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用气相沉积法对碳纤维表面进行处理,研究了高性能碳纤维(CF)在氯丁橡胶(CR)和天然橡胶(NR)复合材料中的流变性能、加工性能、物理机械性能、导电性、导热性、耐老化性和抗疲劳性等性能。通过电子显微镜(SEM)表征分散效果。结果表明,随着CF用量的增加,橡胶复合材料的硫化时间缩短,抗拉强度提高了18%,抗疲劳性提高了19%;添加3phr CF分散性最好,硫化胶的物理力学性能最佳。CF用量增加,导热性和导电性增强。  相似文献   

CeO2填充环氧树脂,并用偶联剂KH560对CeO2进行表面改性,通过溶液混合法制备CeO2/环氧树脂复合材料。分别通过拉曼光谱仪、紫外漫反射光谱仪、场发射扫描电子显微镜和电化学工作站对CeO2/环氧树脂复合材料的微观结构和电化学防腐性能进行测试。结果表明,表面改性的CeO2在环氧树脂基体中具有更好的分散性;所制备的改性后CeO2/环氧树脂复合涂层对镀锌板附着力达到1级;与水接触角达到82.5°;电化学防腐性能测试中其浸泡30 min阻抗值在109Ω·cm2以上,浸泡7 d阻抗值基本保持在107Ω·cm2左右,高于未改性的CeO2制备的复合材料和普通环氧树脂材料。改性后CeO2/环氧树脂复合材料的附着力、疏水性和化学防腐性能明显优于未改性的CeO2制备的复合材料和普通环氧树脂材料。  相似文献   

制备了一维纳米尺度的CeO2,扫描电镜分析表明其比表面积比市售CeO2大。为防止其在氟硅橡胶(FSR)中团聚,利用KH570对其进行了表面改性,通过红外光谱、热失重以及亲油度测定等表征了改性效果,并通过正交试验法确定了最优化改性条件。把改性前后的CeO2作为耐热剂分别添加到FSR中,CeO2/FSR复合材料均显示出了显著的耐热效果,与空白样相比,CeO2/FSR复合材料拉伸强度提高了48%,拉断伸长率提高了36%。同时,改性后的CeO2在FSR中具有良好的分散性,从而对FSR原始性能影响较小。  相似文献   

天然橡胶/固相改性蒙脱土纳米复合材料的制备与表征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在固相对蒙脱土进行有机改性,并与天然橡胶机械混炼插层制备了纳米复合材料。利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、橡胶加工分析仪(RPA)和透射电镜(TEM)等研究了天然橡胶/固相改性蒙脱土纳米复合材料的结构,同时考察了材料的力学性能和耐老化性能。结果表明:固相改性蒙脱土在天然橡胶中可以实现纳米级分散,得到天然橡胶/蒙脱土纳米复合材料。固相改性蒙脱土对天然橡胶不但具有明显的补强效果,大幅度提高材料的力学性能和耐热氧老化性能,而且还具有很好的促进硫化作用。  相似文献   

碳纤维是制备高性能树脂基复合材料最有前途的增强材料之一。为提高碳纤维与复合材料的界面性能,使用乙烯基三叔丁基过氧硅烷(VTPS)对碳纤维表面进行改性,并通过扫描电子显微镜和傅里叶变换红外光谱仪研究了改性方法对碳纤维表面结构的影响,考察了碳纤维添加量对复合材料力学性能的影响。结果表明,改性后的碳纤维表面引入了乙烯基、羟基和羧基等活性基团,同时保持了纤维的形貌。引入的乙烯基能够参与交联反应,促进硫化过程。此外,改性后的碳纤维能有效增强复合材料的力学性能,随着碳纤维添加量的提高,复合材料的力学性能得到显著增强。  相似文献   

