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FRP约束混凝土的应力-应变关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
陶忠  高献  于清  庄金平 《工程力学》2005,22(4):187-195
通过修正已有文献中提供的约束混凝土体积应变计算模型,并基于受定侧压力作用下混凝土的应力-应变关系模型,采用数值方法,全过程计算了具有被动约束特征的圆形截面纤维增强塑料(FRP)约束混凝土的应力-应变关系。结果表明,无论是对于具有强化特征还是具有软化特征的FRP约束混凝土,计算结果和实验结果及其他文献报道的实验结果均吻合良好。  相似文献   

基于数值模拟和以往研究,分析了不同强弱约束状态下的FRP约束混凝土行为.分析结果表明:(1)约束混凝土应力-应变曲线根据强弱约束状态不同而发生变化,处于强约束条件下的混凝土,极限强度大于无约束混凝土强度,对于加固量较小的弱约束混凝土,破坏时的应力值等于或者小于无约束混凝土的强度;(2)计算非圆形截面的约束应力、约束刚度、极限约束应力时要考虑形状等效系数kse,约束混凝土极限状态下的FRP断裂应变小于FRP极限拉应变,对于混凝土圆柱,FRP断裂应变可等效为环形劈裂试验值,对于非圆形截面,需计入形状等效系数kse的影响;(3)定义极限约束应力与无约束混凝土强度比值为约束比,约束比决定混凝土强弱约束状态.通过对收集到的试验数据进行回归,提出了强弱约束判断准则.  相似文献   

对36个玄武岩纤维布增强聚合物基复合材料(BFRP)约束的高温损伤混凝土方柱和15个不同高温损伤的对比试件进行了轴压试验。试验表明,玄武岩纤维布横向约束能改变高温损伤后混凝土方柱的破坏形态,显著提高混凝土方柱的轴压强度和变形能力。其中三层玄武岩纤维布包裹的200℃、400℃、600℃和800℃高温损伤混凝土方柱轴压强度分别提高了48%、130%、206%和389%,轴向变形分别提高了433%、344%、319%和251%。采用典型的纤维增强聚合物基复合材料(FRP)约束常温未损伤混凝土轴压力学性能的设计模型预测FRP约束高温损伤混凝土的轴压强度和变形时存在较大的偏差。通过构建柱状膜结构静水压力平衡模型和约束混凝土方柱与FRP体积应变能平衡模型,分别改进了FRP约束混凝土方柱轴压极限应力和极限应变计算模型的基本形式。基于该基本形式和试验数据,分别确定了BFRP约束高温损伤混凝土方柱轴压极限应力和极限应变计算中与温度相关的参量,提出了适用于高温损伤混凝土方柱的轴压极限应力和极限应变的设计模型。   相似文献   

纤维增强聚合物复合材料(FRP)约束混凝土的抗压强度是进行FRP加固混凝结构设计的重要参数。现有的FRP约束混凝土柱抗压强度模型大部分采用试验数据回归分析获得,只有极少数模型基于理论推导建立,因此有必要对基于理论推导建立的抗压强度模型进行扩展。本文通过对现有的FRP约束混凝土柱的抗压强度模型进行归纳和总结,并采用已发表文献的大量试验数据对其进行评估。然后基于Griffith破坏准则,提出一个可以同时预测FRP约束未损伤混凝土和损伤混凝土抗压强度统一模型并进行评估。评估结果表明,新建立的抗压强度模型可以较准确地预测FRP约束未损伤混凝土和损伤混凝土的抗压强度。   相似文献   

为提高增强纤维约束混凝土柱应力-应变模型中特征点(峰值应力、应变)的计算精度,针对已有文献资料提出的特征点近似计算公式的不足,引入径向基函数,以混凝土轴心抗压强度、FRP抗拉强度、FRP环向约束体积比、拐角半径与截面短边比值及截面长宽比为输入参数,峰值应力比、峰值应变比为输出参数,建立特征点的径向基网络模型.模型计算结...  相似文献   

姜克杰  胡松  韩强 《工程力学》2024,(2):98-111
纤维增强复合材料(Fiber reinforced polymer, FRP)已被广泛应用于既有混凝土结构的加固改造和新建结构中。FRP约束混凝土柱在地震作用下通常会受到轴压的往复循环作用,研究FRP约束混凝土在循环轴压作用下的应力-应变特性对于FRP在实际工程中的应用具有重要意义。该文提出了一种用于建模循环轴压下FRP约束混凝土柱应力-应变特性的神经网络预测模型,该模型采用长短期记忆(Long short-term memory,LSTM)单元对循环应力-应变曲线中的滞回特性进行建模,构件的物理参数被有效地集成在网络的输入中。该模型能以端到端的方式进行高效的训练且不依赖任何专家经验。制作了一个包含166个FRP约束普通混凝土柱的循环轴压数据库,在该数据库上对模型的准确性和鲁棒性进行了充分的评估,结果表明测试集平均预测误差仅为0.32 MPa。此外,对网络结构和超参数的影响进行了详细的讨论,结果表明该模型具有出色的预测性能。  相似文献   

