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琼脂,俗称洋菜、冻粉或冻胶,是红藻类植物石花菜及其它红藻类植物中浸出后,经干燥而制成。琼脂是制作食品传统使用的增稠剂的一种。有增加食品的粘度、赋予食品以粘滑而富有弹韧性的舌感的作用。它是以半乳糖为主要成分的一种高分子多糖物质,是琼脂软糖的主要辅料之一。  相似文献   

盐湖是湖泊的一种极端类型,含有特殊的生物资源。文章论述了运城盐湖藻类植物资源的研究进展及目前面临的问题和今后研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

<正> 在很久以前,英国的水手们发现,从海中捞起的棕色藻类植物有止血及促进伤口愈合的功效,故称之为“水手草”。而今,生物工程蓬勃发展,人们从这种海藻类植物中开发出了海藻酸钙纤维,它作为生体适应性纤维的一种,正日益受到社会的重视。  相似文献   

几种冷饮与速冻食品的制作技术孙毅魏金凤(信阳师范学院,信阳,464000)1冻粉冻粉又称琼胶,是以石花菜、江蓠等红藻类植物为基料制取的产品。1.1工艺流程原料处理→熬制取胶→过滤→凝固→成品。1.2技术要点1.2.1原料处理首先将原料冲洗干净,漂白。...  相似文献   

红曲霉在酿酒行业中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红曲霉是我国重要的微生物资源,能产生多种生物活性代谢产物,被广泛应用于白酒、黄酒、保健酒等酿造领域。文章主要对红曲霉及其相关代谢产物在白酒、黄酒及保健酒中的研究现状进行总结,在此基础上分析红曲霉应用于酿酒行业中存在的问题,并提出建议与展望,以期为深入开发利用红曲霉资源提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

文章介绍了被认为是未来人类新食源的藻类植物、微生物、野生植物、超微细食品的开发、利用的现状和发展趋势。  相似文献   

红米是一种尚未充分利用的特色农产品资源,它具有独特的营养价值及保健功能。采用超微粉碎技术将红稻粉加工成红米微粉,经检测超微粉保全了红米营养品质、矿物质微量元素含量及其它成分的完整性与安全性。在感官评价中,红米微粉的组织状态、色泽、气味等评价指标为上乘。  相似文献   

亟待开发的藻类植物资源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 前言藻类是植物界中有光合作用色素的一类自养原植体植物。生殖器官为单细胞构造,植物体没有根、茎、叶分化,形态各异,大小不一,是据今15亿年以上的原始植物。藻类植物生态习性多种多样,在自然界到处都有分布,主要生长在水中,潮湿的岩石上,墙壁和树干上;土壤表面或内部,也都有它们的分布。藻类植物能适应环境,在地球上大约有2万余种。  相似文献   

正据日本NHK网站2014年3月24日报道,日本茨城县建成国内最大级别生物燃料厂,该生物燃料厂以藻类植物作为原料进行生产。以往的生物燃料厂都是采用大豆、甘蔗等作为原料,但是这样做会导致食物价格的高涨,因此世界各国都在积极研究采用藻类植物作为生物燃料。完成该设备研究的是日本筑波大学的专题研究小组,该小组的研究涉及到从藻类的培养到生物燃料的生产等多个领域。该研究小组为了能够量产,在厂中开设了一块面积有  相似文献   

享誉“宁夏五宝”之一的发菜,因其营养丰富,味道鲜美,兼疗诸疾而受到人们青眯,其名谐音,含有“发财”的寓意,而身价倍增,深受港澳侨胞和世人的宠爱,成为宴请宾客的必备佳品.发菜,系野生藻类植物,其形如丝,黑如发,故得名发菜.据资料介绍,发菜是地球上最老的一种藻类植物,有“活化石”的称谓.在我国,发菜主要分布在大西北的宁夏、甘  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted to investigate the exopeptidase classes in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) leaves, and to determine their contribution to the formation of nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) components during ensiling. Six classes of inhibitors that included bestatin (aminopeptidase inhibitor), potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor (PCI, carboxypeptidase inhibitor), 1,10-phenanthroline (dipeptidase inhibitor), diprotin A (dipeptidyl-peptidase inhibitor), butabindide (tripeptidyl-peptidase inhibitor), and dipeptide Phe-Arg (peptidyl-dipeptidase inhibitor) were used. To determine the contribution of each exopeptidase to the formation of NPN products, aqueous extracts of fresh alfalfa were fermented to imitate the proteolytic process of ensiled alfalfa and to ensure that each class of exopeptidase inhibitor would have immediate contact with the proteases in the alfalfa extract. Five classes of exopeptidases; namely, aminopeptidase, carboxypeptidase, dipeptidase, dipeptidyl-peptidase, and tripeptidyl-peptidase, were shown to be present in alfalfa leaves, each playing a different role in alfalfa protein degradation. Aminopeptidase, carboxypeptidase, and dipeptidase were the main exopeptidases contributing to the formation of NH3-N. Among the 5 exopeptidases, tripeptidyl-peptidase appeared to be the principal exopeptidase in hydrolyzing forage protein into peptides, whereas carboxypeptidase and dipeptidase appeared to be more important in contributing to the formation of amino acid-N. Dipeptidyl-peptidase and tripeptidyl-peptidase did not play a role in the formation of NH3-N or amino acid-N. Dipeptidase, carboxypeptidase, and tripeptidyl-peptidase were the principal exopeptidases for hydrolyzing forage protein into NPN during ensilage, and treatment with a mixture of the 5 inhibitors reduced the total NPN concentration in the fermented alfalfa extract to about 45% of that in the control after 21 d of fermentation.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on composite flour cookies by incorporating amaranth seed (Amaranthus gangeticus) flour, which is rich in protein at 0–35% levels, showed a small reduction in water absorption capacity from 58.0 to 56.5%, a considerable reduction in Farinograph stability from 3.0 to 1.5 min and increase in the mixing tolerance index from 40 to 120 BU of the dough. The pasting characteristics of the blends using rapid visco analyser (RVA) showed a reduction in peak viscosity, cold paste viscosity as well as break down viscosity from 261 to 192, 204 to 153 and 151 to 108 RVU, respectively. Incorporation of amaranth flour improved the colour of the cookies from pale cream to golden brown. The cookies became crispier which is evident from the reduction in the breaking strength value from 6.2 to 4.02 kg. Considering the colour, taste, flavour, surface appearance of the cookies, 25% incorporation of amaranth flour was found to be optimum. By the addition of glycerol mono stearate (GMS) and soy lecithin in combination at 0.5% level, the quality of the cookies further improved.  相似文献   

