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鸟类栖息地是城市湿地生态系统的重要组成部分。鸟类通常作为检测城市湿地生境状况的指示性物种,在城市湿地的保育规划与管理中发挥极其重要的作用。从城市湿地鸟类的栖息地保护与生态修复着手,通过对武汉东湖绿心鸟类资源及栖息地调查及识别,对鸟类栖息地进行分类分级保护,并提出了对鸟类栖息地退化生境修复、生物通道连接、恢复自然岸线、构建适宜栖居的植被群落及完善监测评估的生态修复策略,以期为城市湿地中各类鸟类栖息地的保护提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

【目的】研究旨在通过构建栖息地适宜性评价模型,对山东省烟台市东岛咀滨海绿地的鸟类多样性和栖息地本底进行调查和评估,并为开展城市鸟类栖息地营建及海岸带生态景观规划设计提供参考。【方法】研究以烟台市东岛咀滨海绿地为研究区域,通过实地调查对其鸟类多样性特征进行分析,同时运用相关性分析和冗余分析探究表征鸟类栖息地食源条件、隐蔽条件和人为干扰强度特征的19个群落环境因子对鸟类多样性的影响,并在此基础上结合层次分析法构建东岛咀滨海绿地鸟类栖息地适宜性评价模型,对陆地区域的鸟类栖息地质量进行定量评价。【结果】分布连续的大面积林地是研究区域内鸟类多样性最高的区域;在不同海岸线距离梯度下,乔木盖度、乔木丰富度指数、灌木盖度、草本盖度等8个环境因子与至少1项鸟类多样性指标显著相关,其中,乔木层的结构特征对滨海鸟类多样的积极影响更突出;东岛咀滨海绿地的鸟类栖息地适宜性水平呈现近海区域低、远海区域高的特征。【结论】以阔叶乔木覆盖为主要特征的林地对滨海绿地鸟类多样性有突出的支持功能,是鸟类栖息地营建的重要生境。本研究构建的栖息地适宜性评价模型能够有效地模拟研究区域鸟类栖息地质量的现状分布特征,对烟台东岛咀滨海绿地未来的规划设计具有实际指导意义。  相似文献   

城市绿地植物多样性的图形化实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究随机抽取北京市原城8区内464处各类绿地,进行园林植物调查,计算生物多样性代表性的3个指标:物种丰富度指数、物种均匀度指数和生态多样性指数,统计分析北京市城8区在五环内的园林植物多样性特点,之后应用GIS空间分析模型,将相应数值采用空间差值计算,并和研究区域的地图叠加,将园林植物多样性指数在城市空间上实现了图形化显示。其结果对于城市园林植物多样性评价以及城市绿地系统涉及生物多样性保护规划的工作都具有现实意义。  相似文献   

随着中国城市化进程加快,城市景观也随之受到影响,其中校园鸟类栖息地也受到潜移默化地影响,所以,科学合理地设计和评估鸟类现状对城市中同类型的高校景观空间建设或维护有着重要的参考价值.文章案例选取基于北京大学校园,从生境基底与鸟类空间实测现状两个方面对校园鸟类栖息地进行评估与空间叠加分析.最终得出鸟类栖息地的5种不利模式与其相应的改造模式,文章结果对于未来北京大学的校园规划景观有着参考与借鉴价值.  相似文献   

城市自然保护地是自然保护事业的新 常态,中国西南地区既是中国生物多样性保护关 键区域,又是城市化发展迅速的区域,迫切需 要开展城市自然保护地识别研究。本文基于地 理信息系统和遥感技术,进行自然保护区、风景 名胜区等5类自然保护地的标定,并利用夜间灯 光影像、土地利用数据、城市遥感影像等多源数 据识别城市建成区边界,建立基础数据集。在 此基础上,首先通过自然保护地数据与城市建 成区边界数据的叠加识别城市自然保护地,其 次通过网络分析法、等时圈模型识别受城市影 响的自然保护地,并从规模、空间、价值3方面 入手分析了其分布特征。结果表明,在数量规模 方面,城市自然保护地中以湿地公园、风景名胜 区分别为数量、面积上的主体,各类自然保护地 中,分布在城市的90 min等时圈内的数量占本类 自然保护地总量的比值均超过90%。在空间分布方面,城市自然保护地主要分布在平原、丘陵、河湖水系周边等较易开展城市建设的区域,受城 市影响的自然保护地主要沿着省会城市分布,形成“一带四区”的模式。在保护价值方面,城市自 然保护地主要保护内陆湿地,受城市影响的自然保护地则是以森林生态类型为主。本研究为中国 西南地区的自然保护工作及城市自然保护地的相关研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

