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为进一步提高邻域保持嵌入算法(NPE)在高光谱影像分类中的识别性能,提出一种改进的半监督邻域保持嵌入(SSNPE)算法。首先,该算法在NPE算法的基础上同时利用同类标记样本和邻域未标记样本获得数据的邻域嵌入结构。然后,通过增加近邻标记样本的权重加大降维数据的鉴别性。最后,通过利用k近邻分类器(KNN)对样本进行分类得到该算法在数据集上的分类性能。在Urban、Indian高光谱影像数据集上的实验结果表明,改进的算法的分类精度相比其他算法提高了约8.3%、6.2%以上,分类性能上有了较为明显的提高。  相似文献   

针对高光谱高分辨率带来巨大数据量和空间分辨率引起混合像元的问题,提出了基于子空间(subspace)的字典偶学习(DPL)算法,简称DPLsub算法。DPL算法是对字典学习的改进,它通过学习得到综合字典和分析字典,在模式识别中体现了高效性,而子空间投影的方法能更好地表征噪声和高度混合的像元。将光谱和空间特征融合的方法用于分类研究试验。实验数据是两幅高光谱影像,比较了子空间字典偶学习(DPLsub)模型和其他三种分类器即最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)、稀疏多分类回归(SMLR)和字典学习(DL-OMP)的分类结果。实验结果显示,DPLsub算法无论在时间上还是精度上都优于其他算法,证明了这种子空间字典偶学习方法对高光谱图像分类的可行性与高效性。  相似文献   

针对机械故障诊断中准确、完备的故障训练样本获取困难,而现有分类方法难以有效地发掘大量未标记故障样本中蕴含的有用信息,提出了一种基于在线半监督学习的故障诊断方法.该方法基于Tri-training算法将在线贯序极限学习机从监督学习模式扩展到半监督学习模式,利用少量不精确的标记样本构建初始分类器,并从大量未标记样本中在线扩充标记样本,对分类器进行增量式更新以提高其泛化性能.半监督基准数据试验结果表明,训练样本总数相同但标记样本数与未标记样本数比例不同时,所提算法得到的分类准确率相当且训练时间相差小于1.2倍.以柴油机8种工况的故障模式为对象进行试验验证,结果表明标记故障样本较少时,未标记故障样本的加入可使故障分类准确率提高5%~8%.  相似文献   

为了更加完备地描述虹膜的纹理特征,利用虹膜图像灰度信息提取局部特征点、局部纹理方向和局部纹理的亮暗变化三种特征共同构成纹理的特征空间,克服了之前的多数虹膜识别算法提取单一特征易受干扰影响的局限性.然后,通过设计的模糊推理规则进行模式的分类,这种分段线性分类器的设计提高了算法线性分类的能力.分别在两个图库上进行了实验,识别率分别达到99.41%和99.67%,实验数据表明:结合多种特征能较好的反映虹膜的纹理变化特征,提高了虹膜识别的正确率,使算法具有非常优越的识别性能.  相似文献   

纹理是图像中非常重要的特征.提出了一种新的纹理特征提取算法,即对纹理图像进行离散小渡框架变换后,利用同一变换尺度下的小波高频系数与低频系数之间的依存关系信息,构造系数共生矩阵,在此基础上进行纹理特征提取,而不是独立地提取各子带系数特征.考虑支撑向量机(SVM)在小样本数据库和泛化能力方面的优势,在分类实验中采用支撑向量机分类器,实验结果表明,基于这种共生矩阵特征提取分类算法能得到很好的分类结果.  相似文献   

本文针对高光谱影像数据光谱分辨率高,数据量大的特点,采用以CART决策树为弱分类器的Bagging和Boosting集成学习算法对该影像进行分类,通过实验分析比较,体现出了Bagged CART和Boosted CART算法用于分类时的有效性和准确性。  相似文献   

轴承在线监测大数据主要是由大量无标签数据和少量有标签数据组成的。已有的智能诊断方法多依赖于大量有标签数据的监督学习。针对此问题,提出一种改进半监督生成对抗网络,利用生成器与分类器的对抗学习增强分类器的辨识能力,提出了增强特征匹配算法,借助分类器的深层特征优化网络损失值计算,进而提高网络收敛速度,结合半监督学习使用少量有标签数据进一步提升分类器的学习能力,最终实现对无标签数据的正确归类。使用四组轴承试验数据的迁移学习验证和对比了改进深度网络对不同轴承、工况、故障生成模式、故障程度的辨识能力,结果表明该网络具有更高的分类准确率和更快的收敛速度。  相似文献   

局部线性嵌入(LLE)等流形学习算法中需要通过欧氏距离来度量数据点之间的近邻关系,但欧氏距离只表示两点间的直线距离,在高维空间中不一定能真实反映出图像数据点之间的空间分布情况.针对此问题,本文提出了融合数据间夹角和欧氏距离度量LLE近邻和分类的方法.该方法通过融合图像数据间的夹角和欧氏距离来度量图像数据点之间的近邻关系,寻找k个近邻点,实现更有效的局部重构,提取鉴别特征,然后用融合了数据间夹角的最近邻分类器对数据进行分类.在KSC和Indian Pine高光谱遥感影像数据集上的实验结果表明:在总体分类精度上,本文算法比LLE提升了1.54%~6.91%.  相似文献   

