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董延涛  邢万里  王京 《矿产勘查》2023,14(10):1849-1855
文章剖析了中国矿产资源勘查开发面临的战略机遇和风险挑战,从行业运行规律、宏观管理政策、资本市场发展等方面分析了资本支持矿产资源勘查存在的突出问题,在此基础上,提出了新形势下资本市场支持中国矿产资源勘查、助力国家资源安全的思路框架和路径举措:(1)统筹谋划,为社会资本支持矿产资源勘查开发提供战略指引。(2)改革创新,持续打造更加良好的矿业发展营商环境。(3)试点先行,建立完善以中国特色风险勘查资本市场为核心的多层次矿业资本市场。(4)银企联动,创新完善矿产资源勘查开发间接融资支持体系。(5)精心培育,弘扬企业家精神,加快建设风险勘查经营主体。(6)扩大开放,建立更高水平开放型勘查开采新体制。(7)综合保障,加快完善矿产资源勘查开发综合服务体系。  相似文献   

阿尔及利亚民主人民共和国矿产资源丰富,矿产资源品类逾30种,其中铁矿储量估计达40亿t,且平均品位高,还拥有丰富的油气、磷、金、铅锌等能源与矿产资源,多为我国所亟需紧缺资源。其广袤的陆域面积被撒哈拉沙漠覆盖,三分之二的区域都没有充分勘探或未勘探,投资基础较好。本文系统了梳理阿尔及利亚矿产资源禀赋,分析了其矿业勘查开发集中在铁矿、磷矿、金矿等,金属矿产勘查投入自2010年持续走低的现状,对矿业投资环境及主要投资风险进行深入剖析,旨在为中国矿业企业在阿尔及利亚投资提出建议。  相似文献   

经数十年的强力开发,小秦岭地区中浅部金矿保有资源量处于濒临枯竭的境地,急需补充新的资源储量,同时亟需开展对深部金矿资源勘查。因此对深部成矿规律研究和成矿预测的开展就显得十分迫切。幔枝构造是近二十余年兴起的新的构造理论,近年来,我们在开展小秦岭金矿田成矿规律及深部找矿预测研究项目中尝试运用地幔柱理论对小秦岭金矿的成矿进行解释,以期对小秦岭金矿田的成矿规律、成矿模式、找矿方向提出新的认识,对以后的勘查工作提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

文章在系统搜集了亚洲、非洲、南美洲、北美洲、欧洲等30个国家和地区的钾盐资料的基础上,分析了100个钾盐矿床地质特征和所在国的政治、经济、法律等投资环境。通过资料分析和信息研究,总结出全球钾盐矿床的时空分布规律,阐明钾盐矿床形成的地质背景和成矿条件,根据钾盐矿床形成的大地构造、沉积建造和古气候条件,划分全球钾盐成矿区带,其中亚洲11个、非洲4个、南美洲4个、北美洲8个,欧洲(含俄罗斯)8个。为国家制定境外钾盐勘查、开发和资源利用战略及合理部署钾盐勘查开发工作提供了基础信息和科学依据,为国内地勘单位和企业到境外进行钾盐勘查、开发投资提供参考。  相似文献   

紫金矿业是一家以金、铜、锌等金属矿产资源勘查和开发为主的大型矿业集团。现有主要投资项目分布在全国18个省区和海外11个国家。在国内,拥有福建上杭紫金山金铜矿、吉林珲春金铜矿新疆阿舍勒铜矿、黑龙江多宝山铜矿、新疆乌恰锌矿等一批主力矿山;在海外,有巴布亚新几内亚波格拉金矿、刚果(金)科卢韦齐铜矿、俄罗斯图瓦锌矿等8个在产矿山,在建的刚果(金)卡莫阿铜矿、塞尔维亚Timok铜矿为世界级超大型高品位铜矿’卡莫阿铜矿铜金属资源储量4249万吨,是非洲第一 大、全球第四大铜矿。主要矿山2018年保有资源/储量见下表。  相似文献   

