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高压电场对生鲜食品保鲜机理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生鲜食品新鲜程度直接影响市场需求,其产后腐败带来的经济损失也不可估量,因此保鲜技术研究至关重要。高压电场在处理食品时具有无热效应、能耗极小、食品温度上升幅度小、对食品本身品质基本无影响等特点,是目前生鲜保鲜领域应用前景最好的技术之一。本文介绍了高压电场的基本原理,分别从膜电位、酶活性和微观质地等方面系统分析了其在果蔬、水产品和肉类食品中的保鲜作用机理,并进一步对高压电场未来的研究前景进行展望。  相似文献   


Food contamination is a common phenomenon in the production, distribution and consumption of processed and agricultural commodities all over the world. Food safety is now taking the frontal stage in food production, processing and distribution. This study assessed the presence of aflatoxigenic fungi and mycotoxins in foods, occurrence, control, socio-economic and health implications. This study also gave comprehensive information on the safety and mycological quality of foods as well the effect on the people and economy of various countries. The review revealed the various aflatoxigenic fungi in foods, their distribution in agricultural produce and their effects on reduction in yield and quality with attendant consumer health implications and resulting significant economic losses. In developing countries, majority of the people do not know the inherent dangers of consuming mouldy produce or food contaminated with fungi and moulds with possible contamination by mycotoxigenic fungi because of lack of awareness about the danger involved. In view of this, there is need for general and public education to sensitise the people on the economic and health hazards posed by mycotoxins. Control measures such as good agricultural practices, crop selection, proper washing and cooking practices of food commodities should be emphasized to the people. Regulatory control, fast and effective analyses and detection, good produce handling and storage should be encouraged as this will assist in mitigating the side effects of mycotoxins in foods particularly in the tropical and sub-tropical countries, and in Africa nations where there is enabling environment that promotes fungal growth, shortage of food and drought of modern storage and processing infrastructures.  相似文献   

Cellulose, an important cell wall polysaccharide, which is replenished constantly in nature by photosynthesis, goes waste in a lion's share in the form of pre-harvest and post-harvest agricultural losses and wastes of food processing industry. These cellulose wastes have an immense potential to be utilized for the production and recovery of several products and ingredients in food application. In this present study, a wide spectrum of researches in the arena of properties of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin; their degradation; sources and composition of cellulosic and lignocellulosic wastes of agriculture and food industry; present status of converting them into value-added products of food applications; constraints in their conversions and future prospects therein has been reviewed in details. The study has encompassed production of biomass for various utilization and production and recovery of protein and amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, organic acids, foods & feeds and other miscellaneous products.  相似文献   

食品安全与卫生问题,直接关系到国计民生。而鲜活农产品的冷链物流是较为薄弱的环节,应强化监管与控制。本研究结合近几年中部地区河南省的一些实际发展情况,严格遵从《农业保险法》、《价格法》、《批发市场法》等现行部分法规,分析鲜活农产品冷链物流及其运输配送各环节的食品安全保障状况,系统挖掘现行法律体系的缺位,指出我国农产品运输与冷链安全发展方向的困境,提出可循建议,为相关部门的监管工作提供参考。  相似文献   