将纹理特征与波形特征用于LiDAR数据分类,进行了纹理特征与波形特征的最佳组合方案研究。首先将LiDAR全波形数据的高程、波宽、振幅和回波次数等波形特征信息转化为波形特征图像;然后利用灰度直方图和灰度共生矩阵(GLCM)提取多种纹理特征,并与波形特征图像叠加构成多维特征图像;最后讨论纹理特征与波形特征组合对分类的影响,并确定最佳组合方案,探讨不同分类器对纹理与波形特征组合的适应性。实验结果表明,某些纹理特征能够提高分类精度,但不是分类特征越多越好,只有最佳组合才能充分利用纹理和波形特征,提高分类精度。  相似文献   

样本特征对光谱图像重构影响的研究   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
目的以光谱图像作为检测样本讨论不同训练样本数量、分布对光谱图像重构的影响。方法选择ColorCheckerSG(140色)和ColorCheckerColorRenditionChart(24色)以及Munsell(1269色)等3种色卡作为训练样本,对其光谱反射率进行主成分分析,利用提取的主成分对光谱图像进行重构。结果采用ColorChecker Color Rendition Chart(24色)色卡的7个主成分重构光谱图像对图像的再现精度最高,其色差比其他2种色卡小,且最大色差小于3。结论在同一重构条件下,光谱图像的重构精度并不随着训练样本数量增多以及分布范围增大而提高,3种训练样本对红紫色的重构精度相对较低。  相似文献   

多传感器的遥感数据融合在城市规划、土地利用、矿产探测、军事侦察等领域有着非常广泛的应用前景。本文高光谱图像光谱分辨率高、空间分辨率低、多光谱图像空间分辨率高、光谱分辨率高的特点,阐述了其数据融合。特别介绍了CRISP锐化算法。  相似文献   

This study develops a volume sphering analysis (VSA) approach to tissue classification and volume calculation of multispectral magnetic resonance (MR) brain images. It processes all multispectral MR image slices as an image cube while using only one set of training samples obtained from a single multispectral image slice to perform tissue classification as well as to calculate tissue volumes. In order to make a one slice set of training samples fit for all MR image slices a novel multispectral signature-specified extrapolation algorithm is particularly designed for this purpose so that the selected set of training samples can be extrapolated to create new data samples that are also applicable to other MR image slices. As a consequence, it significantly reduces the tremendous burden on radiologists for selection of training samples as well as computational cost. To further resolve instability and inconsistency issues which may be caused by training sample extrapolation, the proposed VSA also includes a support vector machine to refine training samples and develops an iterative Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis (IFLDA) to make VSA robust and insensitive to new generated training samples so as to improve the traditional slice-by-slice MR image classification. Experimental results demonstrate that VSA in conjunction with IFLDA not only performs comparably to approaches using training samples from individual image slices, but also saves significant time in selecting training samples and computational cost.  相似文献   

Sakla AA  Sakla WA  Alam MS 《Applied optics》2011,50(28):5545-5554
Spectral variability remains a major challenge for target detection in hyperspectral imagery (HSI). Recently, the spectral fringe-adjusted joint transform correlation (SFJTC) technique has been used effectively for hyperspectral target detection applications. In this paper, we propose to use discrete wavelet transform (DWT) coefficients of the signatures as features for detection in order to make the SFJTC technique more insensitive to spectral variability. We devised a supervised training algorithm that uses the pure target signature and randomly selected samples from input scenery to select an optimal set of DWT coefficients for detection. We have inserted target signatures into urban and vegetative hyperspectral scenery with varying levels of spectral variability to explore the performance of our DWT-based SFJTC technique in different operating conditions. Detection results in the form of receiver-operating-characteristic (ROC) curves and area-under-the-ROC (AUROC) curves show that the proposed scheme yields the largest mean AUROC values compared to SFJTC using the original signatures and traditional hyperspectral detection algorithms.  相似文献   

Gaussian synapse ANNs in multi- and hyperspectral image data analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new type of artificial neural network is used to identify different crops and ground elements from hyperspectral remote sensing data sets. These networks incorporate Gaussian synapses and are trained using a specific algorithm called Gaussian synapse back propagation described here. Gaussian synapses present an intrinsic filtering ability that permit concentrating on what is relevant in the spectra and automatically discard what is not. The networks are structurally adapted to the problem complexity as superfluous synapses and/or nodes are implicitly eliminated by the training procedure, thus pruning the network to the required size straight from the training set. The fundamental difference between the present proposal and other ANN topologies using Gaussian functions is that the latter use these functions as activation functions in the nodes, while in our case, they are used as synaptic elements, allowing them to be easily shaped during the training process to produce any type of n-dimensional discriminator. This paper proposes a multi- and hyperspectral image segmenter that results from the parallel and concurrent application of several of these networks providing a probability vector that is processed by a decision module. Depending on the criteria used for the decision module, different perspectives of the same image may be obtained. The resulting structure offers the possibility of resolving mixtures, that is, carrying out a spectral unmixing process in a very straightforward manner.  相似文献   