正国土资源部在中国国际矿业大会期间发布了《中国矿产资源报告(2016)》。"十二五"期间,我国铜矿、铅锌矿、钨矿、钼矿、金矿等重要矿产形成一批新的资源基地,为"十三五"重塑矿产资源勘查开发格局奠定了基础。进一步摸清资源家底。"十二五"期间,地质勘查投入为5681.8亿元。与"十一五"末相比,"十二五"末主要矿产查明资源储量,铜  相似文献   

由越南工贸部和中国商业联合会举办、越南建设部支持的第三届中国商品(越南)交易会暨建工机械及建材展览会”将于2009年6月11—14日在越南河内市友谊文化宫举行。越南作为东盟新兴的经济增长市场,近几年一直保持较高的经济增长,成为国际上继中国之后经济增长幅度最快的国家之一。为了更好地吸引更多的外资到越南投资和落户,越南政府也加快了基础设施等方面的建设。  相似文献   

四川省西部是该省岩金矿床重要且较集中的产地,2011年实施找矿突破战略行动以来,四川省在岩金找矿中也有较多新发现,但总体上金矿勘查开发进展缓慢,地质工作程度较低。本文从各矿床成因类型中选取层控-热液型东北寨金矿床、构造-热液型张家坪子金矿床、海相火山岩型梭罗沟金矿床、斑岩(玢岩)型金木达金矿床、岩浆热液型黄金坪金矿床及接触交代(矽卡岩)型阿西金矿床作为研究对象,在重点介绍其矿床地质特征及勘查程度的基础上,总结其成矿地质共性特征,并探讨四川省西部各典型岩金矿床成矿规律,以期为该地区的岩金矿找矿工作提供一定参考,助力同类型金矿资源勘查与评价工作。  相似文献   

随着我国国民经济的持续快速发展,对各种矿产资源的需求也大幅度增加,国内主要矿产资源存在品位低、贫矿多而富矿少、规模小等特点,人均占有的资源储量非常低。当前国内矿产资源供给很难满足国内高速发展的中国经济和人民生活质量提高之要求,因此矿产资源对外依存度不断上升,越来越多的企业走出去进行海外风险勘查及矿业项目并购,以便保障国家资源供给。加之当前我国注重生态环境建设,逐步淘汰落后的产能工业,因此国内矿业发展面临挑战。“走出去”和“一带一路”境外资源勘查与开发已经形成共识。鉴于海外资源勘查不确定因素诸多,如政治风险,社区风险,矿业政策风险等,加之勘查项目周期长,勘查成本不断增加,因此海外资源勘查项目投资风险很高。如何在最短时间内,用最佳的找矿手段组合,用最少的投资,发现可供开发的经济矿床,是矿业投资者关心的问题。十多年来,中色地科公司先后在埃塞俄比亚、厄立特里亚、坦桑尼亚、老挝、美国和加拿大等国家先后进行自有矿权的风险勘查,构建了一套比较完整的海外矿产资源快速评价体系,取得了良好的找矿效果,并及时地将勘查成果转化为投资收益。该体系由遥感图像解译、大比例尺矿化带及蚀变带靶区填图、原位XRF土壤地球化学测量、物探低空航磁、IP、TEM及重力测量、深部钻探工程验证、三维地质模型创建及资源量估算等勘查手段构成,目前基本上形成天地空一体化海外快速勘查评价体系。该文首先介绍了该快速勘查评价体系勘查方法集成,并以埃塞俄比亚北部VMS型铜锌金银多金属矿床找矿的成功案例进行分析说明,以期为国内相关单位在境外资源勘查找矿参考。  相似文献   

四川省的金矿资源储量较为丰富,产能有极大提升空间。通过对四川金矿勘查、开发现状进行调查和研究,对四川金矿的发展思路进行了探索,提出了意见和建议。在做好生态环境保护的前提下,鼓励对未在保护区的区域进行勘查开发,为"边远山区"实现乡村振兴,巩固脱贫攻坚成果贡献力量;扶持1~2家黄金企业上市融资,为四川黄金事业发展插上腾飞的翅膀。  相似文献   