食品加工过程是农产品深加工的重要环节,涉及的加工方式多--清洗、去皮、榨汁、制酱、蒸煮,本文综述了这些过程对食品中农药残留的影响。  相似文献   

by Philip E. Nelson, 2007 World Food Prize Laureate; Professor Emeritus, Food Science Dept., Purdue Univ. Just as society has evolved over time, our food system has also evolved over centuries into a global system of immense size and complexity. The commitment of food science and technology professionals to advancing the science of food, ensuring a safe and abundant food supply, and contributing to healthier people everywhere is integral to that evolution. Food scientists and technologists are versatile, interdisciplinary, and collaborative practitioners in a profession at the crossroads of scientific and technological developments. As the food system has drastically changed, from one centered around family food production on individual farms and home food preservation to the modern system of today, most people are not connected to their food nor are they familiar with agricultural production and food manufacturing designed for better food safety and quality. The Institute of Food Technologists—a nonprofit scientific society of individual members engaged in food science, food technology, and related professions in industry, academia, and government—has the mission to advance the science of food and the long‐range vision to ensure a safe and abundant food supply contributing to healthier people everywhere. IFT convened a task force and called on contributing authors to develop this scientific review to inform the general public about the importance and benefits of food science and technology in IFT's efforts to feed a growing world. The main objective of this review is to serve as a foundational resource for public outreach and education and to address misperceptions and misinformation about processed foods. The intended audience includes those who desire to know more about the application of science and technology to meet society's food needs and those involved in public education and outreach. It is IFT's hope that the reader will gain a better understanding of the goals or purposes for various applications of science and technology in the food system, and an appreciation for the complexity of the modern food supply. Abstract: This Institute of Food Technologists scientific review describes the scientific and technological achievements that made possible the modern production‐to‐consumption food system capable of feeding nearly 7 billion people, and it also discusses the promising potential of ongoing technological advancements to enhance the food supply even further and to increase the health and wellness of the growing global population. This review begins with a historical perspective that summarizes the parallel developments of agriculture and food technology, from the beginnings of modern society to the present. A section on food manufacturing explains why food is processed and details various food processing methods that ensure food safety and preserve the quality of products. A section about potential solutions to future challenges briefly discusses ways in which scientists, the food industry, and policy makers are striving to improve the food supply for a healthier population and feed the future. Applications of science and technology within the food system have allowed production of foods in adequate quantities to meet the needs of society, as it has evolved. Today, our production‐to‐consumption food system is complex, and our food is largely safe, tasty, nutritious, abundant, diverse, convenient, and less costly and more readily accessible than ever before. Scientific and technological advancements must be accelerated and applied in developed and developing nations alike, if we are to feed a growing world population.  相似文献   

硒具有清除体内自由基、抗衰老、增强人体免疫力、拮抗重金属毒性及抗癌等生物功能。从来源分,富硒食品可以分为地源富硒食品(又称天然富硒食品)和外源富硒食品(也称人工富硒食品)。目前市场上常见的富硒食品有富硒大米、富硒茶、富硒酵母和富硒杂粮,主要以农产品为主,存在产品同质化倾向严重、生产技术装备落后、产品品质不高等问题。富硒食品的检测方法有原子荧光光谱法、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法、电感耦合等离子体质谱法以及原子荧光光度法。本文就硒元素的概况、市场上常见的富硒食品以及富硒食品中硒元素的检测方法进行了介绍,并对富硒食品现有的检测方法进行了概括并分析以及对未来的检测方法进行了展望。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Optimization of thermal treatments has been proven to enhance the quality of food products, especially when operated together with a validation method that confirms the safety of the processing operations. Recent developments in the understanding and application of pasteurization treatments have allowed this area to grow at a rapid rate. UK and European consumers now have a wide variety of high-quality pasteurized foods to choose from in the retail and catering markets. Food producers have used this to their advantage by converting processing operations from severe treatments such as sterilization to milder ones that can be categorized under the pasteurization umbrella. This has increased food product quality and added value to existing products. Two examples will be given, both of which utilized a novel validation method based on time-temperature integrators to provide process safety data that were difficult to obtain by alternative methods. The first was in applying a novel processing technology, ohmic heating, to produce higher-quality fruit products when compared with traditional processing methods. The second was in the production of high-quality sous vide ready meals supplied chilled or frozen to the catering sector. These developments in technology and validation have been made possible by work at CCFRA that has taken the pasteurized foods sector forward. CCFRA has been active in pasteurization research for many years and has produced industry guideline documents on, for example, pasteurization treatments and sous vide processing. Microbiological research on the growth and death of target microorganisms has been linked with processing, hygiene, and validation research, which provided the underpinning science for these guidelines. Food manufacturers work closely with CCFRA to apply their pasteurization processes in order to produce high-quality value-added products.  相似文献   

本文对国内外食品安全追溯体系、监管队伍和农药残留限量标准建设等方面进行了比较研究。结果表明,发达国家已经建立了较为完善的食品安全追溯体系、有效运转的食品安全监管员制度和严格的食用农产品与食品中农药残留限量标准,我国食品安全监管体系与发达国家还存在一定的差距。针对我国相关方面的工作提出了建议,认为我国应按照《食品安全法》要求,尽快建立食品安全追溯体系,加强食品安全监管员队伍建设,加强农药使用管理,完善食用农产品及食品中农药残留限量标准。  相似文献   

