、类型以及导致数据依赖关系的程序变量.基于文中的分析结果,作者使用面向行为的投机并行系统(behavior oriented parallelism)对SPEC2006中的4个测试用例实现了并行化.并行化后的程序在Intel和AMD多核处理器上分别得到了300%和260%的平均性能加速.  相似文献   

循环分块是一种广泛用于改善数据局部性和开发并行性的程序变换优化技术.主要分为2类:固定分块技术和参数化分块技术,系统地总结了这2类技术,并分析了其优缺点.由于分块大小的选择会严重影响分块代码的性能,因此介绍分析了选择最优分块大小的各种方法.此外,总结了循环分块在多级分块、并行性开发和不完美嵌套循环等方面应用的各项技术.通过对循环分块技术当前研究现状的分析,得出如下结论:1)循环分块技术中的计算复杂度和生成代码效率问题还未得到完全解决,如何利用循环边界有效地约束迭代空间并提高数据局部性还需要更深入的研究;2)最优分块大小的选择依然是一个开放式难题,研究清楚分级存储架构中每级分块对性能的影响具有重要的意义;3)从循环分块的应用角度,如何有效地构建面向任意嵌套循环集的自动分块代码生成系统,同时充分利用深度共享存储资源和多核架构实现分块代码的高并行度,也是一个需要深入研究的问题.  相似文献   

许德政  赵林等 《计算机工程》2001,27(7):46-47,87
使用基于MPI并行编程方法对Fortran77串行计算程度进行并行处理,主要工作在循环级的可并行性研究和并行实现。文中给出并行代码在国家高性能计算中心(合肥)的曙光-1000机上运行的并行加速比以及相应的系统并行效率。  相似文献   

对于高性能并行计算机而言,如何由给出的计算、数据划分信息及精确数组数据流分析信息自动生成并行化代码是实现串行程序并行化的一个重要问题。根据Saman P.Amarasinghe和Lam的定理,实现了一种并行化识别工具中MPI(Message Passing Interface)并行化代码自动生成技术的算法,并对该算法的性能进行分析。  相似文献   

循环并行化是并行编译的核心问题之一。许多科学计算程序的大部分执行时间花费在循环上,有效开发循环中的并行性将提高整个程序的执行效率。多重循环最为常见,因此并行化多重循环具有重要的理论和现实意义。现代处理器中硬件资源迅速增长,也使得在整个多维循环空间中开发并行性成为必要。目前大多数软件流水算法只对最内层循环,仅有少数的算法对多重循环进行软件流水,本文介绍几种多重循环的软件流水算法,比较它们之间的相似与不同之处,为编译器实现中算法的选择提供了指导。  相似文献   

赵捷  赵荣彩  丁锐  黄品丰 《软件学报》2012,23(10):2695-2704
传统的分布存储并行编译系统大多是在共享存储并行编译系统的基础上开发的.共享存储并行编译系统的并行识别技术适合OpenMP代码生成,实现方式是将所有嵌套循环都按照相同的识别方法进行处理,用于分布存储并行编译系统必然会导致无法高效发掘程序的并行性.分布存储并行编译系统应根据嵌套循环结构的特点进行分类处理,提出适合MPI代码生成的并行识别技术.为解决上述问题,根据嵌套循环的结构和MPI并行程序的特点,提出了一种新的嵌套循环分类方法,并针对不同的嵌套循环分别提出了相应的并行识别技术.实验结果表明,与采用传统并行识别技术的分布存储并行编译系统相比,按照所提方法对嵌套循环进行分类,采用相应并行识别技术的编译系统能够更高效地识别基准程序中的并行循环,自动生成的MPI并行代码其性能加速比提高了20%以上.  相似文献   

马春燕  吕炳旭  叶许姣  张雨 《软件学报》2023,34(7):3022-3042
随着多核处理器的普及应用,针对嵌入式遗留系统中串行代码的自动并行化方法是研究热点.其中,针对具有非完美嵌套结构、非仿射依赖关系特征的复杂嵌套循环的自动并行化方法存在技术挑战.提出了一种基于LLVMPass的复杂嵌套循环的自动并行化框架(CNLPF).首先,提出了一种复杂嵌套循环的表示模型,即循环结构树,并将嵌套循环的正则区域自动转换为循环结构树表示;然后,对循环结构树进行数据依赖分析,构建循环内和循环间的依赖关系;最后,基于OpenMP共享内存的编程模型生成并行的循环程序.针对SPEC2006数据集中包含近500个复杂嵌套循环的6个程序案例,分别对其进行复杂嵌套循环占比统计和并行性能加速测试.结果表明,提出的自动并行化框架可以处理LLVMPolly无法优化的复杂嵌套循环,增强了LLVM的并行编译优化能力,且该方法结合Polly的组合优化,比单独采用Polly优化的加速效果提升了9%-43%.  相似文献   

