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基于Bloom Filter和概率分发队列的P2P网络快速查找算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程澜  缑锦  周峰 《计算机科学》2012,39(5):57-61,94
无结构化P2P网络资源定位过程中的响应时间、查准率及覆盖率难以同时被优化。提出一种面向有向无环随机网络的基于Bloom Filter和概率分发队列的快速查找算法BFPDQ(Bloom Filter and Probabilistic Distribution Queue),它用Bloom Filter表达和传递节点命中资源信息及查找请求信息,计算新查询消息与历史查询消息Bloom Filter语义向量相似度,并应用底层网络路径性能信息指导上层转发决策。概率分发队列(Probabilistic Distribution Queue,PDQ)把传统walkers表示成为查找消息分发队列,查找请求者协调各分发队列的查找方向和深度,并融合各队列查找过程中得到的定位消息。仿真实验表明,BFPDQ算法在保持较少冗余信息的同时有效缩短了响应时间。  相似文献   

首先分析了影响MPI组通信性能的各方面因素,提出了一种衡量算法性能的模型。基于这种分析及模型,提出了一种将邻居交换和递归倍增两种算法结合的新的MPI_ALLGATHER实现算法。新的算法比邻居交换算法通信次数少,比递归倍增算法具有较好的通信局部性。通过在高性能机群系统中的测试,发现新算法在多种情况下比邻居交换算法具有更优的性能,在中等长度消息通信时具有最优的性能,在长消息通信时性能比递归倍增算法和Bruck算法的性能更优,且在长消息通信时多数情况下性能最优。  相似文献   

降低搜索过程中产生的大量网络开销,是非结构P2P 网络重点研究内容之一.泛洪算法和随机查找算法简单且易于实现,但其在搜索过程中产生的大量冗余消息是造成大量网络开销的主要原因.针对这一问题,提出一种受限搜索机制(restricted forward search algorithm,简称RFSA),定义了搜索路径和冗余搜索路径,引入本地消息索引缓存机制,通过节点对消息的受限接收,消除节点对消息的重复接收与转发;利用搜索过程中携带的实时搜索路径信息,选择未出现在搜索路径中的邻居节点对消息进行转发,消除冗余搜索路径的产生.从理论上分析了RFSA 所产生的消息数目和网络开销.模拟实验分别从网络开销、查询点击率、搜索覆盖率和产生的冗余消息数目等方面对受限机制下和非受限机制下的泛洪算法和随机查找算法进行了对比分析,结果表明,在搜索覆盖率和查询点击率基本相同的情况下,受限机制下的泛洪算法和随机查找算法能够减少大量冗余消息的产生,降低了网络开销.  相似文献   

通过分析全互换通信中4种算法的性能,提出了一种改进算法.该改进算法递归倍增的创建子进程,通过增加通信进程数目来减少通信次数.对比分析改进算法与成对互换算法的通信次数,改进算法的通信次数是成对互换算法的一半.实验机群是在版本为MPICH2-1.0.8并行环境下测试,结果表明,消息类型为长消息通信且通信进程教为2的幂次方时,该改进算法比成对互换算法的性能更优.  相似文献   

移动机器人合理的路径规划是进行探索任务的前提,针对移动机器人路径规划的复杂性,把蚁群算法引入到机器人路径规划中;普通的蚁群算法存在收敛速度慢、效率低和容易陷入局部最优等缺陷,难以直接应用于机器人路径规划中;提出一种在蚁群算法中改进信息素的更新方式、引入最大最小蚁群系统以及改进状态转移规则的移动机器人路径规划方法,在栅格环境下对移动机器人的路径规划进行仿真测试,仿真结果表明该方法能缩小最优路径的查找范围,降低发现最优路径所需的循环次数,能有效提高最优路径的搜索效率,整体性能优于普通蚁群算法。  相似文献   

牟晓玲  张大方  曾彬  毕夏安 《计算机应用》2008,28(11):2774-2777
路由抖动抑制机制在稳定Internet路由方面扮演着重要角色。针对路由原因通告(RCN)路由抖动抑制算法没有控制无效路径探索而产生大量更新消息量的问题,利用RCN表和路径探索路由特点提出了一种带路径探索检测的RCN路由抖动抑制算法,该算法正确区分路由抖动和路径探索并对无效路径探索进行控制。实验结果表明,该算法大量减少了更新消息量,提高了算法性能。  相似文献   

针对目前推荐信任模型中求推荐信任值效率不高、查找信任路径速度不快的缺点,本文提出了一种基于遗传算法的查找可靠信任路径算法。该算法利用遗传算法全局快速收敛的优点查找多条可靠的独立信任路径。最后,通过实验证明了该算法适用于较大规模的信任模型中信任路径的查找。  相似文献   

