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考虑损伤的软土地基变形分析   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
在前期研究工作的基础上通过无侧限抗压试验和大量的室内固结试验,得到了原状土和重塑土的力学性质变化规律;在殷宗泽双屈服面弹塑性本构模型中考虑土体的损伤和流变特性,对一软土地基上的路堤沉降问题进行了有限元计算分析和研究,并与实测结果进行了对比。  相似文献   

以上海地区第④层淤泥质粘土冻融前后无侧限抗压强度为对象,展开实验研究,得到了5种温度(-5、-10、-15、-20、-30℃)下冻融前后无侧限抗压强度的变化关系,并对比分析;随温度的降低,融土无侧限抗压强度的变化速度小于人工冻土的无侧限抗压强度增加速度。运用损伤力学中损伤值的计算公式,计算出不同温度下冻融土的损失值,二者有较好的线性关系。  相似文献   

利用MICP技术固化南海某岛礁吹填珊瑚砂,对固化体试样进行了单轴抗压强度试验,基于损伤力学理论建立了单轴压缩条件下的固化体损伤本构模型。结果表明:利用MICP技术得到的珊瑚砂微生物固化体无侧限抗压强度均大于5 MPa,固化体单轴受压应力-应变曲线可大致分为压密阶段、弹性阶段、塑性阶段与破坏软化阶段。基于连续介质损伤力学理论,假定固化体微元强度服从双参数的Weibull分布,考虑应力-应变曲线特征进行参数简化后建立了单轴压缩条件下的损伤本构模型;模型采用经验拟合方程与损伤本构方程结合的分段函数形式,用试验资料初步验证了模型的合理性。  相似文献   

土层灌浆锚杆的蠕变损伤特性研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
蠕变行为是土层锚杆拉拔的重要特征之一。根据砂浆锚杆的抗拔蠕变试验 ,研究了锚杆抗拔的力学模型 ,计算出了模型中的力学参数和砂浆锚杆的长期抗拔力。另外 ,就锚杆拉拔损伤效应问题进行了讨论 ,引入了变形损伤效应和时间损伤效应的概念。结果表明 ,时间效应对于锚杆抗拔性能有较大的影响 ,在粉质粘土中砂浆锚杆的长期抗拔力比瞬时极限抗拔力下降 1 4~ 1 3。  相似文献   

张明  王菲  杨强 《岩土工程学报》2013,35(11):1965-1971
基于三轴压缩试验,结合统计强度理论和连续损伤理论建立了一种岩石统计损伤本构模型,并对建立的本构模型的数学意义和物理意义进行了讨论分析。由此可知,统计损伤本构方程实质是用对应于某一屈服准则的等效应力表示的连续损伤演化方程,能较好地描述材料的非线性力学行为,也能逼近材料的弹性应力-应变关系。统计损伤本构模型的统计参数均可以通过单轴或三轴压缩试验得到,在利用三轴压缩试验的轴向实测应力、实测应变时应当对损伤本构模型进行修正。对于单轴压缩试验的压密阶段,还给出了初始损伤的估计方法。引入对数正态分布和Mohr-Coulomb准则,通过理论曲线与若干岩石单轴、三轴压缩试验曲线的对比,验证了所提出的统计损伤本构方程及其参数确定方法以及模型修正的合理性,同时也肯定了对数正态分布和Mohr-Coulomb准则在统计损伤本构研究中的适用性。  相似文献   

侧限条件下钙质砂压缩和破碎特性试验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对取自南沙群岛永暑礁附近海域的钙质砂进行了不同终止压力下的侧限压缩试验,指出钙质砂在侧限条件下的压缩特性与粘土类似,其原因是钙质砂在常压力作用下发生了颗粒破碎。同时,对所有试样在试验前后进行了颗粒大小分析试验,并用Hardin模型对其破碎进行了度量。  相似文献   

结构性黄土的本构模型   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
天然沉积黄土具有结构性,因为其在结构破坏前后表现出非常不同的力学特性。为了真实地反映黄土的结构性、湿陷变形特性,在室内试验的基础上,应用充分扰动饱和粘土的稳定孔隙比和稳定状态原理,根据不可逆变形由团块之向滑移和团块破碎机理所引起的概念及土体损伤演化定律,建立了非饱和黄土的屈服函数和损伤函数,得到了非饱和原状结构性黄土的结构性数学模型。该模型能够模拟加载及其他力学特性,且物理意义明确,数值计算结果与试验结果吻合很好。  相似文献   

通过常规土工试验开展了一系列理论、试验等方面的研究,得到该类红粘土的常规土工指标参数,研究表明红粘土具有较大的特殊性,另外对比分析了一般黏性土与红粘土的物理力学指标,并结合现场取样和室内试验数据的情况可以分析出红粘土具有高液限、高含水率、高孔隙比、低压缩性、假粉性及高粘粒含量的特殊性。  相似文献   

