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本文提出了物流园区选址的点和直线段加权Voronoi图的界定模型,改进了加权Voronoi图的以往局限性,实现了物流系统内空间服务范围的动态划分,构建了连续型直线段加权Voronoi图的选址模型,同时对选址模型进行分析及评价。  相似文献   

通过构建区域火灾风险评估指标体系,利用GIS的空间分析功能对福清市中心城区火灾风险影响因子进行评估,并结合各因子权重,对所有风险因子进行叠加分析,得到城市火灾风险等级图,并基此对该中心城区提出相应的消防安全规划措施。  相似文献   

文章以典型滨海城市厦门市为例,进行 风暴潮灾害情景下的灾害影响分析及应急避难 场所分布、可达性、服务性进行评价,为滨海城 市在风暴潮灾害情景下的城市韧性建设提供一 定的参考。结果表明在1.08 m及4.92 m海洋增水 情况下厦门市将分别有331和632个重要城市基 础设施处于灾害风险中。根据应急避难场所可 达性及服务评价,现有的82处大型应急避难场 所和234处其他紧急避难场所不能有效覆盖和 服务灾害风险区域,对此提出了一些应急避难场 所优化和增设的建议。  相似文献   

避难空间是城市面对灾害时为居民提供防御场所的重要公共设施,其选址及规划的合理与否直接关系到灾难来临时居民的生命财产安全。目前我国的相关研究较少从公共设施服务于居民的思路去关注避难空间体系的规划建设。为此,研究提出了一种基于公共设施区位选择的理论,构建从紧急避难场所到固定避难场所再到中心避难场所的避震空间体系规划方法。该方法的运用可以高效地进行避难空间选址,其所形成的避难空间系统在灾后的不同阶段均可以满足人群的避难需求。研究结合常熟市地震避难场所规划,明确避震空间体系布局,划分各等级场所的服务范围,以期为未来的城市避震空间体系规划及改造提供参考。  相似文献   

汪鑫  吕萧 《中外建筑》2013,(3):42-45
在中国城市快速发展的时期,人口向特大城市高度集聚。并且伴随快速城市化进程,全球环境逐渐恶化,大规模的自然灾害不断爆发,城市公共安全面临着越来越重的压力。应急避难场所的建设成为城市防灾减灾规划中的重点项目。本文在分析武汉市应急避难场所的现状空间分布基础上,总结出武汉市城市应急避难场所的空间分布特征,并且进一步对武汉市各区应急避难场所需求量进行分析。从区位地质条件、人口密度分布、危旧房面积和不同性质用地面积四个方面构建应急避难场所需求量影响因素评价指标体系,计算各项指标值,确定综合受灾系数,计算出受灾人口规模,并结合人均避难面积,预测出应急避难场所的需求量。  相似文献   

现阶段,避难场所对于复合型灾害响应的诉求日益凸显.文章对综合性避难场所的概念进行界定,在对各类型灾害避难要求研究的基础上,提出综合避难场所的规划流程,认为在规划实践中,综合避难场所的规划应该包括前期研究阶段、中期布局阶段以及后期管理阶段.以张家港中心城区为实例,利用GIS软件工具,对张家港市主要灾害(地震、洪水)风险进行评估、需求测算和适宜性评价,并统筹安排布局综合性避难场所和仅针对地震灾害的避难场所.  相似文献   

针对目前我国城镇市政设施投资项目环境影响后评价的现状,提出了基于GIS的图形叠置法,并选用Mapinfo作为开发平台,对城镇市政设施投资项目进行环境影响后评价.选出大气质量、水资源、噪声、土壤、生态等9个评价因子,确定其权重,利用GIS的处理属性数据的功能和缓冲区分析、叠置分析等空间分析功能,制作出了各评价因子的影响程度等级图,加权叠加得到复合图,得出最终的评价结果,实现了信息的可视化与后评价工作的计算机化,并以实例进行了说明.  相似文献   

在地震发生时,居民的疏散避难是一个以人为主体、空间为客体的活动。避难场所不仅仅是公共服务设施空间布局时需考虑的问题,它与人的避难需求和避难行为特征密切相关。选取南京市12个高层住区进行实地调研和问卷调查,通过行为地图的研究方法来收集第一手数据。通过详细剖析各个样本住区避难场所的相关数据,分析和归纳高层住区居民选择的避难场所的空间特征——避难距离、可达性和均衡性,阐述了空间特征的影响要素。从人的角度出发,对避难场所的规划和设计提出了服务半径、可达性、空间选址和空间布局方面的规划策略。  相似文献   

