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杨梅  郭皓月  侯幸刚  李雪瑞 《包装工程》2022,43(10):265-275
目的 针对面向服务的虚拟协同创新环境下团队成员的优选决策问题,提出一种能力驱动的基于设计资源综合表现信息的优选方法。方法 从设计任务工作流程入手,分析了基于设计能力及任务粒度的设计任务的优化与重组。综合考虑设计资源的个人信息、协同合作能力、利益追求等信息,构建了基于综合表现信息的优选指标体系及资源与任务的匹配模型,采用综合线性计算的方式进行最优解的求解。结果 将该方法应用于某拖拉机的CMF设计开发任务的资源优选中,验证了所提方法的可行性和有效性。结论 能力驱动的基于资源综合表现信息的优选与匹配策略,可有效地发挥资源的优势,并提高匹配的科学性。  相似文献   

在个人-环境匹配理论的基础上,采用工作家庭冲突和个体与组织工作家庭价值观量表对来自不同企业的203名员工进行测量,使用结构方程模型方法验证了个体和组织工作家庭价值观的匹配与工作家庭冲突之间的关系。结果显示,匹配与两个方向的工作家庭冲突都负相关。并在此基础上提出了人力资源管理的建议。  相似文献   

孔德明  杨丹  王书涛 《计量学报》2021,42(5):638-644
为了解决传统交互式多模型算法静态模型集带来的精度低等局限问题,提出了一种多模型集自适应协同滤波算法。通过比较目标与当前模型集中不同模型之间的模型匹配概率,自动确定当前模型匹配中的最好模型与最坏模型,利用激活、保留和剔除策略改变固定模型集的结构以达到模型集自适应的过程。通过与其他已经提出的交互式多模型算法进行比较,实验结果表明:多模型集自适应协同滤波算法在速度、加速度以及转弯速率的状态估计上都得到了优化,在一定程度上提升了目标跟踪定位的准确性。  相似文献   

提升员工的工作投入成为管理者面临的主要挑战和目标。整合目标导向理论,动机心理学理论和人-环境匹配理论,本研究构建了个体学习目标导向对工作投入的影响关系模型,重点探讨了留职动机与组织学习氛围在两者关系间的作用效果。本研究运用多层次线性模型对765份有效调查问卷进行了实证检验,结果显示:个体学习目标导向对工作投入具有显著的正向影响;留职动机在两者之间起到部分中介作用;组织学习氛围跨层次正向调节个体学习目标对留职动机的影响。  相似文献   

人力资源是MRO服务中心调度的重要因素。将多技能工调度与员工行为效应即学习和遗忘效应相结合,以最小化任务总完工时间为目标建立模型,并用分段染色体遗传算法进行求解。在模型中考虑多技能工掌握的技能和任务的技能需求相匹配,并考虑员工在一个任务点可以使用其掌握的多项技能。通过算例对模型进行分析,发现任务数量和员工数量对任务总完工时间和作业时间有影响,且考虑行为效应的指派能优化员工安排,缩短任务总完工时间。说明人的行为效应对企业实际利益有重要影响。  相似文献   

目的 对多批次协同任务进行分析与建模,并研究任务规划的求解算法。方法 以车载装备多批次协同执行任务为例,综合考虑时间协同、任务区域协同和补给区域协同约束,以暴露时间最短为目标函数建立模型,并提出一种改进变邻域搜索算法进行求解,该方法根据邻域的优化能力自动调整迭代时选择该邻域的概率。结果 仿真结果表明,改进策略在不降低最优解质量的情况下,能够避免标准变邻域搜索算法后期易出现某些邻域长时间无法寻找到最优解的情况,有效提高了算法的效率。结论 变邻域搜索算法可以解决多批次任务规划问题,改进后的算法减少了后期对优化能力不强的邻域的搜索次数,有效提升了算法效率。  相似文献   

技术知识供需双边匹配的两阶段决策分析方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对知识服务中技术知识供给与需求的双边匹配问题,给出了一种两阶段决策分析方法。首先,依据技术知识供给主体和技术知识需求主体的满意度建立了匹配矩阵,并利用匹配矩阵筛选双边组合,产生候选匹配对;在此基础上,考虑以技术知识供需主体的满意度最大为目标,构建了多目标优化模型,并使用基于函数隶属度的加权和方法将多目标模型转换为单目标模型进行求解,获得了相应的匹配结果。实例分析表明,本文给出的方法具有可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

从产品开发过程(Process)、协同程度(Degree)以及协同支持系统(Supporting system)三个方面,提出了用于产品协同开发效率影响因素研究的PDS参考模型.首先对PDS模型的特点进行了分析,并对IDEFX,Petri网等建模方法进行了比较和选择,提出了PDS参考模型的总体架构;建立了PDS的各个子模型(P模型,D模型和S模型),对每个子模型的特点以及它们如何被用于效率评估的过程进行了详细的描述;通过一个案例分析,论述了针对一个具体工程实例,进行协同效率影响因素研究的PDS参考模型的具体应用过程.  相似文献   

