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Relative to other cities in Japan, Kyoto contains an outstanding agglomeration of historic buildings. These historic buildings are crucial for maintaining Kyoto’s irregular ranking as a historical city. However, several active faults occur near Kyoto that could cause severe seismic damage to the city. Thus, post-earthquake fire is one of the most threatening potential disasters that could destroy Kyoto’s invaluable historic buildings. Here, the post-earthquake fire safety of 2,131 historic buildings in the city of Kyoto was analyzed. This analysis was conducted by Monte Carlo simulation with a physics-based urban fire spread model that was formerly developed by the author. This scenario assumes the three following exclusive events that lead to the burn-down of historic buildings: (I) the ignition in the vicinity of the target historic building; (II) inadequate firefighting activity during the initial stage of the fire; and (III) the occurrence of widespread fire in urban areas following ignition. In general, the post-earthquake fire safety of designated and registered historic buildings was greater than that of undesignated and unregistered historic buildings. In addition, in the worst case scenario, 30% of the national treasures and important cultural properties would be damaged in the center of Kyoto city.  相似文献   

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) periodically updates each fire safety code and standard that it develops. Acknowledging the need for a document to prescribe fire safety for historic buildings, a complete and thorough rewrite of NFPA 914 was undertaken. The former recommended practice has now been issued as the Code for Fire Protection in Historic Structures. The 2001 edition identifies a process for analyzing fire safety needs in historic buildings, outlines generic approaches to dealing with specific provisions of other codes that may endanger historic integrity, and includes a performance-based approach to fire safety in historic buildings. This paper describes the background, revision process, and current proposed content NFPA 914.  相似文献   

景观敏感区是城市中极易由于人类不当开发活动而损毁的脆弱地区,同时又具有当地的景观特质,蕴涵了传统文化的历史街区就是一类重要的景观敏感区.如何在保持历史街区传统风貌的前提下对历史建筑进行加固、修缮,是城市历史文脉保护工作的成败关键.本文以杭州清河坊历史建筑保护与修缮工程作为实践案例,从历史建筑外观的保护、结构体系的加固以及内部构件的修缮三个方面,探讨了中国传统风格建筑保护与修缮的技术与方法.  相似文献   

Sim Loo Lee 《Cities》1996,13(6):399-409
In cities experiencing rapid economic growth, historic districts with rich cultural heritage are often demolished and replaced by modern high-rise buildings. This article shows the success of Singapore's urban conservation policy in preserving its historic districts in the face of a fast expanding economy and rapid urban development. A survey in the conservation areas shows that the policy has succeeded in preserving the historic old shophouses to a large extent. An analysis of the use of shophouses shows that the policy has also succeeded in retaining the activities which reflect the community life in the core areas of Chinatown, Kampong Glam and Little India. This is because the policy allows for the operation of market forces which makes preservation and restoration of the old shophouses viable.  相似文献   

柴鹏 《今日消防》2022,7(3):73-75
在城市规划设计中,为了提高土地利用率,满足人口密度的提升,城市建筑不断朝着高层的方向发展,尤其是对于办公大楼、商业建筑以及民用住宅等建筑,除了内部空间和结构体系的增加,还包括不同的机电系统,不仅提升了建筑功能,也在一定程度上增加了安全隐患,需要通过防火监督检查的方式,避免安全事故的发生。文章通过对高层建筑防火消防工作的难点进行阐述,分析高层建筑防火监督检查的要点,并且就高层建筑防火监督检查中存在的问题进行研究,提出高层建筑防火监督检查的具体措施。  相似文献   

古建筑消防技术探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
薛斌 《山西建筑》2003,29(8):134-135
结合古建筑的特点及当前先进的消防技术,对古建筑消防的报警及灭火措施进行了探讨。指出消除火灾隐患,改善防火条件,建立完善的消防安全体系是保护古建筑的重要手段。  相似文献   

