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离心除菌可以改善原料乳的质量,本文研究了常规UHT(N-UHT)乳和离心除菌UHT乳(C-UHT)在贮藏过程中理化性质、蛋白分布变化。结果表明:UHT乳贮藏期颜色变深、粒度增加、Zeta电位绝对值降低、黏度增加、酸度增加和纤溶蛋白酶活性增加,乳胶体稳定性降低;离心除菌UHT乳(C-UHT)的物理化学稳定性优于普通UHT乳(N-UHT)。贮藏过程中酪蛋白(CN)含量变化不显著,乳清蛋白含量(WN)逐渐降低,非蛋白氮(NPN)含量逐渐增加;贮藏6个月后,N-UHT和C-UHT的NPN分别从4.2%增加到8.7%和7.9%;C-UHT的蛋白降解程度低于N-UHT。  相似文献   

为了探究体细胞数与蛋白质、脂肪水解的关系及其对凝胶和脂肪上浮等劣变的影响。试验采集30,80万个/mL两组不同体细胞数的原料乳,制成UHT乳,20℃下做180 d的贮藏期试验,每隔30 d测定酶活、蛋白含量、游离脂肪酸、脂肪球粒径等指标。结果显示,经UHT处理,两组产品中纤维溶酶和脂肪酶基本丧失活性,贮藏期间无显著性变化(P0.05)。各酪蛋白组分发生显著水解(P0.05),κ-酪蛋白和αS2-酪蛋白降幅高达90%以上,均未发生蛋白间的相互交联,体系的黏度并无显著变化(P0.05)。脂肪球粒径在第60天迅速增加,之后无明显变化;高体细胞数组脂肪球表面的蛋白膜崩解,脂肪球聚集,从贮藏期第120天开始出现脂肪上浮;而低体细胞数组脂肪球膜蛋白也发生水解,未出现脂肪上浮。本研究表明在现有工艺条件下UHT乳出现的主要问题是脂肪上浮而非蛋白凝胶,将原料乳体细胞数控制在30万个/mL的水平,可以有效防止产品贮藏期内发生脂肪上浮,为UHT乳的品质控制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

以热处理(100℃处理5 min)作为对照,评价超高压处理(25℃和400 MPa处理30 min)鲜榨番茄汁贮藏3个月期间的品质和风味变化规律。结果显示超高压处理的鲜榨番茄汁在2个月的贮藏期内,菌落总数、霉菌和酵母菌数量均在国家食品卫生标准以内;pH值、PPO和POD活性逐渐降低;维生素C含量降低约24%,而热处理的鲜榨番茄汁中维生素C含量降低约96%;超高压处理的鲜榨番茄汁风味更加接近于番茄的原有香气,而热处理引起风味的显著性变化。因此,超高压处理的鲜榨番茄汁在2个月的贮藏期内品质和风味均优于传统热处理番茄汁。  相似文献   

本文就 UHT 灭菌乳在贮藏过程中的质量变化进行了探讨。结果表明,在本实验条件下,UHT 乳在贮藏过程中滴定酸度平均下降0.76;PH 值平均升高0.70。脂肪含量有所降低。水溶性维生素损失加剧,而且 UHT 乳的色泽、风味受光线、氧和包装材料的影响,产生不同程度的变化。采用 LDPE/LDPE 包装 UHT 乳,控制包装容器内部残留氧,对延长 UHT 乳货架寿命有重要作用。  相似文献   