对二氧化铈(CeO2)进行羧基化改性得到羧基化二氧化铈(CeO2-COOH),并与苯胺(An)接枝聚合得到核壳结构聚苯胺/二氧化铈复合材料(PANI/CeO2-COOH)。采用红外光谱、X射线光电子能谱、X射线衍射、热重分析、扫描电子显微镜及旋转圆盘电化学测试技术分析材料的结构及性能。结果表明,CeO2-COOH的CeIII/CeIV的比值接近1,具有较高的表面氧空位;PANI/CeO2-COOH中PANI接枝效果较好,而且与纯PANI结构相同;CeO2-COOH与PANI之间通过价键接枝形成的PANI/CeO2-COOH复合材料起始分解温度在228℃左右,且在200~600℃内的分解速率较慢,表现出较好的热稳定性;在1mol/LH2SO4中对电极进行循环伏安和恒电流充放电测试,PANI/CeO2-COOH复合材料电极不仅具有良好的峰对称性和最高阳极峰电流,而且还具有较好的电容性能,当电流密度为0.5A/g时,比电容达到149.5F/g。  相似文献   

丁苯橡胶/高岭土复合材料的性能及补强机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将经过有机改性的高岭土填充到丁苯橡胶(SBR)基体中,利用熔融共混法制备了一系列SBR/高岭土复合材料,对填充SBR复合材料的硫化性能、力学性能和微观结构进行了表征分析。结果显示,改性高岭土填料可以明显改善SBR复合材料的硫化加工性能和力学性能,其中M-6改性剂(巯基硅烷偶联剂)的改性效果最好。随着高岭土粒度的降低,SBR复合材料的焦烧时间(t10)和正硫化时间(t90)逐渐缩短,拉伸强度和定伸模量不断提高;随着高岭土填充份数的增加,SBR复合材料的t10和t90逐渐降低,力学性能不断改善,当填充份数为80 phr时,t10和t90达到最小值,而拉伸强度达到19.62 MPa,撕裂强度达到40.63 kN/m,300%定伸应力达到6.73 MPa,相对纯SBR分别增大了11.70倍、3.79倍和6.73倍。通过对丁苯橡胶/高岭土复合材料微观结构的表征分析,高岭土以片状结构均匀分散在橡胶基体中,初步解释了高岭土填料对丁苯橡胶的补强机理。  相似文献   

利用液相氧化法对碳纤维(CF)进行表面刻蚀,并采用硅烷偶联剂KH570对CF进行表面改性,将CF、酸改性碳纤维(aCF)及有机改性碳纤维(oCF)作为填料分别添加到氟橡胶(FKM)基体中,采用机械共混法制备CF/FKM复合材料,分别对复合材料硫化性能、硫化后压缩永久变形性能及摩擦磨损性能进行表征,研究CF改性前后性能的变化及改性方式对性能的影响。采用扫描电子显微镜分析CF的微观形貌。结果表明,CF的添加可以提高FKM复合材料的硫化速率和交联密度、压缩永久变形性能。在300r/min转速下,载荷在10N到70N变化时,以及在50N载荷下,转速在100r/min增加到500r/min时,有机改性CF/FKM的摩擦系数和磨损率最小,相比纯FKM,有机改性后的碳纤维使FKM耐磨性能最高提升1.2倍。  相似文献   

在363K的温度下,以WC为载体六水合硝酸亚铈为原料,水热法制备不同CeO2含量(0~100wt%)的CeO2/WC复合材料。以150g/L H2SO4水溶液电解为目标反应,考察CeO2含量对CeO2/WC复合材料的电化学性能影响。研究结果表明,CeO2/WC复合材料较纯CeO2和WC有好的电化学活性,且当CeO2的含量为65wt%时,复合材料的电化学活性和导电性最好。并采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线粉末衍射(XRD)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)对65wt%CeO2/WC复合材料的物相、表面结构及WC与CeO2之间相互作用进行分析表征。结果表明,复合材料中CeO2和WC的晶体结构不变,但是复合材料中出现新相,说明它们之间不是简单的物理混合,而是形成新的Ce-O-W键。  相似文献   

