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为研究掺加玄武岩纤维的大空隙沥青混合料的路用性能,通过析漏试验和马歇尔稳定度试验确定了0% ~0.5% 六种玄武岩纤维掺量的最佳油石比.研究发现,当纤维掺量0.3%、油石比为4.9% 时对应的稳定度值最大,析漏损失最少;掺加玄武岩纤维可以有效的提高大空隙沥青混合料的高温性能、水稳定性、低温抗裂性能和抗压强度,且玄武岩纤维掺量为0.3% 时,各项指标达到最优.  相似文献   

采用粉煤灰漂珠填充聚氯乙烯(PVC),研究了粉煤灰表面处理、用量及粒径对复合材料性能的影响。发现对粉煤灰漂珠进行了偶联剂处理可提高复合材料的拉伸强度和冲击强度;粉煤灰漂珠用量的增加、粒径增大会使复合材料拉伸强度和冲击强度下降。  相似文献   

我们研究了偶联剂类型、处理方法、所用聚合物种类对漂珠/聚合物体系的界面形态和力学性能的影响。漂珠是由粉煤灰中提取的比重不到0.4、熔点约1400℃的空心微珠,用硅偶联剂和钛酸酯偶联剂的水溶液预处理或掺混入树脂中,制成漂珠/不饱和聚酯和漂珠/糠叉丙酮环氧复合材料。结果表明:KH550和Tc-6对这二种复合材料的干湿强度都有较大提高,但KH550对漂珠/糠叉丙酮环氧复合体系的湿强改进更明显。由SEM断面形态也可看到漂珠用偶联剂浸泡后,在其表面产生一层有机聚硅氧烷或聚钛酸酯膜,制得的复合材料用水煮后,该膜也不易脱落。  相似文献   

集料是微波加热沥青混合料自愈合的重要介质材料。本工作通过矢量网络分析试验、工业箱式微波炉微波加热试验及XRD、XRF分析,研究了石灰岩、玄武岩和钢渣三种集料的电磁参数、微波加热过程的加热响应以及集料粒径、钢渣掺量、化学成分和物相组成对集料传热性能的影响,并分析了集料与沥青混合料微波加热传热性能的关联性。结果表明,钢渣的电磁参数明显高于石灰岩和玄武岩,表明其电磁波吸收效果较好。相比石灰岩和玄武岩,钢渣因三氧化二铁含量较高,其微波加热传热性能更好。粒径、钢渣掺量和水分是影响集料微波加热传热性能的主要因素。随着粒径和钢渣掺量的增大,集料的传热性能呈增大趋势。相比干燥集料,含水率为0.3%~1.0%的集料微波加热升温速率均有所下降,降低幅度介于40%~50%。构建了不同含水率、钢渣掺量的集料微波加热表面温度与加热时间的线性关系方程,相关性系数R2均大于0.90,拟合效果良好。XRD和XRF分析表明,相比石灰岩和玄武岩,钢渣的活性金属化合物含量最高,微波加热的敏感性较好。微波加热试验表明,微波吸收能力由大到小依次为钢渣、钢渣沥青混合料、普通沥青混合料。钢渣微波加热传热性能优...  相似文献   

基于表面自由能理论,首先测定不同沥青、集料与已知试剂的接触角,然后通过相关公式计算得到沥青-集料复合材料的黏附功、剥落功及水稳定性指标ER,并分析老化前后沥青-集料复合材料的黏附性变化。研究结果表明:沥青-集料复合材料的黏附过程和剥落过程均对外放热且自发进行;同种沥青不同集料的复合材料黏附性和抵抗水损害能力排序为沥青-石灰岩沥青-玄武岩沥青-花岗岩,不同沥青同种集料复合材料黏附性强弱和抵抗水损害能力排序为复合改性沥青(CM)-集料胶粉改性沥青(CRM)-集料苯乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯改性沥青(SBSM)-集料复合材料;老化后沥青-集料复合材料的黏附性能和抵抗水损害能力均呈现下降趋势,且压力老化(PAV)比旋转薄膜烘箱老化(RTFOT)更为明显,但老化过程并未改变沥青与集料间的配伍性;对三种改性沥青的SEM图像进行分析,发现老化后沥青与集料界面黏结特性发生变化,导致沥青-集料复合材料黏附能力下降。  相似文献   