第四方逆向物流资源优化配置问题研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了克服第三方物流在处理逆向物流时难以达到规模经济的问题,将第四方物流服务模型引入零散、不确定的逆向物流服务中,提出第四方物流模式下物流任务与物流资源的优化匹配问题,并对此进行了初步的探索.提出了两级物流资源优化配置策略,即首先将具有相似属性的零散的逆向物流任务进行聚类整合,再将整合后的物流任务与第三方物流资源进行优化匹配.以总成本最小和完成时间最短为目标,建立了逆向物流资源优化配置模型,设计了求解该模型的遗传算法,最后用实例验证了模型和算法的有效性,为第四方逆向物流服务模式的实用化奠定了基础.  相似文献   

针对生产与采购这两项企业的重要活动,建立了一种采购计划和多层生产计划的集成优化模型,将采购计划、批量计划以及作业排序这三层计划问题进行综合决策。为求解该问题,设计了一种遗传算法和网络优化方法相结合的协同优化策略,遗传算法中每一个个体同时包含了批量计划和作业排序,并调用网络优化模型得出订购策略。数值仿真实验显示了提出的方法求解该类集成优化问题的良好性能。通过与独立优化方法进行比较,显示了协同优化策略的优越性。  相似文献   

Simulation on human tasks has become increasingly important in manufacturing systems’ design, assessment and improvement. In order to evaluate working processes and human factors in autonomous production cells (APCs), a collective analyzis of human-centred simulation approaches in advanced manufacturing systems is carried out, and a human task-oriented simulation methodology is proposed in this paper. Based on the methodology, a comparative simulation study is carried out in a 3D laser welding production cell from the aspects of human task spectrum, human error and occupational requirements. Human task network models of both conventional working process and APC working process are constructed using timed coloured Petri Nets. The evaluation criteria architecture for the simulation is formulated and the respective algorithms and parameters for the criteria are discussed in detail. A simulation program using C++ is developed based on Poses++ Petri Net simulator. The simulation results show some important transitions of system performance and human factors from the conventional production cell to the APC, which can support the decision-making when redesigning the conventional production cells to fit the requirements of APCs.  相似文献   

针对目前视觉跟踪平台研究中存在的大视野与高分辨力不可兼得以及高速运动目标跟踪难以实现等痛点问题,设计了一种基于二维振镜的新型视觉跟踪平台,可以在保证视野范围的前提下,兼顾高帧率和高分辨力特性,实现动态目标50 FPS的实时跟踪以及100倍放大后的高保真信息采集。首先,对基于二维振镜的光学系统进行几何建模,对光路变化与动态视角之间的耦合关系进行分析,完成了双相机协同系统的坐标系变换;其次,针对运动目标实时跟踪任务,采用一种基于动态模板匹配和卡尔曼滤波器的目标检测跟踪算法,以保证目标物体的快速、准确定位;最后,从动态视野范围、响应速度、跟踪目标定位精度及跟踪目标极限速度四个方面对系统性能进行评估,并选择多个典型场景对系统的应用领域进行分析。结果表明:该系统特殊的双相机协同工作模式和极快速的动态响应特性,使其很好地弥补了现有视觉跟踪平台的不足,在智能监控、智慧交通、国防军工等领域中具有广阔的应用前景和极高的研究价值。  相似文献   

Increased dependence on computers in safety critical industries means increased dependence on a smaller number of people—both the users of computer systems, and those responsible for their design and production. Reliability and integrity of such systems can be enhanced without large overall increases in costs by looking critically at the human-computer interaction early in the design phase. In this paper, a selection of human factors principles are applied to safety critical system design. This includes making systems easier to learn to use, reducing alarm overload, matching the design of menus to the task, consistency and modality.  相似文献   

An analysis of features extracted from handwriting samples according to writer demographics and writing task characteristics is presented. The individual demographics studied here include age, gender and handedness, while the handwriting tasks considered include writing the individual signature, form-filling, cheque-completion and constructing free-form written text. By analysing different features of handwriting, the authors establish a link between a writer's individual characteristics including demographic properties, the handwriting task being attempted and quantifiable features of handwriting such as pen velocity, acceleration and slant. Additionally, imitated or 'forged' handwriting is also analysed on exactly the same basis. The analysis is performed on a newly collected database of handwriting samples collected from a population of 150 writers, and which can be utilised in both forensic document inspection and automatic handwriting analysis research. All handwriting samples, including forgery attempts, were recorded both temporally as a series of pen positional coordinates and scanned at a resolution of 600 dpi to enable both dynamic and static processing.  相似文献   