采用双-[γ-(三乙氧基硅)丙基]四硫化物(Si69)、γ-甲基丙烯酰氧基丙基三甲氧基硅烷(KH570)、乙基三甲氧基硅烷(11-100)对白炭黑进行表面改性,并制备改性白炭黑/天然橡胶复合材料。利用红外光谱(FT-IR)、热重分析(TG)、扫描电镜、橡胶加工分析仪等测试手段对改性白炭黑及改性SiO_2/NR复合材料的结构与性能进行了表征,并研究其硫化性能及力学性能。结果表明,经FT-IR、TG分析,3种硅烷偶联剂已成功接枝到白炭黑表面;改性SiO_2/NR复合材料相对于未改性SiO_2/NR,焦烧时间变长,正硫化时间缩短,结合胶含量增大;改性SiO_2/NR与未改性SiO_2/NR相比其定伸应力、撕裂强度明显提高,但断裂伸长率有所减小;改性白炭黑在天然橡胶基体中的分散性明显提高,其中Si69-SiO_2在天然橡胶基体中的分散性最好;Si69-SiO_2/NR复合材料的滚动阻力与生热最低;改性后的SiO_2/NR复合材料的拉伸断面粗糙程度增加。  相似文献   

Plasmapolymer thin films with embedded silver nanoparticles were deposited by simultaneous plasma polymerization and metal evaporation. The particle size and shape were determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and analysed by optical image processing. The optical properties in the UV/ VIS/NIR spectral region were determined by the plasma resonance absorption of the silver particles. Transmittance spectra were calculated with the Bergman effective medium theory and compared with experimental spectra.  相似文献   

(Pb0.97−xLa0.02Bax)(Zr0.75Sn0.12Ti0.13)O3 ceramics in the composition range 0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.16 were prepared by conventional solid state reaction process. On increasing Ba content from 0.1 to 0.16 mol, the specimens underwent phase transition from the first order to the second order and the Curie temperature decreased from 85 to 35 °C. With x = 0.16, the specimen showed good pyroelectric properties for practical applications. When a 500 V/mm dc bias field was applied, the specimen showed the maximum pyroelectric coefficient of 5800 μC/m2 K and figure of merit of 58 × 10−5 Pa−0.5 at Curie temperature.  相似文献   

The physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of polycrystalline TiB2 are examined with an emphasis on the significant dependence of the properties on the density and grain size of the material specimens. Using trend analysis, property relations, and interpolation methods, a coherent set of trend values for the properties of polycrystalline TiB2 is determined for a mass fraction of TiB2 ⩾ 98 %, a density of (4.5±0.1) g/cm3, and a mean grain size of (9±1) µm.  相似文献   

This paper presents experimental work regarding the basic physical characteristics, mechanical and fracture-mechanics properties, durability characteristics, hydric and thermal properties of high performance concrete (HPC) with up to 60% of Portland cement replaced by fine-ground ceramics. Experimental results show that the amount of the ceramics in the mix is limited mainly by the resistance against de-icing salts which is found satisfactory only up to the cement replacement level of 10%. The mechanical and water transport properties are not significantly impaired by ceramic additions of up to 20%, whereas the effective fracture toughness, specific fracture energy, and chemical resistance (to MgCl2, NH4Cl, Na2SO4, HCl) are effectively maintained up to 40%. The frost resistance, water vapor transport and storage parameters and thermal properties are not significantly impaired even up to a 60% replacement level.  相似文献   

X-cor夹层结构的力学性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
X-cor夹层结构比强度高,比刚度大,有望取代传统蜂窝夹层结构作为航空航天器的主承力结构材料。采用真空固化成型工艺,通过改变Z-pin的植入参数制备了X-cor夹层结构,研究了Z-pin植入角度、植入间距和直径对其平压、剪切和拉伸性能的影响。研究结果表明,Z-pin的植入参数对X-cor夹层结构的力学性能影响显著。随Z-pin植入角度的增加X-cor夹层结构的平压性能降低,剪切性能增强,拉伸模量减小,拉伸强度先增加后减小。随Z-pin植入间距和直径增加,X-cor夹层结构力学性能均增加。与泡沫夹层结构相比,X-cor夹层结构压缩、剪切和拉伸模量的测试值分别提高了1.26~5.15倍、2.50~13.56倍和1.90~2.71倍,压缩、剪切和拉伸测试值分别提高了1.63~9.20倍、1.28~2.03倍和1.01~2.30倍。  相似文献   

