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合成3种水性无规则共聚物分散剂(Ⅰ:PASG、 Ⅱ:PAI和Ⅲ:PSG)和2种水性嵌段分散剂(Ⅳ:PMAA-b-AMPS和Ⅴ:PSSS-b-GMA),并应用于制备水基铝酸钴(CoAl2O4)陶瓷墨水;采用比色法、激光粒度分析法、沉降法分别分析在添加不同分散剂时,亚微米粒级CoAl2O4颗粒在水性悬浮液中的颜色特性和分散稳定性;通过傅里叶变换红外光谱法、热重法、电动势法探究不同分散剂在CoAl2O4颗粒表面的吸附机理;通过流变仪、表面张力仪、静置沉降、离心沉降分析水基CoAl2O4陶瓷墨水的黏度、表面张力、稳定性;基于半经验法计算和分析水基CoAl2O4墨水在陶瓷生坯上的打印适应性。结果表明:在添加质量分数为5%、以质量比为9∶1混合的水性嵌段分散剂时,水基CoAl2O4陶瓷墨水中的色料颗粒表现出最佳分散稳定性;在水基CoAl<...  相似文献   

采用低毒的单体N, N-二甲基丙烯酰胺(DMAA)制备了氧化锆增韧氧化铝(ZrO2/Al2O3)坯体。讨论了分散剂的用量、 ZrO2/Al2O3浆料的pH值、 粉体中ZrO2含量、 粉体所占浆料的固相体积分数、 球磨时间、 预混液中DMAA的浓度(质量分数)对ZrO2/Al2O3浆料黏度的影响。并研究了注凝成型ZrO2/Al2O3坯体的性能和显微结构。结果表明, 当浆料pH值为9, 分散剂的添加量为ZrO2/Al2O3粉体质量的0.6%, 球磨时间为6 h, ZrO2/Al2O3浆料具有最小的黏度。固相体积分数的提高和DMAA加入量的增大都会提高ZrO2/Al2O3浆料的黏度, ZrO2的加入会降低浆料的黏度。用DMAA制备得到的ZrO2/Al2O3坯体结构均匀, 抗弯强度达到25 MPa。   相似文献   

采用3种不同形貌的Al2O3原料对注凝成型制备ZrO2/Al2O3(ZTA)陶瓷工艺中悬浮体的流变性能进行了研究。以低毒的单体N,N-二甲基丙烯酰胺(DMAA)制备了ZrO2/Al2O3坯体和陶瓷。讨论了3种不同形貌的Al2O3原浆料的分散剂用量、球磨时间和固含量对浆料流变性的影响。Al2O3粉体呈扁平状有利于降低浆料的黏度,Al2O3粉体呈棒状对生坯强度的提高有利。制得的3种ZrO2/Al2O3坯体颗粒间结合紧密,抗弯强度分别达到21.45,19.87,25.90 MPa。Al2O3粉体呈颗粒状有利于最终陶瓷力学性能的提高,陶瓷的抗弯强度及断裂韧性分别为680 MPa和7.49 MPa·m1/2,453.1 MPa和6.8 MPa·m1/2,549.4 MPa和6.34 MPa·m1/2。  相似文献   

潘晨  乔梁  郑精武  蔡伟  应耀  车声雷 《材料工程》2021,49(3):125-132
原料粉体的均匀分散是3Y-ZrO2/Al2O3陶瓷制备的关键。在工程应用中三辊混合适合于超细陶瓷粉体高黏度浆料的分散,有利于降低分散介质用量,减少干燥时间。本工作以商用3Y-ZrO2粉体(粒径80 nm)和粗细两种Al2O3粉体(粒径3μm和0.3μm)为原料,通过三辊混合、干压成型与烧结,制备3Y-ZrO2/Al2O3复相陶瓷。通过XRD,SEM和万能试验机研究3Y-ZrO2/Al2O3复相陶瓷的相组成、显微结构以及弯曲强度之间的关系。结果表明:在3Y-ZrO2/Al2O3复相陶瓷中,除常见的Al2O3晶粒弥散相和ZrO2连续相外,还存在最大尺寸5~10μm的Al2O3微聚集区。当添加粗Al2O3粉时,3Y-ZrO2会发生从四方相到单斜相的转变。而当添加细Al2O3粉时,四方相的衍射峰向右偏移,同时没有检测到单斜相。对1600℃烧结的复相陶瓷样品,两种Al2O3粉的适量添加均有利于获得最大的弯曲强度。但对含有细Al2O3粉的样品,弯曲强度较粗Al2O3粉样品随Al2O3体积分数的增加更为平缓。  相似文献   

