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7月1日起,我国2012年之前建成的火电厂,将执行新版大气污染物排放标准。这份被称为有史以来最严的火电厂排放标准,将大大降低火电厂烟尘、二氧化硫以及氮氧化物等污染物排放量,并带动除尘脱硝产业维持高增长。  相似文献   

<正>近日,北京市环保局对新发布的5项大气污染物排放地方标准进行了解读。5项标准涉及锅炉、炼油与石油化工、印刷、家具制造、火葬场等行业领域,重点聚焦对于挥发性有机物和氮氧化物的控制,其规定的污染物排放限值均达到国际先进水平。5项标准将于2015年7月1日起实施。在5项标准中,《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》主要为了严控氮氧化物的排放。专业人士预计,到2020年,在北京市燃气锅炉天然气消费量大幅增加的情况下,  相似文献   

我国正在研究推出环境税、能源税和碳税,准备对二氧化碳、二氧化硫、氮氧化物和工业废水排放征税。因此控制大气污染物排放越来越成为事关各燃煤电厂经济效益和社会效益的重点。本文就发电厂的脱硫改造应用工程谈几点体会。  相似文献   

按照GB13271-2001《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》规定,锅炉废气排放监测主要是烟尘排放浓度、二氧化硫(SO2)排放浓度和氮氧化物(NOx)排放浓度三项。这些项目在监测过程都有不同的质量要求,如何在监测过程中保证监测数据的精密性、准确性、代表性、可比性和完整性,是环境监测人员必须面对的问题。本文针对锅炉废气排放监测的方法及监测过程中质量控制问题进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

因锅炉烟气中含有NOx、烟尘及二氧化硫等,这些物质会对大气产生严重污染,破坏生态环境,所以要对锅炉排放的尾气进行防治和控制。本文首先对锅炉大气污染物排放控制要求及监测要求进行了阐述,并结合多年实际工作经验,提出了锅炉尾气污染物的防治建议。  相似文献   

标准化社会效益是标准化活动对社会和自然环境所产生的非经济效果和利益.火电企业标准化社会效益主要体现在环境保护和节能降耗两个方面.为评估火电企业的标准化社会效益,本文以天津大唐国际盘山发电有限公司为例,分析了2011~2014年期间,标准化在企业生产过程中所产生的社会效益.盘山发电公司通过开展标准化活动,一方面,二氧化硫、氮氧化物和烟尘等大气污染物的单位排放浓度明显降低;另一方面,企业单位供电煤耗和水耗也明显降低.因此,标准化为盘山发电公司带来了显著的社会效益.  相似文献   

随着工业及交通等事业的迅速发展,煤和石油的大量使用,将大量有害物质和烟尘、二氧化硫、氮氧化物、一氧化碳、碳氢化合物等排放到大气中,我国现在的大气污染十分严重,不仅危害到人们的正常生活,而且威胁着人们的身心健康。本文就城市大气环境污染的原因及防治措施进行论述,供工行参考。  相似文献   

正近日,环境保护部制定并会同国家质检总局发布了《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》《生活垃圾焚烧污染控制标准》《锡、锑、汞工业污染物排放标准》和《非道路移动机械用柴油机排气污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第三、四阶段)》等4项国家大气污染物排放(控制)标准。据悉,新修订的《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》增加了燃煤锅炉氮氧化物和汞及其化合物的排放限值,规定了大气污染物特别排放限值,取消了按功能区和锅炉容量执行不同排放限值的规定,以及燃煤锅炉烟尘初始排放浓度限值,提高了各项污染物排放控制要求。执行新标准后,颗  相似文献   

CEMS(continuous emission monitoringsystem)烟气排放连续监测系统是为配合国家环保局有关大气污染源达标排放目标的实施而研制的在线监测仪器,可连续监测烟气中二氧化硫、氮氧化物及烟尘的排放浓度及排放总量。  相似文献   

正近日召开的广东省污染减排工作会议提出,"十二五"时期,广东将大力推进淘汰钢铁、水泥、造纸、制革、印染落后产能工作,并在珠三角地区试点建立煤炭消费总量控制制度,减少大气污染物排放。广东省"十二五"污染减排约束性指标为:化学需氧量、氨氮、二氧化硫和氮氧化物等四项主要污染物排放总量要分别削减12%、13.3%、14.8%和16.9%,是全国减排任务最重的省份之一。  相似文献   

