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张浪 《园林》2022,(7):2-3
<正>2022年是联合国教科文组织第17届大会通过《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》(以下简称《公约》)50周年,也是我国加入《公约》37周年。《公约》规定了文化遗产和自然遗产的定义,基于此,我国“风景遗产”的概念是顺应《公约》价值趋向前提下,进一步结合我国研究实际,在风景园林学科体系下进行的界定。风景遗产是具有国家或世界突出普遍价值的地域空间综合体,包括但不限于具有自然科学价值、自然美学价值、历史文化价值。  相似文献   

《欧洲风景公约》的签订使景观特征评估方法作为一种政策工具上升到整个欧洲层面。作为景观评价的重要方法,景观特征评估对保护区域景观特色、保护和利用多重价值资源、引导城市发展建设方向、组织城市结构等具有重要意义。对欧洲景观特征评估发展历程、景观特征评估方法及景观特征评估应用3个方面进行了系统梳理与总结,以期为中国景观特征评估工作提供一定的借鉴与指导。  相似文献   

《欧洲风景公约》是第一个将风景作为规范对象的国际公约,这标志着"风景"概念从科学知识转化为行为规范,并成为跨国治理的政策工具。欧洲风景公约作为"软法"的本质特征是其规定性与确定性,精确的概念和严密的逻辑是公约文件的基石。从法规文本解读的角度全面阐释了公约的风景定义及其重要意义;深入解析了公约的总体措施与行动框架,评述了风景知识与风景行动的相互关系;并对公约在国家层面实施的干预机制、具体的实施方法进行了详细的阐述与解释。  相似文献   

文化遗产的定义 国内外用于文化遗产的准确定义需要辨析.在大多数情况下,辨析文化遗产的定义富含个人的价值观,以及文化遗产的公共性,因此对文化遗产研究需要有一个共同的广泛认同的概念.比较权威并且被世界各国普遍认同的"文化遗产"可根据《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》第一条来定义,下列各项可列为"文化遗产":一是文物,从历史、艺术或科学角度看,具有突出、普遍价值的建筑物、雕刻和绘画,具有考古意义的成分或结构,铭文、洞穴、住区及各类文物的综合体;二是建筑群,从历史、艺术或科学角度看,因其建筑的形式、同一性及其在景观中的地位,具有突出、普遍价值的单独或相互联系的建筑群;三是遗址,从历史、美学、人种学或人类学角度看,具有突出、普遍价值的人造工程或人与自然的共同杰作,以及考古遗址地带.  相似文献   

唐宋八大家之一柳宗元所作《永州八记》开创了游记文学的先河,文章以其中之一《钴鉧潭记》为研究对象,对钴鉧潭的重要性进行分析,从钴鉧潭周边及自身环境出发,分析自然景象中风雨、溪潭、奇石及鸟兽等所营造的声景观,探究自然景象的组合、尺度、地势转折、地理位置以及观赏时节的不同,进而营造不同的声音景观,对当代风景营造中对自然景象的运用及声景观的营造进行启迪。  相似文献   

端详山水,得体自然——论风景建筑创作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
风景建筑是指风景区或片段风景地段,以及具有风景性质的园林地段内的景观建筑。它从属于风景环境的景观要求和环境文化要求,是一种特定的景观建筑类型。风景环境是人类与自然、社会与自然相联系的理想环境空间。在工业社会和后工业社会中,这种理想环境对人类的生态平衡、生活需求、文化繁荣和经济发展等具有特殊的社会作用。风景建筑,其功能或宿或食,或憩或赏,或香或祀等,都作为人与自然的中介物存在于自然风景环境之中,人到风景环境中的主要目的是考察领略自然风物景色,风景建筑是服务于人更好地去实现这一旅行目的。人们认识风景建筑这种中介作用由来已久。1500多年前成书的《世说新语》上说:“过江诸人,每至美日,辄相邀新亭,藉卉饮宴。周候中坐而叹曰:‘风景不殊,正自有山河之  相似文献   

本文在分析《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》的经验的基础上,提出通过无形资产和旅游产业作为中介,借助市场力量保护历史文化名城和风景名胜区的新思路,摆脱单纯依赖政府进行保护的思维定势。  相似文献   

