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能源甘蔗生产乙醇成本低、效益好,但甘蔗能源酒精生产中存在的高浓度有机废水污染问题是酒精废液治理过程中存在的共性技术难题。本文研究了超细微粒对发酵产酒率及澄清预处理工艺对蔗汁酒精废液治理的效果,并且比较了不同碱性物对沉降速度、COD去除率、清度的影响,探讨了一种甘蔗蔗汁酒精发酵液的预处理及废液治理工艺。该工艺不仅可以提高酒精发酵效率和澄清效果,降低酒精废液后处理的难度,而且还可回收大量高附加值产物,在提高甘蔗能源酒精的整体经济效益及保护环境方面都具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

对在 2 0 0 4年全国酿酒协会酒精分会年会上所发表的论文进行了综述 ,涉及燃料乙醇的进展、酒精生产节水、节能、酒精废液治理、酒精蒸馏、分子筛、蒸发、DDGS、纤维素酶、活性干酵母、玉米胚芽油提取技术、膜分离技术等方面。  相似文献   

燃料酒精是一种"绿色能源",可以用含淀粉(玉米、小麦、和薯类等)、纤维素(秸秆、林木等)或糖蜜(甘蔗、甜高粱等)为原料经发酵蒸馏生产。现已成为发酵工程的研究热点之一。探讨了生产燃料酒精的主要原料、菌种、生产工艺等发展现状,分析了目前燃料酒精生产过程中需要解决的问题及发展趋势。  相似文献   

中粮集团从国家粮食战略和国家能源战略的双重角度出发,将开发非粮原料——秸秆生产燃料酒精作为重点发展方向,利用玉米秸秆、麦秆、稻秆、豆秆等植物纤维生产燃料酒精,在解决了人车争粮问题的同时,也增加了枉民收入。[第一段]  相似文献   

我国糖蜜酒精废液治理技术的回顾和展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
综述了七十年代以来我国糖蜜酒精废液治理技术的发展历程及有关治理方法 ,并介绍了以生物技术处理糖蜜酒精废液的一种新工艺  相似文献   

集成化玉米燃料酒精生产   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文综述燃料酒精产生、发展与现状及存在的问题,提出集成化玉米燃料酒精生产思路。  相似文献   

把甘蔗糖蜜酒精蒸馏废液浓缩后加以利用,这是目前流行的、被认为是最彻底的治理;而浓缩液用作燃料,这可回收热能和钾灰,是立足于厂内的利用和治理。指出甘蔗糖蜜酒精蒸馏废液浓缩燃烧法的使用要求和生产型式;较详细地介绍了该法的蒸发浓缩系统和燃烧系统。  相似文献   

能源甘蔗生产燃料乙醇的发展前景   总被引:32,自引:5,他引:27  
李奇伟  戚荣  张远平 《甘蔗糖业》2004,(5):29-33,44
本文分析了能源甘蔗生产燃料乙醇的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,指出与玉米木薯等淀粉质原料生产燃料乙醇相比,能源甘蔗生产燃料乙醇具有原料成本低、加工成本低、综合利用潜力大等突出优点,发展能源甘蔗生产燃料乙醇是解决我国能源紧缺的最佳办法。同时,发展能源甘蔗生产燃料乙醇可稳定和提高农民收入,蔗梢等副产品的综合利用可延长产业链,促进农业产业结构调整,有利于我国“三农”问题的解决。  相似文献   

我国的玉米深加工如玉米淀粉、淀粉糖、赖氨酸、多元醇及燃料酒精等的生产只是利用了玉米的淀粉部分,玉米的非淀粉组分如玉米皮、玉米蛋白及玉米胚等只作为饲料利用或废弃,附加值极低。由于玉米深加工业的快速发展,玉米非淀粉组分的产出量  相似文献   

糖蜜酒精废液资源化治理的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘蔗糖蜜是酒精生产的优质原料,但蒸馏酒精后排出的废液有机物含量高,属高浓度有机污染物。近20年糖厂附属的酒精厂均因其污染问题影响生产甚至停产。为了使酒精产业能更好发展,本文搜集近年行之有效的废液治理方法并分析其优缺点供企业选择,并提出作者认为较佳的方法。  相似文献   

大蒜乙醇提取液抑菌初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用乙醇提取大蒜中有效抗菌成分,抑菌作用主要采用滤纸片法。结果表明:大蒜醇提液对4种常见食品腐败菌和空气中微生物都具有较强的抑制作用,且溶剂乙醇浓度较低时抑制作用更强,使溶剂用量减少,经济环保。可以展望大蒜醇提液开发为天然生物保鲜剂将具有较好的经济价值和社会效益。  相似文献   

Production technologies for reduced alcoholic wines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The production and sale of alcohol-reduced wines, and the lowering of ethanol concentration in wines with alcohol levels greater than acceptable for a specific wine style, poses a number of technical and marketing challenges. Several engineering solutions and wine production strategies that focus upon pre- or postfermentation technologies have been described and patented for production of wines with lower ethanol concentrations than would naturally arise through normal fermentation and wine production techniques. However, consumer perception and acceptance of the sensory quality of wines manufactured by techniques that utilize thermal distillation for alcohol removal is generally unfavorable. This negative perception from consumers has focused attention on nonthermal production processes and the development or selection of specific yeast strains with downregulated or modified gene expression for alcohol production. The information presented in this review will allow winemakers to assess the relative technical merits of each of the technologies described and make decisions regarding implementation of novel winemaking techniques for reducing ethanol concentration in wine.  相似文献   

