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郑纺机生产的 G142A 型浆纱机,经调研认为它不适应化纤混纺经纱的上浆。为此研制了热风烘筒(假)联合式浆纱机。一、烘房的技术特征1.五只烘筒、后上润滑剂的装置与循环热风同置一室,热风从前向后喷吹浆纱,自行循环,烘房内形成负压,热风不外窜。2.烘筒(?)570毫米,由紫铜皮(厚度2.5  相似文献   

99934热风循环自动烘茧机的烘茧工艺/钱惠良,陈柏华/中国蚕业,1998,No4,25~26JFH200型热风循环自动烘茧机在生产上的推广应用,对提高蚕茧质量收到了良好的效果。针对部分用户反映该烘茧机能提高其他多项指标,唯独解舒率提高不明显这一...  相似文献   

SFJ-1型浆纱机自1981年由苏北纺织机械厂投入批量生产以来,根据几年来的使用情况,用户普遍反映,该机的烘房由于采用了热风烘筒联合式,升速与恒速烘燥阶段采用低风速大风量分段小循环的技术路线,蒸发能力强,汽耗低,浆膜完整率高,一般在85%以上。落浆落物率亦较低。在降速烘燥阶段采用烘筒烘燥,使此阶段时间缩短,有利于提高车速。但在使用中发现,烘房循环风机的结构有利有弊(见图1)。有利之处如前所述,其缺点是:(1)五组循环轴流风机(每组二只)与电机一起装在烘房内,由于热循环,烘房下部的温度一般也高达85°~95℃。相对湿度达18%左右,而普通电机工作温度一般在65℃以下,故电机工作环境差,电耗大,电机容易烧坏;(2)风机轴承长期在高温高速下工作,由于风机结  相似文献   

烘茧工艺中,决定鲜茧干燥速度和干茧品质的主要条件是烘茧温度、热空气的相对湿度(简称湿度)和流速等三项工艺参数. 我院前几年在烘茧基础理论研究中,曾就烘茧温度、热空气流速两项对于鲜茧干燥速度、干茧品质(解舒)的影响,进行过多  相似文献   

王力 《丝绸》1992,(4):16-18
从技术系统工程的观点出发,针对蚕茧烘炕中存在的主要问题和影响质量的中心环节,建立了适用于茧站现阶段生产实际的蚕茧烘炕综合配套技术。该配套技术工程包括两个部分内容:(一)采用鲜茧篮堆,热风烘茧,一次干工艺配套技术;(二)研制开发蚕茧热风干燥系列设备。通过广泛实践证明,该配套技术投资少,易推广,达到了保护茧质,提高干茧解舒和出丝率,省工节能,提高工效,增大烘力等综合效应。  相似文献   

以抑菌率为评价指标,考察生姜提取物和洋葱槲皮素对哈尔滨风干肠的抑菌保鲜效果。在此基础上,采用湿纸片法,对生姜提取物和洋葱槲皮素结合抑制哈尔滨风干肠中微生物的效果进行了研究。结果表明,生姜提取物和洋葱槲皮素对哈尔滨风干肠中微生物有较强的抑制作用;且联合使用组的抑制作用要显著(P 0.05)优于2种提取物的单独使用。生姜提取物(4%)与洋葱槲皮素(8%)联合应用后,抑菌圈直径分别为32.71mm,生姜提取物(4%)及洋葱槲皮素(8%)单独应用细菌的抑菌圈直径为22.34mm、23.07mm,联合应用使得抑菌率提高了约1.5倍,且POV值降低约2倍,哈尔滨风干肠的保鲜效果为:生姜提取物+洋葱槲皮素组洋葱槲皮素组生姜提取物组。二者对哈尔滨风干肠中的微生物生长繁殖起到了协同抑制的作用。  相似文献   

<正> 新一代烘燥织物——螺旋圈干网,于1990年12月26日在上海工业用呢厂通过了鉴定。这次鉴定的产品有两种:中圈充填型聚酯螺旋圈干网(831A),中圈不充填型聚酯螺旋圈干网(821A)。用干网代替造纸帆布,已是当今造纸工业的发展方向,目前国际上已普遍应用。在  相似文献   

解决烘丝机干头干尾的方法与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决薄板烘丝机在生产过程中存在干头干尾烟丝量偏大、出口烟丝含水率控制精度低等问题,利用PID控制技术对烘丝机干头干尾控制方式进行了改进.在烘前隧道式叶丝回潮机(HT)入口处增加自动补水装置并修改控制程序,增加料头工作温度自动修正环节并得出烘前来料含水率与工作温度之间的函数关系,在烘丝机出料端进行补偿加水以进一步减少不合格烟丝量.应用效果表明,改进后烘丝控制系统,有效降低了干头干尾量,干头量由原来的每批次27.50 kg降低到3.54 kg,干尾量由原来的21.90kg降低到5.53 kg.批次干头干尾量平均值由70.00 kg降低到7.62 kg,叶丝出丝率由每批次的97.4%提高到98.7%,满足了卷烟生产的需求,改善了卷烟感官品质,减轻了操作人员的劳动强度.  相似文献   

为解决枸杞产后干燥中的问题,将热风循环烘房应用于枸杞干燥,研究了枸杞干燥时温湿度变化和降水情况。结果表明:使用热风循环烘房干燥枸杞可以得到品质优秀的枸杞干果,可作为实用干燥技术进行推广。  相似文献   