概述了文化景观在近期及可见未来的热点议题。在《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》40周年庆典之际,突出强调了景观真实性和完整性、可持续景观管理议题,阐述了《全球景观公约》采纳的必要性,分析了联合国教科文组织近期通过的《关于城市历史景观的建议书》及其引发的争论,表述了对传统乡村景观、自然和人为因素威胁下的景观等议题的高度关注,指出针对热点景观议题亟须发展新战略、新政策,亟须国内、国际各个层面的通力协调与合作。  相似文献   

建筑是风景中一种独特的存在。"风景"在建筑学语境中应被拓展为更广义的"景观",当代建筑和城市研究与景观已形成多重维度的互动,中外建筑师与艺术家在创作实践和理论研究中表达出不同的自然建造观念和思考,既有对自然哲学的追求,也有对自然资源和风景的利用。景观与建筑、城市之间形成了一种共构的复杂关系。从中国传统文化与当代艺术与自然关系的双重关照出发,尝试论述将一种更深入的自然观作为价值的维度引领当代设计的可能性。  相似文献   

韩锋 《风景园林》2012,(1):154-155
联合国教科文组织1972年的《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》(以下简称《公约》)是一个具有卓越远见的法律文书。过去近40年来,全球联手合作,致力保护具有超越国界、具有全人类突出普遍价值(OUV)的世界遗产,《公约》取得了重大辉煌的成就。  相似文献   

The European Landscape Convention   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Adopted in Florence (Italy) on 20 October 2000, the European Landscape Convention is aimed at promoting the protection, management and planning of European landscapes and organising European cooperation on landscape issues. It is the first international treaty to be exclusively concerned with all dimensions of European landscape. It applies to the entire territory of the Parties and relates to natural, urban and peri-urban areas, whether on land, water or sea. It therefore concerns not just remarkable landscapes but also ordinary everyday landscapes and blighted areas. The Convention represents an important contribution to the implementation of the objectives of the Council of Europe: these seek to protect Europeans' quality of life and well-being, taking into account landscape, cultural and natural values. The member states of the Council of Europe signatory to the European Landscape Convention declared their concern to achieve sustainable development based on a balanced and harmonious relationship between social needs, economic activity and the environment. The cultural dimension is also of fundamental importance.  相似文献   

Adopted in Florence (Italy) on 20 October 2000, the European Landscape Convention is aimed at promoting the protection, management and planning of European landscapes and organising European cooperation on landscape issues. It is the first international treaty to be exclusively concerned with all dimensions of European landscape. It applies to the entire territory of the Parties and relates to natural, urban and peri-urban areas, whether on land, water or sea. It therefore concerns not just remarkable landscapes but also ordinary everyday landscapes and blighted areas. The Convention represents an important contribution to the implementation of the objectives of the Council of Europe: these seek to protect Europeans' quality of life and well-being, taking into account landscape, cultural and natural values. The member states of the Council of Europe signatory to the European Landscape Convention declared their concern to achieve sustainable development based on a balanced and harmonious relationship between social needs, economic activity and the environment. The cultural dimension is also of fundamental importance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to put forward Turkey as a case study of the applicability of the European approach to landscape characterisation studies at the local scale within the context of the European Landscape Convention. For this purpose, a classification of landscape types with the help of LANMAP typology is suggested at the European scale in a basin in Turkey where there are obvious differences in terms of landscape characteristics. In particular, this study examines the usability of a countrywide thematic database when making this classification. It is understood that a mapping system as well as a common nomenclature of types of land covered at the country scale is insufficient for the suggested methodology for Europe. Later, results of the continuation of a classification system at the local scale for landscape characterisation are discussed, and some deficiencies of LANMAP when characterising the landscapes at this scale are mentioned.  相似文献   

The European Landscape Convention (ELC) highlights the landscape as an holistic concept, which is important for individual and social well being and for quality of life. Landscape questions tend today to fall between the responsibilities of different sectors of society. The implications of the Convention for giving 'landscape' a higher status in spatial planning are discussed. Important challenges for planning that need to be focused from a landscape approach are discussed: the growing urbanization; the development and new roles of the urban fringe areas; new infrastructure landscapes; the mental landscapes of tomorrow; an holistic approach to landscape ecological planning and environmental policies and the need for co-ordination of European planning issues that concern landscapes. Planning for good landscape qualities is not a new issue; many landscape architects and landscape planners have worked in the spirit of the ELC for decades. The importance of educating landscape architects and planners with an holistic approach is particularly addressed. Efforts for a more integrated landscape education, such as the European network LE:NOTRE, already exist and contribute to the implementation of the ELC.  相似文献   