以稻草纤维及丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯(ABS)为原料,分别以活性炭、Al2O3、SiO2和硅烷偶联剂为增强改性剂,通过混炼-模压工艺制备了改性剂-稻草/ABS复合材料,对比研究了几种不同增强改性剂的增强效果及其增强机制。结果表明:硅烷偶联剂对稻草/ABS复合材料的增强效果较差,活性炭、Al2O3和SiO2对稻草/ABS复合材料的增强均优于硅烷偶联剂,其中Al2O3的增强效果最佳。当Al2O3的添加量(Al2O3∶ABS质量比)为5%时,Al2O3-稻草/ABS复合材料的拉伸、弯曲及冲击强度分别达到最大值27.719 MPa、61.05 MPa和26.53 kJ/m2;当无机物添加量(无机物∶ABS质量比)为5%时,复合材料的耐水性能表现为:5% Al2O3 > 5%活性炭 > 5% SiO2 > 未添加,与复合材料的力学性能梯度相符;改性剂-稻草/ABS复合材料的流变性能则表现为:5%活性炭 > 5% Al2O3 > 5% SiO2 > 未添加。  相似文献   

以CaO-B2O3-SiO2(CBS)玻璃粉体和Al2O3陶瓷粉体为原料,通过在CBS与Al2O3的质量比固定为50:50的玻璃-陶瓷复合材料中添加适量的Bi2O3作为烧结助熔剂,探讨了Bi2O3助熔剂对CBS/Al2O3复合材料的烧结性能、介电性能、抗弯强度和热膨胀系数的影响规律.研究表明:Bi2O3助熔剂能通过降低CBS玻璃的转变温度和黏度促进CBS/Al2O3复合材料的致密化进程,于880 ℃下烧结即能获得结构较致密、气孔较少的CBS/Al2O3复合材料.然而,过量添加Bi2O3将使玻璃的黏度过低,从而恶化CBS/Al2O3复合材料的烧结性能、介电性能及抗弯强度.当Bi2O3的添加量为CBS/Al2O3复合材料的1.5wt%时,于880 ℃下烧结即能获得最为致密的CBS/Al2O3复合材料,密度为2.82 g·cm-3,这一材料具有良好的介电性能(介电常数为7.21,介电损耗为1.06×10-3),抗弯强度为190.34 MPa,0~300 ℃的热膨胀系数为3.52×10-6 K-1.  相似文献   

锌铝尖晶石透明陶瓷是典型的结构功能一体化材料, 具有优异的光学、热学以及介电性能。本研究以ZnAl2O4和Al2O3为原料, 通过凝胶注模成型制备ZnAl2O4-Al2O3复相陶瓷初坯。实验探究了分散剂含量、pH以及固相量对ZnAl2O4-Al2O3混合料浆流变学特性的影响, 制得固相量为50vol%的低黏度稳定料浆。浇注成型后的坯体通过无压烧结和热等静压反应烧结制备透明陶瓷。最终获得的ZnO·2.56Al2O3透明陶瓷样品在厚度为1.8 mm下可见光波段透过率达到70%, 红外波段透过率达到80%以上, 维氏硬度为(11.34±0.17) GPa, 杨氏模量为285 GPa。  相似文献   

Al2O3/6-6-3青铜复合材料的制备及性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用粉末冶金法制备出Al2O3/青铜复合材料, 研究了烧结温度、Al2O3颗粒尺寸、含量及表面状态对复合材料性能的影响。结果表明, 采用二次压制与烧结工艺制备的复合材料的组织致密,Al2O3颗粒分布均匀, 综合性能优于6-6-3青铜材料。Al2O3颗粒的化学包覆处理可以使复合材料的性能进一步提高。   相似文献   

在研究pH值对Al_2O_3/SiO_2二元悬浮体系流变性的基础上,着重研究了分散途径对PAA分散的Al_2O_3-SiO_2二元体系流变性的影响。实验表明,在无分散剂时,Al_2O_3-SiO_2二元混合体系流变特性随pH值的变化可为3段:在pH值2.0以及pH值9.0两个区域,悬浮液处于稳定分散状态;而当pH值介于2.0~9.0时,浆液产生严重的絮凝现象,且絮凝程度高于Al_2O_3和SiO_2各自的单元体系。在pH值介于2.0~9.0时,通过添加PAA可使Al_2O_3-SiO_2二元悬浮液达到稳定分散状态;pH值为6.0时,采用普通添加方式PAA的最低添加量为0.8%(质量分数);改变分散途径后,分散所需的PAA最低添加量可降低50%,仅为0.4%(质量分数)。该结果表明,在Al_2O_3-SiO_2二元体系中,分散剂PAA在颗粒表面存在不均匀吸附现象,并且通过分散途径的设计,可有效地避免这种现象。另外,分散途径的设计可以提高PAA稳定分散的Al_2O_3-SiO_2二元悬浮液的抗离子强度特性,同时又可降低固含量对浆液流变性能的影响。  相似文献   