根据联合国贸易政策审查文件、通报、评议、特别贸易关注以及官方权威研究报告等资料,研究孟加拉国农食产品质量安全监管机构、法律法规、标准体系等方面内容。建议中国出口企业利用国内农食产品优势,积极开拓中孟进出口贸易市场,同时,中国监管部门应持续追踪孟加拉国农食产品监管体系变化,进一步加强孟加拉国农食产品安全体系援助力度,利用职能优势更好地促进中孟两国贸易发展。  相似文献   

Global populations are growing and ageing, with each generation expecting a higher standard of living than their predecessor. Proteins are essential in daily diets because of their nutritional value and roles in food structure, and proteins are generally expensive. Rising awareness of food security and meeting the needs of ageing populations motivate food researchers to explore alternative protein sources and sustainable and optimized use of proteins to increase their bioavailability and digestibility. Proteins behave differently as a function of pH, ionic strength, temperature, pressure or enzymatic mechanism, prompting approaches to modify their structure and functionality. Proteins may lose their native structure and impart sensory changes as a result of processing and storage. Modified proteins are considered as value-added food ingredients, i.e. specialty proteins prepared using enzymatic reactions, hydrolysis, fermentation, heat treatment, acidification, dehydration, emulsification and ultrafiltration. Food formulation influences proteins at both molecular and macro-polymer levels. This review presents case studies from previous research and demonstrates approaches for improving protein stability, extractability and bioactivity. The need for combining protein modification and smart food formulation is highlighted. Synergies achieved between conventional ingredients and added bioactives through careful food formulation and processing are emphasized. Comprehensive characterization of chemical composition, particle size, surface activity, microstructure, freezing-thawing properties of proteins and derived foods is required, to explain structure-function relationships. Data suggest that specialty proteins will play an increasing role in current and future global food sectors. Convenient concept foods for addressing the global food security and ageing population issues are proposed.  相似文献   

2017年我国食品安全质量状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过统计分析全国各省,及国家食品药品监督管理总局在其总局官网发布的食品安全监督抽检公告的信息,整理出了2017年我国抽检的各类食品的不合格情况,重点对不合格率较高和问题比较集中的食品品种进行了分析,并对引起食品不合格的项目进行了统计和归类分析,为食品安全精准监管和靶向抽检提出了一系列的建议。结果表明:2017年我国共抽检34大类(包括餐饮食品和食用农产品)460859批次食品,其中不合格食品9713批次,不合格率2.11%,出现的不合格项目共251项。看来食品安全整体形势稳中趋好。不合格产品主要来源于流通环节的农贸市场和小、微型加工企业。不合格率排在前10位的食品种类依次是方便食品、冷冻饮品、饮料、酒类、糕点、炒货食品及坚果制品、特殊膳食食品、水果制品、蔬菜制品和餐饮食品。超范围、超限量使用食品添加剂和微生物污染仍是导致我国食品不合格的主要原因。  相似文献   

Consumption of mycotoxin-contaminated agricultural and food products has caused adverse human health effects for many centuries. Although mycotoxin contamination of agricultural products still occurs, application of innovative agricultural practices, food processing, and handling techniques has greatly reduced consumer exposure to mycotoxins. This paper reviews recent developments and potential applications of machine vision systems in replacing current labor-intensive, time-consuming methods by providing a quick, accurate, and low-cost alternative for detecting microbial and fecal contaminants in fresh and processed foods. The basic principles and components of the machine vision system are also discussed.  相似文献   

在一流本科专业建设的大背景下,闽南师范大学食品科学与工程通过找准自身专业的发展定位,实施“一基·二核·三型·四结合”的专业建设创新模式,即:狠抓“一个基础(思政教育)”,共振“两个核心(师资队伍与人才培养)”,构建“三种型式(教研型、服务型、创新型)”,注重“四项结合(教师特长、专业特色、学科特征、双创融合)”。在这种创新模式推动下,我校食品科学与工程专业建设在师资队伍建设与人才培养等多方面取得了丰硕的实践成果。同时,在后期建设中坚持以“一基”为动力,以提升“两核”为重点,以推动“三型”为落脚点的实践思路,严格对标看齐,勇于改革创新,以期为食品专业建设提供理论参考和创新动力。  相似文献   