浆纱机设计应能满足优质、高产、多品种、低能耗以及自动化程度高、机械故障少、操作方便等要求。在能源普遍短缺的情况下,能耗已成为设计与评价浆纱机的一项重要的技术经济指标。据有关文献记载,浆纱所需热量中蒸发纱上水份为总需热量的75~85%左右,而煮浆、纱线加热和煮浆、上浆、烘纱过程中的热损失,只占15~25%左右。因此,要降低能耗,主要是着眼于烘房的去湿部分。去湿耗热与干燥方式和烘房结构有关,更为重要的因素,还需视单位重量的干经纱中应去除水分的浆纱蒸发量(公斤水/百公斤干经纱)或每小时烘房蒸发量(公斤水/小时)的大小而异,蒸发量愈小,则去湿需热量就愈少。  相似文献   

研制一种机械式、带法兰座的简支梁吊具,该吊具不仅适用于各种吨位的风机风轮吊装,还具有轮毂翻身的功能。此吊具的研制,不仅解决了陆上各种风轮的吊装,还解决了海上恶劣环境下的风轮吊装。该吊具新增加了轮毂翻身功能,提高了风轮与机舱对接时的安装精度,满足工程现场各种复杂工况的吊装要求。  相似文献   

西班牙位于欧洲西南部伊比利亚半岛,北濒比斯开湾,西邻葡萄牙,南隔直布罗陀海峡与非洲的摩洛哥相望,东北与法国,安道尔接壤,东和东南临地中海,海岸线长约7800公里。中部高原属大陆性气候,北部和西北部沿海属海洋性温带气候,南部和东南部属地中海型亚热带气候,这个依临地中海的国家,生活,文化,艺术等等,处处都洋溢着海洋的气息,服装和珠宝首饰更是代表。  相似文献   

The best wind sites in the United States are often located far from electricity demand centers and lack transmission access. Local sites that have lower quality wind resources but do not require as much power transmission capacity are an alternative to distant wind resources. In this paper, we explore the trade-offs between developing new wind generation at local sites and installing wind farms at remote sites. We first examine the general relationship between the high capital costs required for local wind development and the relatively lower capital costs required to install a wind farm capable of generating the same electrical output at a remote site,with the results representing the maximum amount an investor should be willing to pay for transmission access. We suggest that this analysis can be used as a first step in comparing potential wind resources to meet a state renewable portfolio standard (RPS). To illustrate, we compare the cost of local wind (~50 km from the load) to the cost of distant wind requiring new transmission (~550-750 km from the load) to meet the Illinois RPS. We find that local, lower capacity factor wind sites are the lowest cost option for meeting the Illinois RPS if new long distance transmission is required to access distant, higher capacity factor wind resources. If higher capacity wind sites can be connected to the existing grid at minimal cost, in many cases they will have lower costs.  相似文献   

陆秋君 《粮油加工》2001,(10):41-42
近年来我国金属热风炉技术发展迅速 ,仅茶叶机械行业就先后推出了三回程式、喷流式 (属于双回程式 )、螺旋式和直流装配式等多种型式的热风炉。本文对热风炉的国内发展现状及腐蚀机理作了分析 ,并介绍了几种防护年限的计算方法  相似文献   

In this study, we develop an updated global estimate of onshore wind energy potential using reanalysis wind speed data, along with updated wind turbine technology performance, land suitability factors, cost assumptions, and explicit consideration of transmission distance in the calculation of transmission costs. We find that wind has the potential to supply a significant portion of the world energy needs, although this potential varies substantially by region and with assumptions such as on what types of land can be used to site wind farms. Total global economic wind potential under central assumptions, that is, intermediate between optimistic and pessimistic, is estimated to be approximately 119.5 petawatt hours per year (13.6 TW) at less than 9 cents/kWh. A sensitivity analysis of eight key parameters is presented. Wind potential is sensitive to a number of input parameters, particularly wind speed (varying by -70% to +450% at less than 9 cents/kWh), land suitability (by -55% to +25%), turbine density (by -60% to +80%), and cost and financing options (by -20% to +200%), many of which have important policy implications. As a result of sensitivities studied here we suggest that further research intended to inform wind supply curve development focus not purely on physical science, such as better resolved wind maps, but also on these less well-defined factors, such as land-suitability, that will also have an impact on the long-term role of wind power.  相似文献   

The combination of wind energy generation and energy storage can produce a source of electricity that is functionally equivalent to a baseload coal or nuclear power plant. A model was developed to assess the technical and environmental performance of baseload wind energy systems using compressed air energy storage. The analysis examined several systems that could be operated in the midwestern United States under a variety of operating conditions. The systems can produce substantially more energy than is required from fossil or other primary sources to construct and operate them. By operation at a capacity factor of 80%, each evaluated system achieves an effective primary energy efficiency of at least five times greater than the most efficient fossil combustion technology, with greenhouse gas emission rates less than 20% of the least emitting fossil technology currently available. Life-cycle emission rates of NOx and SO2 are also significantly lower than fossil-based systems.  相似文献   

意大利的农民举行抗议活动 不久前,意大利发生了再次令欧洲人惊讶的公司丑闻,帕玛拉特的董事长兼首席执行官卡利斯托·坦齐因而辞职,作为顾问刚刚来到帕玛拉特两个星期的恩里科·邦迪继任首席执行官.实质上,坦齐是在突如其来的周转危机中遭到了银行的抛弃,这场危机中,每年营业额高达76亿欧元的帕玛拉特居然无法筹集到6千万欧元以赎回到期债券.金融市场和评级机构惊慌失措,迫使帕玛拉特走到破产边缘.  相似文献   

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