In this paper, nano-sized Mg–Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) was synthesized by a fast nucleation and slow aging method. The structures of LDH were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS). Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) nanocomposites with different LDH loadings were prepared by water solution casting method. TEM observations show that the LDH nanoplatelets are uniformly dispersed in the PVA matrix. Tensile tests indicate that the elastic modulus and the tensile strength of PVA are improved by about 15% and 54%, respectively, when incorporating with 2 wt% LDH. The improvement of mechanical properties of PVA can be attributed to fine dispersion of LDH, good compatibility and strong interaction between PVA and LDH. In addition, the presence of LDH decreases the decomposition rates at the second stage and improves the amount of residues of PVA. Meanwhile, the transparency of the nanocomposite films is maintained compared with neat PVA.  相似文献   

Fluorescent pigments, based on the optical or electrooptical properties of dyes, are the main component in fluorescent coatings and inks. In this study, three kinds of dyes (Rhodamine B, Light Green SF Yellowish, Coumarin) with four different ratios (2.5 wt%, 3 wt%, 3.5 wt%, 4 wt%) were employed as luminophor, and the melamine-formaldehyde (MF) resin was used as curing resin to prepare fluorescent pigments in different color. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry were carried out to analyze the structure of the fluorescent pigments. Scanning electron microscopy and particle size distribution were used to present the morphology of fluorescent pigments. UV–vis and fluorescence spectrum were used to demonstrate the optical properties. It can be concluded that, coumarin pigments possessed consecutive structure in MF resin while rhodamine B might be the best for the preparation of printing inks among the three kinds of dyes from the view of particle size. The TG results presented that all the pigments showed good thermal stability, which might possess potential application in high speed printing industry.  相似文献   

A complex analysis of engineering properties of concrete containing natural zeolite as supplementary cementitious material in the blended Portland-cement based binder in an amount of up to 60% by mass is presented. The studied parameters include basic physical characteristics, mechanical and fracture–mechanics properties, durability characteristics, and hygric and thermal properties. Experimental results show that 20% zeolite content in the blended binder is the most suitable option. For this cement replacement level the compressive strength, bending strength, effective fracture toughness, effective toughness, and specific fracture energy are only slightly worse than for the reference Portland-cement concrete. The frost resistance, de-icing salt resistance, and chemical resistance to MgCl2, NH4Cl, Na2SO4, and HCl are improved. The hygrothermal performance of hardened mixes containing 20% natural zeolite, as assessed using the measured values of water absorption coefficient, water vapor diffusion coefficient, water vapor sorption isotherms, thermal conductivity, and specific heat capacity, is satisfactory.  相似文献   

The rapid mechanochemical synthesis of nanocrystalline CuFeS2 particles prepared by high-energy milling for 60?min in a planetary mill from copper, iron and sulphur elements is reported. The CuFeS2 nanoparticles crystallize in tetragonal structure with mean crystallite size of about 38?±?1?nm determined by XRD analysis. HRTEM study also revealed the presence of nanocrystals with the size of 5–30?nm with the tendency to form agglomerates. The Raman spectrum confirms the chalcopyrite structure. Low temperature magnetic data for CuFeS2 support the coexistence of antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic spin structure. Moreover, the hysteresis loops taken at temperatures from 5?K to 300?K revealed a presence of very small amount of ferromagnetic phase, which seems to be associated with the non-consumed elemental Fe in as-prepared nanoparticles. The optical band gap of CuFeS2 nanoparticles has been detected to be 1.05?eV, larger than band gap of the bulk material. The wider gap possibly resulted from the nano-size effect. Photoresponses of CuFeS2 nanoparticles were confirmed by I-V measurements under dark and light illumination. It was demonstrated that mechanochemical synthesis can be successfully employed in the one step preparation of nanocrystalline CuFeS2 with good structural, magnetic, optical and electrooptical properties.  相似文献   

采用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理,系统研究了Heusler合金Fe2CuGa的结构、磁性、弹性性能和电子性质.计算结果表明:立方相的基态结构是铁磁态的Hg2CuTi结构.立方到四方的相变几乎是体积不变的,这是形状记忆合金的特性.奥氏体和马氏体的磁矩分别是4.48和4.56μB/f.u..另外,预测了Fe2CuGa的弹性系数.Fe2CuGa的立方结构在力学上是不稳定的而四方结构是稳定的.根据体模量和剪切模量的比值,发现Fe2CuGa在本质上是可延展的.利用态密度的方法解释了Fe2CuGa马氏体相变的来源.  相似文献   

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