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叶玲红  谈薛莲 《包装工程》2019,40(24):144-149
目的探讨传统文化元素在中国风独立游戏中的应用,为独立游戏在青少年中创造积极的社会影响提供理论依据。方法通过举例分析中国风独立游戏在视觉设计、剧本创作、玩法交互3个方面里包含的传统文化元素,总结并阐释独立游戏在发扬传统文化中的作用和意义。结论传统文化在中国风独立游戏中融合与渗透,在视觉设计上展示了传统文化艺术的美感,在叙事和交互中体现了传统文化的魅力。独立游戏能够将传统文化知识进行趣味性表达,创造沉浸式的文化氛围,激发受众学习和了解传统文化的兴趣。摒弃商业游戏中普遍存在的暴力、低俗等噱头元素后,独立游戏更能发挥电子游戏与用户分享情感体验和观点的媒介作用,在传统文化传播与深化传统文化价值意义上有积极作用。  相似文献   

李燕 《包装工程》2020,41(10):280-283
目的中国传统设计文化是先人在造物过程中逐步形成并积累出来的设计经验、方法、思想,以及审美思想的结晶。有许多经典的设计理念、方法、思想,值得学习、借鉴,并将之融合于现代包装设计之中,使包装的产品融入地域化和民族化的特征,并将包装设计作为传播传统文化的一种载体,对外界进行民族文化输出。方法将传统设计元素与包装设计融合出新的文化韵味,从传统绘画中的"气韵"和写意、传统故事中的意念和神韵等方面分析传统元素与包装设计的联系。并从抽象化传统艺术形态、简化传统图案、精炼传统造型等方面,阐述了传统艺术元素与包装设计相互融合与渗透的设计原则。结论从中国传统艺术中提炼设计元素融合于现代包装设计中,探究在其影响下现代包装设计的发展趋势。将传统艺术元素有机地、巧妙地融入到现代包装设计中,不仅丰富了包装设计的感染力、传播力,而且还赋予了商品较高的文化内涵价值,用现代包装设计语言、理念来传播并展现传统文化的魅力精神,使传统设计文化在包装设计中得到良好的发展和深化,让国内的包装设计走向前沿,走出国门。  相似文献   

王娜娜  乐凤  靳紫微  高秦艳 《包装工程》2022,43(24):420-430
目的 从金陵节庆文化的描述入手,对金陵文化及金陵节庆文化进行简要论述;就秦淮灯会的发展历程及现状进行简要分析,并就非遗数字游戏化的概念及特征进行简要阐述;以南京秦淮花灯的非遗数字游戏化策略为研究载体,分析探讨非遗数字游戏化开发提升大众主动接触和探索文化遗产的兴趣和动机的可能性。方法 通过调研,搜集南京秦淮花灯技艺的历史发展、制作技艺等第一手研究资料,从更深层次找到蕴含于城市传统技艺中的历史文化,找到非遗游戏化策略的情感载体,运用现代设计理念方法从中提取有价值的文化元素,将其转化为设计符号,融入南京秦淮灯会数字游戏化推广策略的应用开发。结果 首先是非遗数字游戏化,使传统的传播方式得以优化和提升,可以体现“ 寓教于乐”的教育理念,其次是游戏化设计策略可以帮助文化传播,使体验者更好地学习和感受非遗传统文化的魅力和精髓,再次是技术的进步为非遗游戏开发提供了更多的可能性,为游戏设计增添更多的优势,最后,游戏化的手段提升了大众主动探索文化遗产的动机与行为的潜力。结论 了解传统地域历史技艺的内涵并将其发扬光大,突显地域特色,运用数字化趣味性的游戏策略更能为非遗的传承和传播赋能,这一过程能充分体现出设计思维模式的创新性。为今后的相关学者和设计师提供了一定的研究和实践参考。  相似文献   

在书籍装帧设计日益成为我们生活中一部分的今天。许多书籍装帧设计作品不再只是模仿西方设计,而是更好地将中国传统文化元素融入其中,相结合的方式赋予了作品时代特征和深厚的文化内涵。本文将从中国传统元素中的图案、文字、色彩角度阐述中国传统元素在现代书籍装帧设计中的运用。  相似文献   

传统戏剧是我国的重要文化标签之一,而如今因时代的变化,传统戏剧逐渐没落。本文主要探讨在新时代如何将戏剧文化融入游戏设计,以吸引更多的年轻人感受我国传统戏剧的魅力,同时深化游戏的文化内涵,希望文章所提设计策略可以为中国传统戏剧文化的推广与游戏设计的发展提供新的思路。  相似文献   

包装设计与中国画相结合在人们生活中的应用范围越来越普遍。通过分析中国画元素,对如何把中国画传统文化中的优点融入到包装设计当中,把中国画元素与茶叶包装设计的应用相结合,有着至关重要的作用。茶叶包装设计对于茶文化传播有着重要的组成内容,将中国画元素融入到茶叶包装设计应用中,对于茶文化的推广有着积极的影响作用,使中国画元素在茶叶包装设计中得以持续发展和充分弘扬。  相似文献   