国外燃料酒精和淀粉加工产品的生产和发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了减少对石油的依赖 ,把 12 %的无水酒精 (燃料酒精 )加入汽油 ,2 0 %于柴油中 ,此含氧汽油不再加入四甲基叔丁基醚 ,成为汽车排放废气污染环境少的绿色燃料。  列举了北美 (美国和加拿大 )燃料酒精厂的规模 ,所用原料、厂址、原料和产品价格的变化。在世界范围内 ,主要产品 (如淀粉、果葡糖浆、酒精等化工产品 )的输出交易量  相似文献   

酒精糟液中含有大量可供酵母吸收利用的物质,经过滤处理后的上清液可以回用至酒精生产.该文以河南省某发酵酒精生产企业酒精生产线为例,通过对影响酒精糟液回用的因素进行分析,确定了最佳回流比和新鲜水添加比例,当回流比为50%,过滤液与清水的比值在1∶2.33左右时,发酵效果最好,提高了酒精糟液的回收利用率.酒精糟滤液回用技术的实施,将减少污染、合理利用资源、实现经济效益和环境效益相统一.  相似文献   

耿曙光 《中国酿造》2012,31(6):160-161
乙醇是以木质纤维素为原料,通过蒸气预处理、纤维素酶的牛产、酶水解、酒精发酵等工艺而制成的.该文主要阐述用木质纤维素生产乙醇的方法和工艺流程.  相似文献   

Global research and industrial development of liquid transportation biofuels are moving at a rapid pace. This is mainly due to the significant roles played by biofuels in decarbonising our future energy needs, since they act to mitigate the deleterious impacts of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere that are contributors of climate change. Governmental obligations and international directives that mandate the blending of biofuels in petrol and diesel are also acting as great stimuli to this expanding industrial sector. Currently, the predominant liquid biofuel is bioethanol (fuel alcohol) and its worldwide production is dominated by maize‐based and sugar cane‐based processes in North and South America, respectively. In Europe, fuel alcohol production employs primarily wheat and sugar beet. Potable distilled spirit production and fuel alcohol processes share many similarities in terms of starch bioconversion, fermentation, distillation and co‐product utilisation, but there are some key differences. For example, in certain bioethanol fermentations, it is now possible to yield consistently high ethanol concentrations of ˜20% (v/v). Emerging fuel alcohol processes exploit lignocellulosic feedstocks and scientific and technological constraints involved in depolymerising these materials and efficiently fermenting the hydrolysate sugars are being overcome. These so‐called second‐generation fuel alcohol processes are much more environmentally and ethically acceptable compared with exploitation of starch and sugar resources, especially when considering utilisation of residual agricultural biomass and biowastes. This review covers both first and second‐generation bioethanol processes with a focus on current challenges and future opportunities of lignocellulose‐to‐ethanol as this technology moves from demonstration pilot‐plants to full‐scale industrial facilities.  相似文献   

木薯作为我国燃料乙醇原料的潜力分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从光合作用、单位面积酒精产量、耐旱、耐贫瘠等方面分析了木薯作为非粮燃料乙醇原料的优势,根据我国对非粮燃料乙醇的需求,分析了我国木薯作为非粮燃料乙醇的潜力,并对发展非粮燃料乙醇木薯原料进行了展望。  相似文献   

Ethanol production in the United States approached 15 billion gal/year in 2015. Only about 2.5% of this was food‐grade alcohol, but this represents a higher‐value product than fuels or other uses. The ethanol production process includes corn milling, cooking, saccharification, fermentation, and separation by distillation. Volatile byproducts are produced during the fermentation of starch. These include other alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, fatty acids and esters. Food‐grade ethanol is generally produced by wet milling, where starch and sugars are separated from the other corn components, resulting in much smaller concentrations of the impurities than are obtained from fermentation of dry‐milled corn, where cyclic and heterocyclic compounds are produced from lignin in the corn hull. Some of these volatile byproducts are likely to show up in the distillate and these fermentation byproducts in ethanol could cause unpleasant flavours and affect human health if used for human consumption. There is some interest in improving ethanol quality, since human consumption represents a higher value. Advanced purification techniques, such as ozone oxidation, currently used for drinking water and municipal wastewater treatment, offer possibilities for adaptation in ethanol quality improvement. The development of analytical techniques has enabled the detection of low‐concentration compounds and simple quality assurance of food‐grade alcohol. This review includes the most recent ethanol production methods, potential ethanol purification techniques and analytical techniques. Application of such techniques would aid in the development of simplified alcohol production. Copyright © 2016 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

Low‐alcohol beer (0.5–1.2% v/v ethanol) is a less common brewing industry output than standard beer but there is an increasing interest in this product, as evidenced by increased attention to health and safety and government policies on alcohol and diet. The main challenge in the production of low‐alcohol beer is the achievement of a product as similar as possible to regular beer, particularly concerning the content of the volatile compounds. These compounds can be lost during the physical removal of alcohol by dialysis, reverse osmosis and vacuum rectification. Consequently, an alternative technique is the use of biological methods, which involve the employment of non‐conventional yeasts. In this paper, 11 non‐conventional yeast strains were tested for low‐alcohol beer production. The strains used belonged to two different species: Saccharomycodes ludwigii and Zygosaccharomyces rouxii. The beer samples produced by these strains were analysed for their ethanol content and main volatile compounds. The S. ludwigii strains were more suitable for brewing low‐alcohol beer, especially strain DBVPG 3010, which also showed a higher content of esters and a lower amount of diacetyl compared with previous reports. The Z. rouxii strains produced an ethanol and diacetyl content above the taste threshold. This screening project can be considered as a first step towards the production of low‐alcohol beer by means of new selected non‐conventional yeasts. Copyright © 2015 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

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