对于陶瓷立体光刻增材制造技术, 光敏树脂浆料的固含量发挥着重要的作用。本工作首先制备了不同固含量的Al2O3陶瓷浆料, 并采用立体光刻增材制造技术, 制备了Al2O3陶瓷, 并研究了Al2O3浆料的固含量与陶瓷性能的关联关系。其次, 探索了固含量对Al2O3浆料的流变行为、固化性能, 以及对Al2O3陶瓷的微观结构、力学性能的影响规律。结果表明, 随着固含量增加, 浆料的粘度和剪切应力均增大。在光固化增材制造过程中, 高固含量导致浆料的粘度高于其自流平的临界值, 且Al2O3浆料的固化性能与固含量高度相关。此外, 固含量明显影响光固化增材制造的Al2O3陶瓷的缺陷。这些制造缺陷对于Al2O3陶瓷的力学性能有重要影响。最后, 本工作总结了光敏Al2O3浆料的流变行为、固化性能与Al2O3陶瓷的微观结构和力学性能之间的关联关系。浆料的高粘度造成陶瓷的微观结构不均匀, 最终导致其力学强度较差。本研究结果可为陶瓷的光固化增材制造提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

The effect of polyacrylic acid (PAA) molecular weight on the rheological properties of TIF aqueous alumina suspensions that have gelation behavior at elevated temperature is studied. The volume fraction gelation threshold of such alumina suspensions is estimated based on the viscoelastic properties. The volume fraction gelation thresholds are 0.20 and 0.35 for the alumina suspensions containing 0.04 wt% PAA of Mw 10,000 and Mw 5,000, respectively. Both values are higher than that of the suspensions with 0.04 wt% PAA of Mw 50,000, which is about 0.15. These results can give us guidance to tailor both the composition and gelation character of the TIF alumina suspensions for direct casting.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to investigate rheological behaviour of alumina suspensions, considering different amounts of polyvinyl alcohol (PVAL) as a binder. Three different aqueous suspensions were prepared, containing 60, 70 and 80 wt.% of alumina powder. Spinel was added as a sintering agent and Darvan 821‐A as a dispersant, in an amount of 0.08 and 0.4 wt.% of dry powder weight, respectively. The alumina suspensions flow curves were recorded and fitted satisfactorily to the power law, Herschel‐Bulkley and Bingham models. Obtained results indicate that apparent viscosity of alumina suspensions increases with increasing Al2O3 and polyvinyl alcohol amount.  相似文献   

Concentrated alumina slurries were fluidized in an optimum amount of polyacrylates (PAA) in the content region where a good dispersion was obtained. Dispersion was necessary, but not sufficient for fluidization. The expected role of PAA in the thickening was retention of a water-reducing ability to retain the fluidity. Thickening of the alumina slurry to the limit of retaining the fluidity was achieved by the amount of PAA at which the flow point showed a minimum. The flow of alumina slurries around the limit was approximated by the Bingham model which was characterized by the yield stress and the Bingham viscosity. The flow curves of the slurries containing insufficient PAA had a yield stress which decreased with increasing amount of PAA and disappeared at an optimum amount of PAA to give a minimum flow point. The yield stress again increased retaining the low Bingham viscosity with increasing amount of PAA, to exceed the optimum amount for molecular weights smaller than 10 000. On the other hand, the Bingham viscosity increased without increasing the yield stress with increasing amount of PAA, to exceed the optimum amount for molecular weights larger than 20 000. The effect of PAA on the dispersion and flow behaviour could be explained by the electrostatic stabilization based on the Derjaguin-Landau, Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) theory for the PAA with a molecular weight smaller than 10 000, and by the steric stabilization for the PAA with a molecular weight larger than 20 000.  相似文献   

An average shell volume occupied in the adsorption layer on alumina by a polyacrylic acid ammonium salts molecule (PAA) defined as the average area occupied by an adsorbed PAA on alumina multiplied by the average thickness of the water layer at the limit of thickening, has been calculated from the adsorbed amount of PAA and from the flow points of alumina in the presence of PAA of different molecular weights. A steric effect of the PAA dispersant on the dispersion of alumina resulted in a flow with no yield stress. This was due to the change of the extension of PAA in the adsorption shell from a sphere to an ellipsoid with a long axis which exceeded the effective distance that the van der Waals attraction force reaches at a molecular weight for the PAA of between 10 000–20 000.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an efficient and effective method to fabricate highly ordered Cr nanoarrays with sub-gaps less than 15 nm and particle size less than 50 nm on the top surface of a modified porous anodic alumina membrane (PAA). In addition, the factors that influence the structural parameters of the fabricated nanostructures were studied. With the aid of SEM and AFM images, the amount of sputter-coated Cr was tailored to the given PAA surface morphology. The mechanism of formation of the Cr nanostructures was also discussed.  相似文献   

