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核电作为新能源的一种,近年来受到了广泛的关注,其制造质量好坏直接关系着人们的生命和安全。本文主要从核电设备的质量控制方法出发对核电设备制造质量进行了研究和探讨,以期为提升核电设备制造质量提供理论基础和指导。  相似文献   

核电设备的制造质量关系着数以百计人们的生命安全。所以安全地完成设备制造任务,并通过国家技术部门的严格检验,才能运用到核电事业之中。本文结合实际,对于核电设备制造的质量控制进行了剖析。  相似文献   

为了加快我国核电设备制造企业发展建设,本文笔者对该行业质量管理问题提出质疑,并对引发该类企业质量管理问题的根本原因进行论述,希望借此不断完善核电设备制造企业质量管理体系建设。  相似文献   

<正>当前,随着核电事业的蓄势待发,核电设备和软件的监督工作面临着新形势和新问题。以往,我国核电设备主要依赖外购引进,并派出大批人员赴法国学习相关技术和运营经验。但是,随着国内发展形势加快和企业自主创新意识及能力的增强,不断对监督提出了新课题——特别是随着国产化核电仪控设备的出现——建立相关DCS软件VV监督工作的法制化、规范化体系,成为完善我国核电设备和软件监督工作的必由之路。  相似文献   

在核电设备国产化大背景下,设备制造过程成为了保证设备质量的重要环节,也是最为薄弱的环节,因此,设备监造管理工作势必越来越受到重视。本文从核电国产化设备供货方角度,为满足相关法规和合同质量管理要求,遵照EPC总包核电工程公司普遍采用的设备监造管理模式,阐述了设备供方的设备监造管理实践,对科学化、制度化的核电设备监造管理和监造执行提供了一些建议。  相似文献   

核电设备的质量是核电工程质量控制的基础,关系到核电工程的有序运行。本文结合泰山核电站的实际情况,对核电设备设计和制造过程中的质量控制进行了剖析,旨在为我国核电事业自主化的发展积累经验。  相似文献   

航天产品“双归零”管理办法是航天科技集团在长期经验总结和积累基础上形成的质量问题处理规范标准,通过技术归零和管理归零对产品本身问题进行纠正,对其他产品进行预防,对技术和管理缺陷进行改进完善,最终确保航天产品零缺陷.通过对目前国内核电设备制造质量管理模式和特点的比对分析,可以清楚地看到核电设备质量管理和航天“双归零”办法的联系和差异.所述内容与观点可为进一步优化和提升核电设备制造质量控制和监督管理提供参考和指导.  相似文献   

随着我国能源结构体系的完善,我国的核电能源迎来了蓬勃发展的阶段。核安全设备制造质量是确保核能源安全稳定运行的重中之重,因此持续改进核安全设备制造质量管理有利于促进我国核能源的合理利用,有利于国家的长治久安。本文从核安全设备制造中存在的一些典型问题入手,深入分析并给出了核安全设备制造质量管理方案。  相似文献   

代维民 《设备监理》2022,(1):36-39,60
某三代核电板式换热器曾出现压降过大的问题,对核电站的调试工作造成了很大影响,已成为核电设备质量问题经验反馈的经典案例.在后续核电项目板式换热器开工制造之前,有代表性的试制样机,进行热工性能及流阻试验,实现对经验反馈案例的验证关闭,变得尤为重要.本文通过试验方案策划、试验过程开展,试验数据分析,得出板式换热器的热工及流阻...  相似文献   

核电设备是核电工程建设中资金使用较大的一部分,同时核电设备质量也直接关系到核电站后期运行和维护情况。因此,我们必须要采取有效的核电设备质量管理办法提高使用设备质量,实现严格的设备质量控制,力求实现核电质量管理上的创新,推动核电设备精细化管理发展进程。  相似文献   

在对新疆达坂城风力发电场进行调研的基础上,通过与企业科技工作人员的座谈,总结了新疆地区风力发电中的计量测试需求等计量科学问题.列举了近几年来国内发生的重大风电事故,引出了风电系统中的监管问题,指出由于监管部门对风电场质量的监管空白,造成了制造企业、施工单位对质量控制的忽视.从风电项目设计、安装、运行三个环节分析了所涉及到的风电设备质量问题,在每一个环节中计量检测技术都是风电行业质量与安全的重要保障;由于风电场的位置和设备复杂性,企业和计量监管部门都十分重视风电系统的在线监测、检定和校准的功能.这也是"十二五"规划中智能电网的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

1 Introduction With the development of new technology,engineering systems are becoming more complex in structure and possessing more advanced functions.Customers are setting higher quality requirements for new products.Reliability must be considered in all aspects of the product life cycle.Inadequate reliability considerations may cause civil aviation disasters,nuclear power plant accidents,spacecraft launch failures,power system shutdowns,and other major accidents.Since the emergence of the reliability discipline in the 1950s,reliability theory has been developing rapidly,which has played an irreplaceable role in promoting the progress of major industries such as aviation,aerospace,and nuclear energy.It has also greatly improved the quality of daily necessities such as computers,appliances,and automobiles.The capability of manufacturing high-end equipment with high reliability and long life has become an important strategic indicator of a country's global strength and competitiveness.  相似文献   