根据损伤力学理论,提出了含初始损伤岩体动态损伤本构模型。结合Grady根据破碎能量守则给出的脆性材料动态平均块度尺寸公式,将初始损伤变量引入计算模型,并充分考虑爆炸应力波对岩体的破碎作用和在爆生气体膨胀及渗流压力作用下岩块之间的相互挤压碰撞作用,得出了爆破后的平均块度计算式,同时进行了试验验证。计算和试验结果表明,岩体的初始损伤对爆破效果的影响是非常显著的,但是可以通过改变爆破设计参数控制并利用初始损伤以改善爆破效果。同时还得出了一些有益的结论,对指导工程实践具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

针对混凝土在不同应变率加载作用下的变形和强度特征,在现有试验数据研究基础上,首先提出了基于热力学定律的一般弹塑性损伤模型,再将应变率敏感性参数引入其中,推导出了应变率型弹塑性损伤本构模型.模型计算结果与试验结果比较表明,所建立的本构模型可以很好地描述混凝土在不同加载速率时的力学特征.应用该模型可预测大范围应变加载情况下混凝土破坏强度.结果表明:应变率对混凝土力学性能影响较大.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2007,47(6):1029-1044
The naturally cemented clay preserving chemical bonds that was gradually disintegrated by weathering is a soil exhibiting a progressive failure such as a landslide. The residual strength of soil possessing cementation properties given by diagenesis has not yet been investigated. The objective of this study is to clarify the residual strength characteristics of naturally and artificially cemented clays using an improved reversal direct box shear test apparatus. Based on the test results of reconstituted Kaolin clay, undisturbed, remolded and reconstituted samples of three natural clays, this paper describes the influence of normal stress, shear displacement rate, consolidation and shear histories on the residual strength of cemented clay. Especially, to simulate the same mechanical behavior as the naturally cemented clays, the cementation was artificially reproduced by adding cementing agents to slurry clay. Consequently, 1) the residual strength of cemented clay is independent of consolidation yield stress and initial void ratio. 2) The residual strength of cemented clay as well as non-cemented clay increases with increasing the shear displacement rate. 3) The residual strength of cemented clay as well as non-cemented clay is not affected by any stress history.  相似文献   

The consolidation characteristics of clay, based on the isotache concept in which the strain rate effect is considered, have been studied by many researchers. Most of these studies are aimed at calculating the secondary consolidation with high accuracy in order to evaluate the long-term settlement of large structures. In this study, as the first step toward improving the accuracy of the evaluation of long-term settlement at the Kansai International Airport, the consolidation characteristics of Osaka Bay clay are examined and organized based on the isotache concept. This study proposes a simplified model based on the isotache concept by using a compression curve and the relationship between the consolidation yield stress and the strain rate. The former and the latter are obtained from the constant rate of strain consolidation (CRS) tests and long term consolidation (LT) tests, respectively. The latter is expressed by an equation with three isotache parameters. This model is very practical because it requires a minimum of only one CRS test and one LT test. It is widely applicable to the Osaka Bay clay. The isotache parameters used in this model can be commonly determined for the Osaka Bay clays retrieved from various depths at the Kansai International Airport.  相似文献   

It is well known that the deformation and stress-resistant characteristics of fine-grained soils, especially soft clays, are significantly influenced by the soil softness. It is therefore very important to employ a model which can accurately simulate the effects of this phenomenon. A constitutive model must be able to create a balance among stress paths, the number of parameters, the process of parameter determination, and finally, the simplicity of the computational calculations.The current study investigates the performance of a two-yield surface (cone and cap yield surface) model for soft soils. The efficiency of the cap yield surface has been studied as well. The model has been calibrated by employing the data derived from previous researches for Bangkok clay. The incorporated data have been obtained from the results of CD triaxial, CU triaxial, and oedometer tests. The proposed method for the model calibration can accurately predict the triaxial test results and oedometer test stress path simultaneously. This method for predicting the soil behavior is based on the main soil characteristics taken from common soil mechanics tests. It can be widely employed for engineering practices, especially when complicated soil behavior is encountered.  相似文献   

以成都黏土背景,展开三轴剪切试验,结果表明:黏土应力-应变关系为应变硬化型。以分数阶微积分理论为基础,考虑黏土加载初期土体性质的增强,及加载过程中的结构损伤问题,建立了基于应变硬化的分数阶损伤模型。考虑黏土损伤贯通变形全过程,引入改进的Harris函数,并假设损伤系数服从该函数的概率密度分布,黏土微元体服从DP3准则,构建了描述黏土应变硬化全过程的分数阶统计损伤模型。通过成都黏土和红黏土的试验数据,对本文模型进行拟合验证,发现数据与模型的拟合度高,拟合参数规律明确;通过对模型参数规律的分析,明确了各参数的工程意义及取值范围,表明了本文模型的科学合理性及先进性。  相似文献   