Coal is the dominant energy source in China, and coal-fired power accounts for about half of coal consumption. However, air pollutant emissions from coal-fired power plants cause severe ecological and environmental problems. This paper focuses on near-zero emission technologies and applications for clean coal-fired power. The long-term operation states of near-zero emission units were evaluated, and synergistic and special mercury (Hg) control technologies were researched. The results show that the principle technical route of near-zero emission, which was applied to 101 of China’s coal-fired units, has good adaptability to coal properties. The emission concentrations of particulate matter (PM), SO2, and NOx were below the emission limits of gas-fired power plants and the compliance rates of the hourly average emission concentrations reaching near-zero emission in long-term operation exceeded 99%. With the application of near-zero emission technologies, the generating costs increased by about 0.01 CNY∙(kW∙h)–1. However, the total emissions of air pollutants decreased by about 90%, resulting in effective improvement of the ambient air quality. Furthermore, while the Hg emission concentrations of the near-zero emission units ranged from 0.51 to 2.89 μg∙m−3, after the modified fly ash (MFA) special Hg removal system was applied, Hg emission concentration reached as low as 0.29 μg∙m−3. The operating cost of this system was only 10%–15% of the cost of mainstream Hg removal technology using activated carbon injection. Based on experimental studies carried out in a 50 000 m3∙h−1 coal-fired flue gas pollutant control pilot platform, the interaction relationships of multi-pollutant removal were obtained and solutions were developed for emissions reaching different limits. A combined demonstration application for clean coal-fired power, with the new “1123” eco-friendly emission limits of 1, 10, 20 mg∙m−3, and 3 μg∙m−3, respectively, for PM, SO2, NOx, and Hg from near-zero emission coal-fired power were put forward and realized, providing engineering and technical support for the national enhanced pollution emission standards.  相似文献   

本文通过现场仪器监测结果与烟气连续监测系统(CEMS)对应时段的小时均值比对,说明SONOX2000G型烟气在线仪各项性能指标优越,可以准确地在线监测烟气中二氧化硫的浓度,控制二氧化硫排放量,减少对大气环境的污染。  相似文献   

Nowadays, air over major cities throughout the world has become overburdened with gases produced by automobiles. The death rate due to automobile pollution is increasing rapidly in the metropolitan areas. With passage of time, people realized that polluted air has serious effects on their health, climate and economics. Weather and climate have integrated impact on human activities resulting in worldwide concentration of the particulates of environmental pollution, viz., chlorofluorocarbons, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide, lead and several other dust and gaseous particles. Like many other mega cities in the world the ambient air quality of Quetta, Pakistan is also deteriorating nowadays. Automobile exhausts and certain industrial pollutants produce O3 by photochemical reactions. The particulate matter, particularly less than 10 μm in size, can pass through the natural protective mechanism of human respiratory system and plays an important role in genesis and augmentation of allergic disorders. Sources of air pollution in the area and the unique problem arising out of the emission from the vehicles, industries, etc. have been described. Ambient air quality was monitored along with micrometeorological data and the results are discussed. The status of air pollution in the area has been evaluated and a questionnaire survey was conducted to estimate the allergic symptoms and exposure to assess the respiratory disorders. The data are analyzed to evaluate the critical situation arising out of the emission of air pollutants and the impact on human health due to respirable diseases (RDs) in middle class sub-population (activity-wise) in the area assessed. A strategic air quality management plan has been proposed. For the mitigation of air pollution problems in the city, different measures to be adopted to maintain the balance between sustainable development and environmental management have been discussed. Air pollution has significant effects on exacerbation of asthma, allergy and other respiratory diseases.  相似文献   

Restructuring of China’s energy mix is accelerating due to factors such as energy security, economic cost, climate change and environmental pressure. Efficient and clean utilization of coal-generated power therefore plays an increasingly important role in solving energy and environmental problems in China. Coal-fired power plants, with Shenhua Guohua Sanhe as one of the pioneers, followed trend of this era and adopted multiple ultra-low emission and energy efficient technologies, striving to be an industry leader in environmental protection, profitability and innovation. As a result, coal-fired power plants have seen ultra-low emissions of air pollutants and record-high energy efficiency, opening up a new era of more efficient and cleaner coal generation. By the end of 2015, Shenhua Group had had 45 ultra-low emission coal units, providing strong support for implementing of the national policy on ultra-low emission and energy efficient retrofit of coal-fired power plants across China.  相似文献   