曾欣怡  宋钰红 《中国园林》2023,39(9):126-132
随着城市化进程的加快,城市生物多样性受到严重威胁,生物多样性热点分布区域的识别在城市生物多样性保护方面起着重要作用。以昆明市中心城区为例,首先对绿色空间进行解译,再运用MaxEnt模型识别关键物种分布区域,同时使用InVEST模型对生境质量进行评估,最后将绿色空间、关键物种适生区、生境质量分布进行叠加,分析昆明中心城区绿色空间的生物多样性分布格局。结果显示:生物多样性热点分布区占中心城区面积的38%,占中心城区绿色空间面积的89.5%。高生境质量绿色空间及核心绿色空间主要分布在城郊山地区域,整体性较强。关键物种分布绿色空间主要分布在建成区内城市绿地、河流或水面周围,分布较为零散。研究结果为城市绿色空间未来规划中的保护与发展提供了新的思路和理论支撑。  相似文献   

李相逸  曹磊  马超  李维榕 《风景园林》2018,25(6):107-112
由于湿地生态系统的重要性、脆弱性和复杂性,湿地生态系统的保护与修复是当今世界的热点与难点问题之一。本研究选取天津滨海新区的3处湿地生态系统作为参考场地,1处湿地生态系统作为验证场地,通过量化4处场地不同类型栖息地的7个环境因素,综合鸟类对各类型栖息地的使用情况,并采用逐步回归分析,结果表明植被覆盖率、植物水平斑块丰富度及人为干扰程度与鸟类物种丰富度呈显著相关,并建立模型1;植物香农-威纳指数、植物水平斑块丰富度及人为干扰程度与鸟类共位群丰富度呈显著相关关系,并建立模型2。最后,利用验证场地的数据进行模型验证,得出所建立的模型能够较为准确地对栖息地内的鸟类丰富度进行预测。该研究构架了1种利用栖息地类型预测场地鸟类丰富度的方法,以期供相关研究或实际规划设计工作参考。  相似文献   

综合人口密度和景观紊乱度等分析方法,叠加判定杭州市城市边缘区的空间分布。结果显示,杭州市城市边缘区以大尺度的面状形态构成杭州市多中心发展格局的空间本底。由此判断,城市结构从单中心向多中心发展的过程,是城市结构由量变到质变的过程。这一过程中,城市边缘区将对多中心的区域城市格局发挥着实质意义的支撑作用。强调城市边缘区对城乡统筹和城市多中心、网络化发展的重要作用,并将其作为一个相对独立的社会经济单元,进行城市地域空间结构的构建研究。  相似文献   

北京城市公园中鸟类对植物生境及种类的偏好研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究鸟类对植物生境及种类的偏好,有利于未来构建有特色的城市鸟类栖息地植物景观。以北京奥林匹克森林公园为研究场所,旨在分析森林公园中各调查样点的植物生境类型,根据鸟类对植物的利用情况划分不同的鸟类集团,探究森林公园中适宜鸟类栖息的植物群落类型及植物种类。结果表明,森林公园中共划分8种鸟类集团,以落叶阔叶乔木为主的,具有丰富乔木及灌木层次的植物生境能够吸引更多鸟类集团;在有小乔木或小灌木的植物生境中,其对鸟类群落的重要值明显高于其他植物生境;增加蔷薇科小乔木的比例可以提高鸟类群落丰富度,而灌木种类越丰富,也能够吸引以棕头鸦雀(Paradoxornis webbianus)为代表的第3(虫食—探取)集团的鸟类栖息。乔木种类中旱柳、栾树等对鸟类群落的重要值最高,在植物生境中能够快速提高鸟类的丰富度和多样性水平。研究结果可以为构建城市鸟类栖息地植物景观提供树种参考和建议。  相似文献   