通过分析消息传递型MPSoC通信过程,总结出提高通信性能的有效途径——降低一对多消息发送延迟和提高多条消息并发接收效率.从减少数据拷贝延迟的角度提出了基于硬件抽象层广播优化策略,有效地降低了一对多消息发送延迟;针对并发接收瓶颈,充分考虑减少交互次数和提高长消息通信效率,提出一种基于查找表和DMA模式相结合的接收策略.实验结果表明,广播优化策略及接收策略均能明显提高性能;在64×64的矩阵乘法中,采用优化策略整体性能提高接近1.5倍.  相似文献   

基于多传感器的移动机器人路径规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种基于多传感器的移动机器人路径规划策略。利用声纳传感器和CCD摄像机对环境进行探测,得到关于障碍物的信息,通过一种简单、快速的数据融合算法计算出障碍物相对于机器人的位置坐标。采用切线法进行路径规划,实现了移动机器人在不确定环境下的路径规划,使机器人可以很好地避开障碍物,并以局部最优或次最优路径到达指定位置。实验结果验证了该路径规划算法的良好性能。  相似文献   

蚁群优化算法是一种能应用于求解旅行商问题(Traveling Salesman Problem,TSP)的智能算法,但蚁群算法在求解TSP路径规划问题中存在收敛速度慢、易陷入局部最优解问题,而将蚂蚁算法的蚁群分组,能增加全局搜索能力,提高求解路径规划性能。通过分析蚁群分组大小与蚁群算法性能的关系,并提出了一种自适应分组蚁群算法,采用一种随迭代分组数减少策略方法,并将其应用于对TSP路径规划问题求解。通过实验结果对比表明,自适应分组蚁群算法在收敛速度和搜索质量方面都有了明显提高。  相似文献   

多播路由算法对互连网络的通信性能和多处理机系统性能的发挥起着重要作用。针对基三分层互连网络,在权衡性能、成本和实现的基础上,提出一种基于树的受限多播路由算法TRMA。该算法充分利用基三分层互连网络的层次特性和节点编码中所含的网络拓扑信息实现消息路由,算法设计简单,易于硬件实现。和其他基于树的多播路由算法相比,TRMA算法不需要源节点在发送消息前构建多播树,并将多播树的信息存放在消息中,大大降低了源节点的工作负载,提高整个系统的性能。通过仿真比较了TRMA和基于单播的多播路由算法,结果表明TRMA具有较低的网络延迟和较小的网络流量。  相似文献   

刘婧  王新华  王朕  王硕 《计算机应用》2012,32(2):359-366
通过分析车用自组织网络(VANET)在道路交通领域中的应用现状,根据VANET的特点及其消息传输过程中面临的挑战,针对以往算法较难准确进行空间建模并较少考虑社会行为的规律性特征的问题,提出了一种基于车辆历史行为统计的消息路由方案——HBSR,具体分为计算车辆之间的连通性的节点连通算法,计算源节点和目的节点间可达时段数的拓扑重叠算法,选择消息转发路径的路径选择算法和丢包策略四部分。通过在ONE仿真平台上将其和一些典型的路由算法进行比较,实验证明HBSR方案能够更有效地在VANET中找到消息转发路径,在送达时延明显降低的同时交付率有显著提高,并且表现相对稳定。  相似文献   

赵志刚  王建辉 《计算机工程》2008,34(18):125-127
针对使用星际链路ISL的LEO卫星系统,许多学者提出基于面向连接结构的路由算法,但这些算法的性能很大程度上依赖于初始路径的建立,健壮性差。该文提出一种基于面向连接结构的增强路由算法,只要源卫星与目的卫星之间存在一条通路,源卫星便可以与目的卫星通信。若源卫星与目的卫星之间存在多条路径,通过该算法一定能在线找到其中的最佳路径。通过仿真实验评价了算法的性能,证明算法比已有的基于面向连接结构的路由算法具有更高的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Research on multiprocessor interconnection networks has primarily focused on wormhole switching, virtual channel flow control, and routing algorithms to enhance their performance. The rationale behind this research is that by alleviating the network latency for high network loads, the overall system performance would improve; many studies have used synthetic workloads to support this claim. However, such workloads may not necessarily capture the behavior of real applications. In this paper, we have used parallel applications for a closer examination of the network behavior. In particular, the performance benefit from enhancing a 2D mesh with virtual channels (VCs) and a fully adaptive routing algorithm is examined with a set of shared-memory and message passing applications. Execution time and average message latency of shared memory applications are measured using execution-driven simulation and by varying many architectural attributes that affect the network workload. The communication traces of message passing applications, collected on an IBM-SP2, are used to run a trace-driven simulation of the mesh architecture to obtain message latency. Simulation results show that VCs and adaptive routing can reduce the network latency to varying degrees depending on the application. However, these modest benefits do not translate to significant improvements in the overall execution time because the load on the network is not high enough to exploit the advantages of the network enhancements. Moreover, this benefit may be negated if the architectural enhancements increase the network cycle time. Rather, emphasis should be placed on improving the raw network bandwidth and faster network interfaces  相似文献   