在浙江省的城市化进程中,由于历史建筑多处于城市的中心地段且已破旧不堪,首当其冲地成为城市更新改造和城市建设所圈定的对象,进而在城市地图上和人们视线中迅速消失。文章通过对历史建筑的发展演绎的特点进行分析,探讨历史建筑保护技术与方法,并以宁波庆安会馆为例做具体研究,为历史街区的建筑保护修缮提供参考。  相似文献   

白新磊 《今日消防》2021,6(8):90-92
随着城市化的进程不断加快,城市人口的密度越来越大,导致房屋供不应求.在此基础上,房地产行业取得了迅猛的发展,城市中高楼林立,高层建筑数量和规模不断扩大,这正是城市发展的客观表现,与此同时,也存在着严重的消防安全问题.文章主要针对高层住宅建筑消防车通道的管理进行分析,结合目前建筑设计防火方面的实际情况,对高层住宅建筑中存在的火灾危险性进行分析,总结相关的经验,提出高层住宅建筑消防车通道的有效管理方式,希望能够为其他的高层建筑消防车通道管理工作有序开展提供参考依据,保障高层建筑使用的安全性,防止火灾问题的产生.  相似文献   

左云 《今日消防》2022,7(1):91-93
随着现代化城市经济的发展,城市人口日益增加且分布密集,城镇的高层建筑和超高层建筑越来越多。由于高层建筑功能复杂,应结合火灾情况制定实际扑救路线,加强高层建筑火灾的扑救及人员逃生自救对策,并从疏散救人、着火单位分流疏导、逃生自救方面阐述了高层建筑火灾全方面救援对策,确保人员生命财产安全。  相似文献   

Fire Risk Index for Historic Buildings   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fire protection engineers and preservation architects have long recognized the difficulty in applying building and fire codes to historic buildings. Small, older buildings of significant historic value need an efficient approach to performance-based evaluation. One technique that has gained acceptance is fire risk indexing. The Historic Fire Risk Index described in this paper uses a linear additive model of multiple attribute evaluation to produce a measure of relative fire risk. Weights are established to indicate the importance or significance of fire risk parameters. Then, for each specific historic structure, parameter grades, i.e., the amount or degree that a parameter is present, are determined from information collected in a detailed site survey. Fire risk is evaluated by the scalar product of the parameter weights and grades, producing a single numerical value representing the level of fire safety provided in the building. This is a more rational and more transparent method than the risk indexing systems currently published in model codes and standards.  相似文献   

张霁 《重庆建筑》2015,(1):24-26
我国高校校园中有许多优秀的历史建筑,这些建筑是传承校园历史和文化底蕴的重要物质载体。近年来高校校园火灾频发,许多依旧在使用中的历史建筑遭到毁坏,完善和改进历史建筑防火设计显得尤为重要。该文采用事件类比分析法,以两座保护再利用的高校历史建筑为例,依照现阶段防火规范,分析历史建筑防火现状,指出所存在的安全隐患,提出符合保护历史建筑原则和现代防火安全要求的实质性改善建议,进一步总结在保存建筑历史与文化价值的同时,提升建筑本身的防火安全的原则与方法。  相似文献   

城市的大拆大建,是城市发展必然要经历的过程。只有珍惜过去,又不局限于过去,才能发展现在。在上海这个有着深厚历史积淀的城市,保存着许多有历史价值的老建筑,这些资料都是弥足珍贵的,一旦失去就很难弥补。因此,做好风貌建筑的历史考证和保护修缮是如今面临的一个重要的课题。  相似文献   

侯汉成 《今日消防》2022,7(3):21-23
在当下消防工作中,气体灭火系统对于大多数城市来说非常重要,尤其是在经济快速发展,建筑行业突飞猛进的时代,不少城市开始出现大量的建筑物,而这些建筑物刚好是城市发展的标志,而密集的城市建筑物也给消防安全带来了隐患,严重的火灾事故时有发生。因此,消防系统的发展开始成为社会发展的重要组成部分。而气体灭火作为其中重要的系统之一,凭借其独特的优势和广泛的使用范围赢得了社会的认同,与此同时,气体消防灭火系统的消防监督检查系统开始成为消防工作关注的重点,相关消防工作人员要注意各个消防系统的操作要点,从消防防控着手,保证气体灭火系统在消防监督检查技术的保障下,发挥出更大的作用。  相似文献   