基于谱聚类波段选择的高光谱图像分类   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高光谱图像在地物观测领域得到了广泛的应用。由于高光谱图像具有数据量大、波段间相关度高等特性,波段选择技术成为降低地物识别计算复杂度的重要方法。根据不同波段数据之间的非线性关系,提出了基于谱聚类(SC)的波段选择技术。该方法首先以波段图像为样本点生成近邻图和相似度矩阵,然后借助谱聚类方法将所有数据样本分成 k类,从中选择 k个代表波段参与后继的分类识别任务。实验数据表明,新方法减小了计算复杂度,提高了地物识别的精度。  相似文献   

沈兵兵  姚星伟  王怀文 《包装工程》2022,43(19):173-179
目的 为了快速、无损地检测花椰菜上的农药残留,采用高光谱成像技术分别对花椰菜上是否含有苏云金杆菌、高效氯氰菊酯和虫螨茚虫威等3种农药进行无损检测研究,并且跟踪研究检测效果最好的农药安全间隔期。方法 对含有农药和不含农药的花椰菜样本进行高光谱成像处理,提取感兴趣区域的光谱数据。剔除前后20个波段的原始光谱数据,以降低噪声的影响,针对剩余216个波段(950~1 666 nm)的数据分别采用卷积平滑(S–G)、多元散射校正(MSC)和变量标准化(SNV)等3种算法对光谱数据进行优化。为了提高判别运行速率,采用竞争性自适应重加权算法(CARS)提取3种农药光谱数据的特征波长,并建立偏最小二乘法(PLS)判别模型。结果 基于SNV优化后的PLS模型对花椰菜上3种农药的识别准确率相对最高,其中虫螨茚虫威农药样本的测试效果相对最好,识别率为100%,随后对该农药进行了连续7 d的检测,其结果符合农药的消散规律。结论 将高光谱图像技术应用于花椰菜的农药残留检测具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the scene illuminant spectral power distribution is useful for many imaging applications, such as color image reproduction and automatic algorithms for image database applications. In many applications accurate spectral characterization of the illuminant is impossible because the input device acquires only three spectral samples. In such applications it is sensible to set a more limited objective of classifying the illuminant as belonging to one of several likely types. We describe a data set of natural images with measured illuminants for testing illuminant classification algorithms. One simple type of algorithm is described and evaluated by using the new data set. The empirical measurements show that illuminant information is more reliable in bright regions than in dark regions. Theoretical predictions of the algorithm's classification performance with respect to scene illuminant blackbody color temperature are tested and confirmed by using the natural-image data set.  相似文献   

Kong SG  Chen YR  Kim I  Kim MS 《Applied optics》2004,43(4):824-833
We present a hyperspectral fluorescence imaging system with a fuzzy inference scheme for detecting skin tumors on poultry carcasses. Hyperspectral images reveal spatial and spectral information useful for finding pathological lesions or contaminants on agricultural products. Skin tumors are not obvious because the visual signature appears as a shape distortion rather than a discoloration. Fluorescence imaging allows the visualization of poultry skin tumors more easily than reflectance. The hyperspectral image samples obtained for this poultry tumor inspection contain 65 spectral bands of fluorescence in the visible region of the spectrum at wavelengths ranging from 425 to 711 nm. The large amount of hyperspectral image data is compressed by use of a discrete wavelet transform in the spatial domain. Principal-component analysis provides an effective compressed representation of the spectral signal of each pixel in the spectral domain. A small number of significant features are extracted from two major spectral peaks of relative fluorescence intensity that have been identified as meaningful spectral bands for detecting tumors. A fuzzy inference scheme that uses a small number of fuzzy rules and Gaussian membership functions successfully detects skin tumors on poultry carcasses. Spatial-filtering techniques are used to significantly reduce false positives.  相似文献   

The superpixel segmentation has been widely applied in many computer vision and image process applications. In recent years, amount of superpixel segmentation algorithms have been proposed. However, most of the current algorithms are designed for natural images with little noise corrupted. In order to apply the superpixel algorithms to hyperspectral images which are always seriously polluted by noise, we propose a noise-resistant superpixel segmentation (NRSS) algorithm in this paper. In the proposed NRSS, the spectral signatures are first transformed into frequency domain to enhance the noise robustness; then the two widely spectral similarity measures-spectral angle mapper (SAM) and spectral information divergence (SID) are combined to enhance the discriminability of the spectral similarity; finally, the superpixels are generated with the proposed frequency-based spectral similarity. Both qualitative and quantitative experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed superpixel segmentation algorithm when dealing with hyperspectral images with various noise levels. Moreover, the proposed NRSS is compared with the most widely used superpixel segmentation algorithm-simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC), where the comparison results prove the superiority of the proposed superpixel segmentation algorithm  相似文献   

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