Effects of deproteinization on the degree of oxidation of ozonated starch (corn, sago, and tapioca) were investigated. Starch in dry powder form was exposed to ozone for 10 min at different ozone generation times (OGTs: 1, 3, 5, 10 min), and then native starches (NS) and deproteinized starches (DPS) were analyzed for protein content. Deproteinization caused a significant reduction in protein content for corn (∼21%) and sago (∼16%) starches relative to NS. Carbonyl and carboxyl contents increased significantly in all ozonated deproteinized starches (ODPS) with increasing OGT. Carbonyl and carboxyl contents of ODPS ranged from 0.03 to 0.13% and 0.14 to 0.28%, respectively. The carboxyl content for all ODPS was significantly higher than that of ozonated native starches (ONS). A Rapid Visco Analyser was used to analyze pasting properties of all starches. Deproteinization increased the pasting viscosities of corn and sago starches compared to their native forms. Generally, pasting viscosity of all ODPS decreased drastically as OGT increased. At the highest oxidation level (10 min OGT), all ODPS exhibited the lowest pasting viscosities compared to their ozonated native form, except for peak viscosity, breakdown viscosity, and setback viscosity for ozonated deproteinized corn starch. In conclusion, deproteinization as a pretreatment prior to starch ozonation successfully increased the degree of oxidation in the three types of starch studied. However, the extent of starch oxidation varied among the different starches, possibly due to differences in rates of degradation on amorphous and crystalline lamellae and in rates of oxidation of carbonyl and carboxyl groups.  相似文献   

在体育训练和比赛中,运动员不论是在力量、速度、耐力和灵巧等方面都体现了强度大、难度高的特点,精神紧张,体力大量消耗,机体的各个系统都会发生不同的变化和反应,运动时体内激素分泌增加,物质代谢加强,能源物质被大量消耗,酸性代谢产物积聚加快,导致机体内环境发生一系列的变动。特别是在大运动量训练和激烈的比赛中,疲劳是不可避免的。这时机体对营养素的需求量必然发生某些改变。为了适应大运动量和高强度的专业化训练,仅靠平衡膳食是无法满足专业训练所消耗的大量能源物质,必须使用功能性的运动营养补剂来帮助运动员提高耐久力以及恢复体力和运动能力,以帮助运动员承受更大的训练压力和适应更大的额外训练应激,此外,运动营养补剂还可以帮助运动员提高自身内源性物质的合成水平。  相似文献   

The structure of the recently introduced Brazilian government programme for monitoring pesticide residues in six major agricultural products is described. Residues found from the analysis of samples of tomatoes and strawberries are discussed in detail. The much greater frequency of detection of pesticide residues, many of which are not approved for use in Brazil, in produce being sold on the domestic market, as opposed to that produced for export, is of major concern. It is perceived that this new monitoring programme will become permanent and be used to underpin enforcement actions that will need to be taken to reduce the numbers of incidents of illegal residues occurring, particularly in fresh fruits and vegetables.  相似文献   

番茄的质量因子分析及货架寿命预测   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
刘晓丹  谢晶 《食品科技》2006,31(9):65-68
对番茄贮藏在296K、286K和276K条件下进行理化和感官评定,并利用STATISTICA软件进行因子分析,找出反映多种指标的主成分因子(品质因子)。在将理化因子与感官因子进行皮尔逊积矩相关分析的基础上验证了理化指标与感官指标设置的合理性与对应性,实验结果也表明两者之间存在一定的相关性。还依据感官因子进行了货架寿命预测,获得286 ̄296K温度段的货架寿命预测方程:Qs(T)=8.89×1.97(296-T)/10,并通过感官因子切分点计算代入相应回归方程,获得理化因子的限值。  相似文献   


The ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) is at times mythologized and its purpose mistaken, and often people can become confused about what it means, does or aims to achieve; moreover, without a financial appraisal of the differences IoT can make to their own enterprise, business leaders may be content to watch and wait rather than to take a lead. This issue of Textile Progress aims to provide a guide to help navigation beyond general statements about IoT and to help those involved with the textile industry to make an informed decision about its potential value to them. The definitions of the Internet of Things (IoT) available in the literature, and those put forth by organizations working on IoT standards development, are reviewed along with its architecture, elements, standards and protocols to help provide an understanding of the concepts and goals of IoT. A broad overview of impediments challenging the progress of IoT, especially in relation to cybersecurity, is provided. This review also compares ongoing work in the application of IoT in the textile industry to that in other manufacturing sectors whilst focussing on the interpretation of IoT technologies and their potential application to the textile industry according to both technological and business perspectives. A specific case study for the spinning industry is conducted to help with evaluation of its IoT solutions and to help to address how other parts of the textile industry might benefit from its application. The case study includes evaluation of IoT solutions in the spinning industry spanning the period between ITMA 2011 to 2019, and takes information from interviews with industry executives to inform future directions of IoT in the spinning industry.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of oxidative browning of wine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oxidative browning is a long-standing problem in winemaking and sulphur dioxide is the generally used antioxidant to control wine browning. However, concerns over its ability to induce severe allergic reactions have created a great need for its reduction or replacement in recent years. Furthermore, ascorbic acid seems unsuccessful as an alternative antioxidant in winemaking. So a comprehensive understanding of the chemistry of wine browning is essential to study new antioxidant(s) for the protection of wine from browning. The review systematically outlines the mechanisms of wine browning including enzymic and non-enzymic browning happening in winemaking and discusses the central roles performed by iron and copper in the chemistry of wine oxidation. Iron and copper might play a central role in initiating wine non-enzymic browning, and this has important implications in studying antioxidant substitute for sulphur dioxide in wine.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2018,101(3):2187-2198
Experiences from international sire evaluation indicate that the multiple-trait across-country evaluation method is sensitive to changes in genetic variance over time. Top bulls from birth year classes with inflated genetic variance will benefit, hampering reliable ranking of bulls. However, none of the methods available today enable countries to validate their national evaluation models for heterogeneity of genetic variance. We describe a new validation method to fill this gap comprising the following steps: estimating within-year genetic variances using Mendelian sampling and its prediction error variance, fitting a weighted linear regression between the estimates and the years under study, identifying possible outliers, and defining a 95% empirical confidence interval for a possible trend in the estimates. We tested the specificity and sensitivity of the proposed validation method with simulated data using a real data structure. Moderate (M) and small (S) size populations were simulated under 3 scenarios: a control with homogeneous variance and 2 scenarios with yearly increases in phenotypic variance of 2 and 10%, respectively. Results showed that the new method was able to estimate genetic variance accurately enough to detect bias in genetic variance. Under the control scenario, the trend in genetic variance was practically zero in setting M. Testing cows with an average birth year class size of more than 43,000 in setting M showed that tolerance values are needed for both the trend and the outlier tests to detect only cases with a practical effect in larger data sets. Regardless of the magnitude (yearly increases in phenotypic variance of 2 or 10%) of the generated trend, it deviated statistically significantly from zero in all data replicates for both cows and bulls in setting M. In setting S with a mean of 27 bulls in a year class, the sampling error and thus the probability of a false-positive result clearly increased. Still, overall estimated genetic variance was close to the parametric value. Only rather strong trends in genetic variance deviated statistically significantly from zero in setting S. Results also showed that the new method was sensitive to the quality of the approximated reliabilities of breeding values used in calculating the prediction error variance. Thus, we recommend that only animals with a reliability of Mendelian sampling higher than 0.1 be included in the test and that low heritability traits be analyzed using bull data sets only.  相似文献   

Scars are well known to have a stratum corneum (SC) that is malfunctional. Increases in transepidermal water loss and decreases in SC capacitance and conductance have been reported. Occlusion therapy is a well‐known route to improving the signs and symptoms of scarring. Until recently that has been assumed to be totally pressure related. However, studies have demonstrated that the direct effects of hydration on keratinocytes and fibroblasts contribute to the reduction in hypertrophic scarring. Now it is well known that occlusion can regulate epidermal cytokine and growth factor production; changes in profibrotic and anti‐fibrotic factors have been established. As a result, it is to be expected that moisturizers may improve the signs and symptoms of scars. As striae have been suggested to be anatomically similar to scars and as it is well established that paracrine signalling occurs in skin, it is expected that striae have similar SC issues. While one cannot exclude the effects of some of the ingredients used in the products, several studies are reported in this review that demonstrates that moisturization is a key component to reducing the clinical signs and symptoms of scars and striae. This is a good example of how knowledge of corneobiology leads to corneotherapies for these skin condition problems. The review is being written in memory of Professor Johann Wiechers who, before he died tragically in November 2011, performed two of the reported studies together with colleagues.  相似文献   

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