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无论在化工、制药还是在食品生产领域中,全球原材料的价格都在不断上涨。因此,在流程工艺技术领域中,企业都在寻找保持企业产品竞争力的方法,使自己能够在众多竞争对手中脱颖而出。这里,合理的分散工艺技术将会起着决定性的作用。  相似文献   

放一块通红的玻璃纤维在你手心,它本身在燃烧,但你却一点也感受不到烫。这是因为燃烧仅仅发生在纳米尺度的催化颗粒表面,在宏观尺度下整个系统仍然保持在室温状态。这正如在一个体育场中间燃烧的篝火,坐在看台上的你怎么会感到热度呢?  相似文献   

符号是平面艺术设计的思维主体之一,在平面设计代写论文中具有较强的表现作用。符号在平面艺术设计中的运用,具有直接性、间接性和约束性。符号在平面设计中的发展具有能动性。发掘符号在平面设计中的潜能,使符号在平面设计中对象社会化。  相似文献   

<正>"树在水中长,船在林中行,人在画中游,鸟在枝头鸣",如果不是亲眼目睹,谁都会认为这是一个美丽的传说。然而,泛舟在这一片宁静中,才发觉传说竟变成了现实  相似文献   

你看,这个世界到处是明亮、温暖、古典、童真、魔幻的气息。那么我们的故事就应当发生在这里。她们在花园,在森林,在安静的小屋,在广阔的原野,在宁静的小溪流边,以及游泳池里。她们抱着玩偶,举着苹果,抱着可爱的小鸭子,她们和白马黑马们在一起。她们拉着五颜六色的气球,她们抱着大大的一束鲜花,以及一切繁复而华丽的小配饰。这些统统来自我们的梦境,当然还有一些来自外婆在我们小时候讲述的童话。我有一个奢侈的梦想,渴望在这样的势利与金钱的都会里,用照片慢慢经营一个影像世界,给一些人安慰,给一些人力量。  相似文献   

PE收缩彩膜,在欧美市场流行多年。时至今日,其应用领域越来越广泛。在大卖场、在货车上、在饭店、在街头小摊、在消费者的手中,几乎所到之处皆可见PE收缩彩膜的集合包装,那些印有大幅面精美图案的包装物琳琅满目、五彩缤纷,令人叹为观止。  相似文献   

翟蒙 《中国科技博览》2013,(19):636-636
艺术情感是艺术家在作品中所表现的内心感受和个人观念。要把握好情感在整个在创作的过程中的地位,要在画面中表达出个人的情感,也同样在这种感受下,把对所画对象的认知和情感调动起来,创作出好的作品,使个人感受、意识等精神层面的东西在水彩画中得以体现,艺术语言得到提升。  相似文献   

巴斯夫在上海浦东创建生产基地中国是巴斯夫在全球的第三大市场。巴斯夫以总投资5500万欧元在上海浦东扩建生产基。该生产基地是巴斯夫在德国以外最大生产基地之一。巴斯夫在上海的大中华区总部及亚太创新园将设在该基地。上海浦东基地将为实现巴斯夫员工与客户之间的协作发挥关键作用。也将为与周边社区保持密切联系,为推动上海成为国际创新中心贡献力量。在亚太区创新园创立的第一阶  相似文献   

用聚醚砜对环氧树脂进行室温和超低温的增韧研究,测试了该环氧树脂体系在室温和超低温的断裂韧性、冲击强度、弯曲性能、拉伸性能和压缩性能。实验结果表明,在室温和液氮温度下,PES均能增加环氧树脂体系的断裂韧性(KIc),但在液氮温度下,KIc的增加程度小于室温。在室温下,PES改性树脂体系的冲击强度基本不变,而在液氮温度下则明显增大。在液氮温度下,增韧体系的弯曲、压缩和拉伸性能比室温有更显著的降低。在室温,增韧体系的强度降低10%~22%,而在液氮温度下则下降15%~32%。在室温,增韧体系的模量没有明显减小,而在液氮温度下则下降了15%~32%。  相似文献   

<正>我们身处一个科技创新空前活跃的时代。这种活跃不仅体现在个别学科上,更体现在多学科的融合上,不仅体现在科技界内部,更体现在科技界与经济界的互动上,不仅体现在个别国家科技创新实践上,更体现在国际科技合作的日益紧密上。在科技全球化日益深入的新形势下,协同创新已经成为大势所趋。紧紧抓住大有可为的战略机遇期,积极推动协同创新,着力提高自主创新能力,是全国科技界新的重大任务。  相似文献   

A method is proposed for estimating the parameters of a mixture of exponential and Weibull distributions for which the accuracy of preliminary estimates obtained by graphical analysis is refined in accordance with the criterion of maximum likelihood. The efficiency of the proposed method is supported by the results of statistical modeling.  相似文献   

A novel method for the determination of the optical properties of tissue from time-domain measurements is presented. The data analysis is based on the evaluation of the first moment and the second centralized moment, i.e., the mean time of flight and the variance of the measured distribution of times of flight (DTOF) of photons injected by short (picosecond) laser pulses. Analytical expressions are derived for calculation of absorption and of reduced scattering coefficients from these moments by application of diffusion theory for infinite and semi-infinite homogeneous media. The proposed method was tested on experimental data obtained with phantoms, and results for absorption and reduced scattering coefficients obtained by the proposed method are compared with those obtained by fitting of the same data with analytical solutions of the diffusion equation. Furthermore, the accuracy of the moment analysis was investigated for a range of integration limits of the DTOF. The moment analysis may serve as a comparatively fast method for evaluating optical properties with sufficient accuracy and can be used, e.g., for on-line monitoring of optical properties of biological tissue.  相似文献   

Australia has several uranium mines and a large number of mineral sand mines, with associated processing facilities. Exposures resulting from these mining and processing operations usually involve intakes of mixtures of radionuclides. This work describes the development of a suite of first order, linear compartment models, based on the ICRP Publication 66 respiratory tract model, and an analytical solution to the decay equations, for assessing the consequences of such intakes. The computer programs based on these models directly compute excretion, organ retention and organ and whole-body doses for intakes of either single radionuclides or any mixture of radionuclides belonging to the same radioactive decay chain. The intake can be via inhalation, ingestion or injection, and can be acute, chronic or of limited duration. The starting concentration and degree of secular (dis)equilibrium can be specified for each radionuclide. No assumptions need to be made about the relative magnitudes of the radioactive half-lives of the different nuclides.  相似文献   

Conventional methods for summation of direct measurement errors are considered. Conditions under which these methods provide consistent results are stated. It is proposed to utilize for characteristic of the total error, its interval estimator or the half-sum of the value obtained by adding up its arithmetic and geometric random errors.Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 4, pp. 10–12, April, 1995.  相似文献   

本文根据多年的实践检定经验 ,参照JJF1 0 59- 1 999《测量不确定度评定与表示》以及《测量不确定度表达 1 0讲》 ,对卧式金属罐容量的测量结果不确定度进行了评定。  相似文献   

盐酸浓度不确定度的评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对盐酸浓度标定的过程分析,找出影响结果的各个分量,进行不确定度的评定,按照计量技术规范给出标准的表示法。  相似文献   

由于空压机进气侧轴承箱蜗壳温度探头密封效果不好,使空压机及其后续管道受到油污染。后将温度探头的O形圈密封改为骨架油封,杜绝了轴承箱漏油问题。文章简介空压机的结构和技术参数,详细介绍了骨架油封的制作和优点。  相似文献   

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