刘阳  欧小杨  郑曦 《风景园林》2022,29(1):26-33
城市化进程和人口增长导致生物栖息地的破碎化和生物多样性的丧失,利用有效的模型和指标来评估景观连接度并用以构建绿地网络对于栖息地恢复和生物多样性保护具有重大意义。以北京市丰台区为例,首先,选用基于图论的连接度指数探讨适宜生物迁徙的绿地建设最优距离阈值,并根据景观连接度评价结果遴选源地斑块;其次,利用最小成本路径模型构建阻力面,采用Linkage Mapper工具确定物种迁徙的潜在连接路径;最后,根据电流密度量化源地斑块与廊道的相对重要程度,识别对物种迁徙至关重要的"夹点"地区,并将模型识别结果与遥感卫星地图以及鸟类丰度的经验观测结果进行对比校验。结果表明:研究区域西部绿地生态基底良好,为物种提供主要的栖息地;中部与东部地区绿地斑块破碎化严重,在夹点区域增加城市绿地作为物种迁徙的"垫脚石"十分必要。研究中引入聚焦于物种扩散的电路模型,弥补了城市绿地网络构建方法在生物多样性保护层面的欠缺,明确了北京市丰台区的生境质量现状与未来绿地网络发展脉络,为区域绿地格局优化以及生物多样性保护规划策略提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Urban environments are not considered areas with conservation importance. However greenspaces in cities have been previously identified as areas with significant avian biodiversity. We investigated the distribution and diversity of birds in what are increasingly considered as Metropolitan Manila's last greenspaces; the University of the Philippines campus, military cemeteries and two government operated parks. Using species–area analysis, abundance and diversity indices, TWINSPAN ordination and logistic regression to determine important landscape features for species presence, we describe the distribution of bird communities and diversity in Metropolitan Manila. Two major bird community groupings were observed. These are the urban exploiters and the urban adaptable with the former occurring in high abundances and the latter in low abundances in greenspaces. The number of built and natural spatial entities determines abundances. Species area analysis suggests that the greenspaces are distinct habitats that preserve faunal uniqueness whereas urbanization tends to decrease diversity. These observations suggest that greenspaces harbor significant avian biodiversity as well as the presence of endemic and threatened species. As the greenspaces possess remnant wetland and wooded habitat we recommend that they be preserved and maintained by ensuring that these habitats are incorporated in any urban development plan.  相似文献   

Large urban parks can support a diverse bird community. However, the effects of variability among habitats and of park management on bird assemblages are poorly understood. We studied bird communities within the Yarkon Park, Tel Aviv, the largest urban park in Israel. We examined species richness, abundance and community composition across 20 locations that differ in levels of park management to identify habitat variables responsible for variation in bird richness and composition. Of 91 recorded bird species, 13 were aliens (14%), 4 were urban exploiters (4%), 54 were urban adapters (60%) and 20 were migrants (22%). Management had a significant effect on native bird richness and bird community structure varied among areas with different management regimes. Species richness of all the above species’ groups was lowest in intensively managed areas. Areas with intermediate levels of management had higher or equal richness compared to unmanaged areas. The majority of urban exploiters were found at all locations within the park reaching their highest abundances in intensively managed areas. Species richness of alien birds did not vary across levels of management. Bird species richness was negatively associated with lawn cover and with distance from nearest water source and was positively associated with the number of woody plant species. We suggest that urban parks should be designed such that the heterogeneity of native vegetation is preserved, if we aim to maintain native bird species diversity and minimize urban exploiter and alien species. When lightly managed or unmanaged, urban parks can retain large remnants of sub-natural habitats and can serve as important contributors to the conservation of native biodiversity within a large urban metropolis.  相似文献   

Recent urban ecological research shows high species numbers in slowly developed cities and towns. Urban development is known to fragment, change and weaken urban biodiversity. Conservation areas have been the main tool in protecting threatened species both in rural and urban municipalities in Finland. However, very little is known about how successful conservation areas are in protecting rare and threatened species and their habitats in boreal cities and towns. Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is a rapidly urbanising hemiboreal city, which has a high number of vascular plant species in both native and urban biotopes. One and 0.25 km2 grid square maps and simple overlay methods are being used to analyse data on species occurrence and land use. Total species number, a rarity index and historical and threatened groupings are used to classify species and their habitats. At present, conservation areas can protect only a small proportion of threatened species in Helsinki. More protection areas, green areas in future land-use decisions and new management goals are needed to protect the biodiversity of existing vascular plant species.  相似文献   

国家公园的范围划定是国家公园设立和管理的基础,根据保护和管理对象的不同,范围划定采取的方式也存在差异。在总结试点期国家公园范围划定经验的基础上,从东北松嫩平原草原湿地生态地理区入手,叠加主要保护对象,擦除干扰因素,划定国家公园范围。基于该区域珍稀濒危水禽及其栖息地的分布特点,同时考虑管理可行性等方面,以原有自然保护地为本底,叠加珍稀濒危水禽及其栖息地,得出国家公园的优先保护区,在优先保护区的基础上,去除人为干扰因素,得出拟建松嫩鹤乡国家公园范围。通过保护要素的叠加和干扰要素的擦除,得出国家公园范围的方法,可以广泛应用于其他国家公园的范围划定。  相似文献   