水晶蜜柚和溪蜜柚贮藏期间果实不同部位品质变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以云南瑞丽地区主要栽培的柚子品种水晶蜜柚和琯溪蜜柚为试材,研究两种柚子在贮藏期间果实不同部位可溶性固形物(TSS)、可滴定酸(TA)、VC及感官风味的变化。结果表明:在整个贮藏期间,水晶蜜柚和琯溪蜜柚果蒂部、赤道部和果脐部TSS均先增大后减小,水晶蜜柚果蒂部TSS变化最大,贮藏至120 d,果蒂部、赤道部和果脐部TSS分别比其最大值下降55.35%、43.39%和39.36%。琯溪蜜柚果蒂部、赤道部和果脐部TSS下降比例差异不大。在整个贮藏期,两种柚子可滴定酸(TA)均先减小后增大再减小,VC均呈下降趋势,且果蒂部变化幅度均较大,贮藏至120 d,水晶蜜柚三个部位TA和VC变化幅度均大于琯溪蜜柚,水晶蜜柚果蒂部、赤道部、果脐部TA比贮藏前显著(p<0.05)降低63.44%、52.22%和50.00%,VC分别比贮藏前显著(p<0.05)降低53.70%、44.84%和43.00%。通过感官评分可知,在贮藏过程中,水晶蜜柚三个部位感官评分下降幅度均大于琯溪蜜柚,最先出现感官评分大幅度降低,且果蒂部最先达到不可接受程度。综合分析,两个品种柚子果蒂部品质变化均最大,水晶蜜柚贮藏一个月内会提高果实品质,但随着贮藏时间延长,果实品质大幅度降低,琯溪蜜柚果实品质降低幅度相对较小。  相似文献   

本文以云南瑞丽地区主要栽培的柚子品种水晶蜜柚和琯溪蜜柚为试材,研究两种柚子在贮藏期间果实不同部位可溶性固形物(TSS)、可滴定酸(TA)、VC及感官风味的变化。结果表明:在整个贮藏期间,水晶蜜柚和琯溪蜜柚果蒂部、赤道部和果脐部TSS均先增大后减小,水晶蜜柚果蒂部TSS变化最大,贮藏至120 d,果蒂部、赤道部和果脐部TSS分别比其最大值下降55.35%、43.39%和39.36%。琯溪蜜柚果蒂部、赤道部和果脐部TSS下降比例差异不大。在整个贮藏期,两种柚子可滴定酸(TA)均先减小后增大再减小,VC均呈下降趋势,且果蒂部变化幅度均较大,贮藏至120 d,水晶蜜柚三个部位TA和VC变化幅度均大于琯溪蜜柚,水晶蜜柚果蒂部、赤道部、果脐部TA比贮藏前显著(p 0.05)降低63.44%、52.22%和50.00%,VC分别比贮藏前显著(p 0.05)降低53.70%、44.84%和43.00%。通过感官评分可知,在贮藏过程中,水晶蜜柚三个部位感官评分下降幅度均大于琯溪蜜柚,最先出现感官评分大幅度降低,且果蒂部最先达到不可接受程度。综合分析,两个品种柚子果蒂部品质变化均最大,水晶蜜柚贮藏一个月内会提高果实品质,但随着贮藏时间延长,果实品质大幅度降低,琯溪蜜柚果实品质降低幅度相对较小。  相似文献   

采用电子眼、电子鼻、电子舌等感官评价技术,结合货架期加速实验(ASLT)的阿伦尼乌斯公式(Arrhenius)模型,建立无乳糖超高温灭菌乳(UHT乳)的货架期预测模型。将无乳糖UHT乳分别贮存于37、27、4℃下,以色泽、气味、滋味为主要指标,在不同的贮存温度下,综合分析无乳糖UHT乳品质与贮存时间之间的变化,并应用Arrhenius公式建立货架期模型。结果表明:37、27℃下贮存的无乳糖UHT乳色泽的发生显著性变化(P<0.05)的时间为24、33 d;苦味发生显著性变化(P<0.05)的时间为24、27 d;而贮存60 d气味无显著性变化(P>0.05)。4℃下贮存60 d的无乳糖UHT乳色泽、气味、滋味均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。以苦味为指标,利用Arrhenius公式拟合的货架期模型为:t=0.109×e-5.1882。选取37、27℃验证模型准确性,与实际货架期之间的误差分别为9.5%、12.5%,误差较小。用此公式计算4℃下无乳糖UHT乳货架期为71 d。因此,以感官指标为依据建立货架期预测模型可预测无乳糖UHT乳的货架期。  相似文献   

