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……金融危机对全球矿业开采及相关上下游行业产生了明显的影响,尤其是国外影响更大。国内矿产品需求有所趋缓,但矿产品需求的基本面并未出现根本性改变,仍将继续承担拉动全球矿业经济发展的火车头作用……中国能源结构仍  相似文献   

2018年,世界矿业市场转向下行,矿产品价格下跌。约有20个国家涉及矿法修改。在全球矿业更加强调环境保护的基础上,积极鼓励矿业投资,推动矿业开发,但资源民族主义继续抬头,方式发生变化,对投资环境造成较低程度的不利影响。  相似文献   

周平  唐金荣  施俊法 《矿产勘查》2010,1(5):426-430
充满变化与不确定性的宏观经济面决定了本年度矿业发展形势的多变性和不稳定性。一方面,近半年来油气价格渐趋稳定,贵金属价格持续震荡攀升,贱金属价格跌宕起伏,且中短期内受欧元区主权债务危机等不确定性因素影响,金价仍有上涨空间,贱金属价格将持续震荡下行,但从长期来看,经济向好、美元走弱等因素将主导矿产品价格走势,届时金价将回调,贱金属价格也将回升。另一方面,澳大利亚拟开征"资源超额利润税"、蒙古国停发探矿证,可能是资源民族主义、资源"国有化"趋势抬头的标志,全球矿业可能重回2008年金融危机前"从紧"的态势。  相似文献   

2017年,世界矿业市场有所回暖,矿产品价格相对回升。有10多个国家涉及到矿法修改。在激励矿业投资,推动着矿业开发更加开放的同时,资源民族主义有所抬头,对全球矿业投资环境产生不利影响。越来越多的国家将环境保护放在优先地位,不同程度地开始禁止金属采矿。  相似文献   

2022年受新冠肺炎疫情反复等超预期因素影响,全球经济复苏放缓,矿产品价格剧烈波动。本文通过对全球矿业政策的变化情况进行动态跟踪与系统研判,得出如下结论:资源民族主义和保护主义的表现形式更加多样化,全球矿业投资环境比以往任何时候都更加复杂多变,投资风险不断加大。越来越多的国家加入矿法修改的行列,矿业政策的调整更加频繁。发展中国家通过继续加强矿业权管理,维护良好的矿业秩序。许多国家通过国有化、成立国有矿业公司、限定矿产品价格和出口目的地等不同方式来直接干预矿业市场。资源国政府提高矿业税负水平的趋势明显,矿业公司将无法获得以往的高收益。以美国为首的经济体通过在世界范围内重组关键矿产供应链,持续深化竞争态势,试图改变原先的矿业格局。这些结论对于把握全球矿业走势具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

随着后疫情时代全球矿产品的供给、需求、流动性发生重大调整,矿产品价格大涨.与此同时,受到电力、能源危机的影响,供给侧减产叠加库存偏低,矿产品价格保持高位,伴随而来2021年全球勘探活动显著增加,勘探投入扭转近年来下降的趋势,触底回升,全球矿业走出低谷,迎来新一轮全球矿业周期.  相似文献   

2020年,全球经济严重衰退,各国矿业发展普遍受到影响.本文通过对全球矿业法律法规政策与管理形势的变化进行系统跟踪和比较研究,发现有十多个国家或地区涉及到矿法修改.在加强监管和环境保护的同时,各国根据矿产品价格和经济发展状况,采取了加强对矿业权的管理、减免税费、改革审批、放宽限制、放开更多土地用于勘查等不同措施,创造各...  相似文献   

从2008年三季度起,新一轮矿业衰退周期已经到来。日前,在全国地质勘查行业管理座谈会上有专家预计,矿产品价格回调趋势还将持续一段时间。自2003年以来矿产品价格一直持续高速上升,2008年以来又有新的大幅攀升,综合价格指数达到141,为5年新一轮增长开始以来最高的一年。国际铁矿石价格已连续上涨了6年,澳大利亚和巴西矿石的累计涨幅分别达到了410%和376%。  相似文献   

崔荣国  郭娟  王小菊 《矿产勘查》2011,2(4):330-334
“十一五”期间,我国矿产品价格综合水平增长超过四成,2008年的全球金融危机导致矿产品价格大起大落.原油、煤、铁矿石等重要矿产品价格高位运行,矿产品廉价资源时代已经过去,经济发展成本急剧增加.  相似文献   

当前全球商品价格居高不下,资本正在流向拉丁美洲的采矿行业.遍布全球的各跨国公司正在积极寻找开拓矿业资源的机会以便满足全球对石油、煤、黄金和其他矿产日益增长的需求.  相似文献   

史志峰 《山西建筑》2009,35(35):204-205
指出面对世界金融危机的冲击,拥有本企业的自有品牌、进行科学有效的品牌建设成了我国企业的当务之急,通过对我国企业品牌建设中的常见误区以及存在原因进行有效分析,为我国企业的品牌建设提供有价值的借鉴。  相似文献   

The unprecedented rises in house prices across much of the industrialized world during the period 1997–2006 have been closely linked to the massive global credit expansion of the past decade. They have also coincided with the highest rates of growth of the global economy on record. The downturn of house prices in the US that began in late 2006 has been the trigger for the US sub-prime crisis, itself the catalyst for the broad financial crisis that began in August 2007 which by September 2008 had become the worst US financial crisis since 1929. As a result, the structure of the highly influential US mortgage finance system has already changed fundamentally. These US problems will lead to a thorough review of mortgage securitization processes and of the wholesale funding of mortgage finance across the world. However, housing markets and housing finance systems differ significantly between countries and will channel the shocks originating from the US with varying intensity. Given the interdependence of the global economy, the quality of the US policy response and its impact on the depth and duration of the US recession will influence house price downturns in all other countries. This paper, written in the midst of the US crisis, looks to our understanding of fundamental economic and financial relationships: first, to describe the key features of the house price boom; second, to examine the likely impacts of the unwinding of that boom; and, finally, to bring out implications for affordability, the provision of housing credit and the most appropriate forms of tenure for higher risk households.  相似文献   