A VLSI microrchitecture of a network-on-chip (NoC) router with a wormhole cut-through switching method is presented in this paper. The main feature of the NoC router is that, the wormhole messages can be interleaved (cut-through) at flit-level in the same buffer pool and share communication links. Each flit belonging to the same message can track its routing paths correctly because a local identity-tag (ID-tag) is attached on each flit that varies over communication resources to support the wire-sharing message transportation. Flits belonging to the same message will have the same local ID-tag on each communication channel. The concept, on-chip microarchitecture, performance characteristics and interesting transient behaviors of the proposed NoC router that uses the wormhole cut-through switching method are presented in this paper. Routing engine module in the NoC architecture is an exchangeable module and must be designed in accordance with user specification i.e., static or adaptive routing algorithm. For quality of service purpose, inter-switch data transfers are controlled by using link-level overflow control to avoid drops of data.  相似文献   

针对认知无线网络中频谱的动态性、时变性、多样性以及节点移动性, 提出了一种基于虚拟信道的多路径融合认知无线网络路由算法. 在路由建立过程中, 为解决源节点与目的节点信道同步问题, 源节点在公共控制信道上广播添加虚拟信道的路由请求, 在当前所处信道为虚拟信道的节点中转发. 目的节点对多条路径通过信道切换进行融合, 以规避主用户的活动区域, 减少路径跳数, 提高链路的稳定性. 在路由维护阶段, 通过卡尔曼滤波对节点移动速度进行预测, 在链路断裂之前启动路由修复. 最后通过NS2中CRCN Simulator仿真结果表明, 该算法在链路通信的稳定性、分组投递率、吞吐量、端到端时延等方面有明显的改善, 提高了网络的整体性能.  相似文献   

Multicast communication services, in which the same message is delivered from a source node to an arbitrary number of destination nodes, are being provided in new-generation multicomputers. Broadcast is a special case of multicast in which a message is delivered to all nodes in the network. The nCUBE-2, a wormhole-routed hypercube multicomputer, provides hardware support for broadcast and a restricted form of multicast in which the destinations form a subcube. However, the broadcast routing algorithm adopted in the nCUBE-2 is not deadlock-free. In this paper, four multicast wormhole routing strategies for 2-D mesh multicomputers are proposed and studied. All of the algorithms are shown to be deadlock-free. These are the first deadlock-free multicast wormhole routing algorithms ever proposed. A simulation study has been conducted that compares the performance of these multicast algorithms under dynamic network traffic conditions in a 2-D mesh. The results indicate that a dual-path routing algorithm offers performance advantages over tree-based, multipath, and fixed-path algorithms  相似文献   

本文利用生灭过程理论,对N-立方体的消息通信延时建立了一个计算模型,在存在消息堵塞的情况下对N-立方体采用虫孔寻径机制和e-cube算法时的沙息通信延迟进行了分析求解,最后,通过模拟实验,证明了结果的正确性。  相似文献   

Due to mobility of wireless hosts, routing in mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) is a challenging task. Multipath routing is employed to provide reliable communication, load balancing, and improving quality of service of MANETs. Multiple paths are selected to be node-disjoint or link-disjoint to improve transmission reliability. However, selecting an optimal disjoint multipath set is an NP-complete problem. Neural networks are powerful tools for a wide variety of combinatorial optimization problems. In this study, a transient chaotic neural network (TCNN) is presented as multipath routing algorithm in MANETs. Each node in the network can be equipped with a neural network, and all the network nodes can be trained and used to obtain optimal or sub-optimal high reliable disjoint paths. This algorithm can find both node-disjoint and link-disjoint paths with no extra overhead. The simulation results show that the proposed method can find the high reliable disjoint path set in MANETs. In this paper, the performance of the proposed algorithm is compared to the shortest path algorithm, disjoint path set selection protocol algorithm, and Hopfield neural network (HNN)-based model. Experimental results show that the disjoint path set reliability of the proposed algorithm is up to 4.5 times more than the shortest path reliability. Also, the proposed algorithm has better performance in both reliability and the number of paths and shows up to 56% improvement in path set reliability and up to 20% improvement in the number of paths in the path set. The proposed TCNN-based algorithm also selects more reliable paths as compared to HNN-based algorithm in less number of iterations.  相似文献   

Multicast is an important collective communication in scalable parallel computers. One efficient scheme to perform multicast is multidestination messaging[8]. In multidestination messaging, destination nodes of a multicast are partitioned into disjoint groups. Nodes in each group are reached with a multidestination message that conforms to the base routing algorithm of the system. A systematic way of partitioning the nodes is critical to the efficiency of multidestination messaging. In this paper we propose a node grouping method, called turn grouping, for partitioning the destination nodes in a multicast. Turn grouping is general in the sense that it supports any base routing algorithm derivable from the turn model [5]. Given such a base routing algorithm and the corresponding prohibited turns, turn grouping can systematically produce a proper schedule for multicasting the message. We evaluated the performance of turn grouping using three typical turn model-based routing algorithms. The simulation results show that our approach performs better than the Umesh [12] and the Hamiltonian-path [8] algorithms.  相似文献   

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