选择了市售塑料袋装UHT灭菌乳(保质期为30 d),研究了其在4℃冷藏避光、4℃冷藏光照、25℃室温避光、25℃室温光照、37℃避光,37℃光照6种贮藏条件下,贮藏期内主要理化指标和微生物指标的变化.结果表明,在整个贮藏期内.UHT灭菌乳的酸度持续增加,10~15 d酸度增长幅度最大,37℃条件下,最大酸度可达到22.14°T;在6种贮藏条件下蛋白质量分数均相对稳定;在贮藏的前10 d,试验样品细菌总数均小于1 mL-1,之后持续增长;光照与否,各取样点维生素C质量浓度差异显著.  相似文献   

以轻火、中火武夷岩茶金锁匙为实验材料,研究不同贮藏时间对其生化成分及感官品质的影响,为武夷岩茶的科学品饮、储藏、运输、营养保持等提供理论参考。结果表明:贮藏过程中轻火、中火金锁匙茶多酚、儿茶素、咖啡碱、水浸出物含量(生化成分与干物质质量比)均呈下降趋势,水分含量呈上升趋势,氨基酸含量呈先增加后减少的趋势。贮藏12个月轻火、中火金锁匙茶多酚、儿茶素、酯型儿茶素、非酯型儿茶素、咖啡碱含量分别降低21.03%、19.48%;21.87%、17.24%;30.58%、26.76%;10.25%、6.45%;17.60%、13.36%。轻火金锁匙贮藏6个月氨基酸含量最高,达2.32%;中火金锁匙贮藏8个月氨基酸含量最高,达2.25%。贮藏前期,轻火、中火金锁匙火气逐渐退去,感官品质得到提升;贮藏后期,其滋味变得更加甘醇,但香气鲜锐度略有下降,因此感官品质得分先增加后略有降低。轻火金锁匙贮藏6个月感官品质得分最高,中火金锁匙贮藏8个月感官品质得分最高。研究结果表明,合理贮藏有利于提高武夷岩茶的感官品质。  相似文献   

该文分别对半封闭纸包装、全封闭纸包装、全封闭PE包装的薏米添加量为10%和50%(质量分数)的挂面进行贮藏实验,分析自然贮藏条件下其食用品质和理化指标的变化。结果表明,各处理组的食用品质随着贮藏时间的延长均逐渐劣变。当贮藏期超过6个月时,薏米挂面失去食用和商品价值。此外,薏米挂面贮藏期间过氧化值、丙二醛含量与各食用品质均呈现极显著相关性(P<0. 01),说明薏米挂面中脂肪的酸败氧化程度对面条食用品质具有重要的影响。与半封闭纸包装和全封闭纸包装贮藏的薏米挂面相比,以全封闭PE包装贮藏的薏米挂面酸败氧化速度较慢,可以有效地减缓挂面食用品质的劣变。因此,最好以全封闭PE包装贮藏薏米挂面,且贮藏期(保质期)不得超过6个月。  相似文献   

王欣 《食品科学》2009,30(23):32-34
以复合塑料袋装UHT 灭菌乳为研究对象,考察保藏温度和时间对UHT 灭菌乳品质的影响。研究表明,保藏温度和时间对UHT 灭菌乳的蛋白质、乳脂肪、乳糖、滴定酸度及感官指标均有显著影响。具体而言,随保存时间延长,蛋白质、乳脂肪、乳糖含量及感官品质降低,而滴定酸度升高。保藏温度越高,以上变化明显加剧。4℃条件下,保藏时间范围内,样品的感官评分均保持在98 分以上,说明具有优良的感官品质;而保存在22℃和37℃条件下,感官品质下降,且保藏温度越高,感官品质降低越明显。  相似文献   