虚拟企业任务分配的一种方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虚拟企业形成后,盟主面临着多产品在多个生产企业中分配的问题。任务分配的好坏直接关系到各企业的资源是否充分利用问题。因此,盟主任务分配问题是虚拟企业资源计划需要研究的重要内容。本文从影响任务分配的因素出发,指出任务分配的结果受组织形式和分配策略的影响而不同。构造以追求利润最大为第一目标,以充分利用企业可得能力为第二目标的多产品多企业单阶段分配的数学模型,并对这一多目标的混合整数规划提出了它的逻辑流程以帮助求解近似解。  相似文献   


The last 15?years has witnessed a surge in rail-related human factors research but little has examined the Track Worker role. Track work often takes place whilst trains are running under the protection of Lookouts who provide warning of approaching trains. Despite—or perhaps because of—these measures, there is a notable prevalence of incidents involving Lookouts, warranting a closer look at the nature of their task and the wider sociotechnical system (STS) to identify what may be learned for railway safety management. A systematic review of incident reports involving Lookouts was undertaken on Australian and UK rail incidents from 2006 to mid-2018 with a qualitative meta-analysis (n?=?31) revealing nine factors corresponding with STS dimensions at the organisational, social, task and individual level. Much of the risk lay in the set up and implementation of Lookout working, and in Track Worker group dynamics—factors endemic to working whilst trains are running—rather than specific to the Lookout, with such factors arguably applicable across other Track Worker groups. Findings point to a need for more targeted research into the STS aspects of track working, as well as improving the training and/or procedures of those managing the Lookout protection system of work.  相似文献   


Human factors studies the intersection between people, technology and work, with the major aim to find areas where design and working conditions produce human error. It relies on the knowledge base and research results of multiple fields of inquiry (ranging from computer science to anthropology) to do so. Technological change at this intersection (1) redefines the relationship between various players (both humans and machines), (2) transforms practice and shifts sources of error and excellence, and (3) often drives up operational requirements and pressures on operators. Human factors needs to predict these reverberations of technological change before a mature system has been built in order to steer design into the direction of cooperative human-machine architectures. The quickening tempo of technology change and the expansion of technological possibilities has largely converted the traditional shortcuts for access to a design process (task analysis, guidelines, verification and validation studies, etc.) into oversimplification fallacies that retard understanding, innovation, and, ultimately, human factors' credibility. There is an enormous need for the development of techniques that gain empirical access to the future-that generate human performance data about systems which have yet to be built.  相似文献   

Cognitive task analysis (CTA) captures unobservable cognitive processes, decisions and judgments of expert performance. Over 100 different CTA methods are identified in prior literature. However, existing classifications typically sort techniques by process rather than outcome, application or causal mechanism. Therefore, techniques can be misapplied and comparative analysis of methods made difficult. Based on the frequency distribution of CTA methods in 1065 studies, a subsample representing 60% of the most frequently published methods was coded based on elicitation and analysis techniques. Consistency of resulting applications was assessed. Inconsistent matching of CTA methods and subsequent applications indicate CTA is currently more craft than technology. Therefore, there is no robust basis for selecting one method over another for research or practice. Specific challenges include comparing the reliability and validity of individual methods and optimising selection of techniques for intended applications. Developing a causal taxonomy may facilitate such advancements.  相似文献   

王宪宇  李宏汀  马舒 《包装工程》2021,42(6):206-211
目的 对影响图标搜索绩效因素的研究进行梳理和总结.方法 从人-机-环角度,统合分析目前研究的影响因素,将其分为三大类(图标特征、任务特征、用户特征).首先从现有研究的焦点——图标特征因素介绍,将其具体分为设计元素和布局因素,并对相关研究进行梳理、分析和总结.接着从已有研究范式的角度介绍任务特征因素.最后从图标搜索主体——人的角度,分析总结与图标搜索绩效相关的影响因素.结论 随着图标类型和数量的增加,视觉搜索面临的复杂性将变大.未来,根据不同图标搜索绩效影响因素的作用机制,制定出有利于视觉搜索的图标设计规范也越来越重要.图标搜索绩效领域相关影响因素研究的结果应用潜力巨大.  相似文献   


Shift and night work are a well recognized risk factors for health and well-being, but the outcomes are not always in agreement and sometimes contradictory, due to both different working and living conditions of the groups examined, and to different approaches and methods used. Moreover, variations in historical and epidemiological relevance of the disorders, health perception and surveillance, as well as combined effects with other individual and social risk factors make the problem multifaceted and difficult to interpret properly. Consequently, also tolerance to shift and night work is a complex phenomenon, related to several aspects pertaining to different domains, dealing with personal characteristics and coping strategies, family and social conditions, working situations and, particularly, working hours organization. The result of their interactions depends not only on the specific load of each factor, but also on their temporal occurrence and duration in the worker's life. Thus, it is necessary to clarify as much as possible the interactions among individual aspects, social conditions and work organization, for an effective promotion of shift workers' health and well-being. The aim of the paper is to review the main factors that can intervene on such aspects trying to present 'lights and shadows' on this context.  相似文献   

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