S.C.  J.-M.  J. 《Landscape and urban planning》2007,79(3-4):323-337
The conservation value of suburban golf courses was assessed in southeast Queensland, Australia, by investigating their capacity to support urban-threatened birds, mammals, reptiles and frogs. Terrestrial vertebrate assemblages were compared between golf courses and nearby eucalypt fragments and with suburban bird assemblages. Biotic diversity varied among golf courses. While some had conservation value (supporting high densities of regionally threatened vertebrates), most failed to realise that potential, supporting only common urban-adapted species. Golf courses were generally a better refuge for threatened birds and mammals than for threatened reptiles and amphibians. Reasons for the relative absence of threatened herpetofauna are currently unclear but could be attributed to increased sensitivity to isolation, exposure to herbicides or greater disruption of ground-level habitats. While species-specific studies are required to identify the ecological role played by habitats on golf courses and the potential for long-term viability, the results confirm that suburban golf courses can have local conservation value for threatened vertebrates. Given their ubiquity, golf courses present a significant opportunity for urban wildlife conservation. Thus while the golf industry is making genuine attempts to improve its environmental management standards, it is important to ensure those efforts target the needs of regionally threatened species. Legislation may be required to ensure ecological criteria are incorporated in new golf developments. Ongoing research is investigating the effect that golf course design and management practices have on the local diversity of threatened vertebrates.  相似文献   

Urban expansion and human migration from rural to urban locations have complex relationships with environmental change. Habitat fragmentation, loss of biodiversity and vegetation changes are some of the most common impacts of urbanisation. In many Indian cities, the urban core is characterised by historical human settlements with narrow lanes and packed commercial establishments, while urbanisation that occurred after 1970s preferred spacing between the dwellings with more greenery or urban forestry. As urbanisation progresses, the urban fringes have more scope for incorporating environmental concerns and conservation. In this study, we measured species richness and abundance of birds within varied urban habitats and landscapes along the urban–rural gradient in Tiruchirappalli, India. We also tried to determine the linkage between bird diversity and landscape attributes including anthropogenic factors. Our observations showed that within urban areas, certain landscapes favoured species richness while many habitats are unfriendly for species but encouraged homogenisation. As we move from urban core towards rural gradient, the species richness increased; however, it is not uniform in all peripheral directions. Interestingly, the urban fringes at certain pockets had richness equivalent to rural locations. Species richness positively correlated with vegetation cover while built cover, noise, vehicular movement and pedestrians had negative impacts. As the urban fringes are in various stages of development, they have more scope for integrating ecological and biodiversity considerations and in this aspect wetlands, riverine farmlands and urban forests may play a crucial role in retaining native birds and also supporting migratory bird species.  相似文献   

郑冰晶  董丽 《风景园林》2019,26(1):53-57
植被覆盖率高的线性公园,可作为鸟类的迁徙途径和栖息之所,并猜测其可作为生态廊道的一部分,适宜的营造植物景观、提升植物种类的多样性对保护鸟类多样性有促进作用。因此,采用标准取样法对北京城市线性公园绿地进行研究,提取可能影响鸟类多样性的植物群落因素、植物生境因素,对提高鸟类多样性提出建设性的意见。研究结果主要表明,在线性公园绿地宽度30~200m内,随着宽度的增加,鸟类的数量有所提高;含有不同类型植物生境的线性公园绿地,对鸟类目标种的吸引力不同,植物生境类型数较多样的线性公园绿地具有较高的鸟类目标种吸引力;不同的鸟类目标种偏好在不同的树种上进行活动。  相似文献   

This paper reports ecological studies with special reference to avifauna at Jal Mahal Lake (urban) and Kalakho Lake (rural), Rajasthan. Both lakes provide habitats for various migratory and resident birds. More than 180 species of birds, some listed in the Red Data Book, belonging to 49 families were recorded. The birds commonly sighted included some endangered, uncommon, vulnerable, threatened and near threatened species. The overall status of avifaunal species recorded was much better at the less polluted Kalakho Lake than at the Jal Mahal Lake. The human activity around the Jal Mahal Lake and agricultural practices in the dried up area seem to be responsible for the decline in the number of bird species. Drastic regulations are warranted to save these wetlands.  相似文献   

It is known that habitats composed of spatially heterogeneous abiotic conditions provide a great diversity of potentially suitable niches for plant species. The scientific premises of landscape ecology suggest that, at a higher spatial level, also the composition and structure of the landscape mosaic, influences biotic processes and hence species richness. In this exploratory study we investigated if plant species diversity could be correlated with landscape structure and complexity indices which were based on Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite imagery. Plant species data were derived from the 4 km×4 km resolution Flora Database of Flanders (i.e. northern Belgium). Plant species number within the 4 km×4 km grid cells was positively correlated with most of the landscape diversity indices whereas landscape fragmentation indices only affected the group of the threatened species. We found a gradient of increasing species richness beginning from the rural areas of Flanders over the suburban towards the urban areas. This gradient was mostly due to the higher number of alien plant species, warmth indicators and threatened species in urbanised areas. We conclude that, at least in the studied region, the effects of landscape changes on plant species diversity can be monitored and predicted on a large scale and over long periods of time using land cover data. Bottleneck in this kind of analyses remains the reliability of the land cover data and the availability and reliability of the biological data.  相似文献   

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