通过测定UHT奶在贮藏过程中蛋白水解,蛋白在胶束相和乳清相的分布,乳蛋白糖基化位点变化,探究乳蛋白在贮藏过程中性质的变化。结果表明贮藏过程中UHT奶中菌落总数增大,纤溶酶含量增大。UHT奶在内外源酶的作用下乳蛋白发生不同程度的水解。热处理导致从胶束表面脱落的κ-CN和乳清蛋白以热诱导聚合物的形式,在贮藏过程中重新结合到胶束表面,从而使胶束粒径增大,牛乳表观黏度增大。贮藏过程中胶束Zeta电位逐渐降低,流动行为指数n逐渐降低,说明牛乳呈现出更明显的剪切变稀能力,暗示胶束结构更加松散。贮藏过程中UHT奶色泽加深,美拉德反应继续进行,其产物半乳糖基赖氨酸和Nε-羧甲基赖氨酸(CML)含量不断增加。  相似文献   

UHT reconstituted concentrated skim milks made from high-heat powder had considerably longer gelation times than those made from medium- or low-heat powders. Addition of hexametaphosphate to the concentrated milk before UHT processing markedly delayed the onset of gelation during storage. Sediment formation was greatest in the UHT concentrated skim milk made using high-heat powder followed by samples made using medium- and low-heat powders, respectively. The extent of proteolysis, as measured by 12% TCA-soluble amino groups, increased at a faster rate in the UHT milks stored at 40°C than in those stored at 22°C but decreased with increasing heat treatment of the milk prior to powder manufacture. The electrophoretic patterns of samples stored at 22°C clearly showed the breakdown of β-casein with a corresponding increase in slower moving bands, presumably γ-casein and proteose-peptone components. However, storage of samples at 40°C resulted in diffused 'blurred' protein patterns with some protein material not entering the resolving gel. At 22°C there was some evidence of proteolysis but no evidence of high molecular weight polymer formation, while at 40°C both proteolysis and high molecular weight polymer formation increased with storage time. It appeared that both physico-chemical and proteolytic processes play some part in the mechanism of gelation in UHT reconstituted concentrated skim milk.  相似文献   

Shelf-stable milk is consumed worldwide, and this market is expected to continue growing. One quality challenge for UHT milk is age gelation during shelf life, which is in part caused by bacterial heat-stable proteases (HSP) synthesized during the raw milk storage period before heat processing. Some Pseudomonas spp. are HSP producers, and their ability to grow well at refrigeration temperature make them important spoilage organisms for UHT processors to control. Previous studies have shown that lactose oxidase (LO), a natural and commercially available enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide and lactobionic acid from lactose, can control bacterial growth in raw milk. In this research, we investigated the ability of LO to control HSP producer outgrowth, and thus delay age gelation in UHT milk. Six strains of Pseudomonas spp. were selected based on their ability to synthesize HSP and used as a cocktail to inoculate both raw and sterile (UHT) milk at a level of 1 × 105 cfu/mL. Groups were treated with and without LO, stored for 4 d at 6°C, and monitored for cell count and pH. Additionally, a sample from each was tested for HSP activity via particle size analysis (average effective diameter at 90° angle and 658 nm wavelength) and visual inspection on each day of the storage period. The HSP activity results were contrasted using Tukey's HSD test, which showed that in UHT milk, a LO treatment (0.12 g/L) effectively prevented gelation as compared with the control. In raw milk, however, a concentration of 0.24 g/L of LO was needed to obtain a similar effect. This test was scaled up to 19-L pilot plant batches of raw milk where they were challenged with Pseudomonas cocktail, treated with LO for 3 d, and then UHT processed. Resulting UHT milk bottles were monitored for gelation. Significant differences in particle size between the LO-treated samples and the control were observed as early as 1 mo after processing, and gelation was not detected in the LO-treated samples through 6 mo of storage. These results demonstrated that LO can be used to delay age gelation in UHT milk induced by HSP-producing Pseudomonas spp., representing an opportunity to improve quality and reduce postproduction losses in the shelf-stable milk market sector.  相似文献   