作为我国主要的汞污染源之一,燃煤电厂汞污染物排放控制是我国环保标准的要求。通过改性SCR催化剂和卤化物添加等方法将Hg0氧化为Hg2+,进而通过后续设备进行脱除,是提高汞脱除率的有效方法。但对我国而言,这类结合现有环保设备的联合脱除方法都面临着SCR入口高浓度NH3的抑制作用。为此,基于文献调研,总结了NH3对SCR催化剂Hg0氧化性能的影响,以及卤素存在条件下NH3对Hg0氧化性能的影响,分析了改性催化剂及卤化物添加对Hg0氧化率的提高机理,进而对应地分析了NH3对Hg0氧化的抑制机理。研究结果为实际燃煤电厂提高SCR设备Hg0氧化率提供了参考。  相似文献   

根据燃煤电厂湿法脱硫出口污染物排放浓度及其排放绩效,分析了超低排放湿法脱硫的治霾效果,阐明了湿法脱硫有利于减少SO2、颗粒物、SO3的排放量,这些污染物都是形成雾霾的前体物,表明超低排放湿法脱硫对雾霾治理有积极的贡献。同时,烟气超低排放具有协同治理有色烟羽的能力,对于有色烟羽治理应采取因地制宜的策略。煤电行业广泛开展烟气超低排放改造后,大气污染物排放量持续减少,空气环境质量逐年改善,湿法脱硫、烟气超低排放功不可没。  相似文献   

燃煤电厂烟气中SO3等非常规污染物的排放尚未得到有效控制,其危害主要表现在低温腐蚀、设备堵塞和环境污染等,主要来源于煤的燃烧。对中国200种煤种基硫含量(Sar)进行统计分析,其范围在0.11%~3.47%,平均值为0.82%;SO3采样方法主要有控制冷凝法、异丙醇吸收法,将2种方法耦合使用,可大幅提高SO3的捕集率,提高测试数据的准确性;基于现场实测及文献调研,对现有燃煤电厂的SO3排放特征进行表征。结果可为后续燃煤电厂SO3排放控制提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着国家环保要求的不断提高,为响应国家可持续发展政策的号召,燃煤烟气非常规污染物控制已逐步提上日程。研究人员不再把精力集中于常规污染物的脱除,而是逐渐开展对非常规污染物(如SO3、Hg、可凝结颗粒物等)脱除的研究。基于燃煤电厂烟气非常规污染物的特性,分析了当前各种非常规污染物的检测技术优缺点及适用条件,以及在新的环保形势下,各种环保设备协同控制非常规污染物的研究现状,为下一步开展燃煤电厂非常规污染物控制技术研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Ferroalloy manufacturing involves many unit operations and unit processes. Commencing from the material handling to manufacturing and product collection, a ferroalloy plant emits a wide range of air pollutants. The selection of appropriate air emission control technology is, therefore, very important in such a situation. In this article, few case studies from Indian operating plants are analyzed from the standpoint of installed air pollution control devices. Analyses revealed design flaws in many of these air pollution control devices leading to their collapse with the deterioration of the ambient air quality. As regulatory measures, recommendations are made specifying the air pollution control devices to curb air emission from various stages of the ferroalloy making operations for meeting the air emission standards. Prior to putting forward recommendations in this article, described are the different aspects of the ferroalloy manufacturing with the emphasis of source of emission for both particulate matter as well as gaseous pollutants.  相似文献   

The promulgation of Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 2014 on emissions from coal-fired power plants in Malaysia has prompted power plant operators to adopt emission control strategy that complies with the new emission limits. Currently, various emission control strategies are available to achieve the desired emission level. Each strategy offers unique advantages and disadvantages, depending on the objective of emissions control, process nature, and constraints on the resources incurred. To address this challenge, a proper decision-making analysis needs to be performed. In this paper, a systematic decision analysis methodology is proposed to select the most effective multi-pollutant control strategy that is compatible for coal-fired power plants in Malaysia. The methodology includes: (1) identification of pollutant emission from the plant under study and comparison with the stipulated emission limits, (2) establishment of emission factors, (3) selection of multi-pollutant control strategy, (4) identification of emission reduction factor for the pollutants and control technologies of interest, (5) determination of emission level from the selected multi-pollutant control strategy, and (6) prediction of ground-level concentration of pollutants. The decision analysis methodology is applied to a real case study of coal-fired power plant in Malaysia, which also currently faces a dilemma to comply with the additional and more stringent emission limits stipulated in the Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 2014. The proposed method is applicable for both the process concept under the design phase as well as the existing process plant.  相似文献   

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