牛姗姗 《城市建筑》2014,(18):238-238
火灾对人的生命安全和公共财产造成了极大地威胁。如今,城市中高层智能化建筑物火灾发生的现象比较严重。本文浅析了该类建筑的特点,分析火灾成因以及火灾造成的危害形势,抛砖引玉,希望降低此类火灾发生的频率。  相似文献   

赵万民  毛芸芸 《华中建筑》2009,27(7):134-138
该文探讨了地方性寺庙建筑及建筑群保护规划的相关问题,并结合重庆市级文物保护单位梁平县双桂堂的保护规划实践,在历史遗产的文化多样性、文物古迹保护的真实性与完整性、维修保养过程以及木结构油饰彩画的表面处理等几个方面进行了具体阐述。  相似文献   

上海历史建筑修缮的防火对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合上海历史建筑防火保护的实际情况,阐述建筑修缮过程中的消防问题,如建筑耐火极限低、消防总平面布局不合理、防火间距不足等,结合建筑特点以及文物保护的原则,提出相应的防火安全对策,以实现经济效益性、社会安全性以及文明价值性的有机统一。  相似文献   

重庆湖广会馆是重庆城市中心区的重要古建筑群,具有很高的文物和历史文化价值。文章重点介绍了湖广会馆及其周边的社区复兴,湖广会馆古建筑的修复和再利用。修复设计中,将历史建筑保护与市场文化经济相结合,发挥其社会经济价值; 坚持文物保护的科学技术观,强调文物修复的“可识别性”原则,结合现代科技手段, 探索适合东方木结构体系的符合中国传统审美观念的有地域特色的历史建筑修复方法。  相似文献   

Building safety and human behaviour in fire: A literature review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The most crucial aspect of a building's safety in the face of fire is the possibility of safe escape. An important precondition is that its fire safety facilities enable independent and adequate fire response performances by the building's occupants. In practice, it appears that the measures currently required by law do not always provide the support that people in burning buildings need. Consequently, understanding how individuals behave in the case of fire and fire evacuation is essential if we are to bring fire safety measures into line with occupants’ needs during an incident. This paper contains a review of the available literature on human behaviour in a fire so far as building safety is concerned. The findings are presented as an overview of the critical factors which determine occupants’ fire response performances, namely the characteristics of fire, human beings and buildings. The study highlights that some of the assumptions about the existing paradigm of fire safety in buildings are not consistent with the knowledge set out in the literature. The key observation is that psychonomics appear to have significant influence on occupants’ fire response performances. Accordingly, the traditional approach to fire safety will have to be supplemented by scientific knowledge from this field. Hence, there is a need for a new approach to fire safety design in buildings, which is set out herein.  相似文献   

复杂空间钢结构整体性防火分析的系统方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
复杂空间钢结构建筑的飞速发展为结构防火分析和设计带来了新的挑战。在分析现有规范和性能化设计方法中结构防火设计不足的基础上,基于火灾科学、结构工程、计算机模拟等多个学科领域的知识和研究成果,立足于复杂空间建筑的整体防火性能模拟与分析的理论研究和实际应用,建立空间整体结构火灾-结构耦合分析模型和系统集成方法,提出复杂空间结构整体性防火分析的系统分析模型,并进行实例研究。该系统分析模型综合考虑实际火灾的发展蔓延过程以及火灾对结构体系的影响,研究建筑火灾中火场状况与空间结构体系之间的相互关系,对大空间建筑在各种火灾场景下的结构反应进行仿真模拟,从而进行整体性系统化的分析和评估。本课题的研究在理论分析的基础上为结构整体防火分析提出了新的手段和思路,可为我国建筑防火研究和建筑防火设计、消防救援、应急预案制定等工程实际应用提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

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