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圆心设站测设曲线是近年提出来的道路平曲线测设方法。基于检验该方法测设结果的可靠性,对不同精度等级全站仪使用该方法测设道路平曲线的测设结果进行分析,其结果表明圆心设站测设曲线的精度完全满足现行规范所规定的桩位限差要求。  相似文献   

当圆弧曲线测设现场障碍物较多。测设施工条件较差时,可采用在圆弧曲线的切线上任意定点.设置经纬仪,用极坐标方法来测设圆弧曲线,能较方便、也能顺利地完成测设任务。任意定点的多少,视曲线长短而定,其测设方法如下。  相似文献   

针对环形加热炉内衬砌筑的重要性,探讨了内衬膨胀缝的留设数值及原则,详细介绍了膨胀缝的留设方法,提出了膨胀缝留设时的注意事项,以积累内衬膨胀缝留设经验。  相似文献   

3、新设了经济指标,完善了标准的定量指标体系 在修订设镇标准的调查过程中,各省、自治区、直辖市普遍反映,新的设镇标准应增设能够反映设镇地方经济发展水平的经济指标,使设镇的指标体系进一步完善。为此,新的设镇标准设置了本级预算内财政收入、工农业总产值及工业总产值占工农业总产值的比  相似文献   

介绍了矿山立井提升容器挂设多种施工技术,对整体挂设、分段挂设、尾绳挂设三种施工技术的操作流程、要点及优缺点作了简要的归纳和总结,对同类工程施工具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

以往.由于受计算工具和测量设备等方面的限制,传统的曲线测设方法通常采用偏角法和切线支距法等。实地测设前必须进行曲线要素及其主要点的里程计算;测设时首先测设曲线的主要点.通过查阅曲线测设用表进行曲线的详细测设,这类方法晟大的缺点是内外业工作量大;实地测设受现场地形条件影响大;测量误差容易积累,测设精度低。  相似文献   

武汉火车站项目设计特点是不同建筑层面采用不同的布局方式:地上24m设各服务点和餐馆;地上17.2m设出发厅、服务点和候车室;地上10.2m设火车站台;过道走廊上设售票点;地面层设抵达厅和市郊多式交通转换区;地下6m设地铁站台.  相似文献   

高层建筑直连供暖技术,是本公司1997年率先推向市场的原创性专利技术。本技术专门解决高层建筑与低层建筑直连供暖难题,不设专用锅炉、不设水箱、不设减压阀、不设热交换器,完全利用水力自身特性来实现水流顺向的开与关并进行减压、排气。  相似文献   

整县设市是我国推进城市化的一种探索 改革开放前,我国设市一般采取切块设市,对新设小城市多采取在原县城城镇,即县城内经济最发达的地域切块,将其与原管辖的乡镇分开,单独设市。新建的县城与已设市的老县,扯皮多,矛盾不易解决,相互掣肘,影响经济社会的发展。  相似文献   

铁路勘测中线测设方法及优劣分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析了铁路工程定测过程中中线测设的方法,详细论述了拨角放线、极坐标、GPS-RTK和线间距计算法及其优缺点,指出不同的中线测设方法均具有其自身的优缺点,宜根据现场情况合理选用合适的中线测设方法,从而有利于保证测设精度.  相似文献   

采用混凝土的质量评价参数w1和动弹性模量评价参数w2,以及设计的评价参数w来反映混凝土在冻融循环条件下的性能劣化过程,寻出最佳的混凝土性能衰减评价方法。结果表明:评价参数w1、w2及设计的w能反映混凝土性能劣化或失效的过程,评价参数适用相同判定标准,判定法则简单、方便,新设计的参数避免了质量评价参数w1和动弹性模量评价参数w2不一致情况的出现,更加的直观合理,推荐使用新的评价方法。  相似文献   

The biosolids accumulation and biodegradation of domestic wastewater treatment plant (DWTP) sludge by filamentous fungi have been investigated in a batch fermenter. The filamentous fungi Aspergillus niger and Penicillium corylophilum isolated from wastewater and DWTP sludge was used to evaluate the treatment performance. The optimized mixed inoculum (A. niger and P. corylophilum) and developed process conditions (co-substrate and its concentration, temperature, initial pH, inoculum size, and aeration and agitation rate) were incorporated to accelerate the DWTP sludge treatment process. The results showed that microbial treatment of higher strength of DWTP sludge (4% w/w of TSS) was highly influenced by the liquid state bioconversion (LSB) process. In developed bioconversion processes, 93.8 g/kg of biosolids was enriched with fungal biomass protein of 30 g/kg. Enrichment of nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), potassium (K) in biosolids was recorded in 6.2% (w/w), 3.1% (w/w) and 0.15% (w/w) from its initial values of 4.8% (w/w), 2.0% (w/w) and 0.08% (w/w) respectively after 10 days of fungal treatment. The biodegradation results revealed that 98.8% of TSS, 98.2% of TDS, 97.3% of turbidity, 80.2% of soluble protein, 98.8% of reducing sugar and 92.7% of COD in treated DWTP sludge supernatant were removed after 8 days of microbial treatment. The specific resistance to filtration (SRF) in treated sludge (1.4x10(12) m/kg) was decreased tremendously by the microbial treatment of DWTP sludge after 6 days of fermentation compared to untreated sample (85x10(12) m/kg).  相似文献   