The European Landscape Convention (ELC) highlights the landscape as an holistic concept, which is important for individual and social well being and for quality of life. Landscape questions tend today to fall between the responsibilities of different sectors of society. The implications of the Convention for giving ‘landscape’ a higher status in spatial planning are discussed. Important challenges for planning that need to be focused from a landscape approach are discussed: the growing urbanization; the development and new roles of the urban fringe areas; new infrastructure landscapes; the mental landscapes of tomorrow; an holistic approach to landscape ecological planning and environmental policies and the need for co‐ordination of European planning issues that concern landscapes. Planning for good landscape qualities is not a new issue; many landscape architects and landscape planners have worked in the spirit of the ELC for decades. The importance of educating landscape architects and planners with an holistic approach is particularly addressed. Efforts for a more integrated landscape education, such as the European network LE:NOTRE, already exist and contribute to the implementation of the ELC.  相似文献   


Countries ratifying the European Landscape Convention (ELC) agree to identify their landscapes, analyse their characteristics and assess the landscapes taking into account the values afforded them by the population. Some UK countries, such as England, are regarded as pioneers of these ideas and implementation of ELC principles even before it was drafted. Since the early 1990s, England (and Scotland) has been ahead of many countries in the development of methods for characterisation and identification of landscapes. However, such landscape assessment methods have been developed within a specific and distinctive historical context. This paper attempts to define the subtext of English landscape identity that may be ‘lost in translation’ or ignored when these methods are exported to other countries. The paper first outlines three major, interlinked aspects of ideas and societal development that have specifically affected development of landscape conservation and planning and landscape assessment methods in England, namely: (i) ideas from landscape conservation; (ii) countryside protection and planning in the early twentieth century; and (iii) institutionalisation and development of post-war planning and conservation practices. The paper also examines Landscape Character Assessment and discusses ways in which the national context may need to be considered when using this method.  相似文献   

Drawing upon research undertaken for the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities by a team at the University of Milan, an emerging and converging conception of landscape which is shared by many nations in Europe is identified. It is characterized by the integration of culture, by a shift of emphasis from places of excellence to consideration of the whole territory, by the wish to conserve cultural identity and by a concern for the quality of life of whole populations. In addition to regarding the landscape as an artefact, it can also be regarded as a document, an archive or a palimpsest. Shortcomings in the way that landscapes are currently read are identified, and the range of criteria employed to assess the values of particular landscapes are considered. Finally, there is a plea for a serious exchange of information regarding methodology and operational expertise, in the light of the European Landscape Convention.  相似文献   

Drawing upon research undertaken for the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities by a team at the University of Milan, an emerging and converging conception of landscape which is shared by many nations in Europe is identified. It is characterized by the integration of culture, by a shift of emphasis from places of excellence to consideration of the whole territory, by the wish to conserve cultural identity and by a concern for the quality of life of whole populations. In addition to regarding the landscape as an artefact, it can also be regarded as a document, an archive or a palimpsest. Shortcomings in the way that landscapes are currently read are identified, and the range of criteria employed to assess the values of particular landscapes are considered. Finally, there is a plea for a serious exchange of information regarding methodology and operational expertise, in the light of the European Landscape Convention.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to discuss the need for innovation in the landscape policies that were proclaimed by the European Landscape Convention (ELC), which promotes a change from policies stressing conservation to policies stressing a management approach to planning new landscapes. This change focuses on the need to define a new methodological approach to evaluate and promote landscape values as well as to define a process leading to shared values in reference to landscape. This article begins its research with the recent implementation of the ELC in some European Countries. On this basis, it presents an alternative definition of landscape, discusses the role of landscape evaluation, and identifies the different types of values involved in landscape.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to discuss the need for innovation in the landscape policies that were proclaimed by the European Landscape Convention (ELC), which promotes a change from policies stressing conservation to policies stressing a management approach to planning new landscapes. This change focuses on the need to define a new methodological approach to evaluate and promote landscape values as well as to define a process leading to shared values in reference to landscape. This article begins its research with the recent implementation of the ELC in some European Countries. On this basis, it presents an alternative definition of landscape, discusses the role of landscape evaluation, and identifies the different types of values involved in landscape.  相似文献   

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