李静雅  王卓尔  易晓 《包装工程》2023,44(22):1-10, 16
目的 从非遗数字化游戏的概念及问题入手进行阐述,以非遗数字游戏化策略为研究载体,探究将数字化游戏以及虚实结合技术应用于非遗数字化保护与传承的设计策略,助力非遗数字化创新。方法 运用现代设计理念方法,从游戏故事、机制、美学设计等方面入手,融合非遗文化的实体内容与虚拟游戏内容,探索游戏设计流程与方法模型,提出虚实融合的非遗文化数字化传播新路径。结果 构建了非遗数字游戏化体验设计策略,并对傩面具文化开展虚实结合的游戏设计与开发,验证了方法的可行性。结论 首先,通过充分利用数字技术来展示傩文化内涵,可以更加广泛地弘扬和传播中华优秀传统文化;其次,游戏化的设计策略可以有效助力文化传播,使非遗传统文化的魅力和精髓蕴藏为游戏要素的点点滴滴,显现在游戏体验的全部过程,充分体现“寓教于乐”的教育理念;最后,创新技术应用为非遗游戏特别是文化传播类型游戏的开发创造了更多可能性,通过实物与虚拟内容的融合,更有利于创新文化传播与游戏运行机制,提升游戏体验的沉浸感和趣味性。  相似文献   

中国传统元素是中国传统文化的精髓,在现代产品设计中,越来越多的设计师开始将中国传统元素融入到自己的产品设计中,如何将产品设计与中国元素完美结合,形成中国特色,是广大设计师遇到的共同难题。设计的宗旨是满足中国本土审美的需要还是西方审美的需要呢?作者认为中国现代产品设计的宗旨是将现代设计与传统思维相结合,并融入中国传统元素,不管是西方的文化还是中国本土的文化,都有其精华的部分,我们要取其精华,去其糟粕,加上我们自身的创意,这样才能形成我们自己的设计风格,真正将"中国制造"变为"中国创造"。  相似文献   

刘旭 《包装工程》2020,41(2):237-242
目的针对传统文化在移动互联网平台上的传播现状与问题,研究传统文化类APP的设计策略,探讨提升传统文化类APP用户体验的方法。方法基于文化转译理念,分析传统文化层次与APP设计元素之间的映射关系,提出从传统文化的物质层、行为层、精神层中提取典型性文化要素,转译为APP的界面视觉,交互设计,场景设计元素的流程和方法。结论传统文化元素融入到移动端互联网产品的设计中是时代发展的必然需求,在产品设计过程中需要基于移动互联网平台的特性与APP设计规范,将传统文化由浅入深,由表及里、自然地转译到移动互联网产品中,设计出有民族情感、实用性以及艺术价值的APP,进而提升传统文化的传播体验效果。  相似文献   

对传统非物质文化元素在产品设计中的应用进行分析,探讨其对现代设计产生的影响.将传统非物质文化元素的特性与产品设计的实践进行关联性研究,探究传统非物质文化元素在产品设计中新型的再现方式,通过分类得出传统非物质文化元素给产品带来的不同设计文化内涵.将传统文化内涵以新的形式融入到当代设计生活中,促进新型文化创意产业经济的发展.  相似文献   

A four-ball tester was used to evaluate the anti-wear performance of three kinds of organomolybdemun compounds in the engine oils, i. e., molybdenum dialkyldithiophosphate (MoDDP), molybdenum dialkyldithiocarbamate ( MoDTC), and sulphur and phosphorus freeorganomolybdeum (Molybdate). The results indicate that a low concentration of MoDDP doesn' t improve the anti-wear properties of the commercial engine oils, but a high concentration of MoDDP can obviously improve the anti-wear properties and the load-carrying capacity of the engine oils. MoDTC doesn' t improve the antiwear properties of the engine oils, but worsens the anti-wear properties of the oils. Signifi can timprove ment of frictional and wear characteristics is obtained with Molybdate added in the commercial engine oils and the formulated oils.  相似文献   

Permeable crystalline materialcan permeate into pores and cracks of concrete and catalyze the reaction between Ca(OH) 2and unhydrated cement to generate a great quantity needle non-soluble crystals, which can stop up the pores and cracks of concrete, and increase the impermeability of concrete. This paper reported the results of a study conducted to evaluate steel reinforcement corrosion of concrete specimens uncoated and coated with permeable crystalline material as well as mixed with the permeable crystalline material. The properties evaluated for corrosion test were water impermeability, water absorption, compressive strength and potential. The results of water impermeability, water absorption, compressive strength clearly showed that the permeable crystalline material could prohibit water, any soluble salts and moisture from penetrating the concrete to cause corrosion, leaking, and other problems, and it did increase the compressive strength, which was favorable for protection of corrosion of reinforcing steel. Moreover, it was concluded from the potential-time curve that the steel reinforcement of uncoated specimen was in the state of activation whereas that of other specimens coated and mixed with the permeable crystalline material was in the state of inactivation. Above all, it was indicated that the permeable crystalline materialis very effective to protect the steel reinforcement of concrete from corrosion.  相似文献   