朱忠锋  王文炜 《复合材料学报》2017,34(10):2367-2374
考虑玄武岩纤维增强树脂合物基复合材料(BFRP)格栅层数和水泥基复合材料(ECC)配比等因素,对BFRP增强大掺量粉煤灰/矿粉ECC棒骨试件进行了静力单轴拉伸试验,研究掺加增强粉煤灰/矿粉ECC的抗拉力学性能。结合试验数据,基于Richard和Abbot的弹塑性应力-应变公式提出掺加增强ECC的应力-应变本构关系模型。试验结果表明:随着掺加层数的增加,格栅增强ECC的极限抗拉强度显著增大。同配合比掺矿粉制成的ECC抗压强度、开裂应变及应力高于掺粉煤灰制成的ECC。掺加增强掺矿粉ECC试件相对掺粉煤灰ECC试件具有较好的抗拉力学性能。计算结果表明,建立的单轴受拉本构关系模型可以有效地预测掺加增强ECC的应力-应变关系和极限抗拉强度。  相似文献   

傅珍  黄振  马峰 《材料导报》2016,30(2):118-122
为研究玄武岩纤维对老化沥青混合料路用性能的影响,通过车辙试验、低温弯曲小梁试验、浸水马歇尔试验和冻融劈裂试验研究了玄武岩纤维对沥青混合料抗老化性能的作用。试验结果表明:虽然玄武岩纤维沥青混合料的动稳定度随老化时间增加,但相对于普通沥青混合料而言,其增加的幅度减缓,提出采用相对变形率作为老化性能评价指标;玄武岩纤维延缓了沥青混合料老化性能的衰变,使得老化后的混合料低温抗裂性改善;经短期老化和长期老化后玄武岩纤维沥青混合料水稳定性能均优于普通沥青混合料,且玄武岩纤维显著降低了长期老化试件的未冻融劈裂强度,因此在应用中应适当增加碾压次数。  相似文献   

再生剂对老化沥青混合料的改善作用,可使老化沥青混合料的路用性能在一定程度上恢复还原。在进行再生沥青路面混合料设计之前,必须对旧料中沥青的含量及性质、旧料的级配组成及技术指标等进行全面了解,以确定回收的废旧沥青和旧集料性质,为新添集料性质、级配提供掺量依据。本文分析了掺生物沥青的乳化沥青冷再生混合料的概况,对原材料配比和乳化沥青制备情况进行了阐述,接着对不同的生物重油掺量乳化沥青再生混合料力学强度进行实验分析,最后总结了不同生物质重油掺量乳化沥青冷再生混合料路用性能,旨在为提高高速公路的质量以及延长其使用寿命提供保障。  相似文献   

为研究高温重复荷载作用对复合纤维沥青混合料细微观结构的影响,基于加速加载试验,对掺加三种复合纤维和不掺加纤维的沥青混合料车辙变化规律进行研究。采用CT扫描试验,对加速加载前后各组沥青混合料的平均空隙体积和粗集料水平倾角的变化规律进行研究。结果表明:相比于不掺加纤维的沥青混合料,掺加复合纤维后,沥青混合料的抗车辙能力显著提升,其中掺加复合纤维Ⅲ的沥青混合料车辙深度减少了61%;掺加三种复合纤维后,沥青混合料平均空隙体积有所降低,粗集料水平倾角有所增加,在高温重复荷载作用下,复合纤维能够显著减缓沥青混合料平均空隙体积的增加幅度,增幅在13%以内,同时减缓粗集料水平倾角的降低幅度,降低值在6.6°以内;沥青混合料车辙深度与加速加载前平均空隙体积、粗集料倾角变化均存在较好的线性相关性。  相似文献   

Fe3O4具有很强的磁性,利用简单的磁选工艺将普通粉煤灰中的铁氧化物(Fe1-δO)吸取出来,可得Fe3O4含量较高的磁选粉煤灰。Fe3O4在常温下的电导率为2.5×104Ω-1.m-1,和沥青基碳纤维的电导率为同一数量级。利用磁选粉煤灰作为导电材料可以制备出具有良好导电性能和力学性能且成本低廉的导电砂浆。随着磁选粉煤灰掺量的增加,粉煤灰颗粒互相接触并逐渐形成局部导电网络,使电子和空穴可通过隧道效应跃过水泥基体阻隔所形成的势垒进行传导;当磁选粉煤灰掺量超过"渗滤阈值"后,砂浆的导电性明显增强,与掺加细集料的碳纤维导电砂浆的导电性接近。  相似文献   