建筑企业海外业务受金融危机影响及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据笔者的经历及国内建筑企业开展国际工程承包业务的实际情况,对当前的金融危机对国内建筑企业海外经营的影响进行分析,提出应对措施及建议,将金融危机对海外业务的影响降至最低,给业内人士提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

虽然2008年全球金融危机目前已经使日本的经济进入衰退期,由于此次金融危机由美国引起,对于亚洲地区的影响相对滞后,所以2008年日本的建筑机械对亚洲地区主要国家中国、印度、俄罗斯、越南、韩国、新加坡、泰国、马来西亚(以下简称亚洲主要国家)等8国的出口情况(见表1、表2),总体而言2008年较2007年有不同程度的增长。  相似文献   

杨磊  付荣钦  侯同舟  王瑞权  张立剑 《矿产勘查》2022,13(12):1804-1810
冀东变质岩区磁铁矿床发育,多为鞍山式磁铁矿床,区域内矿山林立,现阶段矿山铁矿开采已到浅部资源枯竭的瓶颈期,高精度磁法可以寻找变质岩区深部磁铁矿体,经过钻孔验证磁异常,寻找磁铁矿体,为矿山后期开采提供资源量,解决当下矿山面临的资源危机。本文重点论述冀东某矿山高精度磁法深部找矿成果,为冀东其他此类型矿山找矿提供启示和借鉴经验。  相似文献   

李学智 《门窗》2012,(3):36-39
本文针对世界性金融危机对房地产业下游行业——门窗业的冲击,从门窗业现状分析,找出了门窗业市场目前出现的问题,指出了应该采取的一些措施,通过分析坚信门窗业定会迎来新的春天。  相似文献   

The late-2000s global financial crisis has wrought dramatic impacts on the construction industry. However, the issue of whether the crisis influenced the behaviours of the construction industry has not been addressed yet. This research presents an econometric approach to investigating the effects of the recent global financial crisis on construction labour productivity. By employing the error correction model and panel regression methods, the direct and indirect effects of the financial crisis on the changes in Australian construction labour productivity are explored at national and state levels. Neither the direct nor the indirect effects appear statistically significant. The results indicate that the direct effect of the financial crisis drives up construction labour productivity at the national level, while the indirect effect diminishes productivity. The effects of the financial crisis on the state construction labour productivity vary from state to state. The financial crisis influenced construction labour productivity directly and significantly in the northern and eastern regions, while the direct effects appear not significant in the other states and territories. The indirect effects of the financial crisis on productivity are statistically significant in three regions: the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Western Australia. By comparison, the model with the financial effects fails to provide more accurate simulating results. As such, this research concludes that the influence of the late-2000s financial crisis on Australian national and state construction labour productivity is limited.  相似文献   

The global credit crunch had a deep impact on the mortgage markets in Europe, including the Netherlands. When the credit crunch transformed into a debt crisis, this impact deepened. The impact of the credit crunch and the debt crisis (together: the global financial crisis) on the Dutch housing market is described here. The Dutch government started to react with a stimulating policy but since 2010 austerity measures have become dominant. The National Mortgage Guarantee (NHG) has been applied as an instrument to shelter home-owners against the hardship of the financial crisis. In this paper the role of National Mortgage Guarantee in the Netherlands is analysed. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of this guarantee as an instrument to cope with the impact of the financial crisis on the national owner-occupied housing market. The performance of NHG in 2010 is elaborated. The conclusion is that NHG has made the Dutch owner-occupied housing sector more resilient during the financial crisis.  相似文献   

袁琳  叶青  叶勇 《福建建筑》2011,(4):117-120
2008年美国次贷危机的发生,致使全球金融危机.深究此次危机爆发的原因,暴露出一系列房地产估价业的问题,包括信息不对称,估价方法误用,风险管理不善等.根据现有我国国内房地产市场的发展现状,对比美国次贷危机爆发的成因与背景,揭示出国内房地产估价业存在的严重问题.在对问题探讨与分析的基础上,提出了解决问题的建议及方法,将对...  相似文献   

近年来,由于矿山资源枯竭以及国家供给侧改革政策的实施,大量矿山面临关停,倘若只是简单关闭则会造成大量资源浪费,同时引发相关地质灾害问题。同时,关停的矿山仍然遗留了大量的资源可供利用,矿山地下空间作为一类特殊的地下空间资源,具有隔音隔震、恒温恒湿、屏蔽性好等天然优势,近来逐渐被越来越多的学者以及相关部门重视。本文以金属非金属矿山地下空间为研究对象,系统梳理我国金属非金属矿山地下空间资源分布规律及利用现状,并提出相应开发利用对策。以梅山铁矿为典型案例,结合当前国际废弃矿山成功开发利用模式及案例,提出地下储库型、污水处置型和科教型三种开发利用模式。本研究成果可以为我国金属非金属矿山地下空间利用决策提供战略支撑,为国家合理布局金属非金属矿山地下空间开发利用模式提供理论参考。  相似文献   

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