In this paper, the principle of spurting take off lacquer were introduced; and with orthogonal method the unsaturate polyester was prepared ;it was easy to peel airplane paint layer off with this material and equipment.  相似文献   

Quality Study of Honeycomb Core Shaping Without Wax Stabilization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sandwich panels utilizing honeycomb cores result in lightweight, high-strength units that are very rigid. Indeed, they give honeycomb panels the best strength-to-weight ratio of any construction type available. Conventionally, the wax is poured into the cell of the core to strengthen the structure and prevent the core from being crushed during milling. Much time and labor is required to wax, mill, and clean the cores. In this study, the process of pouring wax into the core was skipped. In other words, the cutter directly milled the core. Experiments showed that the compressive strength of the core produced without wax stabilization was only 3% lower than that of cores produced using the traditional method. In addition, the drum peel strengths of cores produced without wax stabilization were 38.4% higher than cores produced using the traditional method, in which residual wax seriously polluted the adhesive. It was also found that eliminating the wax process can reduce costs.  相似文献   

The end of 2007, over 200 unit products of more than 80 Chinese firms have passed the quality grade certification for liquor products. These products involve distilled spirits, beer, wine, yellow wine, fruit syrup wine and others, and cover over 80% of the national top-branded liquor products.……  相似文献   

Surface characterization and microstructure studies are performed on chemical vapor deposited (CVD) tungsten coating. There is about 2 μm thickness diffusion layer of tungsten in the molybdenum substrate. The thermal shock test shows tungsten coating has good adhesion with molybdenum substrate, but the elements of oxygen and carbon in the tungsten coating have the bad affection to the adhesion. The result of high-temperature diffusion experiment is the diffusion rate from molybdenum substrate to tungsten coating is faster.  相似文献   

We studied a combined effect of the cryoprotectants both of lipid and carbohydrate origin at the presence of DMSO or without it on cell viability and the RNA synthesis in the embryonic mollusc and echinoderm cell cultures obtained at different developmental stages. Cryoprotective properties of exogenous lipids correlated with their thermotropic behavior. Lipid extracts from marine hydrobiontes, which thermal transitions are characterized by relatively small part of calorimetric thermogram area lying at temperatures above 0 °C (6–18%), were found to possess a considerable cryoprotective activity. The results are discussed in relation to the prediction of the cryoprotective activity of lipid extracts for marine animal cells. In addition, it was found that marine invertebrate cells can be cryopreserved without DMSO at the presence of trehalose and lipid extracts of some marine hydrobiontes.  相似文献   

Pure silver is used extensively in the preparation of high-temperature superconductor wires, tapes, films, and other configurations in which the silver not only shields the superconducting material from the surrounding materials, but also provides a degree of flexibility and strain relief, as well as stabilization and low-resistance electrical contact. Silver is relatively expensive, but at this stage of superconductor development, its unique combination of properties seems to offer the only reasonable means of achieving usable lengths of conductor. In this role, the low-temperature physical (electrical, thermal, magnetic, optical) and mechanical properties of the silver all become important. Here we present a collection of properties data extracted from the cryogenic literature and, to the extent possible, selected for reliability.  相似文献   


The production of iron in Biscay (Basque Country, Spain) has been a hallmark of this territory of the North of the Iberian Peninsula throughout its history. The Archaeology team of the Basque Country Mining Museum has spent 13 years, so far, studying the origins of this activity through the evidences left at the old pre-hydraulic iron production workshops known as mountainside ironworks (ferrerías de monte) or haizeolak. It has catalogued 170 archaeometallurgical sites of this type in Biscay, and the archeological excavation of some of them has led to the knowledge of the different stages of the production process that took place in these workshops. The team has also experimentally reproduced the work carried out in a mountainside ironworks from the High Middle Ages, and it has currently started the characterization process of this type of activity through the study of the collected materials.  相似文献   

Polylactic acid (PLA) is one of the most widely used open source fused filament fabrication materials due to its ease of extrusion, biodegradability, and mechanical strength. The mechanical strength of PLA largely depends on the proper growth of its semi-crystalline structure, which can be severely impaired by a low rate of crystallization, particularly in open source printers. This can be further aggravated by the non-uniform thermal distribution of heat that causes improper curing among the extruded beads of the printing material. As a result, PLA printed on open source printers does not achieve the best mechanical properties. This research, for the first time, proposes an additive-free solution implemented through a detailed set of experimentation to improve the curing rate through in-process temperature variations to cure the joints among the beads. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is used to confirm the improvements in the bead joints. This work is conducted in two phases of experiments. In the first phase, a full factorial ANOVA is used to investigate various process parameters and the important variables are used in the second phase to print test specimens in four different sets.  相似文献   

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