孙春强  赵仕玲  闫卫东 《矿产勘查》2021,12(4):1090-1093
2019年,世界矿业市场动荡不安。本文通过对全球矿业法律法规政策与管理形势的变化进行系统梳理和分析,得出如下认识:约有20个国家或地区涉及到矿法修改。在坚持强调环境保护的基础上,许多国家采取加快审批、放宽外商投资准入等不同措施,积极鼓励矿业投资,促进矿产资源勘查开发。同时,通过提高权益金比率、推进社会责任的履行等方式,掌握主动权,保障政府和社区获得更多的矿产资源开发收益。  相似文献   

我国房地产行业的外资参与及其影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前,外来投资者正在快速且全面进入我国房地产市场的各个环节,受到各方的广泛关注.本文总结了进入中国房地产行业的外资来源和投资形式,分析了我国房地产行业利用外资的现状和表现,认为日趋成熟的市场环境、丰富的投资机会和逐渐清晰可控的房地产投资风险是当前外资进入我国房地产市场的主要原因.同时提出,应该肯定外资的引入有利于推动我国房地产行业的竞争和成熟;也应对外资进行政策引导,保持我国房地产市场发展的独立和稳健.  相似文献   

Foreign investment by means of equity participation of foreign firms in local firms contributes to local industrial development through transfer of technology and through leveraging capital requirements. During the last two decades the nature of foreign equity participation in firms and the location of FDI in four ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines, referred to hereafter as the ASEAN-4 countries) has undergone a significant transition. From 1980-1994, the Japanese manufacturing industry was the major foreign industrial investor in the ASEAN-4 countries. The spatial pattern of equity investment and employment generation has been very different among regions in the ASEAN-4 countries. Using the Theil index we estimate disparity in employment generation and equity investment within and between regions of Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines in the context of each country's socio-economic geography and economic development characteristics.Received: 21 May 2002, Accepted: 14 May 2003, JEL Classification: F21, N950, R12The authors would like to thank two anonymous referees for their valuable comments on an earlier draft of this research note.  相似文献   

全球化、外资与发展中国家城市化——江苏个案研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
1990年以来,随着经济全球化进程的发展,自上而下和自下而上城市化不能完全解释当代城市化现象,外资成为城市化的新动力。首先,外资作为江苏城市化投资主体重要性增强。其次,外资带动工业化、推动江苏开放型经济格局的形成,吸收大量剩余劳动力,促进人口流动。再次,外资企业加快江苏人口迁移、推动农村人口向城市人口的转变;其在开发区的集中及发展,促使土地利用景观的变化,推动城市化飞速发展。最后,本文构建数学模型对江苏新的城市化动力机制进行检验,证明外资通过对江苏经济增长的显著影响加快江苏城市化进程。  相似文献   

孙春强  赵仕玲  闫卫东 《矿产勘查》2022,13(9):1400-1404
受新冠肺炎疫情影响,2021年尽管全球经济有所恢复,但是各国复苏程度不同。本文通过对世界各国的矿业法律、法规、政策与管理形势的变化情况进行系统研究,得出如下结论:资源民族主义在全球范围内蔓延并有所加剧。至少有二十个国家或地区涉及到矿法修改,矿法修改热潮可能再次兴起。各国加大了干预和监管力度,持续加强矿业权管理,谋求提高矿业税负水平,获得更多收益。同时,各国更加重视环境、社会和治理的建设,这对矿业公司也是巨大挑战,在绿色低碳发展趋势下,新能源汽车等行业对锂、钴、镍的需求快速增长,关键矿产成为竞争的焦点。矿业激励措施大多致力于刺激投资,以便取得更多的矿产新发现,推进矿产资源开发,应对未来供给不足的状况。  相似文献   