Many computationally-intensive programs, such as those for differential equations, spatial interpolation, and dynamic programming, spend a large portion of their execution time in multiply-nested loops that have a regular stencil of data dependences. Tiling is a well-known compiler optimization that improves performance on such loops, particularly for computers with a multilevel hierarchy of parallelism and memory. Most previous work on tiling is limited in at least one of the following ways: they only handle nested loops of depth two, orthogonal tiling, or rectangular tiles. In our work, we tile loop nests of arbitrary depth using polyhedral tiles. We derive a prediction formula for the execution time of such tiled loops, which can be used by a compiler to automatically determine the tiling parameters that minimizes the execution time. We also explain the notion of rise, a measure of the relationship between the shape of the tiles and the shape of the iteration space generated by the loop nest. The rise is a powerful tool in predicting the execution time of a tiled loop. It allows us to reason about how the tiling affects the length of the longest path of dependent tiles, which is a measure of the execution time of a tiling. We use a model of the tiled iteration space that allows us to determine the length of the longest path of dependent tiles using linear programming. Using the rise, we derive a simple formula for the length of the longest path of dependent tiles in rectilinear iteration spaces, a subclass of the convex iteration spaces, and show how to choose the optimal tile shape.  相似文献   

Intel Xeon Phi accelerators are one of the newest devices used in the field of parallel computing. However, there are comparatively few studies concerning their performance when using most of the existing parallelization techniques. One of them is thread-level speculation, a technique that optimistically tries to extract parallelism of loops without the need of a compile-time analysis that guarantees that the loop can be executed in parallel. In this article we evaluate the performance delivered by an Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor when using a software, state-of-the-art thread-level speculative parallelization library in the execution of well-known benchmarks. We describe both the internal characteristics of the Xeon Phi platform and the particularities of the thread-level speculation library being used as benchmark. Our results show that, although the Xeon Phi delivers a relatively good speedup in comparison with a shared-memory architecture in terms of scalability, the relatively low computing power of its computational units when specific vectorization and SIMD instructions are not fully exploited makes this first generation of Xeon Phi architectures not competitive (in terms of absolute performance) with respect to conventional multicore systems for the execution of speculatively parallelized code.  相似文献   

为多核平台开发一种有效的编程方法已经成为并行软件研究的一个重要目标.在嵌入式多核平台上进行了OpenMP并行程序的有效的实施运行.针对嵌入式具有有限内存资源的特点,提出了通过扩展OpenMP自定义制导语句tiling来提高并行程序在嵌入式多核平台上的运行效率.扩展后的OpenMP并行程序支持循环分片,从而能够充分利用层...  相似文献   

The author demonstrates the methodology for parallelizing of finding stochastic bounds for Markov chains on multicore and manycore platforms. The stochastic bounds algorithm for Markov chains with the sparse matrices is investigated, thus needing a lot of irregular memory access. Its parallel implementations should scale across multiple threads and characterize with a high performance and performance portability between multicore and manycore platforms. The presented methods are built on the usage of two parallelization extensions of the C++ language: OpenMP and Cilk Plus. For this two extensions, we use two programming models, namely loop parallelism and task-based parallelism. The numerical experiments show the execution time of the implementations and the scalability on multicore and manycore platforms. This work provides the parallel implementations and at the same time presents an educational example of how computer science problems with irregular memory access can be implemented for high performance using OpenMP and Cilk Plus.  相似文献   

This paper presents a time stamp algorithm for runtime parallelization of general DOACROSS loops that have indirect access patterns. The algorithm follows the INSPECTOR/EXECUTOR scheme and exploits parallelism at a fine-grained memory reference level. It features a parallel inspector and improves upon previous algorithms of the same generality by exploiting parallelism among consecutive reads of the same memory element. Two variants of the algorithm are considered: One allows partially concurrent reads (PCR) and the other allows fully concurrent reads (FCR). Analyses of their time complexities derive a necessary condition with respect to the iteration workload for runtime parallelization. Experimental results for a Gaussian elimination loop, as well as an extensive set of synthetic loops on a 12-way SMP server, show that the time stamp algorithms outperform iteration-level parallelization techniques in most test cases and gain speedups over sequential execution for loops that have heavy iteration workloads. The PCR algorithm performs best because it makes a better trade-off between maximizing the parallelism and minimizing the analysis overhead. For loops with light or unknown iteration loads, an alternative speculative runtime parallelization technique is preferred  相似文献   

吴悦  雷超付  杨洪斌 《计算机工程》2010,36(9):35-37,40
针对含有大量循环的串行程序存在的问题,提出一种基于线程级前瞻技术的循环选择方案。该方案对循环进行最优选择后建立一个可并行运行的循环集。对于该集合中的循环,选择并行效率高的代码段作并行处理,以加快串行程序运行速度。实验表明,相对于一般的简单内部循环或外部循环并行方法,该方案使9种基准代码的加速比平均上升23.8%,从而提高串行程序并行运行的效率。  相似文献   

针对含有大量循环的串行程序存在的问题,提出一种基于线程级前瞻技术的循环选择方案。该方案对循环进行最优选择后建立一个可并行运行的循环集。对于该集合中的循环,选择并行效率高的代码段作并行处理,以加快串行程序运行速度。实验表明,相对于一般的简单内部循环或外部循环并行方法,该方案使9种基准代码的加速比平均上升23.8%,从而提高串行程序并行运行的效率。  相似文献   

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