现代城市社会灾害形势严峻复杂,民众的安全避难需求需得到充分保障,故从中观尺度的城市避难空间出发,基于民众空间感知视角对唐山市中心城区避难场所布局进行空间量化分析.文章通过空间句法工具对设施所处城市网络空间效率进行论证,借助线段模型标准化角度整合度、标准化角度选择度指标,评估现状避难场所空间分布的合理性.结果表明,避难场所空间分布不均衡,空间感知能力在两级场所层级均有较大提升空间,需采取规划措施以提高空间效率.  相似文献   

城市可持续发展,需提高城市的综合防护减灾能力,通过分析我国城市避难场所和防护减灾方面存在的问题,提出了将城市避难场所与地下空间进行复合开发,使之成为解决城市地面避难空间不足,合理开发地下空间,提高城市综合防护减灾能力的有效途径.  相似文献   

现场调研发现,不规则柱状节理岩体柱列横截面为不同边数多边形镶嵌组合图形。为了生成不规则柱状节理网络,基于voronoi图生成原理建立了不规则柱状节理岩体柱列横截面镶嵌组合图形的随机模拟方法,即:先将不规则柱状节理岩体区域假设为矩形区域,确定该矩形区域的范围,然后在该区域内采用随机函数生成一定数量的随机点,通过控制镶嵌组合图形不同边数多边形的比例对随机点进行筛选,得到生成voronoi图所需数据点,然后采用delaunay三角剖分算法生成voronoi图,即为所需不规则柱状节理岩体柱列横截面镶嵌组合图形,再在CAD软件中对该镶嵌组合图形进行编辑处理,即可得到不规则柱状节理网络三维模型,可为后续3D打印柱状节理网络实体模型和建立不规则柱状节理网络数值计算几何模型提供支撑。最后,以Giant's Causeway典型柱状节理岩体为例进行其柱列横截面镶嵌组合图形随机模拟,初步验证了上述方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

城市应急避难场所规划研究——以深圳市龙岗区为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林晨  许彦曦  佟庆 《规划师》2007,23(2):58-60
城市应急避难场所规划应从宏观层次划分防灾分区,从中观层次划分防灾单元,在微观层次确定避难场所的结构功能;应遵循一场所用,就近布置的原则;根据避难场所等级(市级、区级、街道级和社区级)确定服务半径;场所选择应考虑安全性、基础设施、疏散通道、标识系统等因素.  相似文献   

成本控制对提高项目管理水平、扩大项目利润空间具有重要意义。责任成本测算作为工程项目成本控制的有效方法被许多企业认可,但是工程项目的许多不确定性限制了这种方法的应用。以水利工程项目群为基础,从概率论的角度分析了人为、环境等不确定性因素对责任成本测算的影响,并提出应对不确定性的具体措施。针对水利工程项目特点对责任成本测算方法进行研究,提出了“小循环”成本测算方法,将不确定性因素产生的总影响考虑在责任成本测算额之内,为项目成本测算的合理性与准确性提供了思路,并为责任成本测算在水利工程项目中的应用提供了方法。  相似文献   

为得出巷道围岩应力空间分布特征,以圆形断面巷道为例,采用复变函数方法得出其应力解,并把映射空间解转化为巷道所在空间解后对巷道周围岩体应力场进行仿真分析,得出了巷道周围岩体应力场分布直观图,可方便直观的了解巷道围岩任意位置应力分布情况。并考虑不同半径、不同侧压系数对围岩应力场的影响,得出了:圆形巷道围岩应力峰值及其出现方向与半径无关;侧压系数小于1/3时,顶底板开始产生拉应力,大于3时两帮围岩开始产生拉应力;以及环向、径向、剪切应力及最大、最小应力的变化规律。  相似文献   