FRP管约束混凝土的轴压应力-应变关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前FRP约束混凝土轴压应力-应变关系大都只考虑FRP管环向受拉。针对FRP管约束混凝土的轴心受压性能进行分析,考虑其承受压力造成约束模量降低的影响,在现有约束混凝土模型的基础上,提出一种考虑FRP管在双向受力情况下的应力-应变关系分析模型,并与试验结果进行了分析对比,分析结果与试验结果吻合较好。还依据这一模型进行了参数研究。  相似文献   

纤维增强聚合物复合材料(FRP)约束损伤混凝土抗压强度模型对于混凝土柱类构件的修复和加固具有重要指导意义。现有FRP修复混凝土的强度模型适用条件有限,同一模型不能同时应用于不同强弱约束、不同强度混凝土、不同倒角混凝土的强度预测。本文根据广义回归神经网络(GRNN)的特点,基于46个FRP强约束损伤混凝土方柱、210个FRP强约束损伤混凝土圆柱和35个FRP弱约束损伤混凝土圆柱的试验数据,建立了GRNN抗压强度模型,对FRP约束损伤混凝土的强度进行预测,并与现有模型的预测结果进行对比分析,结果表明,新建立的GRNN模型能够准确地预测FRP约束损伤混凝土的强度。   相似文献   

混凝土结构用智能FRP筋的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在纤维增强聚合物Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP)筋拉挤工艺中,将光纤布拉格光栅Optic Fiber Bragg Grating(OFBG)传感器与普通纤维束一起经过拉挤模具,为改进FRP筋与混凝土的粘结性能,在FRP筋表面螺旋缠绕纤维束,制备了智能OFBGFRP筋.对OFBG-FRP筋的力学性能和应变灵敏性能进行试验研究,试验结果表明OFBG-FRP筋的力学性能与普通FRP筋相同、OFBG-FRP筋的应变灵敏系数与普通光纤传感器相同、OFBG-FRP筋在重复荷载作用下性能良好.OFBG-FRP加筋混凝土梁受弯试验表明OFBG-FRP筋可以监测混凝土梁的开裂和FRP筋与混凝土的滑移.在OFBG-FRP筋中埋置多个光纤传感器可以监测沿FRP筋长度方向的应变分布及混凝土与FRP筋发生滑移的位置.OFBG-FRP筋在混凝土结构中可以作为受力材料和传感器.  相似文献   

在3种约束比下FRP约束混凝土圆柱体试件准静载和快速加载试验的基础上,进行多次打击试验及多次打击后的准静载试验 。结果表明:FRP约束混凝土是一种抗多次打击能力较好的抗压复合材料,经每次打击后的刚度虽逐渐衰减,但有收敛趋势,其残余刚度随约束比ξ及最大应力比η的增加而减小。经受多次打击后的FRP约束混凝土与未经受多次打击的试件相比,其准静载下的初始弹性模量降低,强度基本不变,极限应变提高,其中弱约束混凝土延性提高得尤其显著,强约束混凝土应力-应变曲线中线性强化段的斜率随刚度衰减程度的增加而增加,最终FRP强约束混凝土有变成线弹性材料的趋势,为进一步研究FRP约束混凝土在防护结构中的应用提供条件。   相似文献   

The effects of confinement on concrete elements subjected to axial load are well known: the resulting axial stress–strain relationship shows higher strength and ultimate strain with respect to the unconfined one.Several studies have been devoted to the understanding of the behavior of circular concrete sections while comparatively fewer studies have dealt with square and rectangular ones.Regarding square and rectangular sections, the so called “arching effect” is usually considered in order to define an equivalent reduced area, which is supposed as efficient as a circular section.Inside the equivalent area the stress induced by the confinement is considered uniformly distributed, even if it is not so, as already discussed in [17] where further on a strength criterion has been proposed for predicting the material strength increase, based on a revision of the classical strength criterion reported in [18].That strength criterion, along with the methodology here proposed, are the basis of a procedure meant to develop a mechanics-based stress–strain relationship for FRP-confined concrete which stems from a step-by-step analysis of the behavior of FRP-confined square concrete sections.  相似文献   