Light-induced degradation reactions in milk create a serious problem for the dairy industry because of the development of off-flavors, the decrease in nutritional quality, and the severity and speed by which these phenomena develop. Packaging materials are essential to avoid this particular deterioration of milk. Therefore, efforts are being made to design protective polyethylene terephthalate (PET) packages. In the present study, a number of PET bottles were compared for their ability to avoid photo-oxidation in UHT semi-skimmed milk. The milk was packed in 3 types of PET bottles: one transparent bottle provided with an active oxygen-binding inner layer, one bottle with perfect light barrier, and one transparent bottle provided with a UV-absorbing additive. During 2 storage experiments, running parallel to each other for 2 mo, chemical milk quality parameters such as fat oxidation, vitamin and protein degradation, oxygen consumption, and color change were monitored. A trained taste panel compared the sensory quality of the illuminated milk stored in these bottles, with milk perfectly protected against light and oxygen. In the first study, milk was continuously illuminated at room temperature. A comparison was made for milk under storage conditions that simulated those expected during display in retail and supermarkets. The results of the 2 shelf-life studies showed that an adequate light barrier was apparently sufficient to avoid the light-induced oxidation of milk during extended storage. Oxygen barriers, on the other hand, did not provide a significant protection, nor did bottles with UV filter. If wavelengths detrimental to riboflavin were not completely excluded by the packaging material, incoming light could still give rise to photo degradation of milk. Accordingly, riboflavin and vitamin A were gradually degraded, milk fat was photo-oxidized, oxygen dissolved in the milk was consumed, and the sensorial quality decreased significantly.  相似文献   

为研究不同贮藏温度及时间对不同类型商品乳酸度的影响情况。选取超高温(UHT)灭菌乳、巴氏灭菌乳、乳饮料、酸牛奶各10盒,将每种类型的商品乳分成2组,开封后进行贮藏。一组放入0~4℃的冰箱冷藏,另一组放在常温下贮藏。分别在0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5和6 d测定各组商品乳的酸度。结果表明,酸牛奶、UHT灭菌乳和巴氏灭菌乳放在常温下贮藏时酸度分别在第1,第3和第3天出现显著性差异(p<0.05),在低温下贮藏时酸度均未出现显著性差异(p>0.05)。乳饮料在常温和低温下贮藏1 d后酸度均出现显著性差异(p<0.05)。4种类型的商品乳放在低温下贮藏时更能保持酸度的稳定。  相似文献   

Ultra-high temperature (UHT) processed lactose-reduced milk containing added green tea extract (GTE) at two concentrations (0.1% and 0.25%) was stored at 22 ± 2 °C for one year. The effect of GTE addition on physical stability, protein binding, and sensory quality was evaluated. Sedimentation in skim milk and creaming of full fat milk were inhibited by addition of GTE. The formation of Maillard-related flavour compounds was inhibited during storage as determined by dynamic headspace GC–MS. Using Western blot analysis, milk proteins were found to be highly conjugated to polyphenols. Addition of GTE before UHT treatment resulted in increased bitterness and astringency in UHT milk and this remained during storage. Even though GTE addition improved the physical stability and inhibited Maillard reactions in the milk, the taste and flavour contribution from GTE was dominating throughout storage, and alternative sources of polyphenols should be explored for increasing shelf-life stability of long-life milk.  相似文献   

应用Weibull Hazard Analysis方法预测食品货架寿命   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
曹平  于燕波  李培荣 《食品科学》2007,28(8):487-491
本实验以市售灭菌乳为研究对象,应用Weibull模型通过对食品非感官指标的分析,预测食品的货架期。灭菌乳分别在25、30、35、40℃环境下恒温储藏,并定期随机抽样进行感官检验和测定酸度、细菌总数。应用Weibull Hazard Analysis(WHA)方法分析非感官实验数据来预测样品货架期,并与采用寿命加速方法ASLT和文献WHA方法得到的预测结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

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