This study reviews the literature on the design, construction, testing and cost of blast and fallout shelters. The researchers found that nuclear weapon effects and shelter design are well understood; however, cost is an important barrier to the construction of permanent shelters. Single-purpose blast shelters have costs ranging from U.S. $500 to 2500, or more, per occupant (or per space), depending on size, hardness, location, and whether the shelter is part of new construction or retrofit. Multiplied by a risk area population of approximately 160 million, the cost of a blast shelter construction program would rival that of a major strategic weapon system. Options in the mid-range of expense, i.e. a few tens to a few hundreds of U.S. dollars per space, include: (1) requiring modification of limestone mining practices, where appropriate, to generate usable shelter space near cities; (2) encouraging the construction of earth-sheltered housing and other buildings; and (3) requiring and/or subsidizing the construction of dual-use basement shelter in new construction. A program using this approach would require an annual expenditure equal to approximately 1% of the annual defense budget for 10 or more years. The very low-cost (and less effective) options open to the U.S. government, with its current civil defense budget, remain as follows: (1) maintain the inventory of fallout shelters and identify space with some blast protection potential; (2) plan for “crisis upgrading” to improve existing space in a crisis; and (3) plan for construction of expedient shelters in a crisis. The crisis-implemented options require several days' warning in order to be effective. While much of the technology for protecting people against nuclear weapons effects originated in the U.S., we have not solved the political problem of allocating the resources to protect our own population.  相似文献   

In ancient Iran, in addition to defensive elements such as castles, fortresses, and fortifications, there were underground cities called dastkand. These cities had a shelter-protection function and provided safe space to protect residents when enemies attacked. In the scope of dastkand architectural studies, form typology, land-use typology, and provision of thermal comfort have been investigated in various studies but there is no study on dastkand defensive architecture, which is the main purpose of the present research. The research method is a mixed method (qualitative-quantitative). The required data are collected through a survey and then, analyzed using factor analysis in R method. The statistical population includes Iranian architectural heritage specialists and the sample size is estimated to be 165 persons. Sampling adequacy is confirmed based on the results of KMO test. The samples are selected using a non-probability sampling method. The obtained results indicate that ten factors have been effective in the architecture of Iran's ancient organic shelters. In order from largest to smallest coefficient of variance, the factors include collective defense, multi-layered defense, environmental camouflage, path control, self-sufficiency, secret passage, sustainable architecture, residential values, covert surveillance, and cluster development.  相似文献   

In Sweden most local social authorities sublet flats to homeless clients with special contracts. In spite of this kind of social housing there are people sleeping ‘rough’ or in night shelters. These realities were approached in a case study, where a group of social workers engaged in housing support and supply were interviewed and observed. Two sets of methods in social housing control and exclusion are identified: (a) the landlords’ strategy of border control, split into gate‐keeping and expulsion; (b) the social workers’ strategy of discipline, that is to control individuals, while keeping them inside the domains of responsibility. As landlords, the local social authorities applied both strategies to their clients/tenants. This resulted in reinforced border control and a justification of exclusion, which implied judgements of the clients’ needs and capabilities, as well as placing responsibility on the homeless themselves.  相似文献   

A proper location is one of the most influential factors in shelter performance. Although considerable research focuses on finding a suitable site for temporary shelters, only a few address the effect of post-disaster circumstances on discovering the optimal location. This study primarily aims to investigate the influential factors in determining a suitable place for temporary shelters after a crisis. Therefore, an algorithm is proposed. This algorithm is achieved by analyzing and computing the post-crisis urban route and facility accessibility based on photogrammetric photographs taken by an unmanned aerial vehicle/satellite.  相似文献   

Residential green spaces are one of the most frequently used urban green space types. Aiming at filling a gap in the existing greening indicators with considerations on the spatial differences of residential green spaces, as well as to inform the improvement of urban green space service, three greening indicators, i.e. residential unit’s green coverage rate, green view index, and park ratio within a 500 m service radius, are proposed in this paper. This study selects 14,196 residential units in built area of Shenzhen City in 2017 to measure the greening rate and the geographic spatial factors of the units upon multi-sourced geographic databases such as land cover maps and street view images. The research reveals that: 1) the three indicators can all independently measure the greening rate within or around residential units; 2) the studied residential units are low in residential unit’s green coverage rate and park ratio within a 500 m service radius, but high in green view index; 3) there are significant disparities of the greening rate and the surrounding parks in 500 m service radius among the studied units, and among different housing property rights, showing a disequilibrium in green space service; and 4) the greening rate of residential units is mainly impacted by factors such as development intensity, types of housing property right, altitude, and location. In conclusion, it is suggested that urban green space layout should prioritize improving the spatial distribution and layout of residential green spaces, especially for the socially vulnerable population. Finally, the study points out that the park ratio within a 500 m service radius can be adopted as a supplement to existing greening indicators for residential areas.  相似文献   

本文对“四心法”椭圆提出了新画法。文中通过分析图形中的边角关系,推导出确定椭圆大、小圆弧半径长度的通用计算公式。应用公式计算的数值,以“量取法”绘制椭圆,例举了画法。  相似文献   

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