This study is aimed to develop porous poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) as a potential bone substitute via a facile fabrication method. Composites consisting of water-soluble chitosan oligosaccharide (CSO) and PMMA were prepared by combining freeze-drying with radical polymerization. Open porous PMMA with controlled porosities were obtained after the CSO was extracted gradually from the composites. The CSO aqueous solutions with different concentrations were frozen and then freeze-dried to obtain interconnected porous framework. Methyl methacrylate with initiators and a crosslink agent was introduced into the porous framework and polymerized, resulting in two-continuous phase composites. The mechanical properties of the initial composites and porous materials after immersion in PBS for 8 weeks were investigated. Dynamic mechanical analysis was conducted to study the mechanical strength of the composite, compared with bulk PMMA. Porosity and morphology of porous PMMA were studied using the liquid displacement method and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. Thermogravimetric analysis indicated that composite exhibited better thermal stability than bulk PMMA. The composites became porous materials after extracting bioactive CSO component. The mechanical properties of porous materials were closer to those of cancellous bone. The generation of pores using CSO seems to be a promising method to prepare porous PMMA as a potential bone substitute.  相似文献   

Graphene is a 2D sheet of sp2 bonded carbon atoms and tends to aggregate together, due to the strong π–π stacking and van der Waals attraction between different layers. Its unique properties such as a high specific surface area and a fast mass transport rate are severely blocked. To address these issues, various kinds of 2D holey graphene and 3D porous graphene are either self‐assembled from graphene layers or fabricated using graphene related materials such as graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide. Porous graphene not only possesses unique pore structures, but also introduces abundant exposed edges and accelerates mass transfer. The properties and applications of these porous graphenes and their composites/hybrids have been extensively studied in recent years. Herein, recent progress and achievements in synthesis and functionalization of various 2D holey graphene and 3D porous graphene are reviewed. Of special interest, electrochemical applications of porous graphene and its hybrids in the fields of electrochemical sensing, electrocatalysis, and electrochemical energy storage, are highlighted. As the closing remarks, the challenges and opportunities for the future research of porous graphene and its composites are discussed and outlined.  相似文献   

以苯乙烯(St)为单体,含甲基丙烯酰氧基丙基的有机硅树脂(MTQ)为交联剂,采用高内相比乳液模板(HIPE)法制备了蜂窝状、低密度及高孔隙率的MTQ/聚苯乙烯(PS)多孔复合材料,研究了MTQ对聚合物多孔复合材料微观结构、压缩性能及热稳定性的影响。结果表明:MTQ/PS多孔复合材料的泡孔呈立体球形且泡孔壁上有丰富的互连孔,相互贯通性良好,泡孔直径为2~9μm,互连孔的孔径大小介于0.35~1.85μm;所得多孔材料孔隙率可控,总孔隙率最高可达92%;该多孔复合材料的压缩强度为0.28~0.74 MPa,压缩模量为4.86~13.54MPa。当MTQ与St的质量比为30:100时,可获得泡孔直径较小、互连孔道较窄、压缩性能和热稳定性较好的MTQ/PS多孔复合材料。   相似文献   

The porous Ti-based metallic glassy/nanocrystalline composites were synthesized using powder metallurgy route. The sintered samples with different porosities can be obtained at sintering temperatures below glass transition temperature. The properties of the samples directly depend on the porosities and the sintered porous samples combine mechanical and acoustic properties of the porous crystalline material and the metallic glass, e.g. high strength, strong wave and energy absorption ability. Furthermore, the fundamental electrical behavior for this kind of novel porous material was also studied based on the percolation theory model, which helps to design and fabricate porous composites with unique electrical property. Our results suggest that the sintered porous composites have potentials for structural and functional applications.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanical property effects of co-filling dental resin composites with porous diatomite and nanosized silica particles (OX-50). The purification of raw diatomite by acid-leaching was conducted in a hot 5 M HCl solution at 80 °C for 12 h. Both diatomite and nanosized SiO2 were silanized with 3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane. The silanized inorganic particles were mixed into a dimethacrylate resin. Purified diatomite was characterized by X-ray diffraction, UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and an N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm. Silanized inorganic particles were characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and a thermogravimetric analysis. The mechanical properties of the composites were tested by three-point bending, compression and Vicker's microhardness. Scanning electron microscopy was used to show the cross-section morphologies of the composites. Silanization of diatomite and nanosized silica positively reinforced interactions between the resin matrix and the inorganic particles. The mechanical properties of the resin composites gradually increased with the addition of modified diatomite (m-diatomite). The fracture surfaces of the composites exhibited large fracture steps with the addition of m-diatomite. However, when the mass fraction of m-diatomite was greater than 21 wt.% with respect to modified nanosized silica (mOX-50) and constituted 70% of the resin composite by weight, the mechanical properties of the resin composites started to decline. Thus, the porous structure of diatomite appears to be a crucial factor to improve mechanical properties of resin composites.  相似文献   