基于食品安全视角的高端农产品营销策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品安全是全球议题,也是农产品营销策略中首要考虑的重点。近年来农产品营销受我国农业滞后的影响,"白菜价"背后从侧面制约我国农业文明建设,也成为制约农产品走向高端的主要因素。全国农产品市场整体销售额上升,全国农产品批发市场交易额在2016年达到4.7万亿元,累积交易量8.5亿吨。全国范围内,以食品安全为基础的高端农产品市场在近年间得到了迅捷发展。中国农产品进出口统计报告显示2017年我国农产品进出口额2013.9亿美元,同比增长9.1%,其中,出口额为755.3亿美元,增长3.5%;进口额为1258.6亿美元,增长12.8%;贸易逆差503.3亿美元,增长30.4%。整体来看,我国农产品进口额度远超出口额度,且在高端农产品的研发销售中,面临着极大的难题和挑战。在现有的市场营销运作平台下,实施高端农产品的营销策略研究,有助于提高高端农产品市场占有率,增加高端农产品走出国门迎接世界市场的竞争力,降低我国食品安全问题发生的频率。  相似文献   

《食用农产品市场销售质量安全监督管理办法》实施以来, 各地市场监管部门要求和鼓励农贸市场建立食品快检实验室, 及时发现和消除食用农产品安全隐患。但目前快检实验室的实际运行状况并不尽如人意, 农贸市场快检实验室运行中存在实验室技术能力薄弱、管理水平低、运行经费不足、检验人员业务素质低、阳性结果后续确证和处置不畅、监督效果不理想等问题。本文重点从技术保障、强化考评、奖扶结合、人员培训、检验联动、监督问责6个方面探讨快检实验室运行机制, 以期解决存在的问题, 促进快检工作的顺利开展, 保障人民群众舌尖上的安全。  相似文献   

农产品溯源技术是为保护地区品牌和特色产品,防止食品掺假和食源性疾病扩散,确保食品安全,降低公司召回成本而建立起来的一项追踪检测技术。建立高效的食品溯源体系是保证食品质量安全的关键,近年来稳定同位素技术因没有放射性、灵敏度高、可靠性强等优点,已广泛用于鉴别不同产地、不同食源的各种农产品,成为追溯食品来源的一种有效手段。文中系统阐述了稳定同位素技术在谷物、肉制品、果蔬、果汁饮料、葡萄酒、乳制品、水产品等各类食品在产地溯源方面的应用,进一步剖析了稳定同位素技术在我国农产品产地溯源中的优势及局限性,并对其发展前景进行展望,以期为我国农产品溯源体制的建立提供借鉴,推动稳定同位素技术在食品溯源中的应用。  相似文献   

<正> 十年来,中国有机产业蓬勃发展的态势令世人瞩目,但快速发展的同时,也存在着产品单一、深加工产品缺乏、生产规模小、销售渠道窄等问题。如何让中国的有机产业逐渐成熟,走上健康发展的道路,既需要全行业的携手努力,也需要相关行业协会的指导与帮助。中国有机农业产业发展联盟(CFOAM)由中国农业大学有机农业技术研究中心发起,联合国内外多家有机产品生产和销售企业,充分利用政府机构、高等学院、有机生产企业、流通企业等多项资源,于2007年在香港注册成立。  相似文献   

Milk is the source of a wide range of proteins that deliver nutrition to the most promising new food products today. Isolated milk proteins are natural, trusted food ingredients with excellent functionality. Separation technologies provide the basis for adding value to milk through the production of proteins that provide the food industry with ingredients to meet specific needs, not possible with milk itself or with other ingredients. The major milk proteins, casein and whey protein, can be isolated by manipulating their compositional and physical properties and then by using various separation technologies to recover the proteins. Additionally, they can be processed in various ways to create a wide range of ingredients with diverse functional characteristics. These ingredients include milk protein concentrate, milk protein isolate, casein, caseinate, whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, hydrolysates, and various milk fractions. Within each of these ingredient categories, there is further differentiation according to the functional and nutritional requirements of the finished food. Adding value to milk by expanding from consumer products to ingredients often requires different technologies, marketing structure and distribution channels. The worldwide market for both consumer products and ingredients from milk continues to grow. Technology often precedes market demand. Methods for the commercial production of individual milk components now exist, and in the future as clinical evidence develops, the opportunity for adding value to dairy products as functional foods with health benefits may be achieved. The research and development of today will be the basis of those value-added milk products for tomorrow.  相似文献   

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