对36个玄武岩纤维布增强树脂基复合材料(BFRP)约束加固的高温损伤混凝土圆柱体和15个不同高温损伤的对比试件进行了轴压试验。试验表明,BFRP侧向约束能显著改变混凝土圆柱体的破坏形态,提高混凝土圆柱体的轴压强度和变形能力。其中二层BFRP包裹的200℃、400℃、600℃和800℃高温损伤混凝土圆柱体的轴压强度分别提高了56%、82%、234%和250%,轴向变形分别提高了328%、198%、232%和136%。采用典型的纤维增强复合材料约束常温未损伤混凝土轴压强度和变形计算模型预测纤维增强复合材料约束高温损伤混凝土轴压极限强度和极限变形时存在较大的偏差。基于本文试验数据,确定了BFRP约束高温损伤混凝土极限应力和极限应变计算模型中与温度相关的参量,建议了适用于预测纤维增强复合材料约束高温损伤混凝土的极限应力计算模型和极限应变计算模型。  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental investigation on the effect of concrete compressive strength and confinement method on confined high and ultra high-strength concrete (HSC and UHSC) specimens. A total of 55 fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) confined concrete specimens were tested under monotonic axial compression. All specimens were cylinders with 152 mm diameter and 305 mm height and confined by carbon FRP (CFRP). Three different concrete mixes were examined, with average compressive strengths of 35, 65 and 100 MPa. The effect of the confinement method was also examined with FRP-wrapped specimens compared to FRP tube-encased specimens. Axial and lateral behavior was recorded to observe the axial stress–strain relationship and lateral strain behavior for concentric compression. Ultimate axial and lateral conditions are tabulated and the complete stress–strain curves have been provided. The experimental results presented in this paper provide a performance comparison between FRP-confined conventional normal-strength concrete (NSC) and the lesser understood area of FRP-confined HSC and UHSC. The results of this experimental study clearly indicate that above a certain confinement threshold, FRP-confined HSC and UHSC exhibits highly ductile behavior, however for the same normalized confinement pressures, axial performance of FRP-confined concrete reduces as concrete strength increases. The results also indicate that ultimate conditions of FRP-wrapped specimens are similar to those confined by FRP tubes, however a performance difference is evident at the transition region. The performance of 10 existing stress–strain models were assessed against the experimental datasets and the performance of these models discussed. The results of this model assessment revealed the need for further development for stress–strain models developed specifically for FRP-confined HSC or UHSC.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical study on FRP-wrap strengthened reinforced concrete columns subjected to eccentric axial loads using ABAQUS®. For modeling of concrete dilation under non-uniform confinement pressure, a smooth cap plasticity model was combined with concrete damaged plasticity model. This model includes different concrete compaction–dilation behaviors which is pressure-dependent. Proposed model has been calibrated and verified for concrete in number of unconfined and full-wrapped columns under combination of axial force and bending moment. Presented numerical predictions are shown to be in close agreement with existing experimental results. The effect of laminate stacking sequences and column slenderness on strength and ductility of members was examined thoroughly. The results of this study recommend taking fiber angles between zero (circumferential) and 30° can improve ultimate strength and ductility of confined short concrete columns. However, for slender concrete columns the optimum fiber orientation can be set between 15° and 30°.  相似文献   

基于预测混凝土失效行为的Drucker-Prager(D-P)屈服准则,研究了进行钢筋混凝土结构配筋设计的应力拓扑优化方法。结合扩展的双材料密度惩罚模型,优化问题构造为以单元人工密度为设计变量、混凝土材料Drucker-Prager屈服函数为约束条件的钢筋用量最小化问题。为合理定义混凝土应力并防止应力奇异解现象,采用局部应力插值模型和ε-松弛方法对混凝土应力约束条件进行处理。推导约束函数的伴随法灵敏度计算公式,运用基于梯度的连续性优化算法求解优化问题。数值算例验证了所提优化模型的正确性及数值算法的有效性,并通过与传统最小柔顺性拓扑优化结果的比较,说明了该文方法能够充分利用混凝土的抗压能力和钢筋的抗拉能力,设计结果更为实用。  相似文献   

《Composites Part B》2013,44(8):3497-3506
This paper presents a numerical study on FRP-wrap strengthened reinforced concrete columns subjected to eccentric axial loads using ABAQUS®. For modeling of concrete dilation under non-uniform confinement pressure, a smooth cap plasticity model was combined with concrete damaged plasticity model. This model includes different concrete compaction–dilation behaviors which is pressure-dependent. Proposed model has been calibrated and verified for concrete in number of unconfined and full-wrapped columns under combination of axial force and bending moment. Presented numerical predictions are shown to be in close agreement with existing experimental results. The effect of laminate stacking sequences and column slenderness on strength and ductility of members was examined thoroughly. The results of this study recommend taking fiber angles between zero (circumferential) and 30° can improve ultimate strength and ductility of confined short concrete columns. However, for slender concrete columns the optimum fiber orientation can be set between 15° and 30°.  相似文献   

This paper presents analytical part of an investigation on the application of prestressed strips for concrete confinement. In this paper, an analytical model is proposed to predict the compressive stress–strain curve of strapped concrete as a function of the confinement level. The model was calibrated based on the experimental data of compressive tests which were described in part A of this paper. Various parameters are considered in the proposed model including volumetric ratio, yield strength and ultimate strain of confining material, shape of cross section, strength of plain concrete. Three key points were defined on the stress–stress curve of strapped concrete columns and applied in model definition including critical, yield and ultimate points. The model showed good capability in predicting the compressive stress–strain curve of tested strapped concrete specimens. The model is also compared to some of the conventional confinement models in prediction of the strength gained by post-tensioned strips. In addition, a plasticity model was applied in the nonlinear finite element analysis of prismatic and cylindrical tested specimens with various levels of confinement. It is shown that these models are able to predict the experimental results, reasonably.  相似文献   

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