基于饱和土体TTM(Tsinghua thermodynamic soil model)热力学本构模型分析研究了饱和黏土的不排水抗剪强度各向异性问题。模型及试验研究表明:非等向或固结历史是引起土体强度各向异性的重要原因,固结应力比越小,不排水强度各向异性越大。不排水加载过程中主应力轴的方向对土体不排水抗剪强度和变形有着重要影响。一般而言,当主应力轴方向从0°旋转到90°时,土体的不排水抗剪强度逐渐下降,峰值应变却逐渐增大。此外,非等向固结会导致土体主应力与主应变的非共轴性。利用TTM理论模型,对Kaolin Clay 和Boston Blue Clay的不同试验结果进行了模拟验证和预测。结果表明,TTM理论模型具有反映和预测应力引起的饱和黏土强度各向异性和应变软化等特性的能力,同时也具备精准描述主应力轴旋转等复杂路径下饱和黏土的强度和变形特征的能力。  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate the failure mechanism of compacted clay liner (CCL) impervious structures caused by the dry-wet cycles in a landfill final cover. Experimental research is performed on the evolution of permeability characteristics and microstructure of CCL with different initial compactness under repeated dry-wet cycles. The research results show that the effect of dry-wet cycle varies significantly on clays with different compactness. The permeability of the low-compacted clay (90 %) gradually decreases as the times of dry-wet cycles increases, while those of the high-compacted clay (98 %) gradually increases. A non-linear variation relationship between the permeability and dry-wet cycle times with compactness of CCL has been established. The tests and the prediction outcomes of the models both show that, after several dry-wet cycles, the permeability of all compacted clays are greater than 1 × 10?9 m/s, which can not meet the anti-seepage requirement of the landfill cover systems. The change in pore connectivity caused by the damage of soil structure under the wet-dry cycles is the main factor for the change of the permeability characteristics of CCL. We’ve determined the quantitative indexes (critical pore size) that can present the connectivity characteristic of the pore structure of clay, for which the evolution law under the dry-wet cycles is the same as that of the permeability of the CCL.  相似文献   

给出了用粉煤灰、炉渣等工业废料加固土的室内无侧限抗压强度试验结果,分析了加固土无侧限抗压强度与外加剂掺量、养护龄期之间的影响规律,得出了针对不同工业废料加固土所用外加剂的最佳掺量。  相似文献   

软粘土地基塑性区开展的非线性有限元分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
本文按邓肯-张的非线性弹性模型,用有限元法计算各种情况下饱和软粘土地基随荷载的增长而增长的位移、应力与应力水平,从而探讨软粘土地基塑性区(即剪切破坏区)的发源、扩展与交遇等的规律。文中假设粘土在土自重应力作用下正常固结,在增荷过程未发生排水固结。最后分析了现场荷载试验结果,初步验证了本文的计算方法。  相似文献   

K0固结结构性软黏土的本构模型   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文在修正剑桥模型的基础上综合考虑了软黏土的各向异性、结构性及其演变和屈服面硬化规则中塑性剪切应变的影响,将传统模型发展为适用于K0固结结构性软黏土的本构模型。本文模型借鉴Collins等人提出的符合热力学耗散原理的本构模型,同时在描述土体结构性演变的过程中参考了Asaoka等人的次加载/超加载屈服面本构模型,并采用了具有明确物理意义的内变量。与传统的修正剑桥模型相比,增加了3个分别表征软黏土各向异性和结构性的参数(θn,R和R*)以及两个演化参数(m和a),而参数R和R*的初始值则可由结构性土的屈服应力比YSR和灵敏度St获得。本文选取了典型的浙江温州软黏土和Bothkennar软黏土,对比了三轴压缩的计算和试验结果,体现了本模型在结构性软黏土计算上相对于传统本构模型优越性。  相似文献   

温度对黏土力学特性具有重要影响,温度变化将引起黏土的体积变形发生变化,并对其前期固结应力、剪切强度、弹性模量等具有重要影响。基于黏土"热陷"特性,引入热屈服面以描述不同超固结比的黏土在温度升高时所产生的塑性变形,并进一步开展以下工作:(1)建立考虑温度影响的下加载面模型,由于保留了下加载面模型对超固结黏土应力–应变特性优异的描述能力,并考虑了温度对黏土的2种作用(即温度使超固结黏土的超固结比降低和温度塑性应变对屈服面的硬化效应),该模型可以描述温度变化对不同黏土力学特性的复杂影响;(2)证明了所提出的模型严格满足热力学第一、第二定律;(3)采用该模型模拟Pontida clay和MC clay在不同压力下的排水加热试验和在不同温度下的三轴排水/不排水试验,模拟结果与试验结果对比分析表明,模型能合理地描述不同超固结比的黏土在温度变化时产生的体积变形以及温度对黏土强度的影响等。  相似文献   

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