介绍改革房屋施工中装饰工程湿作业的各种途径,发展干作业的必要性、优越性、困难和前景  相似文献   

水灰比、胶集比及水泥浆量对混凝土塑性收缩裂缝的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新拌混凝土浇注成形后在模拟环境条件下进行试验。固定单方混凝土用水量的试验结果表明:较低和较高水灰比混凝土拌合物在塑性阶段不易开裂,而中间某一水灰比时对应的裂缝面积最大;这一最大裂缝面积对应的中间水灰比为0.4或0.45左右。胶集比或水泥浆量对混凝土塑性收缩裂缝的影响与水灰比的情况相似。水分蒸发速率随水灰比的增大而增大。  相似文献   

This study investigates the modification of bitumen with triethylene glycol based polyboron (TEGPB). TEGPB is a new additive material which was chemically synthesized at laboratory conditions. Four different TEGPB concentrations were used to modify 50/70 penetration grade bitumen: 1%(w/w), 2%(w/w), 3%(w/w) and 5%(w/w). The effects of TEGPB modification on the bitumen and bituminous mixture properties were determined by means of softening point, Marshall stability, Nicholson stripping, rotational viscosity (RV), Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) and Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) tests. Amount of TEGPB to be used within the bitumen has been chosen as 2%(w/w) according to RV test results. BBR and Nicholson stripping test results have showed that creep properties and stripping resistance of the modified bitumen was not adversely affected. It was also found out that softening point and rutting resistance of the bitumen as well as Marshall stability of the bituminous mixtures were increased by TEGPB modification.  相似文献   

绿色建筑评价中楼板撞击声隔声指标探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿色建筑评价中对楼板撞击声隔声的要求引用《民用建筑隔声设计规范》,单值评价量有实验室测量的计权规范化撞击声压级Ln,w和现场测量的计权标准化撞击声压级L'nT,w。对撞击声隔声评价指标Ln,w、L'n,w、L'nT,w进行理论分析,并结合现场测量和实验室测量对分析结果进行验证。结果表明:当建筑楼板的撞击声隔声性能较差时,侧向传声对测量结果影响较小,现场测量指标L'n,w与实验室测量指标Ln,w相差不大;L'nT与L'n在接收室体积V=31m3时相等,当接收室体积V>31m3时,L'nT会小于L'n,因此L'nT,w会低于L'n,w和实验室测量值Ln,w,接收室体积越大偏差越大,按照当前住宅户型的发展趋势,客厅体积一般在60~130m3,采用L'nT,w进行撞击声隔声评价会导致其数值低于实验室测量指标Ln,w,约为3~6dB;采用现场测量指标L'nT,w进行撞击声隔声评价会受到接收房间体积的影响,因此建议在现场绿色建筑楼板撞击声隔声性能评价时同时参考L'n,w的测量结果。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the concern that green buildings may promote energy efficiency and other aspects of sustainability,but not necessarily the health and w ell-being of occupants through better indoor air quality( IAQ). We ask ten questions to explore IAQ challenges for green buildings as w ell as opportunities to improve IAQ w ithin green buildings and their programs. Our focus is on IAQ,w hile recognizing that many factors influence human health and the healthfulness of a building. We begin w ith an overview of green buildings,IAQ,and w hether and how green building certifications address IAQ.Next,w e examine evidence on w hether green buildings have better IAQ than comparable conventional buildings. Then,w e identify so-called green practices and green products that can have unintended and unfavorable effects on IAQ. Looking ahead,w e offer both immediate and longer-term actions,and a set of research questions,that can help green buildings to more effectively promote IAQ. This article supports a grow ing recognition of the importance of IAQ in green buildings,and the opportunities for improvements. As the World Green Building Council [95] and others have emphasized,people are the most valuable asset of organizations,and efforts to improve IAQ can improve health,w ell-being,productivity,and profitability.  相似文献   

This note applies an input-output multiplier technique developed by Burford and Katz to analyzing the impact of potential high technology industries in a rural, four-state, thirteen county Midwestern region. By using the 1972 national input-output table coefficients and the Burford-Katz multiplier estimation formula, the estimated output impacts for fifty-one individual industries were calculated. The results indicate that within the four-state region, conventional industries would produce greater economic impacts than designated high-tech ones. This analysis could be performed rather easily for any other region in the U.S.  相似文献   

Responses to hydrocarbon stress of four tropical plants Panicum maximum, Zea mays, Centrosema sp. and Pueraria sp. grown in crude oil contaminated soils (1%, 5% and 10% w/w) were evaluated in a green house. Plants’ percentage survival, shoot heights, biomass development, and phytotoxicity susceptibility were used as indicators of growth, stress response and hydrocarbon tolerance. Relative to control, shoot heights and biomass of plants reduced with increasing hydrocarbon concentration, but 1% w/w oil-in-soil, stimulated shoot heights (5.9% and 6.4%) and weights (21.9% and 2.3%) in P. maximum and Centrosema sp. respectively. P. maximum tolerated the contaminant stress with biomass yields of 113% and 57% of control respectively in 1% and 10% w/w oil-in-soil. All the plants had 100% survival in 1% w/w, but considerably reduced survival in 10% w/w oil-in-soil. These results show that P. maximum has great potential for phytoremediation of petroleum contaminated soil.  相似文献   

商品砼道路工程表面起壳、开裂现象的原因与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对商品混凝土在道路工程施工中出现的混凝土表层起壳、开裂现象的原因和对策进行了分析。  相似文献   

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