国内装备制造企业项目管理导入模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了装备制造企业的一般特征和国内装备制造企业面临的挑战;阐述了现代项目管理的特征和国内装备制造企业推行项目管理的必要性和优越性;给出了国内装备制造业推行项目管理的有效推进模式,认为企业项目管理理念、企业项目管理知识体系、企业项目管理培训、企业组织的复合矩阵式再造、企业项目管理流程与工具方法以及企业知识管理与标准化是装备制造企业推行项目管理并获得成功的基础。  相似文献   

对核电站建设中的重点和难点问题——风化程度不均匀核岛环廊的开挖进行了探索,难点为上部边口的完整保护和环廊壁面开挖偏差的控制。福建某核电站建设的工程实践表明,预留适当保护层、分层开挖、炮孔的起爆次序、改进预裂爆破方法以及钻孔的质量是环廊开挖质量的保证。  相似文献   

对核电站建设中的重点和难点问题——风化程度不均匀核岛环廊的开挖进行了探索,难点为上部边口的完整保护和环廊壁面开挖偏差的控制。福建某核电站建设的工程实践表明,预留适当保护层、分层开挖、炮孔的起爆次序、改进预裂爆破方法以及钻孔的质量是环廊开挖质量的保证。  相似文献   

针对目前计量仪器设备信息种类多、数据量大、设备检定及维护任务重、管理信息化水平较低等问题,结合质量计量监督检测部门所处具体环境,设计基于二维活码技术的计量仪器设备管理系统,本文分别从系统功能、组成、开发技术应用效果等方面进行论述,该系统能有效地提高了相关人员的工作效率,为各检测机构的设备管理工作提供了可借鉴模式。  相似文献   

核电站反应堆冷却剂泵的地震响应分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
核电站反应堆冷却剂泵(又称核主泵)是核岛中的唯一旋转核心设备,其运行的可靠性与否直接影响到核电站的安全性。采用响应谱法,多地震谱,多输入方向对某核电站冷却剂泵进行动力学特性及地震响应分析,得出其模态,并找出地震工况下可能发生破坏的环节以及最不利和有利地震谱输入方向,从而可以使反应堆冷却剂泵在核电站的设计、安装过程中避开地震多发方向对它的最大破坏。为结构的设计、安装提供依据。  相似文献   

This article discusses the different issues involved in ensuring the quality of project supervision at the Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong. It describes the registration procedures and allocation of project titles, which help to optimise the balance between students' interests and abilities. A good teaching strategy, assessment strategy and monitoring system are key components of a good quality assurance system which will ensure good quality of project supervision  相似文献   

Modern and intelligent manufacturing systems have a prominent multistate feature. However, previous studies of reliability analysis of multistate manufacturing systems mostly focused on the basic reliability of manufacturing systems but disregarded their operating characteristics, which has hindered the development of Prognostics and Health Management technique for intelligent manufacturing systems. Therefore, an evaluation approach of mission reliability for multistate manufacturing systems based on operational quality data is proposed in this paper. First, from the systematic viewpoint of the composition and operational principle of the manufacturing system, the relationship among production task execution state, production equipment degradation state, and produced product quality state is expounded, and the connotation of the mission reliability of multistate manufacturing systems is defined. Second, an extended state task network (ESTN) is presented to organise operational quality data by considering the quality state of work in process (WIP). Third, a fusion model of operational quality data for manufacturing systems is established with the aid of the ESTN, and an operational quality data-oriented evaluation method of mission reliability is been put forward. Finally, a case study of a manufacturing system for a cylinder head is conducted to verify the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Many forged parts include piercings such as bearing surfaces. The forged pieces show a residual volume in the cross sectional area of which needs to be removed in an additional manufacturing step. By integrating this hitherto separately performed operation into the final forging step the process chain can be shortened significantly. However, up to date there is no information available on how the process parameters influence factors like dimensional accuracy, surface quality and fibre orientation in the pierced area when forming and piercing operations are combined. Therefore, a novel combined forging-/piercing- process was designed at the IPH. Trials were performed in a project with different experimental settings of the relevant process parameters like forging temperature, tool and work piece material, punch and work piece geometry. Two test parts were designed. For the first part of the project a rotation symmetric part and for the second part a part with a distinct longitudinal axis. Due to the direct correlation between residual volume thickness to be pierced and interior die pressure which determines the surface quality of the pierced area, the inserted mass is varied in the first part of the project additionally. The results of these investigations showed that the variation of the inserted mass and the forging temperature have a distinct effect on the dimensional and form accuracy of the work pieces. In contrast, the punch and work piece geometry have no effect on the form accuracy of the piercing which is shown in the results of the second project.  相似文献   

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