This article investigates whether labour market competitiveness affects the inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI) into the ASEAN economies Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. The analysis is based on a regression model using time series data on FDI, wages, the labour force, skills, R&D expenditure, the interest rate and several variables critical for economic development. The study shows that the labour market determinants differ between countries in terms of their role in FDI inflows. Thus analysis results suggest that, with regard to labour market competitiveness, different countries may require different policy recommendations in order to attract FDI inflows into their countries.Received: 2 October 2002, Accepted: 24 May 2003, JEL Classification: J240, J310, R230  相似文献   

本研究运用1990年代天津市外商投资的抽样数据,通过GoldenSoftware软件建立二维、三维空间模型,重点分析了天津市外商投资的空间分布的若干特征:外商投资选址与城市工业园区以及机场、港口等大型基础设施密切相关;第二、第三产业外商投资分布分别呈现轴向、圈层规律;动态空间上有扩散——集中——扩散的趋势;外商投资在中心城区总体呈现中心—外围递减规律,并且指出这些特征体现了新兴工业国家大城市处于工业化的发展期或高速发展前期的空间特点。  相似文献   

This paper critiques contemporary research and policy approaches taken toward the analysis and abatement of mercury pollution in the small-scale gold mining sector. Unmonitored releases of mercury from gold amalgamation have caused considerable environmental contamination and human health complications in rural reaches of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Asia. Whilst these problems have caught the attention of the scientific community over the past 15-20 years, the research that has since been undertaken has failed to identify appropriate mitigation measures, and has done little to advance understanding of why contamination persists. Moreover, the strategies used to educate operators about the impacts of acute mercury exposure, and the technologies implemented to prevent further pollution, have been marginally effective at best. The mercury pollution problem will not be resolved until governments and donor agencies commit to carrying out research aimed at improving understanding of the dynamics of small scale gold mining communities. Acquisition of this knowledge is the key to designing and implementing appropriate support and abatement measures.  相似文献   

There has been a growing academic focus on the economic, environmental, and social implications of sustainable innovation adoption. This work has largely focused on the developed world, yet the majority of people and future economic growth lies in the developing world. Further, most research examines micro data on consumers or firms, limiting what is known regarding the role of macro factors on diffusion, such as social systems. Addressing these limitations, this research provides the first high-level insights into how green building adoption is occurring in developing countries. Utilizing a hand-collected dataset of all green building certification activity in 97 emerging market countries over fifteen years, we examine the relationship between economic development and green building adoption. We find the use of international certification programs is far more common than domestic programs, and that domestic programs have only been originated in advanced emerging economies. Additionally, we observe a relationship between foreign direct investment into emerging markets countries and the proliferation of green building, and that in most cases, domestic certification programs only originate after international certification activity has been introduced to the local economy. Our findings carry economic and policy implications, worthy of consideration by both those interested in offering and attracting foreign investment in emerging market countries.  相似文献   

4. Conclusion: Employment-Intensive Investment, a Tool to Address Wider Policy Concerns Evidence presented in this paper indicates that a high rate of economic growth is a necessary precondition for a sustained reduction in poverty, but it is not enough. The degree of employment-intensity of the growth process is extremely important for achieving the goal of poverty alleviation. This is amply demonstrated by the contrasting experiences of the countries of South East and East Asia which succeeded in reducing poverty very substantially and those of South Asian countries where success in poverty reduction has been moderate. Limited data presented in this paper on selected African countries also points to the importance of employment. Indeed, employment-intensity of growth is seen to make a significant difference to the impact of economic growth on poverty reduction. Results of case studies presented in section 3 show that investment in labour-based approaches to infrastructure can not only generate much needed employment for the poor, but can also be technically sound and economically efficient. The added advantages of such approaches are their greater reliance on local resources and potential to save scarce foreign exchange. As infrastructure is a key factor in influencing investment, and economic growth, such an approach can engender a process of growth which is also employment-intensive and pro-poor. While the above has been demonstrated with particular reference to the infrastructure and construction sectors, there is also a great potential to apply similar approaches to other sectors, e.g, agriculture and forestry, manufacturing, environment protection, and services. If labour-based approaches could be mainstreamed into overall investment policies, that would enable the simultaneous pursuit of the objectives of economic growth, employment generation, and poverty reduction.  相似文献   

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