高固含量Y-TZP悬浮液的流变学特性   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
王浚  高濂 《无机材料学报》1999,14(4):651-656
采用聚丙烯酸盐( Na P A A、 N H P A A) 作为分散剂, 制备了高固相含量( ~50vol% ) 的 Y T Z P悬浮液研究了分散剂、粉体粒径和固含量对 Y T Z P 悬浮液流变学性能的影响结果表明: 分散剂的含量为1.8wt% 时对悬浮液有最好的分散效果悬浮液的粘度随粒径的增加而降低, 高固含量浆料的流动曲线符合 Bingham 模型同时对分散剂的吸附分散机理进行了分析和讨论  相似文献   

The effects of poly anionic-electrolyte (ammonium polyacrylate, PAA) as a dispersant on two kinds of ZrO2 (monoclinic and yttria-doped tetragonal zirconia) aqueous suspensions were examined by the measurements of-potential and viscosity, the sedimentation test and the determination of the wet point and flow point of the powders. Additions above 2.5 wt% PAA to zirconia gave a negative high-potential above –30 mV, and then –45 and –30 mV were obtained for monoclinic and tetragonal zirconia above 5 wt% PAA, respectively. A high negative-potential above –30 mV was retained with 5 wt% PAA for a change in pH over a wider range (pH 6 to 10 for monoclinic ZrO2, 7 to 9 for tetragonal ZrO2) in comparison to that of ZrO2 without dispersant. The increase of the-potential resulted in a decrease in the viscosity. The evaluation of dispersion by the sedimentation test was correlated well with the value of-potential and the viscosity of the suspensions. The presence of native positive charge of monoclinic and tetragonal zirconia powders required an excess amount of PAA to attain dispersion of the suspension. There was a small difference in the least amount of PAA required to attain good dispersion between monoclinic and tetragonal ZrO2. The difference was also indicated by changes of the flow point on PAA addition. Addition of 0.1% PAA to monoclinic ZrO2 and 0.25 wt% to tetragonal ZrO2 gave a maximum value of the flow point, whereas the positive-potential fell to zero. Measurement of the flow point was a simple and useful technique for rapid evaluation of a required amount of dispersant for ZrO2 suspensions.  相似文献   

Titanium oxide (TiO2)/polyacrylic acid (PAA) composite nanotubes were firstly fabricated through the sol-gel process of titanium alkoxide in the inner pores of alumina template followed layer-by-layer assembly with polyacrylic acid (PAA). Mesoporous TiO2 nanotubes could be obtained after the removal of PAA component by calcination and etching of the template with concentrated sodium hydroxide aqueous solution. The surface area of as-prepared porous TiO2 nanotubes was measured as twice larger than that of the conventional TiO2 nanotubes and the pore diameter in the wall of the tubes is several nanometers. Such assembled mesoporous nanotubes can serve as carriers for catalysis release and biomolecules.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to synthesize an oligomer (75% acrylic acid, 15% acrylamide, and 10% methyl acrylate) with different molecular weights and determine the effects of molecular weight on the dispersing ability of the oligomers. Molecular weights were calculated using Proton NMR spectroscopy for end-group analysis. Rheology and adsorption measurements of aqueous alumina slurries at various polymer dosages were acquired at pH 9.5. Based on the results of these studies, it was concluded that the molecular weight of an oligomer does have a significant effect on alumina suspensions. Moreover, there is an optimum molecular weight at which suspension viscosity is the lowest due to the amount of oligomer adsorbed onto alumina particles. In this study, oligomer C (1970 g/mol) with 2 mg/g of alumina dosage in 0.50 volume fraction alumina suspensions yielded the lowest viscosity and highest adsorption. Viscosity and adsorption values increased above and below 1970 g/mol molecular weight. In summary, efficiency of a dispersant is essentially related to the conditions under which it is used. Therefore, it is important to optimize all conditions, molecular weight and charge interactions being most fundamental.  相似文献   

Seven Sumitomo alumina powders of different surface areas and particle size distributions were studied with a view to determining the optimum amount of dispersant (Darvan 821A) required to stabilise aqueous suspensions prepared from the powders. Three different techniques were used; sedimentation, particle sizing and acoustophoresis. Acoustophoresis proved to be the most accurate and quickest way of establishing the optimum amount. It was also shown that the optimum amount of dispersant (0.59mg/m2/) required to stabilise the different sized alumina powders was independent of thepowder surface area/size. Sedimentation results demonstrated that the larger particles acted like hard spheres with thin double layers and gave a smaller relative sediment height than the small particles under the same conditions, i.e. volume fraction and electrolyte strength. This was because the small particles acted as soft spheres with thick double layers that resulted in the particles keeping far apart from one another and hence giving a larger sediment volume.  相似文献   

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