This work reported preparation of porous composites using a simple dip-coating method, and the fabricated composites containing hybrid carbon nanomaterials performed excellent electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding properties. A commercial sponge was coated with silver nanoparticles before being dip-coated with graphene (GP)/ink, multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)/ink, or hybrid GP/MWCNTs/ink to form Ag/carbon nanomaterial hybrid composites, and then the composites were subjected to EMI measurements in the frequency range of 0.45–1.5 GHz. For comparison, the sponges without Ag nanoparticle coating were also prepared. Herein, we found an insignificant difference in EMI SE among the porous composites without Ag nanoparticle coating, and the maximum values of approximately 14.4 dB was attained. Interestingly, the hybrid composites with Ag nanoparticle coating exhibited maximum EMI shielding of 24.33 dB. Due to their porous structure, the EMI SE measurements showed that reflection dominates the EMI SE for all the sponge composites studied in this work.  相似文献   

《Composites Part A》2003,34(8):689-694
An experimental investigation of the effect of nanotube length and aggregate size on the mechanical and electrical properties of the composites was reported. Three treatments, that affect mainly the length and aggregate size, were applied on the CVD MWNTs before they were added into a resin matrix. They had a very clear impact on the dielectric properties of the composites and on the improvement efficiency. There was an insulator-to-conductor transition with the as-prepared MWNTs at 0.5 wt%. Regarding the mechanical properties, the addition of MWNTs increased the Young's modulus and reduced the fracture strain. In that case, the pre-treatment on MWNTs, however, had a much more moderate effect on the improvement efficiency.  相似文献   

首先利用二步阳极氧化法制备了自支撑多孔硅,再利用真空抽滤法在自支撑多孔硅中沉积ZnO纳米籽晶层,最后用水热合成法使ZnO纳米籽晶进一步长大。采用扫描电子显微镜、X射线能谱分析和光致发光谱分析对样品的形貌、元素及发光性能进行了表征。结果表明:自支撑多孔硅内部成功填充了ZnO纳米颗粒并形成了自支撑多孔硅/ZnO复合材料。将这种复合材料作为超级电容器电极进行了电化学测试,包括循环伏安、阻抗谱和恒电流充放电测试,该复合材料有较好的超级电容特性,比容量可达到15.7 F/g,相比于自支撑多孔硅提高120倍。   相似文献   

Physical properties of cement composites designed for aerostatic bearings   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper investigates the physical properties of cement composites based on ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and silica particles as a potential material for porous aerostatic bearings for precision engineering applications. A full factorial design (2241) was carried out to study the effects of silica properties (size and geometry) and uniaxial pressure (10 and 30 MPa) on the composite properties, namely bulk density, apparent porosity and intrinsic permeability of the ceramic composites. Scatter graphs were plotted to identify the existence of significant correlations between parameters. The cementitious composite manufactured with small silica particles, non-spherical shape and low level of compaction pressure exhibited the most appropriate properties for the proposed application. In addition, mathematical models obtained from the response-correlation plots are potentially important tools for the development and design of new composites for porous bearing applications.  相似文献   

以壳聚糖微粒为增强体,离子液体为纤维素溶剂,采用冷冻干燥法成功制备了壳聚糖/纤维素生物质发泡复合材料。利用SEM、XRD和TGA表征多孔复合材料微观结构、结晶性能以及热稳定性,测试了其孔隙率和吸水性能。实验结果表明:壳聚糖/纤维素多孔复合材料具有三维相互贯通的微孔结构,壳聚糖粉体有助于孔洞结构的形成,TGA结果显示纤维素多孔材料的热稳定性能得以提高。XRD结果显示纤维素经离子液体溶解再生后晶型结构由纤维素I转化为纤维素II。纤维素含量较低(≤4wt%)时,随1wt%壳聚糖粉体的加入,孔隙率明显提高。壳聚糖/纤维素多孔复合材料的力学性能随纤维素含量的增加而不断提高,而吸水性能有所下降。壳聚糖与纤维素质量比为1∶3时,壳聚糖/纤维素多孔复合材料孔隙率为72.7%,吸水率和相对保湿率分别为28.0g/g和17.6g/g,断裂强度和断裂伸长率分别为0.32 MPa和25.4%,能够作为一种优良的吸附材料用于制备高性能的医用敷料。  相似文献   

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